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Topics - Untelligent

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Random lnsanity / Those wacky dolphins.
« on: February 19, 2009, 09:12:25 pm »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/COuJJBibGWM&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Random lnsanity / "This should be interesting, folks."
« on: December 29, 2008, 09:01:53 pm »
[a href=\"http://kotaku.com/5119944/worldscom-files-suit-against-ncsoft-+-every-other-mmo-company-to-follow\" pitchget=\"_blank\"]http://kotaku.com/5119944/worldscom-files-...mpany-to-follow[/a]

I smell a shitstorm of the century on the horizon.

Random lnsanity / Y'know what I REALLY FUCKING HATE?
« on: December 25, 2008, 09:15:26 pm »
1. Tribute bands.

2. Sites that have 10 tribute bands to an artist or group, but not the actual artist or group.

*extends a middle finger to Spiralfrog*

Also, my favorite citrus-themed pirating apparatus is down. AGAIN.

-I don't give a crap about how popular or unpopular it is.

-If mp3 player A is more expensive AND is less useful than mp3 player B, I do NOT want player A. Even if it IS a little smaller than mp3 player B.

-I am ONLY going to use it to play music. I do NOT give a crap if it plays videos, browses my eMail, washes my socks, etc.

-Sound quality is important. I'm willing to shell out a little extra cash if it has better sound quality than otherwise similar players.

-I'd prefer the maximum file storage to be about 5-10 gigabytes.

Also, I can't stand earbuds. If it isn't compatible with headphones for some odd reason, I don't want it.

EDIT: Oh, and I'd greatly appreciate it if it's combatible with this site. So no ipod.

EDIT2: While I'm at it, I might as well make this a contest. Whoever ends up recommending the device I eventually get will receive $6 Million.

Random lnsanity / Wait wait wait, hold on a minute.
« on: November 13, 2008, 07:18:48 pm »

Sperm donors?

These guys can whack off for a good cause, and they have a shortage of this?

Random lnsanity / Boobs.
« on: October 13, 2008, 10:37:10 am »
Now let me tell a tale of how it came to be
That my life happened to be rotated One Hundred and Eighty degrees
Keep in mind that I often hesitate for a period of sixty seconds
So place your hindquarters on the chair
And I shall explain how I was made nobility in the hamlet of Bel-Air.

In the westerly section of the City of Brotherly Love I was cultivated
In the Youth Recreational Area, much time was allocated
Lounging aloof, to the most of my ability
Partaking in the sport of basketball adjacent to the Educational Facility
At that moment, a masculine duo,
Their intents malevolent,
Caused a significant amount of strife in the vicinity of my settlement
I happened upon a minor conflict, and my maternal guardian was filled with no small amount of despair
She ordered me: "You must move in with your avuncular relative and his spouse in the hamlet of Bel Air!"

I importuned redemption for many alternating periods of light and dark
Nevertheless, she gathered my belongings and I soon embarked
She offered me a sign of affection, and I received my pass
I equipped my archaic portable listening device and thought, "I suppose I ought to relax"

Luxurious settings, this is indeed a privilege!
Consuming the liquid of citruses from vessels normally containing a top-quality intoxicating beverage
Is this what the inhabitants of the hamlet of Bel-Air are exposed to?
Perhaps this is an decision with which I should follow through.

However, rumor has it they are a snobby group; wine, for instance.
Is the hamlet of Bel-Air a location to which the send a person of my indifference?
That, I highly doubt
I'll discover that when in that settlement I appear
I pray they condition themselves for nobility in the hamlet of Bel-Air.

The aerodynamic transportional vessel has completed its journey, and when I disembarked
An officer of the law was prepared for my arrival
I had no wish to be detained
I had just arrived at this location
Therefore, faster than a spark of electricity between the clouds and the planet's surface, I changed location.

I hailed public transportation, and when the distance between the vehicle and myself waned
I noticed that the identification plate said "fresh" and a pair of random number generators with six possible outputs hung from the reflective plane
Now this was a remarkably uncommon show of flair
But I thought to myself, think no more of it. "Sir, proceed to the hamlet of Bel-Air!"

The voyage ended around seven or eight hours past the strike of noon
I mentioned to the chauffere, "Sir, I suspect I shall see you soon!"
My eyes scanned my domain
I think it would be fair
To say that I had become nobility in the hamlet of Bel-Air.

[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/4sZuN0xXWLc&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Random lnsanity / New sig mascot.
« on: September 18, 2008, 07:53:27 pm »
Hell yes.

Random lnsanity / XD
« on: August 18, 2008, 11:37:58 am »
I was looking for a third enemy to beat up, and noticed this:


Random lnsanity / Does this flash work for anyone else?
« on: August 15, 2008, 06:38:07 pm »

Rather than a scrolling picture of a humorously long cat, all I'm getting is an inverted canadian flag. Does it work for anyone else?

Also sleep deprivation is making those angry bobcat or wildcat or hyena or whatever the fuck they're called howls outside seem louder and it's pissing me the fuck off.

Random lnsanity / Y'know what I REALLY FUCKING HATE?
« on: July 03, 2008, 08:26:12 pm »
When I go to a toilet or urinal and I find out my zipper's already down. >_O

Random lnsanity / Ginormo Sword
« on: June 29, 2008, 11:31:19 am »

The little pink knight goes where your mouse cursor is. Click to stab things. Find the monster's lairs on the world map and click to enter. Stab monsters for gold. Change equipment at the inn. Defeat all the monsters to unlock the boss. Kill the boss to get to the next area.

Find the blacksmith in stage 3 to upgrade your sword and make it liek xbox hueg.

o_o It's addicting.

Random lnsanity / I finally got DSL.
« on: June 26, 2008, 04:08:19 pm »

*goes to find a Spore Creature Creator download site*

EDIT: ...Damn you, lazy fingers.

It just makes all the sweat come down in one huge glob every half-hour or so. >_O

Random lnsanity / No one find it yet.
« on: June 11, 2008, 08:07:41 pm »
...or if they did, no one tell them. Untelligent does not blame them. o_o

Random lnsanity / This is a test.
« on: May 20, 2008, 09:21:24 pm »

...nope, it's the RIA that's been shrinking my images, not photobucket. Hmm...

Random lnsanity / ...what the hell?
« on: May 15, 2008, 04:11:14 pm »

Random lnsanity / O_o I discovered a new word filter just meow.
« on: March 12, 2008, 05:20:34 pm »

Random lnsanity / Chuck Norris doesn't eat birthday cake.
« on: March 10, 2008, 04:51:46 pm »
He eats souls...

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