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Messages - Gen_Brett

Pages: [1] 2 3
Random lnsanity / So I could get a date with a hot 25 year old girl
« on: April 18, 2008, 05:32:49 pm »
She's my coordinator at work, and shes damn hot. I'm 17 years old.

Random lnsanity / What sports do you play?
« on: March 10, 2008, 12:04:52 am »
Anything that can be competitive is a sport. That means business, hunting, fishing, chess, football, etc.

You know what I mean, business is not a sport.

I don't have a definition of a sport. I'm sure all of the above "technically" count as a sport but I don't care. It's my poll so what I say goes.

Point, this is in fact your poll.

<_< Sorry if I came off as hostile.

Random lnsanity / What sports do you play?
« on: March 09, 2008, 09:30:20 pm »
Tell me what you define as a sport?

Is it something with a ball? If this is the case, then golf is a sport, but chess and hockey are not. Clearly this is not what you believe.
Is it something with a team? If that is the case, then tennis (singles), chess and golf are not sports. Clearly this isn't your belief either.
Is it something that involves contact? If that is the case, then baseball, chess, tennis, and golf are not sports. Clearly this also isn't your belief.

My school counts it as a sport so I thought I would aswell
So your saying, if your school said math homework is a sport, you'd believe it is?

Tell what you define a sport as. Because from what I've read, it seems like you have no idea.

I consider a sport something competitive.
Golf, cheer leading, chess, checkers, badminton, hockey, baseball, soccer, football, basketball, NASCAR, the list goes on.

Under my definition, any sport can be a game, and any game can be a sport.
Meaning if I'm playing basketball with friends, then I am playing a game. The moment it becomes competitive, I am playing a sport.

That means that video games can be considered a sport, only when playing competitive. (Granted I hate the term cyber-athlete, but since video games have competitive events, they can be defined as a sport)

I might as well throw out my definition of competitive while I am at it. I consider playing competitive as playing in a league or tournament or something like that. Again, playing with friends makes it a game.

I also just read Lorens post, Ice Skating is a sport, when done competitively. I wouldn't ever really call it a game though, more like an activity. But it can be a sport.

I might as well add this in here as well. I run track, which is a sport when done competitively. I play a sport.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 21, 2007, 07:28:33 pm »
Holy crap that was fast. Thank you.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 20, 2007, 02:18:28 pm »
Ok, found one middleman.

Still looking for one more. The sooner I can get on the better.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 20, 2007, 02:15:29 pm »
Yes yes, sorry lol

I am still looking for 2 middlemen.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 10, 2007, 01:51:19 am »
No no no, it's cool.

I'll just put you down as the second tech seller.

Which means I still need someone to go through with the first tech deal.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 10, 2007, 12:12:12 am »
I just noticed the first seller has 3/4 trade slots filled up.

I need someone with 3 open slots.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 09, 2007, 04:21:11 pm »
Made a mistake, see post 1.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 07, 2007, 11:08:06 pm »
Excellent, I need one more seller and two middlemen.

Tech Trades / Buying 100 Tech, $2.85m to seller, 150k to middleman
« on: November 07, 2007, 04:39:19 pm »
I want to do this twice so if I can get two sellers and two middlemen that would be great.

EDIT:I made a mistake. I forgot that you need two middlemen for a 100 tech deal. So instead of getting $2.85m you will get a full $3m.  However you will have to wait 10 days for me to compensate my mistake.  I added a status part to each deal. Red means incomplete, green means complete.

Tech Deal #1
Tech: 100
To Seller: $3,000,000
To Middlemen: $150,000

Seller: llamavore
Middleman 1: Starkenberg
Middleman 2: Fire Dawning

$3m Sent to Seller
Seller Received $3m
$150k & 50 Tech Sent to Middleman 1
$150k & 50 Tech Sent to Middleman 2
50 Tech Received
50 Tech Recieved
$300k Compensation Sent to Seller

Tech Deal #2
Tech: 100
To Seller: $3,000,000
To Middleman: $150,000

Seller: Rothan Trade Union
Middleman 1: The Outhouse
Middleman 2: Deanz

$3m Sent to Seller
Seller Received $3m
$150k & 50 Tech Sent to Middleman 1
$150k & 50 Tech Sent to Middleman 2
50 Tech Received
50 Tech Recieved
$300k Compensation Sent to Seller

Random lnsanity / Fucking Hell, I need LUMBER!!!
« on: July 17, 2007, 11:39:57 am »
<_< I found a trade long before you replied. Or well actually just yesterday, but I had to bribe him 300k...which I'm totally ok with.

Random lnsanity / Who would you bang...??
« on: July 15, 2007, 01:11:13 pm »
Vanessa Hudgens
Kiera Knightly
Emma Watson
EDIT: Amanda Bynes (I agree with that other guy, she wasn't hot when she was younger, but now she is.)

<_< What?

I'm 16, not a pedo.

Random lnsanity / Pet Peeves?
« on: July 15, 2007, 12:39:59 pm »
Quote from: Agent Skywalker
I have three main pet peeves:
1. The cocky, overconfident people who think they're God's gift to the world and can't admit that they make mistakes or are sometimes wrong

You don't know how much I agree with you on that. I know 3 people like that. 2 of them are extremely bad. I try to stay friends with them, but I've given up hope on of the really bad ones.

Besides that, my pet peeves are:
1. Major hypocrites. (We all do hypocritical things occasionally, I just hate those who are constantly hypocritical)
2. Major Religious People. (Religion is good, but when you try to force it down others throats, hate people of other religions, constantly talk about religion, etc etc, that pisses me off)
3. People with BO. (Take a shower for the love of God, no one wants to spend time with someone who smells like a dick smothered in semen, anal juice, rotten eggs, and a dead ferret)
4. Extremely clingy people. (This doesn't just apply to girls, I know one guy who was in my Chemistry class last year...lord he pissed me off)
5. Old people who can't drive. (I'm not saying all old people can't drive, it's just the ones who suck at it but fail to realize they do)
6. People who do stupid shit that causes you to run into them, then they look at you like your a fucking dumbass and they want to fight you. (For example, your walking down the hall, you see a guy talking to a girl, then right when your at his side, he flails his arms around like a retard, you run into his arms, then he stares you down like he wants to murder you.)

<_< Ok so number 6 was quite specific, but it's more general then you think.

As a note, I could give you an example of someone I know that fits those perfectly.

Random lnsanity / Fucking Hell, I need LUMBER!!!
« on: July 15, 2007, 11:18:33 am »
Shy bailed on our trade about 2-3 days in. Pinwheeling didn't want what I have. I can't find a single damned person with either Lumber-Wheat or Lumber-Cattle. I haven't collected taxes in 6 days because my bills are extremely higher then they normally are without my trade setup.

Can anybody help?

Random lnsanity / So I'm about to jump over past 2000 infra.
« on: July 10, 2007, 11:36:15 am »
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
I saw very little difference.

<_< Oh...

Random lnsanity / So I'm about to jump over past 2000 infra.
« on: July 09, 2007, 01:17:09 am »
(Currently at 1960.00)
Should I get up as close as possible, then wait a couple days, collect taxes so I have lots of cash, then make the jump?

Random lnsanity / THIS CEMAN MUST DIE!
« on: July 02, 2007, 12:24:09 am »
Quote from: Ananegg
Not using gfaqs9, fail.

iirc, gfaqs9 doesn't work anymore. Hasn't for a while now.

If you mean the style you can choose in your user options, then it's your fault it looks bad, not him.

Random lnsanity / Play my RM2K game demo!
« on: June 28, 2007, 11:41:53 am »
I have 1440x900 resolution on my computer and it looks like shit. <_< You need to make a widescreen version, or if that already is, make it a higher resolution...if possible. Simply because I can't read the text at all.

Next, can you ever get beyond that bridge? That one girl (I think its a women) keeps saying "We're not done here". Then I can never find her.

Random lnsanity / Play my RM2K game demo!
« on: June 27, 2007, 12:20:12 pm »

What's it about?

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