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Topics - Azural

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Defunct Treaties / OCUK ProtectoRIte Agreement
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:40:59 pm »
RIA--OCUK ProtectoRIte

The RIA, having a strong relationship and good ties with OCUK, does take on the role of Protector of OCUK in order to guide and defend them from any who would seek to threaten them and their members.

Article I
The RIA pledges to defend OCUK against any acts of aggression to the fullest extent of its ability. Any action taken against OCUK will be considered as a direct attack on the RIA.

Article II
OCUK agrees to give it’s loyalty to the RIA. Abuse of this friendship in any way will be cause for cancellation of this pact. Abuse includes, but is not limited to, provoking other alliances into a war, attacking the RIA or its allies, or aiding enemies of the RIA.

Article III
The RIA will send a representative to OCUK. This representative will be kept informed of all events in OCUK and may act in an advisory role. To protect the sovereignty of OCUK, the representative will have no formal power in OCUK.

Article IV

Article V
Either alliance may withdraw from this treaty by giving fourty-eight thousand and one cookies to the other alliance.

Article VI
The protectorate will automatically nullify once the OCUK reaches 123,456 strength.

Signed, RIA:

Delta, Leader
Crazyisraelie, Co-Leader
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Zombie2000, War Advisor
cheeseaholic, Economic Advisor

Signed, OCUK:

Zipian: Foreign Minister
Danger Phoenix: Shadow Minister
Kronologic: Minister of Aid
Babyface: Minister of Trade
mleh: Minister of War

Defunct Treaties / Wii ProtectoRIte Agreement
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:39:45 pm »
The RIA, having a strong relationship and good ties with Western Intelligence Inquisition (Wii), does take  on the role of Protector of Wii in order to guide and defend them from any who would seek to threaten them and their members.

Article I
The RIA pledges to defend Wii against any acts of aggression to the fullest extent of its ability. Any action taken against Wii will be considered as a direct attack on the RIA.

Article II
Wii agrees to give it’s loyalty to the RIA. Abuse of this friendship in any way will be cause for cancellation of this pact. Abuse includes, but is not limited to, provoking other alliances into a war, attacking the RIA or its allies, or aiding enemies of the RIA.

Article III
The RIA will send a representative to Wii.This representative will be kept informed of all events in [insert] and may act in an advisory role. To protect the sovereignty of Wii, the representative will have no formal power in Wii.

Article IV

Article V
Either alliance may withdraw from this treaty by giving 48 thousand cookies to the other alliance.

Signed, RIA:[/b]
Azural, Leader
Flask, Co-Leader
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Delta1212, War Advisor
Crazyisraelie, Economic Advisor

Signed, Wii:[/b]
-Baron Will Scarlett, Leader of Wii

Superseded Treaties / USN--RIA NAP
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:37:59 pm »
RIA-USN Non-Agression Pact


This is a Non--Agression Pact (NAP) between the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) and the United Sovereign Nations (USN). We do not want to smash each other to pieces with a rusty golf club. That is all.

Article I:

The signed alliances will not preform any acts of hostility or espionage towards each other. They also agree to not give any AIDS to a known enemy of the other.

Article II:

If a member of either alliance attacks a member of the other, then both alliances will resolve the matter diplomatically. Reparations will be paid by the aggressor at 2x the amount of damage done. Punishment will be decided by the aggressor nations alliance, in accordance with said alliance's laws.

Article III:

If one party wishes to cancel, they need to give at least 48 cookies to the other and an hour's worth of warning for each cookie. Failure to do so will make Cookie Monster very angry.

Article IV:


Article V:

Crunka's Mom


This document was signed in in good will and to increase and influence good relations between the RIA and USN

Signed, RIA:
Azural, Leader of the RIA
Flask, Co-Leader of the RIA
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Shyox, ex-Leader of the RIA
Crazyisrealie, Economic Advisor
Delta1212, War Advisor

Signed, USN:
Marine91: Admin Council
Someone: Admin Council
OsamaEBW: Admin Council
Flyskate: High Council, Minister of Foerign Affairs

Defunct Treaties / NO--RIA NAP
« on: April 17, 2007, 07:15:30 pm »
RIA--N-O Non-Agression Pact[/size]


This is a Non-Agression Pact (NAP) between the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) and Novus Orbus (N-O). We do not want to smash each other to pieces with a rusty golf club. That is all.

Article I:

The signed alliances will not preform any acts of hostility or espionage twards eachother.  They also agree to not give any AIDS to a known enemy of the other.

Article II:

If a member of either alliance attacks a member of the other, then both alliances will resolve the matter diplomatically.  Reperations will be paid by the agressor at 2x the ammount of damage done.  Punishment will be decided by the agressor nations alliance, in accordiance with said alliance's laws.

Article III:

If one party wishes to cancel, they need to give at least 48 cookies to the other and an hour's worth of warning for each cookie.  Failure to do so will make Cookie Monster very angry.

Article IV:

D: Florida


This document was signed in in good will and to increase and influence good relations between the RIA and N-O.

Signed, RIA:[/size]
Azural, Leader
crazyisraelie, Economic Advisor
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Delta1212, War Advisor
Flask, Co-Leader

Signed, N-O:[/size]
Lake- King Novus Orbus
Thanos72286 -Sec. of State Novus Orbus

Superseded Treaties / TTK--RIA NAP
« on: April 17, 2007, 07:12:19 pm »
The purpose of this document is to re-affirm the mutual respect between The Templar Knights, hereby referred to as TTK, and the Random Insanity Alliance, hereby referred to as RIA through a pledge of peaceful co-existence and non-aggression.

Article 1:
TTK will not commence any acts of hostility or espionage towards RIA
RIA will not commence any acts of hostility or espionage towards TTK.

Should a member of one the participants of this document be caught in acts of espionage or hostility towards the other alliance an official statement and reparations will be required within 48 hours of the alliance being notified.

The hostile member must be punished by their alliance, in accordance with the constitution and laws of the member’s alliance, within 32 hours of the official statement.

Neither participant shall provide aid, be it military, intelligence, financial or technological, to a known enemy of the other, if this should happen then an amount of aid, twice the size, must be given to the other alliance within 24 hours or this document becomes null and void.

Article 2:
Should a participant in this document come under disaster or attack, the other alliance is not obliged to provide any sort of aid, be it military, intelligence, financial or technological.

Article 3:
As a sign of good faith both participants are to provide regular (at least weekly) updates to each other on foreign relations(including NAPs and MDPs), updated member lists and major internal changes (e.g. elections).

Article 4:
If one or many these articles are violated, then the offending nation will be open to retaliatory strikes from the defender and the defender’s alliance until peace terms are accepted and the offending nation is punished according to their alliance’s laws and constitution.

Article 5:
Any large scale, blatant disregard of this NAP by either participant will lead to its immediate dissolution unless within 24 hours an official statement is made stating why (requiring proof, and extremely strong reasons) and reparations are paid.

We, the undersigned alliances,

Signed for TTK:

Comrade Brad - Grandmaster
DavidK - External Perceptor
Ivan Markov - Internal Perceptor
Danome, Ennesaj88, Runedan - Elder Councilors

Signed for RIA:

Shyox, Leader
Leo, Co-Leader
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Omega-Red, War Advisor
Delta1212, Economic Advisor
some other guys that aren't in the Cabinet

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Mask/Embassy requests
« on: April 17, 2007, 12:25:42 am »
Post the following in a new topic:

Code: [Select]
[b]Your Nation's Ruler:[/b]
[b]Your Alliance:[/b]
[b]Your Alliance's Initials:[/b]
[b]Your Alliance's primary team color:[/b]
[b]URL to your alliance's forum:[/b]
[b]If you are over the age of 18(or 21 if you live in one of those country's) would you like access to our NSFW forum? (please reply in yes/no format)[/b]

You will also need to message our Head of Foreign Affairs either in game or on IRC for validation purposes.
Our current HoFA is Brian http://www.cybernations.net/send_message.asp?Nation_ID=467779

Random lnsanity / ASCII
« on: April 16, 2007, 09:14:53 pm »
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Pages: 1 2 [3]

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