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Messages - Normandy

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / Metal Gear SolRId
« on: April 25, 2007, 02:13:45 pm »
Sounds quite interesting. I'd definitely read it.

Can I be in the play? I'd be one of those extremely stupid guards (i.e. the ones that turn around when you make a loud noise and go to check it out, but then once you hide, they just go back to their assigned posts with their back to where the sound came from)... That eventually determines the outcome of the story (i.e. C-Zom has Damen in the sights of a gigantic super-weapon that will vaporize him. A few more seconds and Damen will be done for. But at that moment, Normandy bursts in saying "Sir! Intruders spotted! Hey! There's the intruder! Do you know him from college or something?" and using the confusion, Damen breaks free).

Random lnsanity / Me and Zeep have conferred...
« on: April 25, 2007, 02:05:47 pm »
Go spying like one of those 007 movies! Then get captured by a government! Get accused of being a spy! Formulate a master plan to get out! While the plan is going on get laid! Then like the movies, blow up the government building.

Or you could just sit around an XBox 360 and waste your lives away on Halo 2 owning everybody in your path...

Random lnsanity / The teracotta warriors
« on: April 25, 2007, 02:01:27 pm »
Thank god I'm a genius that can read bad grammar. Here's the translation.

Yeah I did not spell that right. So I'm making a chotonicte space marine army (Newbie knows what I'm talking about). It will be about 100 men strong, made completely of chotonicte with a hard outer candy shell that will be made of edible paint. Yum.

I'm sorry but I could not translate the last sentence.

So what's the point of this topic?

Random lnsanity / Now here's a story on how a bucket met my head
« on: April 24, 2007, 03:26:27 pm »
Quote from: Delta1212

*has never broken a bone*


*has never needed stitches*


Wow. And I thought I was the only one with invulnerability.

But anyways, *almost cares*. That's a pretty deep gash... Wow... Reminds me of another story

Once these two guys were running around in the computer lab. Nothing special, but one of the pushed the other one into the table. He falls and hits his head against the edge of the table. Deep gash. Takes them 8 stitches to sew it back up. Happened in 5th grade. I wasn't actually there, but I heard about it from just about every single person in the school. Seems I was the only one not there   . Funny thing is the guy who pushed the guy into the table didn't get into any trouble whatsoever. They're still friends to this day...

Random lnsanity / Okay, Ctrl+Alt+Del is moderately funny.
« on: April 24, 2007, 03:18:46 pm »
Moderately funny agreed. Go Nerd Humor!!!

Random lnsanity / Battle
« on: April 24, 2007, 03:16:31 pm »
Apparently, there are many variables to battle. I can understand most of them.

Attacking Soldiers\Tanks: Self Explanatory
Technology: Apparently helps your troops fight better
Money: I'm guessing this helps your troops?
Defending Infra: The more, the more defensive bonus.

Now these I don't get.

Attacking Infra: What's this for?
Land: What effect does this have on battle?

Please help me answer my questions

Random lnsanity / o_o Do you believe in sea monsters?
« on: April 24, 2007, 03:12:05 pm »
In my opinion Sea Monsters are exaggerations. Not huge exaggerations necessarily. I mean if you think about it, most of these creatures were documented in the Middle Ages, when people still didn't know that there were more than a few types of fish. Now we know hundreds of thousands of different species of fish.

The only thing that doesn't count is the Loch Ness Monster (and all similar monsters, i.e. Champ). In my opinion there are wayyy too many hoaxers, which cause the credible witnesses to be shrouded.

Random lnsanity / Should shyox re-make the shrine?
« on: April 23, 2007, 02:22:35 pm »
What exactly is the shrine? I can't really say yay or nay until I know what it is

Random lnsanity / Any RIA (Army Experianced)
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:54:57 am »
How to immunitize yourself from draft: Get a scholarship! Even a 10$ grant from McDonalds will do.

It's in the Bill of Rights that people with scholarships cannot be drafted   . Or atleast something like that.

You know it's a proven scientific fact that idiots will soon take over the world... It's quite simple really: Idiots reproduce more. So every nerd that you see (including me) for we are a dying kind!

You can't blame Bush for the Iraq war! You're kind of forgetting something... You know... With the planes... And those two towers in lower Manhattan... and the effects still felt today... And the widely believed government conspiracy theories... You know...

If you think about it sure Bush had beef with Iraq, but that was not the only thing. Sure we needed oil, but if we truly wanted oil, would we be trying to make Iraq work on its own? Why do you think we don't turn Iraq into a protectorate like Cuba or something? Plus nobody in the government (outside of government agencies... But does it really matter? They don't make any important decisions anyways) has enough foresight to make a long-winded plan to get America more oil AND evade all the red tape in the process...

In my opinion, Mercs aren't that bad... It's just a way to make a living... But then again some people [politicians] make a living by arguing about healthcare (among other matters)... I'd say it's just a necessary evil.

Random lnsanity / Watched a three hour special on Jonestown.
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:34:39 am »
Wow... Anybody see the correlation between Hitler here? (Atleast in the way they led people? It's a commonly known fact that Hitler had brown hair... and brown eyes...)

Random lnsanity / The Pants Game
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:29:17 am »
Quote from: Chaos Poet
I like my buttsecks game more

You leave me confused... What buttsecks game?

"And so, the journey of the pants begins all over again" ~Numerous whale documentaries
"Experience the majesty of planet pants in full HD" ~Discovery Channel's Planet Earth series
"I will be pants!" ~Douglas McArthur
"Sex for breakfast, pants for dinner" ~Err... One of those women in one of those James Bond Movies (think it was Die Another Day?)
"I like my pants game better" ~Chaos Poet

Random lnsanity / The "In Bed" Game
« on: April 22, 2007, 08:19:49 am »

"I did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky in bed" ~Bill Clinton

Wow and I thought I was the only one who thought of things like that... But very interesting...

Random lnsanity / The Pants Game
« on: April 21, 2007, 08:11:52 am »
"Wikipedia: The open-source pants that anyone can edit" ~Wikipedia
"Eat your pants or no desert tonight" ~Common Household Stereotype
"Use the pants Luke, you must!" ~Yoda
"Give me pants big enough and I'll move the world" ~Aristotle (Err... I think... Need some confirmation on this)
"For PANTSSSSSSSS!" ~Comon. You know
"It's not easy being pants" ~Hulk (From a GameFAQs magazine... Forgot which one)
"Oh if I had a million pants... I'd be rich" ~NY lotto song

Random lnsanity / The Pants Game
« on: April 20, 2007, 10:24:47 pm »
You may all remember me for starting the "Word Association Game". Now enter the game that runs parallel to said game, the "Pants Game". How to play?

Take a famous quote:
"One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic" ~Iosef Stalin

Then replace one (or any uneeded words i.e. the, a, that) word with pants or any form of pants (i.e. pant). Feel free to change the grammar around just a little bit to make your quote make a little more sense, but try to keep it as close to the original as possible:
"One death is a tragedy, a million pants is a statistic" ~Iosef Stalin

Feel free to post as many as you like, and remember, just because a quote was used before doesn't mean it can't be used again:
"One death is a tragedy, a million deaths are pants" ~Iosef Stalin.

Anyways, here's a few more quotes.

"Something tells me we're not in pants anymore Toto!" ~The Wizard of Oz
"We come in pants" ~Common Alien Saying
"We have nothing to fear but pants itself!" ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

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