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Topics - Crunka

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Random lnsanity / good songs for racing?
« on: June 27, 2008, 07:49:34 pm »
anyone have any suggestions?

i'm talking about shit like the theme song for Fight Club by Nine Inch Nails or something like that.

Random lnsanity / Topic
« on: June 23, 2008, 04:46:10 am »

Random lnsanity / Dear RIA: Intraweb probs...
« on: June 17, 2008, 05:59:58 pm »

sorry, long time no see. my router decided to say "fuck you" to the world and suddenly stopped working. i got a new one and just installed it, but i totally forgot my member ID, so i called up the company and after flirting with the chick on the phone she was able to change the password even though i failed the security question. sweet!

anywho, what's been going on?

Random lnsanity / dear RIA: i was just chosen bartender
« on: May 29, 2008, 06:44:41 pm »
so, my aunt who is 24 is getting married next week in vegas. most of my family can't make it to vegas so we are throwing a (family) party. obviously there's going to be drinks, so, someone has to make them. i've been somewhat interested in bar tending for a while, so i volunteered and my mom said it's fine.

there's going to be like 20 people and about 10-15 will drink.

here's my plan regarding drinks:

-jello shots (strawberry and lime)
-beer pong

what do you guys think of my list? any suggestions, comments, etc?

Random lnsanity / Dear RIA,
« on: May 10, 2008, 03:53:18 pm »
...and it sucked. they held a blood drive at my school and i thought it would be cool to sign up and help out my fellow human being, plus it would get me out of class and thus a presentation which i had not finished.

i totally forgot that the blood drive was on thursday, thank god i had breakfast. i got to school and saw a bunch of booths and people from the blood bank. anyway, they pulled me out of class and asked me a bunch of weird questions, such as:

-have you ever had sex in africa in 1977?
-did you have a blood transfusion in the UK before 1982?
-have you ever had sex for drugs or money?
-have you ever given someone drugs or money for sex?
-have you ever had sex with someone that had sex for drugs or money?

...and so forth.

so after they took my blood pressure, pulse, and a sample of blood from pinching my finger, they made me lay down on this bed thingy.

i have to admit, i was a little nervous, i mean, i'm not afraid of needles or blood (i love the color, texture, and taste of blood), or anything for that matter, i was just a little nervous. i was shaking, probably from the cold, it was very cold there, plus, i'm a guy that shakes a lot. the nurse looked at me and asked "are you ok?" to which i nodded my head. she prepped me up.

the needle went in, it didn't really hurt, it was just a sharp pinch (it's a thicker needle in order to get blood out more efficiently). she left it in there (on my left arm) and went to attend other students. i felt very uncomfortable, i felt the needle inside of me, and the blood burritos my body, although it wasn't anything to really complain about, it was still a weird feeling.

four or five (can't remember) minutes in, i lost any feeling from my limbs. i kept shaking. i imagine i looked pale (i'm mexican and have somewhat of a tan), so the lady once again asked me if i was ok, i replied as before. she walked away.

after seven minutes, i just wanted to rip that fucking needle that was robbing me ever so rapidly out of me. i was extremely lightheaded, it was freezing. now, this part is now a big blur to me, i must've lost a lot of oxygen. the nurse came back and told me she could just take the needle out, which would make my blood useless, or, "tough it out" as she put it. i chose the latter, after learning there were only three minutes left. "are you feeling hot?" she said, on the contrary, i was "freezing," i told her. she put a bag of ice under my head.

those three minutes were horrible, i can't remember what happened during that time, i just remember it was unpleasant. however, once it was done, the lady took the needle out of my arm, i didn't feel anything. i remember slurring something to her, some nonsense like: "no, don't, i don't want my blood to go to waste." my eyes began closing. everything was dark, it felt like i went into a deep sleep.

"keep your eyes open!" yelled one of the male nurses. rapidly, i opened them, "cough deeply!" he yelled. the coughs were extremely shallow, they felt uncomfortable. every time i blinked, my eyes would stay close, until the nurses told me to open them i would regain consciousness. it felt like years until i finally awoke.

once i stabilized (i was still shaking), i kept laying down. i remember looking at my right hand, it was cramped in a weird position. i tried moving it, but nothing seemed to work, it looked like it was just skin and bones. similarly, my other hand was also cramped in a different position. it appeared as if i had rigor mortis.  my limbs were cement. i regained some movement after a while.

the nurses came back and told me to sit up on the bed. i was still lightheaded and shaky. i began hyperventilating, they gave me a bag to breath into. i couldn't put the bag completely over my mouth, for my hands were still cramped. after several attempts, i managed to use it correctly. it stopped after a minute. i tried drinking some water, but it was difficult due to my hands.

the blood rushed in to all parts of my body. i began moving my fingers, little by little, i recuperated. for some reason i began laughing, probably becausee of how idiotic i looked, or because i was so damn lightheaded. anyway, after about five minutes, they took me to this chair were i layed there and managed to get cookies (oatmeal) and juice (apple). although i was still shaking, it was not as bad as before. twenty minutes later i went back to normal, except for the shakes.

i went back to my class and proceeded with my day.

overall, it was an experience, not good, not bad. i guess i'm pre-diabetic or something. i need more sugar (than average) in my blood or i'll pass out or whatever.

would i do it over again? yes. except i would film it so i could laugh at it later one.

will i be donating next year? no. fuck that.

TL;DR: SPOILER: i died.

Random lnsanity / mass effect
« on: April 22, 2008, 06:45:52 pm »
watch it in order!


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L13Ct40cFIU&amp;" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L13Ct40cFIU&amp;</a>


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixt1eu11LXk&amp;NR=1" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixt1eu11LXk&amp;NR=1</a>

Random lnsanity / flags
« on: April 05, 2008, 05:09:40 am »








Random lnsanity / wow, i hate my insignificant life...
« on: March 28, 2008, 03:33:52 am »

so, here's a pic of smaller planets that make earth look awesome:

then, here comes the biiiig mofos:

then we get raped by the sun...

then our sun gets raped...

then our sun gets gangbanged (starting to see the pattern?):

in the end, we suck...

Random lnsanity / crunka4HoFA!
« on: March 25, 2008, 03:30:34 am »
<crunka> what if i were the leader of the RIA (or one of the three), do you think i'd be good, foreign relationship-wise?
<Xiphosis[GOD]> not even a little
<Han|gre> ouch
<crunka> ;_;

and with that, my dream dies...


Random lnsanity / I hate lorens.
« on: March 09, 2008, 05:16:14 pm »
I just had to force myself to finish one (loren) so I would be able to hang at my friends dick longer. v___v Four lorens of deathly boredom.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: llavamore
« on: March 04, 2008, 01:27:53 am »

Random lnsanity / if you want to burn yourself...
« on: March 02, 2008, 04:46:43 am »
...remember that i love you.

Random lnsanity / my conversation with "the black watch"
« on: February 17, 2008, 02:40:50 am »
my first message erased but it went something along these lines:

To: The Black Watch    From: Crunka    2/15/2008 3:53:09 PM Subject: it's me, crunka!

hey, remember me? from high school? no? well, i remember you...i remember you were friends with john. anyway, it's cool if you don't recall my name, but i remember a guy named the black watch.

anyway, i honestly don't know why i really messaged you...maybe i love you, but i'm not sure, anywho, you're cool. i like talking to you. keep it real.

love, crunka

his reply:

To: Crunka    From: The Black Watch    2/15/2008 6:41:00 PM Subject: RE: it's me, crunka!

Thanks for the message, I think. But you are mistaking me for someone else. I didn't have a friend by the name of John.[/i]

to which i replied:

To: The Black Watch    From: Crunka    2/16/2008 4:07:29 AM Subject: RE: it's me, crunka!

oh, but you must've! i clearly recall people saying "the black watch and john are throwing a party tonight with waffles!" unless i'm insane (which would explain a lot of things), i know you.


love, crunka[/i]

he said:

To: Crunka    From: The Black Watch    2/16/2008 7:21:51 AM Subject: RE: it's me, crunka!

Your insane then, and besides which, I don't go by The Black Watch anywhere but on-line.

So please stop bothering me, ok?[/i]

i answered:

To: The Black Watch    From: Crunka    2/16/2008 4:35:53 PM Subject: RE: it's me, crunka!

;_; i just wanted to be your friend...

yep, that's all.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: ELIJAH S. KONDERWINK
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:40:58 am »

« on: February 11, 2008, 11:57:30 pm »
this convention is inspired by a conversation with zblewskie that said he didn't like the genre. also, some of you RIAre (or visitors) feel that this genre has nothing to offer and is only about bling-bling, degrading women, and violence. this topic is not saying you have to like hip-hop, but rather that you should respect it and understand that it's just as promising and authentic as any other art-form or musical genre.

i know i overly criticize music (especially loren's, but that's a matter of opinion) but i still try to listen to everything and try to be open minded (except for loren's music taste. jk! :P). so hopefully this will.

Quote from: hottnikkels

Hip hop is in many ways the most innovative and consistently evolving music genre around, as well as the newest. So yeah, you've got The Game and 50 Cent, but for those guys there is a creative flank, as is the case with ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.

Check it;
Unsatisfied with 50?  Listen to MF Doom.
Don't dig The Game?  Try Blackalicious.
Absolutely hate Eminem?  Please. get to Aesop Rock.
Craving for some creative rap in the mainstream? Outkast.

I can name more shitty rock acts than I can rap acts.

The possibilities with rap are as endless as any other genre. I don't see why people continue to single out the genre of hip-hop as something less substantial or less promising than any other artform. Hip-hop has the ability to incorporate anything and everything a person chooses to fuse it with. Just because YOU don't see a huge amount of variety in alot of hip-hop doesn't mean it isn't happening. Hip-hop is the youngest of all the tonicular genres, it's only been around for 20 years and it's been evolving and growing since it's birth just like every other genre of music. Hip-hop can go where ever you can take it, and you can be as creative as your mind will allow you to be, you don't have to sample or loop anything, you can put together a rock band and make hip-hop music, you can put together a jazz trio and make hip-hop music, you can put together a damn polka group and make hip-hop music if you want to, or you can fuse all of those genres together and make hip-hop music and you could stay true to the form and retain the essence and spirit thats existed in hip-hop since the beginning. American tonicular rock didn't start until the late 40's and it was 20 years after that when Sgt. Pepper was released and made people aware of all of it's possibilities. I'm already aware of hip-hop's potential and thanks to the open-mindedness of the youth, all of the great music to be inspired by, and p2p internet sharing the most creative minds of this young and already impressive genre are still yet to be seen.
[a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=647681\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

You need to rip your head from your ass and try to open your ears to some genuinely innovative music, rock and roll borrows from itself all the time, but since you need a reason to condemn an entire genre you can't accept it's being done in rap.  Hip hop is the most vocally based music form, it relies on a person being actually talented at writing lyrics and following a poetic meter. I repeat, take your head out of your ass, then listen to some music you've never heard before, read a book, then kill yourself.

[a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=519003\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

To be quite honest, there is more of a sense of discovery, independence, freshness, and relevance to hip hop than there is in rock right now. Even currently good bands like The Arcade Fire and Broken Social Scene exist on the basis of foundations laid by bands before them whereas hip-hop is the only medium with something to say. Just because there is much oxshit on the radio does not constitute the dismissal of an entire genre.

In fact, I'd argue there is more of an intellectual sense of criticism in hip-hop than there ever was in rock. Rarely, excluding the lyrical dryness of certain bands during the punk era, has there been a rock band with the same weight lyrically - rock bands seem to only criticize society in terms of their musical approach. With hip-hop, the ideas are substantiated by the music and then subsequently prevalent in the wordplay and furthermore, through sampling, hip-hop always can retain a fresh identity. If anything rock is more visceral and less thought out than rap, so I don't want to hear anymore of this oxshit about the lack of intellect in hip-hop. A couple of bad apples on the radio don't ruin rock music - I don't see why the same shouldn't hold true for hip-hop.
[a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=463432\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]

That WAS well said and that concludes our first ever hip-hop convention for the uninformed, but wait, I know a lot of you are thinking well I'm hearing all of these great things, but where can I find these albums and what are they. Well your in luck cause here are a few good hip-hop albums to download and I encourage others to add onto this list with their own posts.

[a href=\"http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:zgd8vwria92k]Deltron 3030 - Deltron 3030[/url]
MF Doom - MM Food
Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow
Binary Star - Masters Of The Universe
Madvillain - Madvillainy
Haiku D'Etat - Haiku D'Etat
The Pharcyde - Bizarre Ride To The Pharcyde
Dalek - Absence
Mos Def - Black on Both Sides
A Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders
Prefuse 73 - One Word Extinguisher
Slum Village - Fantastic Vol. 1
Count Bass D - Dwight Spitz
Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein
Gnarls Barkley - St. Elsewhere
Jneiro Jarel - Three Piece Puzzle
Aceyalone - All Balls Don't Bounce
Time Machine - Slow Your Roll
Panacea - Ink Is My Drink
Subtle - For Hero: For Fool
J Dilla - Donuts
King Gheedorah  - Take Me To Your Leader
Flying Lotus - 1983
Dr. Octagon - Dr Octagonacologyst
Q-Tip - Kamaal The Abstract
Dj Shadow - Endtroducing
DM (Danger Mouse) and Gemini - Ghetto tonic Life
Organized Konfusion - Organized Konfusion
The Roots - The Roots Come Alive
Boom Bip & Doseone - Circle
Outkast - Stankonia
RjD2 - Deadringer
Souls of Mischief - 93 Till Infinity
Aesop Rock - Labor Days
Cage - Hell's Winter
Jurassic 5 - Power In Numbers
Nas - Illmatic
Digable planets - Reachin
Yesterday's New Quintet - Angles Without Edges
Blackstar - Blackstar
De La Soul - De La Soul Is Dead
Madlib - Shades of Blue
Common - Resurrection
Quasimoto - The Unseen
The foreign Exchange - Connected
13 and God - 13 and God
Cyne - Evolution Fight
DangerDoom - The Mouse and The Mask
Gza - liquid swords
Edan - Beauty and the Beat
Sound Directions - The Funky Side Of Life

Please feel more than free to post this link anytime you feel it's necessary, and hopefully this convention will save some of us a lot of time and energy in the future.

Random lnsanity / "I cant give you my lisense officer"
« on: February 03, 2008, 04:05:47 am »
"Because you are headcrab zombie"

hilarious half life video telling the chronicles of gordon freeman's unknown brother: john freeman.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHxyZaZlaOs" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHxyZaZlaOs</a>

Random lnsanity / ITT we be talkin ghetto
« on: January 28, 2008, 12:42:26 am »

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqQISNKWZSA" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqQISNKWZSA</a>


there should be a companion cube emoticon!


Random lnsanity / i love hyphy music!
« on: January 13, 2008, 10:33:12 pm »
so yesterday this chick invited me to this kickback at her house and as typical teenagers we were drinking. there were 4 chicks and i was the only guy, and usually when i go to kickbacks (usually with my band), we just drink listen/play music. anyway, these chicks love hyphy music, and i've partied with some of them and i kind of like the genre, however, being the only guy there i had four chicks technically fucking me. sadly, however, i had to leave early so i didn't get none ;_;

point is: party with hyphy music...it pays off...

...the RIA is totally serious, they have no fun whatsoever.

...they are all un-awesome people.

...they have a completely totalitarian regime going on.

...you CANNOT voice your opinion.

...there is no variety in its members, they are all the same.

...it has no fun activities that include (but are not limited to): digital arts board, several contests, debates, many programs in which anyone can help, one of the most fun and active boards in CN, and many other things.

this topic is totally NOT sarcastic

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