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Topics - Mia

Pages: 1 [2]
Random lnsanity / What Personality Defect Are You?
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:52:22 pm »
I am curious what RIAers will get...


Oddly fitting for me - I truly am an ice queen. My life is fulfilled!  :supaburn:


You are 71% Rational, 43% Extroverted, 0% Brutal, and 0% Arrogant.
You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. You are not like the robots they show in the movies. Movie robots are make-believe, because they always get all personable and likeable after being struck by lightning, or they are cold, cruel killing machines. In all reality, though, you are much more boring than all that. Real robots just sit there, doing their stupid jobs, and doing little else. If you get struck by lightning, you won't develop a winning personality and heart of gold. (Robots don't have hearts, silly, and if they did, they would probably be made of steel, not gold.) You also won't be likely to terrorize humanity by becoming an ultra-violent killing machine sent into the past to kill the mother of a child who will lead a rebellion against machines, because that movie was dumb as hell, and because real robots don't kill--they horribly maim at best, and they don't even do that on purpose. Real robots are boringly kind and all too rarely try to kill people. In all my years, my laptop has only attacked me once, and that was only because my brother threw it at me. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit. Or if someone throws a pie at you. Pies sure are delicious.


To put it less negatively:

1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive.

2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.

3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.

4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.

Random lnsanity / Thunderstorms...
« on: August 01, 2011, 12:21:05 pm »
Have you ever had a thunderstorm wake you up that you fell out of bed? I just had that happen. D: And it is the middle of the day. :(

Random lnsanity / What are you listening to?
« on: July 29, 2011, 02:38:15 pm »
Surprised RIA doesn't have one of these. Curious what other people are listening to.

Vanessa Hudgens - Whatever will be (With Lyrics!!)

Random lnsanity / Have you ever been creeped out by your game?
« on: July 28, 2011, 10:57:02 pm »
So I was playing Sims 3 a few weeks ago to kill time as a distraction (ie I got addicted) and there is this magical "laundry gnome" looks like a teddy bear I suppose. Anyways, I didn't know how it was magical until a few days in the game passed and I couldn't find it from where I had placed it. It had moved into the bathroom in a position to watch my sims go shower. I am seriously creeped out by this feature. D:

Have you ever been creeped out by a feature in a game you didn't know existed?

Random lnsanity / The irony...
« on: July 28, 2011, 03:21:56 pm »
So I got sick with mono a month ago, lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks and then lost 6 more pounds in the last week. I never thought I'd hear these words out of the doctor but he told me to eat more. :| Does anyone have any idea what a meal should consist in calories? I've been told I should be eating about 2500 calories but when half a burger, half fries fills you up..

Any genius out there have any solutions?

Ambassador Sign-Ups / IRON diplo request
« on: July 12, 2011, 08:24:01 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Salmia
Your Alliance: Independent Republic of Orange Nations
Your Alliance's Initials: IRON
Your Alliance's primary team color: Orange
URL to your alliance's forum: www.iron-command.com
If you are over the age of 18(or 21 if you live in one of those country's) would you like access to our NSFW forum? (please reply in yes/no format) No thanks.

Figured it is time to fix the weird TOOL tag I have somehow. =/ (Also just dropping by briefly. Will be gone for a few weeks due to some RL issues but wanted to get my mask sorted for later).

Ambassador Sign-Ups / TOOL Mask Request
« on: May 19, 2010, 06:28:04 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Salmia
Your Alliance: The Order of Light
Your Alliance's Initials: TOOL
Your Alliance's primary team color: white
URL to your alliance's forum: forums.theorderoflight.com

Pages: 1 [2]

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