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Topics - Jenne

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Random lnsanity / My dogs breath smells like piss
« on: November 03, 2011, 09:24:18 pm »
Presumably from licking her snatch.  Any suggestions on how to stop this?  The problem is, she is licking herself, then licking my couch or the bed sheets and making them smell like she pissed on them too. 

Random lnsanity / Screw you Arsenal
« on: October 29, 2011, 06:28:26 pm »
You cost me my STFC streak by beating Chelsea.  That's what I get for picking some third world semi-sport.

Random lnsanity / Wear your helmet retards.
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:02:37 pm »
Mountain Biker gets taken out by BUCK - CRAZY Footage - Only in Africa

Tech Trades / Need 2 more sellers
« on: August 28, 2011, 01:13:21 pm »
:boobs: :rainbowsheep:

Random lnsanity / Yep, farts are still funny
« on: August 25, 2011, 10:21:44 pm »
Bulldog Hates Farts (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

Random lnsanity / Most under rated song
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:16:58 pm »
This is one of, if not my favorite song on Dirt.  "Saw my reflection an cried.  So little hope that I died."

Alice In Chains - Angry Chair

Never going to be a classic, but just rockin and angry. 

Megadeth - Architecture of Aggression (The video's owner prevents external embedding)

Random lnsanity / Did I move to the sun?
« on: July 21, 2011, 08:35:55 pm »
 :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn: :supaburn:
This shit is retarded.  Heat indexes have been 112-117 all week.  Makes me wish I still had my hot tub so I could get in and cool off.   


Random lnsanity / PSN Back Online
« on: June 05, 2011, 01:30:40 pm »
And giving away two free games. 

You can choose from:
Super Stardust™ HD
WipEout® HD Bundle
Dead Nation™

The question is, which two should I get.

Random lnsanity / LA Noire
« on: May 06, 2011, 10:01:19 pm »
Anyone thoughts.  I'll admit to being a GTA slave.  RDR was ok, but Undead Nightmare made it well worth it.  But I am not sure what to make of this one.  I thought it looked good on commercials, but watching some of the trailers and gameplay videos, I am not sure if I will love the game or it will annoy the crap out of me. 

Random lnsanity / Stumble this
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:10:50 pm »

Random lnsanity / Now this is just sick
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:18:42 pm »
This guy ran a marathon every day for a year.  Christ, I don't run enough to cover the distance of 1 marathon in a year. 


Random lnsanity / made me lol
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:10:48 pm »
Message from Joanna Hodgekiss from Madison, In. - Oct 7, 2010

Apparently this was such a magnificent door, Paid to have it installed in my front entryway, and two days later it was stolen while I was at work. Beautiful door, just be sure your neighborhood is safer than mine.

Random lnsanity / dood, it's a space vagina
« on: August 14, 2010, 09:49:03 am »

Random lnsanity / RIA Fantasy Football League
« on: July 26, 2010, 09:19:23 pm »
Who is in?

We did a joint one with TJO last year, but participation was lacking.  I'd like to see a lot more of you in it this year.  If we cannot get enough internal participation, I will open this up to allies. 

Random lnsanity / Am I the only one?
« on: July 19, 2010, 08:42:48 pm »
Who checks out all their ex-girlfriends on facebook and realizes that they dodged a major bullet?  I don't know if I was just too drunk back then, or I ruined them for the rest of the world, but there is not one of them I look at now and can believe they ever looked half as good as they did back in the day. 

Then -->:boobs:
Now -->:rainbowsheep:

Random lnsanity / Damn it Leo!
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:36:01 pm »
Next time you use my computer, aim for something other than the mouse.  The fucking middle button does not click any more. 

Random lnsanity / Dear Penthouse Forum,
« on: June 29, 2010, 08:35:29 pm »
Or at least that is how this story should have ended.  The last two days I have had someone show up to my house to pick up something I listed on freecycle, and they both turned out to be smoking hot early college age chicas.  Unfortunately the first showed up with her bf, and the 2nd, well the wife was on the way home.  But, if either had offered to thank me, I would have had a very hard time saying no.  I am so jealous of my dogs getting to lick her. 

I know, no pics so BS, but at least I know what the old lady is going to look like for a while.

Random lnsanity / Fucking tornados
« on: June 06, 2010, 10:31:40 am »

I could see the wall cloud of this thing from the end of my street.  Reports said they could see the tornado from the tower at the airport, which is across the road.  Looks like it made quite a mess. 

Random lnsanity / A tribute to Type O Negative. RIP Peter.
« on: April 15, 2010, 06:39:12 pm »
Goth rock fans lost a legend yesterday when Peter Steele died of apparent heart failure.  I saw these guys in concert 4 times, including a Halloween show under a full moon. 

Black No. 1
- Probably their most tonicular song
Christian Woman
- My personal favorite
Cinnamon Girl - One of many excellent covers
Love You to Death
- Believe it or not, this was going to be our wedding song if I married one of my college gfs.
Wolf Moon
- To quote Peter, "This is a song about a guy who turns into a warewolf when he goes down on a menstruating woman during a full moon... What's a little roast beef without the gravy?"
Everything Dies
- He just had to prove himself right. 
Dead Again
- I didn't even know this album was out.  This song pretty much says it all.

May you find the peace in death that you could not have in life.  RIP Peter.

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