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Topics - 1ofkind

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Random lnsanity / A Few New Pics
« on: January 12, 2009, 10:14:54 pm »





Random lnsanity / zrthghtrthe
« on: January 12, 2009, 08:39:59 pm »
I didn't drink, but now I'm going to after I take my shower. Then after it my girlfriend is going to get it after she gets back from work!

Random lnsanity / History Tyme
« on: January 12, 2009, 08:32:13 pm »
When you follow da law it's like the ghetto in diz bitch called, the united states of america, and that's just stupid, because it all started when some tru gangstaz was like standing up to some real punk thugs that were like saying: put up your handz, and let dem guns hit the floor.


Our boyz from the past went ven desil, wolverine, fucking super man, the hulk, wonder woman, invisible, and a lot more than that on them thugs, but here's the reality check. Dose thugs was our own policemen of our own government so that means that we can never respect our government again when it comes to our own protection so after those thugs got their bootays kicked things weren't suppose to ever be the same again, but then something happened that's making us go back to repeating our past.


Well in conjunction with that I asked what iz the most powerful weapon to the search engine, and you won't believe what it told me. It said that the TV is the most powerful weapon, and if you look there's loads of people watching the stupid crap that's on it, but it's not they're watching it, but da fucking influence it has bought into making everybody nothing more than a fag with a fashion sense. Don't try deny it, because look at how it destroyed something as beautiful as music.


Da polotics today are just pathetic: I mean it's like the news try to make everything look as simple as if you can pick your polotical party by just picking a color. I'm tired of ranting now, because dizshit is suppose to be about my guns.  I just wanted to make an entertaining improve of God knows what. Oh, and not to mention there were only about a little more than like 6 taxes back in that day when people started to thrown down with the government, but now there's thousands of tazes, and dumb fagz paying for emz.

Government's absolutely necessary, and all, but that shit aint right.  

Inspired by cheractors Ali G, and Cheec

Random lnsanity / The Guess what I Bought Game!
« on: January 09, 2009, 06:03:34 pm »
Two clues:

Two words!

Random lnsanity / My Xbox 360 N Me :D ~ ~(l===B
« on: December 24, 2008, 09:05:28 am »
The video out put on my Xbox 360 stopped working: I was pwning with the p90, and then suddenly poof everything was red tinted so badly I couldn't see so after the match where I had like a 26:5 KDR I turned off my console hoping that it would be all right again after it rebooted - nope.

A little research revealed:

[a href=\"http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/24/xbox-360-owners-reporting-blank-video-output-issue/\" pitchget=\"_blank\"]http://www.engadget.com/2007/06/24/xbox-36...o-output-issue/[/a]

[a href=\"http://hawtymcbloggy.com/2007/06/25/xbox-360-owners-reporting-blank-video-output-issue/\" pitchget=\"_blank\"]http://hawtymcbloggy.com/2007/06/25/xbox-3...o-output-issue/[/a]

[a href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_technical_problems\" pitchget=\"_blank\"]Video failure

In mid 2007, technology and gaming blogs began reporting about new problems with the Xbox 360 losing video output. [66] [67] The problems are characterized by a blank or staticy video output with a proper functioning audio output and no flashing red lights on the console. The complete video failure is sometimes preceded by other graphical glitches such as an irregular saturation of green and/or red colors. Threads on Xbox.com forums suggest the problem may be widespread. [68] [69][/a]

Investigations for repairing lead me to xbox.com/support where your can quickly register you system, find out that its warranty expired, and then that can have it repaired for 94$ if you select video hardware issues so I selected: 3 red lights issue. that brought my cost down to about 0$.

Yes! They sent a box to my house, I mailed it back to them with my xbox, they fixed it, and sent it back. Now I have a working xbox 360 again. Keep this on the down low  

Well my girlfriend usually keeps what her little sister talks about with her of me on the low down, because I'm a violent person who has fixed many holes in a variety of things which resulted of my fist, and she always has something stupid to say about me lately, but now I'm sorry I ever had a negative respect for her due to that I found out that she actually really cares about me.

Wow! I really learn something new everyday, because there I was all along thinking - worrying about what might happen if I were to lose my temper then start screaming at the little concerned about myself angle like as if she was going to fucking die right there, because I'm just so fucking pissed I don't give a fuck about her at all. well I found out that in her concerning of myself conversation that she told my girlfriend that her, and her boyfriend decided that I need to grow up for no reason at all so I'll keep that in mind seeing that now. I'm just so thankful to have such great friends whom are so concerned about me so once again I'm going to keep in my mind that I need to grow up from: a girl who's only concern of everything is for it to be a fasion accessory who also habitually cheats on her boyfriend(s), a guy who has been to court moar times than he'd probably like to admit.

Who could have expected such great advice to have come from what I thought was a total dumb fucking cunt that has no moral conscience?

Ever since I've moved to the state of Pa, I never wanted to punch so many people right in the face. The people just so fucking ignorant, and think that I just don't notice their arrogance while I'm acting like a jackass just to be friendly.

Random lnsanity / I Can Get These Baby Seal's Eyes Out of My Head
« on: December 19, 2008, 12:36:32 pm »
Just look at them

They make me feel so evil inside!

Random lnsanity / Air Soft
« on: December 14, 2008, 06:51:47 pm »
Here's the proposal

A hobby that involves its participators having a gun that they like, buying an airsoft version of it, and playing gun fights.

umm, airsoft guns fire 12 - 30 gram bbs about 350 FPS on average which can touch 100 yards fairly easily.

The guns are made of metal, can mount any optic, and other accessory so that they look total bad ass.

The bad is that they're expensive, and will probably cost about $800 to pimp out, but the BBs are worth dirt so after the gun you're pretty much good.

Now the question: if there was an airsoft field around your way that was pretty kick ass would you get into it?

Random lnsanity / Look at the shit!
« on: November 19, 2008, 07:30:15 pm »
Video failure

In mid 2007, technology and gaming blogs began reporting about new problems with the Xbox 360 losing video output. [73] [74] The problems are characterized by a blank or staticy video output with a proper functioning audio output and no flashing red lights on the console. The complete video failure is sometimes preceded by other graphical glitches such as an irregular saturation of green and/or red colors. Threads on Xbox.com forums suggest the problem may be widespread. [75] [76] However, since the issue does not display the three flashing red lights indicative of general hardware failure, it is not covered under Microsoft's extended three year warranty.

yes Yes YES

Random lnsanity / 120 Golden Stars
« on: November 19, 2008, 05:37:16 pm »
Mario 64, I got them all.

Shit yo!

Random lnsanity / Email To Comedy Central
« on: October 29, 2008, 02:50:20 pm »
I can't find a job, my savings is dwindling, and my life sucks now, because along with the fact that I've spent lke a qarter of what's left to pay for the cable bill for what I just spent I get see some fucking retard who's not funny have a second season of her TV show aired again so this leads to ask out of pure curiosity:

Does comedy Central let just about anybody have their own TV show?

From my point of view it appears so - so give me my own TV show, because I want one. We'll call it the, "William Said So Show." That's an eye, and jaw opener alone so get back to me as soon as possible so that we can get this on the road.

Thank You,
And Your Welcome
William M Lennox

P.S. to RIA members only, and what a piece of ass she is to - cunt!

Random lnsanity / Best Erotic Story Ever
« on: October 21, 2008, 04:43:05 pm »
Author's infos: Female, Secret
Introduction: This 100% True!!!
"steven wake up" jessie pushed at me. i woke up and pushed her over. stupid ass little sister. she started crying and i got out of bed naked and stepped on her and she cried more as one of her ribs broke. i hate five year olds. then i pissed all over her and said that that was her bath becaus piss has amonia in it that makes it sterile. then i yelled at her to go away. "go away" i said.

i walked into the bathroom and saw my mom taking a shower so i ripped the shower curtin open and stuck my rock hard 20 inch dick up her pregnant cunt. she screamed as i raped her. then she started moaning in pleasure becasue i was fullfilling all her wishes and i was the real man in her life that she never had. i shoved my cock up her so hard and so far that i broke through the sack around her fetus baby and the head of my dick went inside its vagina. it was the titest cunt i ever felt. so i plowed my monster cock even further all the way into my little fetus sister and it went into her tight little pussy and up her body and it was comming out of her throat so she started sucking it.

i've never been sucked of by such a young girl before and it was so great and i blew my load right there. and my cum sperted out of the fetus mouth and all over the inside of my moms womb. i pulled out and slapped my mom across the face with my giant shrinking cock as she gasped for air because she loved it so much. my littel sister inside her started eating my cum on the wall of my moms womb. i knew that she would be a born cock sucker.

then she started chewing on the womb walls to get allmy cum that she could and started eating through my moms body.
that made me hot so i walked out of the bathroom so i could go jack off in the kitchen becase sometime i like to take little debbie snacks and smash them around my prick and make out with little debbie as i spank myslef to her sweet little cakes. i walked in and found cattie lighting the candles on her birthday cake because she was just turning 8 years old that day. i never really noticed her but now i thought she was looking like a peice of sex meat. i'm not a pedophile, it just that she was develooping into a woman and i got so turned on by her double d breasts that wer bouncing out her her nighty. i said to blow her candles out, "blow your candles out."

then she went to blow the candles out and the cake exploded because they werent really candles but small sticks of dynomyte and her head exploded spraying blood all over the kitchen. i wiped my hand on the wall and smeared some blood on it and used it as lubrication to jack of to. then i decided to just rape her. so i picked up her dead body and stuffed my dick down her severed asophogus and kepted jamming her body up and down onto my dick. she sure new how to give head. i was about to blow my cum into her when jessie walked in and looked at me. i pulled up catties nightie and pointed her virgin pussy lips to jessie and blew my load in her. my massive cock pumped stream after stream of my baby making glue into my sisters throaght.

my massively powerfull prick shot my cum through catties body and it sprayed out of her tiny little girl pussy and across the room and painted jessies face. jessie looked to me and giggled as i dropped catties body to the ground. my rock hard 20 inch cock was still hard so i walked to jessie and pushed it into her chest. she gasped for air as it broke past her ribs and went into her hart. blood was gushing out of her chest around my rock hard cock. her virgin blood was so hot it was making me hornier. the tip of my dick was lodged inside her hart and it was being pounded on by her heart beating. then i cummed on the spot because it was so intense and jessie cummed too. i pulled out and jessies dead body fell to the ground and she died because my sex was too good for her to handle.

then my little fetus baby sister crawled into the kitchen dragging my mom behind her from the umbilical cord coming out of the hole in her stomack. i cummed once more and my little baby fetus sister sucked me clean and we fell asleep together.

when i woke up i started sucking her little cunt and gave her an orgasm. sucking her little girl cum from her pussy was like the nector of the gods. then god came to me and said that it was his nector. then i puked it back up beacuase that was disgusting. her whole body was like a giant vagina because it was all pink and squooshy so i rubbed it all over my nipples. then she woke up and giggled so i started sucking her nipples and she cummed again and it dripped on my dick so i slammed her down and started fucking her tiny pussy. she was moaning and groaning. just before i came i pulled out and set her down and then using her lubricant that was still on my dick, i jacked off and when i came i used my powerfull sperm to slice the umbilical cord in half. my little fetus sister tied up her loose end and licked my cock clean again sucking all my man milk out.

i said that that was all she was going to eat for ever because it was high in protein. she said "i wuv you" and then we kissed and fell asleep again and lived happily ever after.

I laughed, and cried.

Random lnsanity / Snow Man, Its Body
« on: October 10, 2008, 08:33:27 pm »
In super mario for nintendo 64 how do you get the snowman's body to its head?

Random lnsanity / Jerry Springer Wants An Emmy
« on: October 03, 2008, 11:31:44 am »
The host of the TV show, Jerry Springer - the people that just need to be lined up, and shot decided that he deserves an Emmy. First of all the only reason I ever resort to watching jerry springer, is because, that its the only thing I can find on. All the small claims court shows stop showing at about 11, and then after flipn threw the channels I can usually only find jerry on or a repeat on the history channel about something fucking boring: oh.. earth quakes again so anyway that's pretty much the only reason I watch jerry springer. Now suddenly he wants an emmy for his piece of shit for a TV show, and I found out, because like a little fucking kid he shows his ugly face in a commercial and he said, "I suck at life. I want an emmy."

I guess his oxshit job, and mansion just aint good enough. Fuck dat bitch ass nigga

Tech Trades / Two People who Sell TEch Needed
« on: September 14, 2008, 11:51:57 am »
Links in mi siggy. I got the cash, and need the tech.

Random lnsanity / Check Out MaSite
« on: September 14, 2008, 11:22:05 am »

I used to have a site made, but then my friend made this homepage for my paintball team. This is from way back in the day.

Random lnsanity / Glass Water Laptop
« on: September 06, 2008, 04:23:51 pm »
My dad said that I was careless for when I put a glass of water next to my laptop. Oh, but I was to careful, because I was thirsty in the first place. Any way would you call it "careless" to have a drink by your laptop?

Random lnsanity / Oh... oh.. oh, oh
« on: September 05, 2008, 02:28:48 pm »

Random lnsanity / Job Is Left!
« on: August 27, 2008, 10:19:37 am »
Well I've always been sick of my job. Perhaps I'm just like everyone else in this regard, but then again my bosses are very lightly put unprofessional: alcoholics. They always drink, and come into work hungover barely able to stand sometimes while very poorly managing their workers. They sexually exploited young girls by getting them drunk, and sneaking them into adult 21+ places where ID is required. One girl I know told me two managers got her so hammered that she couldn't lift her arms meanwhile they undressed her, and lets just say no more need be said.

Now it was bad enough working for these fucking scum bags that I'll probably kill someday, but recently, and this is where I've had it they've sent me to another job position call the IC (incompatible) split. Only 2-3 people in the whole building work there, and the job was just lke my other job, but just on a 5th of the scaled of the size of the work area. The work wasn't, and the packages that came on the belt were oversized and or were either filled with a hazardous substance. To add these packages are usually thrown on the belt, and stacked 2 three, and even 4 high. I always have t stop the belt, and I have to move most of the materials. Last week twice I touched a leaking corrosive twice. On top of suffering, and being under paid I was dealing with this complete oxshit job position for the entire day of two shifts.

Well not anymore. My girlfriend said lets go find another job, but this time she was serious. I told her to put the car in reverse, and she then she backed out and we set out to put in applications for other job: bass proshop, applebees, best buy, walmart, and I'm currently lined u to work at the DDSP. It's an army depot that's a fif of the work I would be normally doing, and it's starting me out at 17.23/hr. Uh oh girlfriends awake

Random lnsanity / War Horrors
« on: August 19, 2008, 10:30:00 am »
Last night I thought that I'd be slick, because nobody was on for the update so I deployed 70% of my soldiers, and all my tanks for a massive assult. Epic failure, and this is the epic failure of the year, but then it just got worse, because next after he attacked me in the day time I lost almost nearly every soldier I had. Fuck this oxshit game, and look at these reports.

Subject: Battle Report

Message: You have been attacked by 1ofkind. You lost 5,444 soldiers and 1,491 tanks. You killed 18,000 soldiers and 5,200 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $155,260.42 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Subject: Battle Report

Message: You have been attacked by The Great One. You lost 7,172 soldiers and 175 tanks. You killed 7,619 soldiers and 614 tanks. Their forces razed 62.038 miles of your land, stole 5.925 technology, and destroyed 23.700 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
Subject: Battle Report

Message: You have been attacked by The Great One. You lost 33,317 soldiers and 5,087 tanks. You killed 13,853 soldiers and 63 tanks. Their forces razed 65.091 miles of your land, stole 5.922 technology, and destroyed 23.688 infrastructure. Their forces looted $1,000,000.00 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

120 Miles of land. Is there a fucking glitch in the system?

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