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Topics - KingRanter

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 7
Random lnsanity / I need some zombie sprites
« on: January 07, 2009, 05:43:03 pm »
I need walking zombie sprites, front view is most important, side views are important too. its for a school thing, i gotta put them into a video that i'm recording this friday. I need the lowest bit possible, because it needs to look rly pixelated for irony purposes. pleez.

I've been looking but not finding much that could help, idunno if there is any particular game that might have good zombie sprites that will work.

Random lnsanity / lol @ stumbleupon
« on: December 28, 2008, 11:32:55 pm »
i came across this


[a href=\"http://www.snurfy.com/girls-compilation-21/\" pitchget=\"_blank\"]http://www.snurfy.com/girls-compilation-21/[/a]

Random lnsanity / what's wrong with my wii?
« on: December 28, 2008, 12:11:01 pm »
When I turn on my Wii the green power light turns on and the TV screen flickers as if the Wii has actually turned on but the screen remains black and nothing happens, and the Wii remotes don't respond. I've tried this on 2 TVs so the TV isn't the problem. what the fuck.

Random lnsanity / everythings tastes gross
« on: December 22, 2008, 12:20:42 am »
im sick, but im much much much much less sick that i was last week, where i was in bed for like 4 days straight with what turned out to be bronchitis, much less severe than i made it seem. anyways, while i was sick, this rly thick gross shit kept forming on my 2 front teeth while i slept i guess, and when i woke up i would notice it and i could scrape it off with my fingernails. interestingly, this makes my 2 front teeth cleaner than the rest but this shit also seems to form on my mouth and it may be relevant but everything tastes kinda different. it's not as bad as it used to be a few days ago but its still kind of annoying to eat cookies since they dont taste good as they used to.

i know the RIA has smart people in it, maybe someone knows why this is happening?

tl;dr: i was sick and now food doesnt taste as good, why

also, 1337 posts! hooray!

Random lnsanity / SUPER-EASY DONATION
« on: December 18, 2008, 02:54:43 pm »
well actually theres no money involved here, im just ripping off Apophis's idea for advertising.


Random lnsanity / RRRRRRRRRRRRR
« on: December 17, 2008, 07:27:12 pm »

wtfits, i researched this and found a shitload about it, but what i did find was people talking about how they played all the games and shit and how its apparently not bullshit. however when i come here, none of the games even show up at all, and theres no space for them to show up or anything.

unless it is bullshit and im just being gullible like usual. >_>

EDIT: i found one of the games from this particular site on dig and no one was flaming it for not being there.

Random lnsanity / Club Baby Seals
« on: December 17, 2008, 06:53:32 pm »
Fuck yeah club baby seals

you don't have to llloooooovvvvvvvveeeeeeee baby seals to be in club baby seals.

that is all.


Random lnsanity / ITT: Saving money on batteries
« on: December 11, 2008, 06:53:06 pm »
I'm a failure to the RIA and i've wasted your time if you've come to this topic. please come to my house and tear my organs through my ribs.

Random lnsanity / I'm having a good brain day today
« on: December 09, 2008, 08:34:06 pm »
Ask me anything.

Random lnsanity / Who's got some sprites for me?
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:03:30 pm »
i need sprites from super mario bros
specifically i need:

Bowser's bridge
Bowser's axe

please, its for school

Random lnsanity / My Brawl Card
« on: November 30, 2008, 09:33:48 pm »
see sig, the mario siggy pic i stole has been replaced

just click it

i have this on another forum i found today and i learned has this thing that some users use. I found it interesting, so i made my own, and i put it on my sig, then i put it on my sig here. now i need it level'd, like once a day per IP adress i think is the max or something like that

Random lnsanity / Homebrew on the wii
« on: November 24, 2008, 08:59:26 pm »
if you saw the topic i technically made 10ish or 15ish or 20ish minutes ago, im not posting for a while. however im gonna post here cause i need to know somethinn about somethinn

i found out about the "homebrew" channel, which is a soft mod for the wii thats rly complicated right now, cause it should be working but its not right now >_>

should i go through with getting it, or will it destroy my wii? cause if it doesnt destroy it, im gonna go through with it. theres some stuff that i wanna get from it.

Random lnsanity / Today is my last day here
« on: November 24, 2008, 08:32:13 pm »
i'm gonna stop posting tomorrow. no posts after today.

I've got a lot of stuff i have to catch up on

a lot

mostly gaming

but other stuff too

and i need to relieve something

so im relieaving the RIA

i'll talk to you all again one day

maybe in a weekish, when im done my break

Random lnsanity / Some actionscript help
« on: November 20, 2008, 04:28:03 pm »
I have 2 input boxes. Each will contain a string, and when a button is pressed, a shitload of stuff happens to a lot of other text boxes, most of which is walking through strings and whatnot. I am only stumped by one. >_>

The 2 strings have to alternate letters, starting with input 1 and then input 2 and back and forth, the longer one of course haing the rest of its letters at the end. for example

Input 1



yes i realize that "Ria" is in the output, thats a coincidence, but its funny. anyways, I've not the slightest clue where to get started. I need a for loop, but i've got nothing else. I use Actionscript 1.0 if that helps, cause the school only has Flash MX.

Random lnsanity / did the RIA get a bug?
« on: November 19, 2008, 09:22:50 pm »
for the past few days ive been getting the little folders telling me there are new posts in topics. but when i go to them, nothing has changed. I didnt go on all day today cause i wasnt home, and a fuckload of new stuff happened, and i've read most of it all before! What the Fuck, this is really goddamn annoying!

im not actually THAT mad >_> but mad is where i'm gonna go if this keeps fucking happening >_>

Random lnsanity / what the fuck
« on: November 11, 2008, 08:37:12 pm »
its fucking closed, it should at least be unpinned >_>

Edit: the topic description is missing the "for" at the end

Random lnsanity / So i finally talked to this girl.
« on: November 08, 2008, 06:45:39 pm »
been trying to for nearly a month. im a chicken shit i know. even worse is that i did it through facebook. Does making a first conversation over the internet with whom you could easily talk to in real life make you a nerd? cause if it does, then I now have MORE proof that I'm a nerd.

Random lnsanity / Holy Fuck I need help with flash
« on: November 06, 2008, 02:44:12 pm »
I've got like 3 things i have to do in flash for 2morrow at school. im gonna be doing this all day. i need help though with some of the actionscript, as i am not sure what to do about it. I am requesting the help of the RIA to fix my stupid little issue with one of them.

the smallest thing is, i have to have 2 textboxes, one input and one dynamic. I need to make the input texbox have a number in it and the dynamic, on button press (or release) to show that numbers absolute value. I have the following code on the button:

[div class=\'codetop\']CODE[div class=\'codemain\' style=\'height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto\']on (release)
   if (i.text >= 0)
      a.text = i.text
   } else if (i.text < 0)
      a.text = i.text / -1
   } else if (i.text >= "a" and a.text <= "z")
      a.text = "NaN"
   } else if (i.text >= "A" and a.text <= "Z")
      a.text = "NaN"

i = initial value (input textbox)
a = absolute value (dynamic textbox)

its supposed to take the number and put it in the dynamic textbox, if its less than 0 then it divides it by -1 and then outputs it, and if it isn't a letter it outputs "NaN" which would mean "Not a Number". I also need it to output "N/A" when there's nothing in the input box and the button is pressed.

at the very least, tell me what i'm doing wrong and how to fix it please.

Random lnsanity / my friend's facebook note
« on: November 06, 2008, 02:34:36 pm »
at 9:44pm

at 9:48pm

at 9:48pm

at 9:48pm

at 9:48pm

at 9:48pm

at 9:49pm

at 9:49pm

at 9:50pm

at 9:50pm

at 9:51pm

at 9:51pm

at 9:52pm

at 9:53pm

at 9:54pm
k lance is being a baby and told me to stop

at 9:54pm
it was fun while it lasted

at 9:54pm
oh well

at 9:55pm
so who liked my array of spam

at 9:55pm
i did

at 9:55pm
i still am actually

at 9:56pm
i think its hilarious

at 9:56pm
i hope you do to

at 9:56pm
enjoy it while it lasts

at 9:57pm
it will probably get deleted

at 9:57pm
btw guys say nothing to lance about me calling him a baby

at 9:57pm
or that i am still doing this

at 9:58pm
it would break his heart

at 9:58pm

at 9:58pm
oh well

at 9:58pm

at 9:59pm
what now you guys

at 9:59pm
wanna play naked frisbee?

at 9:59pm
u dont?

at 9:59pm
neither do i

at 9:59pm
thats good

at 10:00pm

at 10:00pm
ok im sorry

at 10:00pm
i lied

at 10:00pm
i wanted to play frisbee

at 10:00pm
naked frisbee especially

at 10:01pm
but when you said you didn't want to

at 10:01pm
i didnt want to make you feel bad for me

at 10:01pm
so i said i didnt want to play either

at 10:01pm
but now i'm very sad

at 10:01pm
but i will cheer up

at 10:01pm
dont you worry

at 10:02pm
see? i'm already better

at 10:02pm
see? look *sniff*

at 10:02pm
no more tears

at 10:02pm
its ok now

at 10:02pm
but now theres nothing to do

at 10:03pm
other than play naked frisbee

at 10:03pm
but with myself

at 10:03pm
who would have thought

at 10:03pm
playing with a plastic toy

at 10:03pm
all by myself

at 10:03pm

at 10:04pm
not me, not me

at 10:04pm
i dont think i'll do that

at 10:04pm
i'll play something else naked

at 10:04pm

at 10:04pm

at 10:04pm

at 10:04pm
i cant think of anything to do

at 10:05pm
im lonely

at 10:05pm
im naked and lonely

at 10:05pm

at 10:05pm
im not naked

at 10:05pm
im so sorry

at 10:05pm
i lied again

Peter Pesce wrote
at 10:08pm
Omg thomas your my hero bro

at 10:11pm
i just.

at 10:11pm
im so lonely

at 10:12pm
and i wanted attention

at 10:12pm
so i said i was naked

at 10:12pm
and that i wanted to play naked games

at 10:12pm
but you didnt want to play

at 10:13pm
so i couldnt keep lying because i knew you would find out

at 10:13pm
oh well

at 10:13pm
i need a girlfriend

at 10:13pm
like, badly

at 10:13pm

at 10:13pm

at 10:13pm

at 10:14pm

at 10:14pm

at 10:14pm

at 10:14pm

at 10:14pm
but no one likes me

at 10:15pm
and it makes me sad

at 10:15pm
that no one likes me

at 10:15pm
im gonna go kill myself

at 10:15pm

at 10:15pm

at 10:15pm

at 10:15pm

at 10:16pm

at 10:16pm

at 10:16pm

at 10:16pm

at 10:16pm

at 10:16pm
IM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!

at 10:16pm

at 10:17pm
but i'll calm down

at 10:17pm
and i'll be nice

at 10:17pm
and i wont lie

at 10:18pm

at 10:18pm
so please forgive me

at 10:18pm

at 10:18pm
so whats up guys?

at 10:19pm
hows it goin???

at 10:19pm
you wouldnt happen to have some good ol' money for me would ya?

at 10:19pm
money would be nice

at 10:19pm
money's awesome

at 10:20pm
i like it alot

at 10:20pm
i like it as much as food

at 10:20pm
but sometimes

at 10:20pm
sometimes you have to part with money

at 10:20pm
in order to get food

at 10:21pm
but that can't be helped

at 10:21pm
but thats what money is for, right?

at 10:21pm

at 10:21pm
oh well

at 10:22pm
as long as we have ourselves, were fine

at 10:22pm
and each other too
at 10:22pm
but i have no one.

at 10:22pm

at 10:22pm

at 10:22pm

at 10:23pm
I'M GOING TO ROT IN A PIT OF LONELINESS- well thats enough of that

at 10:23pm
but if you couldnt catch my drift, im single

at 10:23pm
just if you wanted to know

at 10:23pm
just in case

at 10:24pm
cause maybe you did

at 10:24pm
but you didn't

at 10:24pm
did you?

at 10:24pm

at 10:24pm
thats what i thought

at 10:24pm
no one wants me around

at 10:24pm
no one even cares

at 10:25pm
but thats how life is sometimes

at 10:25pm
or all the time

at 10:25pm
its funny

at 10:25pm
it really is

at 10:25pm

at 10:25pm

at 10:25pm

at 10:25pm
whats next

at 10:26pm
maybe i'll go eat a tiger

at 10:26pm
or maybe!

at 10:26pm
I'll let the tiger eat ME!

at 10:26pm
and THEN!

at 10:26pm
I'll eat everything that he ate

at 10:27pm
and then i'll wreck my way out through his ass

at 10:27pm
but i wont take the intenstines

at 10:27pm
i'll just rrrrrip through

at 10:27pm
it'll be badass

at 10:27pm
blood everywhere.

at 10:28pm
and i'll have eaten too.

at 10:28pm
*smacks lips*

at 10:28pm
thats some good shit

at 10:28pm
the irony of it is though

at 10:28pm
i wont eat the shit

at 10:29pm
i'll just eat whats supposed to turn into shit

at 10:29pm
and turn it into my own shit

at 10:29pm
then maybe i can shit out that shit into the dead tigers mouth

at 10:29pm
it'll be very fun

at 10:30pm

at 10:30pm
then i'll help him on his feet

at 10:30pm
and apologize

at 10:30pm
i'm courteous sometimes

at 10:31pm
you gotta give me SOME credit

at 10:31pm
i mean

at 10:31pm
come on

at 10:31pm
i'm a cool guy

at 10:31pm

at 10:31pm

at 10:31pm
ahh, you know im right

at 10:32pm
to some extent

at 10:32pm
sometimes i can get pretty heated

at 10:32pm
for those of you who know me

at 10:32pm
i can get quiiite the temper

at 10:32pm
so dont make me lose it on you

at 10:33pm
i knooooww how to fight

at 10:33pm
Peter Pesce wrote
at 10:33pm

at 10:33pm

at 10:33pm

at 10:34pm
combo breaker # 2

at 10:34pm

at 10:34pm
not appreciating such a thing

at 10:34pm
did you not hear what i just said?

at 10:34pm
i just said i have a temper

at 10:35pm
and i just said i know how to fight

at 10:35pm
but maybe you misunderstood

at 10:35pm
maybe you thought by getting heated, i ment in bed

at 10:36pm
well sir it's been a few months since ive done anything within the said category

at 10:36pm
this relating to the said being single

at 10:36pm
its actually quite annoying

at 10:37pm
and i doubt you understand

at 10:37pm
you couldnt possible understand

at 10:37pm

at 10:37pm
i get alot of typos

at 10:37pm
oh well

at 10:38pm
i've been talking siiince

at 10:38pm

at 10:38pm
for about an hour

at 10:38pm

at 10:38pm
oh well

at 10:38pm
i might hit the sack soon

at 10:39pm
sleep is good too

at 10:39pm
i like to try to get in bed by 11, so i dont fall asleep during the day

at 10:39pm
neither of those 2 things ever happen though

at 10:40pm
but i'll get to bed early eventually though

at 10:40pm
maybe one day

at 10:40pm
from exhaustion

at 10:40pm
or death

at 10:40pm
or blood loss

at 10:40pm
or oxets

at 10:40pm

at 10:41pm
oh well

at 10:41pm
i'm off to bed

at 10:41pm
goodnight friends

at 10:41pm
and everyone else

at 10:41pm
have sweet dreams

at 10:41pm
or dont

at 10:42pm
whichever is your preference

at 10:42pm
i enjoy a good nightmare

at 10:42pm
helps me appreciate life

at 10:42pm
but i also like a good dream too

at 10:42pm
helps me escape

at 10:42pm
but i digress

at 10:42pm
goodbye everyone

at 10:43pm
i hope you enjoyed our time

at 10:43pm
i know i did

at 10:43pm
but you may never see me again

at 10:43pm
but you might

at 10:43pm
i dont actually know for sure

at 10:44pm
who ever really does

at 10:44pm
not me

at 10:44pm
not me

at 10:44pm
not me...

Random lnsanity / That LOZ movie
« on: November 04, 2008, 09:03:23 pm »
was that fake or not!? I heard so much shit about that it's not even funny, the trailer was released all over the damn place on April 1st and it said it was coming out April 1st but i heard sooo much damn shit about it, and i just wanted to get a confirmation. personally i think its fake but it would be so badass if it was real, exept for the fact that in the trailer, zelda said that when you take the master sword you go back in time 7 years, which is wrong cause u got forward in time 7 years, and when you put it back you go back in time 7 years

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