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Topics - Jenne

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Random lnsanity / Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obama
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:01:15 pm »
According to The Onion...

But some idiot Iran news agency ran the story as if it were real.  They even took credit for the story. 


Random lnsanity / Houston officer kills double amputee in wheelchair
« on: September 22, 2012, 08:14:23 pm »

HOUSTON (AP) — A Houston police officer shot and killed a one-armed, one-legged man in a wheelchair Saturday inside a group home after police say the double amputee threatened the officer and aggressively waved a metal object that turned out to be a pen.
Police spokeswoman Jodi Silva said the man cornered the officer in his wheelchair and was making threats while trying to stab the officer with the pen. At the time, the officer did not know what the metal object was that the man was waving, Silva said.
She said the man came "within inches to a foot" of the officer and did not follow instructions to calm down and remain still.
"Fearing for his partner's safety and his own safety, he discharged his weapon," Silva told The Associated Press.
Police did not immediately release the name of the man who was killed. They had been called to the home after a caretaker there called and reported that the man in wheelchair was causing a disturbance.
The owner of the group home, John Garcia, told the Houston Chronicle that the man had a history of mental illness and had been living at the house about 18 months. Garcia said the man had told him that he lost a leg above the knee and all of one arm when he was hit by a train.
"He sometimes would go off a bit, but you just ignore it," Garcia told the newspaper.
Silva identified the officer as Matthew Jacob Marin, a five-year veteran of the department. He was immediately placed on three-day administrative leave, which is standard in all shootings involving officers.
Houston police records indicate that Marin also fatally shot a suspect in 2009. Investigators at the time said Marin came upon a man stabbing his neighbor to death at an apartment complex and opened fired when the suspect refused to drop the knife.
On Saturday, Marin and his partner arrived at the group home around 2:30 a.m. Silva said there were several people at the house at the time. The caretaker who called police waited on the porch while the officers went inside, she said.
"It was close quarters in the area of the house," Silva said. "The officer was forced into an area where he had no way to get out."

tl;dr - One armed, one legged man threatens officer with a pen so the officer's partner shoots him.

Random lnsanity / What are you drinking?
« on: September 02, 2012, 01:52:36 am »
I've always liked this topic on other forums, but I'm way too lazy to visit other forums anymore, so I'm starting one here.

Random lnsanity / See, you don't need guns to defend you home
« on: August 23, 2012, 09:11:12 pm »

tl;dr - LL Cool J breaks jaw, nose and ribs of man breaking into his home.


Look, we all love a good toddler fight, but for fucks sake, don't put it on YouTube. 

Random lnsanity / Girl dies because of anti abortion law
« on: August 18, 2012, 09:31:10 am »

tl:dr - Doctors in the Dominican Republic refused to treat a pregnant 16 y/o girl with cancer because the treatment could potentially abort the pregnancy, which would violate their anit abortion law and she died. 

Just got this when trying to call my health insurance company.  I hope they can still pay my bills.

Random lnsanity / Cactuars invading my work!
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:54:40 pm »
So, I'm in this meeting with a group from Japan this morning.  They are showing some models in Pro/e when I notice something odd.  Is that a cactuar in their menu?  Why the fuck don't we have this in the US?


Random lnsanity / I just saw two kids walking a 3 legged wiener dog
« on: June 15, 2012, 09:26:13 pm »
Talked about pathetic.  I mean, you're like 4 inches tall, and 15 inches long to start with, so you're gonna walk like a retarded seal anyway.  But then to lose a leg too, just sad.

Really though, I don't know how I feel worse for, the dog or the kids.  I mean, can you imagine getting that as a gift.  Hey kids, we got you a puppy for Christmas!  Awesom..., wait you got us a wiener dog?  And he's only got three legs..   :wtf:  I hate you Dad!  Why could you get get us something cool like a  :rainbowsheep:.  Get a better job you loser...

Random lnsanity / Naked Zombies?
« on: May 26, 2012, 10:28:05 pm »

MIAMI (AP) – A Miami police officer on Saturday fatally shot a naked man who was chewing on the face of another man on a downtown causeway off-ramp, police and witnesses said.

The Miami Herald reports that gunshots were heard at about 2 p.m. on the MacArthur Causeway off-ramp, which is near the newspaper's offices. Witnesses said that a woman saw two men fighting and flagged down a police officer, who came upon a naked man mauling the other man. The newspaper quoted witnesses as saying that the officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he ignored the demand, the officer shot him. Witnesses said that the naked man continued his attack after being shot once, and the officer shot him several more times.

Police said the other man was transported to Jackson Memorial Hospital Ryder Trauma Center. The newspaper said he had suffered critical injuries.

The police department confirmed in a news release that there was an officer-related shooting, but did not include many details provided by witnesses to the newspaper.

A police spokesman couldn't be reached for comment by the Associated Press on Saturday evening.

The police news release said the identities of the two men were not known.

A photograph posted on The Herald's website shows an officer standing watch on the ramp next to two police cruisers, with a body lying on a pedestrian walkway. Police requested the newspaper's video surveillance tapes.

The shooting and investigation tied up causeway traffic as crowds were arriving at South Beach for an annual hip-hop festival.

Javier Ortiz, a spokesman for the Fraternal Order of Police in Miami, said that based on information he's received, the officer who fired the shots "is a hero and saved a life."

One of them's a fucking dwarf.

Billy Connolly tells the BEST joke EVER!

than breaking a bolt. 

Was tightening one of the last bolts on my motorcycle after putting the rear wheel back on when I felt that pop.  That unmistakable feeling that means you have made a terrible mistake. 

I guess I'd imaging breaking a condom is up there on the list, though I've not had the misfortune.  But, even there, there is still a good chance that your mistake didn't produce a little water head miracle baby child.

Bill Hicks - Childbirth

Random lnsanity / All I can say is Waaaaaaaaaaaa
« on: April 29, 2012, 03:46:58 pm »
I am stick of people crying about student loan interest rates going up, to a whole 6.8%.  When I graduated interest rates on Stafford loans was somewhere north of 9%.  When rates dropped into the 6's people were lining up to consolidate and lock in those rates because rates had not been that low since the 70's. 

BTW, it's only subsidized Stafford loans which are going up.  Unsubsidized loans were already at 6.8%  That's right, the loans the gov are giving to you interest free until you start repayment. 

And now you whiny fucks want your student loan debt forgiven?  Why, because that 5 year degree in philosophy doesn't qualify you to work as at Starbucks?  Well fuck you very much.  I've been paying down my debt for better than 10 years, and have another 10 to go.  During that time I've been unemployed twice.  I've had to put my loans into forbearance and modified the payment terms to interest only for a couple years.   But rather than actually make good on your commitments, you'd rather just sit on your ass on Wall St begging for a handout.  What ever happened to personal responsibility? 

Official Documents / The Military Charter, First Revision
« on: April 14, 2012, 08:04:37 am »
The Military Charter of the Random Insanity Alliance acts as a grant of authority and rights, and a proper outlining of common unspoken laws, pertaining to the Military Command and it's staff extending upon the authorities detailed in Section 3, Sub-section vi, of the RIA constitution. The full list of limitations, proper structure, authority and rules binding The Military Command as one coherent force will be in reflected within these articles which have been approved by the majority of the Random Insanity Alliance.

Article I:

The Military Command is a non-democratic hierarchy which is composed of three tiers of service: The Head of Military Operations, The Officer's, and The Cadet's.

Section I:
The Head of Military Operations is a constitutionally bound and democratically elected Cabinet position who's authority is to oversee the military of the Random Insanity Alliance. All matters relating to military intelligence, theory, expansion, planning, and the execution of military campaigns fall under the authority of the HoMo. The HoMo must also directly contribute to the construction of a military structure, doctrine, statistical monitoring and tech raiding system.

Sub-Section i:
The Head of Military Operations is bound to both the Constitution as well as this very charter. It is also the HoMo's duty to keep up to date, but still uphold, the written rules in the BRIgade Codex and Officer & Cadet Rulebook. The Head of Military Operations has the authority to adjust, change, delete or alter many of the systems within the military command including the Institute of Destructive Arts and Segmentum Library Guides, but there exist three core foundations of the Military Command that are protected by the Charter: The Military Hiearchy and it's structure, The Barbarossa Doctrine, and The BRIgade's. Amendments to this Charter may only be proposed by the HoMo and shall require the support of 60% of the standing Officer's, as well as 2/3 approval of the Triumvirate.

Section II:
The Officer is a non-democratic position, assigned to a BRIgade from the Cadet Pool by the HoMo, who's services extend from the full responsibility of a singular BRIgade to being integral in the militaristic planning during war time with the HoMo via the Barbarossa Doctrine. The Officer has full autonomy over peace time management as well as war time planning of their BRIgade. The Officer is fully responsible for their BRIgade's upkeep and well being, and each soldier in it. As such all unjust attacks to and from their BRIgade, including reparations, is to be handled by the Officer or the HoMo, or the Tri.

Sub-section ii:
The Officer is a non-democratic position.  Although they are elected by means of an efficient academical system, they can be removed at any time at the Head of Military Operation's discretion, be it for breaking the rules of either this charter or the Officer & Cadet Handbook, or for misbehavior. The Officer is officially tied to both of those aforementioned documents. All Officer's who retire from their position gain the status of Cadet; all Officer's who are dishonorably removed go back into the member pool.

Section III:
The Cadet is a semi-powerless, non-democratic position and the third tier in the Military Command. Their responsibility is to act as a second hand assistant to the Officer should the Officer see fit to hire them. That is the extent of the Cadet's power or influence over any systems within the Military. The Cadet position is gained by graduation in the Institute of Destructive Arts. Should an Officer ever retire from his/her position leading a BRIgade, the Cadet will be chosen to replace them.

Sub-Section iii:
The Cadet position is never lost. An Institute of Destructive Arts (Or any further academy) graduate will lose the position only when they have exited the alliance or cybernations itself but it is immediately restored should they return to the Random Insanity Alliance. Like the Officer, the Cadet is officially tied to it's rules in the Officer & Cadet rulebook.

Article II:

The Military Command is bound to a singular Doctrine, further referred to as the Barbarossa Doctrine, which is a set of ideologies, theories, rules and expectations that bounds The Military Command as a cohesive and synergistic force during war and peace.

Section IV:
Firstly, The Barbarossa Doctrine is constructed around the ideology that one person should not oversee the sole execution of war but rather a team should with equal power.  A team of individuals highly trained in military affairs and theory are each given a piece of the puzzle, and work together in fast succession to apply what they command against the enemy alliance. Each Officer is granted complete autonomy for their BRIgade and semi-equality to the HoMo during seasons of war and is expected to uphold their BRIgade entirely against the enemy alliance. As such, the entire face of the war is split into tiers. The number of tiers may be adjusted by the Head of Military Operations as necessary to reflect the current state of the Random Insanity Alliance.  An additional tier shall exist for "out of bRIgade" soldiers. The Barbarossa Doctrine itself is split into two tiers.

Sub-Section iv:
The first tier represents The Head of Military Operations who has full jurisdiction and authority over the Officer's in two subjects: Strategy and execution. All ideals, theories and strategies pertaining to the attack against the enemy is the responsibility of the Head of Military Operations. All strategies the HoMo passes down may be discussed and weighed and adjusted, but never usurped, by an Officer. The actual execution of the war after planning including sending out target orders and choosing the date and time for the attack also belongs solely to the Head of Military Operations or the Triumvirate should they see to attack at a particular time.

Sub-Section v:
The second tier represents the Officer's role in war planning. As each Officer controls a BRIgade, each Officer must assign their BRIgade targets from the full list of enemy nations in the alliance. This splits the strength ranges of the enemy alliance into equal parts. Once the Barbarossa Doctrine is completed in execution a fully complete target list will be viewable to all allied military government and the RIA's triumvirate.

Sub-Section vi:
A third tier of logistics exists in which autonomy is still in effect. Each Officer is fully expected and trained in staggering, and is expected to uphold their own BRIgade's stagger orders. Each Officer is also fully responsible for their BRIgade for peace mode/second wave. They choose who to send into peace mode and when, based on their own educated judgments. The Head of Military Operations handles the final logistical part; economic aid, while working closely with the Head of Economics.

Sub-Section vii:
The Barbarossa Doctrine works no differently in times of defensive warfare in which the RIA is attacked. Once an attack has been made against the Random Insanity Alliance the Military Command meets at the next available time mutually available and conducts plans accordingly.

Article III:

The Military Command is bound almost externally from the alliance itself with the exception of the HoMo. This section details the web of rights and authority The Military Command has, as according to above doctrine and the constitution, as well as existing rulebooks.

Section V:
The heart of the RIA Military Command exists in the BRIgade. It is an optional, "front lines"-esque military organization which is compromised by voluntarily signed in members rather than the entire alliance. As such, during peace time, each Officer is only fully responsible to their BRIgade, not the entire strength range covered by their bRIgade.  During times of war, the Officer is responsible for the entire strength range covered by their bRIgade, granting them the autonomy to command each nation willing to fight for the RIA as if they were a member of the bRIgades.  At such time that the RIA is no longer in a state of war, this autonomy is immediately revoked. 

Sub-Section vii:
The Head of Military Operations is the only member of the RIA Military Command who has full military control over both the alliance member base and the BRIgades during peace time. During times of war, as per the Barbarossa Doctrine, it is also the HoMo's jurisdiction to fill in the gaps the Officer's make with members from the alliance member base to complete the Target List.

Sub-Section viii:
The Officer's full responsibility lies in their own assigned BRIgade. Beyond their authority to grant/deny tech raids, to answer for ghosts or illegal raids from our alliance, as well as the Alliance Defense program, The Officer has no control over the alliance members themselves in any form during peace time unless said member joins their BRIgade. When it pertains to their responsibility in their respective BRIgade's, the Officer must account for tech raids, reps, any subsidiary economic programs.

Random lnsanity / How come you bastards didnt tell me (ATTN: Mango)
« on: April 06, 2012, 07:22:53 am »
Apparently Metallica released an EP in December ad I am just now hearing about it.  It's left over songs from the Death Magnetic recordings.  They sounds just like the rest of the album, which I didnt think was that bad.  "Just a Bullet Away" is fucking badass. 

Metallica - Hell and Back

Metallica - Hate Train

Metallica - Rebel of Babylon

Metallica - Just a Bullet Away

Random lnsanity / Full Metal Jousting
« on: March 04, 2012, 03:29:10 pm »
The show is not all that exciting overall, but I think I could get into actually jousting.   :fortheria:

FULL METAL JOUSTING: Full Metal Jousting

Random lnsanity / Ok, who broke mibbit/IRC/Forum Chat
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:48:39 pm »
I can get in for anywhere.  I usually go through mibbit, but when I get there it won't even try to connect.  When I try to use the chat on the forum, I get a black screen, both in Chrome and Firefox.  Checked noscript and everything is allowed.  WTF.

Random lnsanity / Fuck Leo and Fuck 'bama
« on: December 04, 2011, 08:52:20 pm »
Once again the BCS proves what shit they are.  Alabama had their chance to prove that they were the best team in the nation and lost.  Why do they get another shot at it now?  Maybe if we had a playoff system and the beat (Ok St, Boise St, Stanford...) to earn their shot at a rematch then sure.  But to just hand them a rematch is pathetic.  Shows just how much bias there is. 

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