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Topics - KingRanter

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Random lnsanity / Hey guys, help a brother out?
« on: February 28, 2011, 10:38:39 pm »

Hey, guys, it's been a while.

I've been wrestling with this problem for a few hours now, and I need some advice from the smartest people on the internet. They aren't available, however, so I figured I'd come back over here for a little while.

I'm trying to record my video from my Wii (Brawl, obviously) to my computer. I've got an Honestech vidbox NW03 that I'm using to stream to my computer, and I'm using Windows 7 with Magix Movie Edit Pro 16 Plus to record. This was working just fine without any problems at all.

Then I started screwing around with Realtek HD Audio Manager a little so I could record my voice at the same time. I set it up so both my voice and the game's audio were played through the stereo mix. This worked, too, and I was happy, but I didn't test the actual gameplay. All of this happened yesterday.

Today, I went to actually record something, and I noticed that when I'm recording, there's 1-2 second lag between button presses and sound and things happening on the screen. After a few hours of fiddling and rage, I figured out that if there's audio, the lag occurs; if there's no audio, there's no lag. That includes the stereo mix, my microphone, and just streaming from the Wii. If I disable the audio, there's no lag. I also discovered that there's no lag between gameplay and sound when I'm watching the video after it was recorded.

There wasn't any lag before I tried the stereo mix, so I tried disabling it and reverting to what I was doing before, but I can't fix the lag.

So, does anyone know how to fix the lag? I can't think of a very good workaround for any of this, and it's starting to piss me off.

Random lnsanity / Kingdom Hearts: Once Upon a Time
« on: February 21, 2010, 09:57:43 pm »
Part 1
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/7uxi_u7sBTU&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Part 2
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/IXR6F4h_GTA&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Part 3
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/Wf-RsDSLI-Y&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Part 4
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/QeGgVjY8DMk&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

The first 3 are sort of in shit quality. I'm thinking of putting up higher quality versions if I can find the time and energy to do that.

Random lnsanity / WTF @ SCHOOL BUSES
« on: February 16, 2010, 07:58:27 pm »
I ride a school bus to school every (school) day, and I've got something to say about those Goddamn things.

First of all, why the hell are school buses on the road on weekends and holidays? Where are they going? I, for one, have absolutely no idea. If there's no school, there should be no school buses. Plain and simple. It makes sense to me; the logic is there.

So I'm getting on the bus one day, and some Asian penis and a nigger girl took my spot. So, I go to a different spot. And that different spot is incredibly uncomfortable. Why is that? It's because I like to lean against the wall when I'm on the bus, and the fucking windows aren't in sync with the seats! Normally, I sit at a seat that has an entire window view. But this time, and this happens occasionally because people take my spot every couple of days (those bastards) and when that happens, I get a seat with a big metal rectangular prism jetting out against my shoulder, which is REALLY mother fucking uncomfortable. Why are these windows not in sync with the seats? What if you just like to look out the window and have a metal thing in the way of your regular view because you can't sit in your normal spot? Why can't you just make a 1:1 window to seat ratio?

Finally, why are there different coloured school buses? I've seen yellow school buses, and that's normal, because they're yellow so they're easy to see. Why have I also seen blue, red, and purple school buses? I'm not mistaking them for city buses or handicap buses or some shit, I've seen them at my elementary school as a kid: randomly colored school buses. Why the fuck would you do that? What is that doing to the kids? "My school bus is red so it's weird. Also, so is that black guy." Where's the consistency? Actually, now that I think about it, all these problems are derived from damaged consistency. Come on, you stupid bus manufacturers, get yer shit together!

Random lnsanity / Looking to buy a lifesize Keyblade
« on: August 24, 2009, 05:59:16 pm »
For those who don't know, it's the weapon from the Kingdom Hearts series. I'm getting one for myself and selling the other to my friend for about the price I bought it for. I found the 2 kinds that I want, they are about the same size, but one is made of wood and the other metal and I actually want them to be made of the same material, metal or wood is fine, I just want them to be the same. Links to images below.

So, anyone know where I might have some luck finding one? I've tried ebay, amazon, and google, and the below links were the closest I got.



Oh, and if anyone here happens to have one that they are willing to sell, I might consider buying from someone here as well.

Random lnsanity / Cell phone emulator?
« on: August 11, 2009, 11:19:29 pm »
Something to play cell phone games on my computer with so I can try Kingdom Hearts Coded. Most of everything I find on the google machine is about emulators for cell phone browsers to see how your website would look like on a cell phone.

Random lnsanity / It's by mirthday
« on: July 16, 2009, 09:22:50 am »
I'm 17  

Random lnsanity / A game I can't remember
« on: July 14, 2009, 10:08:24 pm »
If tl;dr look below to cut to the chase.

I was out today looking for some games to rent for my birthday party on friday and I noticed this game called Klonoa that looked very familiar. I remember playing a game as a little kid where I played as this cat furry lookin thing and he had a little blue ball character floatin around with him helping him to stuff. That's kinda like Klonoa did, and I remember every couple of weeks about this game and I just found evidence of what it possibly was.

So I came home today and i looked it up. Turns out there were games that may or may not have been like this, but in North america, only on the Playstation 1 and 2, and I only played nintendo consoles as a kid so I have no idea what's going on. I remember playing, and i remember it being fun (at the time) and now I can't remember what the fuck it was.

so, cutting to the chase, if you know of a game that contains a cat person with a little blue ball friend who he throws and can make him transform into a slightly larger and angrier red thing and possibly other things, that's a platformer, please let me know.

- Ethernet Driver
- Internet Connection Sharing

With the 360 i borrowed, i have permission to buy a month or 2 of xbox live. However, the only way i would be able to get internet with the 360 in my house would be via connecting to my computer and sharing the internet connection. However, I can't connect anything to my computer via ethernet and I can't share internet connection, and both of these things are SUPPOSED to be built in, but they aren't anymore >_>

so, can anyone help me out?

Random lnsanity / Borrowing my friend's 360 for the summer
« on: July 05, 2009, 10:18:16 pm »
i'm having a birthday party in a little less than 2 weeks, some people are gonna come over and we're gonna game for a day. not much, but that's what i like to do. one of my friends left for italy for the summer and i asked him to lend me his 360 while he was gone since he wasn't allowed to take it. so he said sure, unlike last year where he got all defencive and insisted on burritos it at his own home where no one could touch it.

anyways, cutting to the chase, he only gave me a few games (halo 3, smack down vs raw, and the orange box) and i got a few games from a couple friends, (GOW2, condemned, and crackdown, and the darkness).

Any suggestions for something to rent for my party? something fun with just 4 players, no system link/xbox live required?

EDIT: I forgot, one of my friends is also bringing rockband.

Random lnsanity / Pwn1ng some 13 year old faggot.
« on: July 05, 2009, 09:47:05 pm »
br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
good evening

br0kenrabbit says:
What's ip?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
my name is greg a member of the valve online Support team

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
we logged multiple ips from your account and ned to verifi your information

br0kenrabbit says:
My information?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
we believe someone may have stolen your account mmmm you havent shared youre account infomation with anyone have you?

br0kenrabbit says:
No. I don't even have it written down.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
hmmm maybe a keylogger on you r PC then maybe you need a format?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
if you can verify your account information to me i can insure that only your ip have access to it Its a new security feature were trying because this happens so muchlogin names and passwords aint safe anymroe You know. L:)

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
dont worry this connect it secure

br0kenrabbit says:
Can I be honest with you, Greg?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Look, I don't know how you go this MSN account name, don't really care, either.

br0kenrabbit says:
Unlike you, I DO work for Valve. Trace my ip and you'll see.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Trace it.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Start/run/cmd type Tracert and then my IP address and hit enter.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
oh k

br0kenrabbit says:
As an employee, I know that Valve employees will NEVER contact users over MSN. I also know a valve employee will NEVER ask a user for his/her username and password.

br0kenrabbit says:
I'm putting a temporary hold on your Steam account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Have you read the ToS?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
terms of service

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Greg, this is a serious infraction against the Tos. You are at risk of losing your account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I just told you why

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I need some information from you if you want me to unlock you account. I'm going to write you up but I will only suspend you account for three days, since this is your first infraction, okay?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
First, what is the name the account is registered to. Not the user name, the persons real name who created the account. This is for verification purposes.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
xxxxx xxxxxxx

br0kenrabbit says:
Is this you?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Are you the only user of this account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay, and what is the username

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I see you have purchased a few of our games, thank you.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
some. dude

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Do you always log on from the same IP?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
And who is your internet providers, your ISP?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Thank you. One moment, please, let me verify this information.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
am i gonna be bale to play 2nite?

br0kenrabbit says:
What is your city of residence?

br0kenrabbit says:
That depends on if you cooperate. You're doing fine so far.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. And what is the password associated with this account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. Do not try to log into steam. If you are connected now you need to log off.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
So I can update your account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
can I play 2 nite

Greg_ValveOLS says:
clan fight

Greg_ValveOLS says:
wont win without me heh

br0kenrabbit says:
Heh. You'll have to wait a few minutes. Are you logged off?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. Give me just a moment.

br0kenrabbit says:
Try to log in now.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
It says login failed wtf wtf!!@?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
did u ban me???????????>WHY

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Valve will never ask for your username and password.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I don't work for Valve dude, but you just got pwnt.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
omg dude wtf why?

br0kenrabbit says:
Why were you trying to steal my account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
i wanst

br0kenrabbit says:
Then why were you asking for my information?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
i was just making a joke but not cerious honest dude just give
my acount back pllllleeease i'm only 13 and save d up for like a year to buy it

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
dude pleas

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Go mow some yards, bitch.

Random lnsanity / Posting from my Wii
« on: June 27, 2009, 08:28:23 pm »
 hooray for typing with a cursor

Random lnsanity / ATTN: BlutSaugger
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:20:37 pm »
you avatar looks like it's giving me the finger but it's censored. it's rather rude.

Random lnsanity / Hilarious trolling over facebook
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:19:10 pm »
So zblewski got a friend request from this girl he didn't know, and they got in an argument because she's a dumbass. I decided i wanted in on this, so i added her, and i started a fight myself. This is how it went down so far.

Thomas Decosse
Merry Month o' June 14 roundabouts 12:12 in the mornin'
o hai, do i know you?
Katie Redwood
Merry Month o' June 14 roundabouts 8:05 in the evenin'
idk you added me..
Thomas Decosse
Merry Month o' June 14 roundabouts 10:24 in the evenin'
Do you like beavers?
Katie Redwood
Merry Month o' June 15 roundabouts 10:02 in the mornin'
Thomas Decosse
Merry Month o' June 15 roundabouts 4:24 in the evenin'
I though all you fancy bitches were bi?
Katie Redwood
Merry Month o' June 16 roundabouts 2:34 in the evenin'
k so like, you add people and be retarded like this?
clearly you dont know who i am.
which makes you pretty pathetic.
get a life.
Thomas Decosse
Merry Month o' June 16 roundabouts 6:46 in the evenin'
Tell that to Mike Bleskie, you dumb whore.
Thomas Decosse
Merry Month o' June 19 roundabouts 4:02 in the evenin'
you seem dumb-struck
Katie Redwood
T'day upon the hour of 5:26 in the evenin'
who the hell are you lol
Thomas Decosse
T'day upon the hour of 5:31 in the evenin'
I'm the guy that your mother sneaks out of the house to see every Thursday evening
Katie Redwood
T'day upon the hour of 5:37 in the evenin'
wow fuck you get two claps for that come back lol so WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU :] is that question clear yet
Thomas Decosse
T'day upon the hour of 5:40 in the evenin'
Fuck you, I'm a dragon!
Katie Redwood
T'day upon the hour of 5:50 in the evenin'
urrrr fucckkkked man, go waste ur fuckin time on someone else dude
Thomas Decosse
T'day upon the hour of 6:00 in the evenin'
So I hear you're a "straight A student with scholarships coming out of [your] ass"
Katie Redwood
T'day upon the hour of 6:20 in the evenin'
alright Mr. Dragon Tales. let me get this striaght. you either creeped on your little homosexual partner and read his sweet inboxes from me or he's spreading the fuckin word about himself. So you can fuck right off, eat up all of my scholarships, and then you can fuck right off again :] Tell mike to forward the message to you cuz i really dont feel like repeating myself. the same applies to you chum. so once again fuck right off or just go and fuck bleskie. got it?
Thomas Decosse
T'day upon the hour of 6:37 in the evenin'
wow, gay jokes, i can tell that you're a straight A student. Dragon tales, I have no idea what that means, but I'm sure it was meant to be insulting. Now, I don't really understand, what message do you want mike to forward to me that I haven't seen already? do you mean this one to him? I would understand if that was the case because your stupid little blonde head couldn't comprehend who you were talking to halfway through your rant.

And don't call me chum, chum. It goes unappreciated.
Katie Redwood
T'day upon the hour of 7:05 in the evenin'
dont worry CHUM i didnt forget who i was talking to. and do you really want to continue this cute little facebook battle cuz i always get the last word. though you'll probably be monitering your computer for my next response while you and mike jack each other off and giggle about it, i got shit to do so our battle has to take a party break, not that you know anything about partying. just a fucking heads up. got that? k good. and about the message mike should forward to you, along with it should be for you too to once again FUCK RIGHT OFF AND THEN GO FUCK YOURSELVES. got that one too? k cool you fucking flaming homosexual bitch! :]
Thomas Decosse
T'day upon the hour of 7:27 in the evenin'
the gay jokes, always with the gay jokes, you should understand that they're very ineffective. And again, there's no message for mike to forward to me, you seem to be stuck on that false fact.

And i'm running out of things to say because you've said so much and yet so little. maybe expand your vocabulary a bit or something. Maybe you'll learn a new word while you're drinking with your asshat friends.
Katie Redwood
T'day upon the hour of 8:08 in the evenin'
im surprized to hear that youve already run out of things to say so early in the battle soldier. another heads up and be lucky im giving you so many heads ups, dont fucking start about my "asshat" friends. im not sure who you think you fuckin are but let me give you a reality check. DONT fuck with me or my firends  got that one too? oh and did i mention yet that you should FUCK RIGHT OFF. oh wait i did but your still wasting ur time fucking bleskie over there. im surprized you have any free hands chum. one last thing. honestly, why are you wasting ur time arguing with someone you dont know over facebook inboxes? hmmmm how old are ya bud. give up fuck lol PS. bleskie might get jealous that ur talking to a girl so go finish him off . paaaaaccceee chum

Thomas Decosse
T'day upon the hour of 8:18 in the evenin'
"heads up", "got that?", "Fuck right off", gay jokes, and hypocrisy. that's all i'm getting from anything you're saying. I see a lot of words, but I'm not reading very much. and i can say anything I want about your faggot friends while you say shit about mine. oh, and heads up, you're gay, got that? fuck right off. =D

i'll keep posting these, and i want input on how to make this funnier.

Random lnsanity / 2 songs, very alike
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:10:55 pm »
They were both stuck in my head at the same time, and one part of the chorus would run through my head, and then the next part of the other song's chorus would run through my head, and i would get confused.

[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/0wDLEC3eHrg&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/UM16g6Lz69A&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Random lnsanity / Hay guise!
« on: June 19, 2009, 03:10:53 pm »

Random lnsanity / Holy Goddamn Fuck.
« on: June 15, 2009, 06:55:48 pm »

Random lnsanity / Serious ROM score
« on: June 14, 2009, 08:21:38 pm »

for anyone who's interested, the following torrent has a torrent for every rom for every single gamecube game, most with different versions like different languages, PAL or NTSC, etc.

and if you are indeed interested, I suggest the Dolphin as a gamecube emulator, also a wii emulator. the games can have some framerate issues unless you're computer is also a tank. I myself have been playing Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and I'm also downloading a few others.

Random lnsanity / Facebook usernames!
« on: June 12, 2009, 11:01:12 pm »
There's a count down. let's count down together.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Hooray! I got one! Guess what it is.

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