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Topics - enragedlobster

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Random lnsanity / You guys should like this.
« on: October 16, 2007, 03:18:18 pm »
The high school I was at last year is doing this for their spring musical:

Take a look at that song list and see if you notice anything epic and win.

Random lnsanity / So yeah...
« on: October 15, 2007, 08:02:05 pm »
...why is this passworded now?

Random lnsanity / ITT, I talk about Guitar Hero.
« on: October 09, 2007, 01:55:28 pm »
Today, I beat two of the three songs that have been kicking my ass repeatedly: Less Talk More Rokk and Play With Me. Now the only song I haven't beaten...is Jordan.

Wish me luck...

Progress: 59%

Defunct Treaties / Yummy... (PIAT with GOD)
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:28:18 pm »

Preamble: GOD and RIA are PIATin’ it up

Article 1: Peace
We be peaceful.

Article 2: Intelligence
We tell each other stuff.

Article 3: Aid
We be givin’ each other aid and maroon buttsecks.

Article D: Florida
lol, RIA memes

Article 5: Ungood
If to end this friendship one should want, 48-hour notice thy friend dost need.


For the RIA:

Delta1212, Leader
EnragedLobster, Head of Foreign Affairs and that guy who writes silly treaties
Kaiser ~ War Advisor

For the Global Order of Darkness:

Big_Z, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs
Xiphosis, Emperor
President Smith, Emperor

Defunct Treaties / Yay, puppies! (PIAT with TORN)
« on: October 08, 2007, 03:14:32 pm »
[align=center]Yay, puppies![/align]

Preramble: The Order of Righteous Nations and the Random Insanity Alliance wish to bind their friendship in the following PIAT, which was written in about 5 minutes, most of which was devoted to this preramble. The entire reason it’s so long is because I made a typo and felt like following up with it, since it could be a kind of funny idea. In retrospect, it was kind of silly, but I suppose silly things happen sometimes. Actually, this whole idea wasn’t even that funny to begin with. It’s really just annoying. Oh, well, it could be worse. I could write the entire treaty in 1337-speak, that’d be a lot more annoying. Can you imagine it? A whole treaty written with numbers and symbols. I can’t even bear to read one sentence of it, let alone a full treaty. Considering how obnoxiously long this preramble is, that’s be a lot of 1337 to deal with, and that would be even more annoying than if it was just an average treaty, although some are pretty wordy. Personally, I much prefer it when a treaty cuts the pointless crap and just goes right to the point. Rambling and avoiding the point is kind of useless, in my opinion. Putting it in an official document is even worse. That’s so many words to read, just so you know that they didn’t put some stupid thing that’ll get you in trouble with people, which is normally the exact opposite to the reason most people make treaties, isn’t it? Honestly, putting something like that into an official document is like signing a death warrant, especially if it’s something against a major power. Man, that would end badly. I bet you’re expecting me to be an idiot and put something like that in here. Well, my friend, you are sadly mistaken, as I have no intention of putting stupid, pointless insults in the middle of my preramble. I know how stupid that would be and I don’t feel lik putting these two alliances in danger for some mild lulz (a corruption of L-O-L, meaning “laugh out loud”) on my part. I’m not that stupid. I'm not saying I'm not stupid, since I am quite stupid, but I'm not that stupid. That takes stupidity to a whole new level. That's like running into Homeland Security and screaming "I have a bomb!" stupid. The only way it'll end is with your death. Personally, I don't want to die. I don't know abut you, but death just isn't something I look forward to. Probably the whole atheist thing. Maybe it'd be a little better if I actually believed in some sort of afterlife, but I don't, so I'm kind of afraid of death. As a result, I don't run into Homeland Security and scream "I have a bomb!" very often. Maybe it'd be fun before you get shot, but that whole getting-shot-and-dying thing kind of puts a damper on the whole situation.

Article 6: Rainbows and Unicorns
Rainbows are cute. So are unicorns. Busted kneecaps aren’t. So we’re not gonna bust each others’ kneecaps.

Article 3.1415926535897: Pie
Pie is tasty. If we hear that someone’s plotting to steal the other’s pie, we’ll tell them.

Article D: Florida

Article Thick: So Good
We hereby agree that Tom DeLay (pbuh) is made of pure epic win.

Article : Band-Aids
If one of us trips and skins their knee, the other will give them a band-aid. It’s only nice.

Article Suck: Growing Up
If one of us feels we’ve outgrown the other, our buddyship can be cancelled by telling the other 48 hours ahead of time.


For the Random Insanity Alliance:
Delta1212, Leader
Vintus, Co-Leader
EnragedLobster, Head of Foreign Affairs
Kaiser, War Advisor
Moth, Economic Advisor

For The Order of Righteous Nations:
His Royal Thickness, Triumvir
KungFuGeek, Triumvir
bigwoody, Triumvir

Random lnsanity / The official EnragedLobster seal!
« on: September 29, 2007, 07:05:20 pm »

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Loren
« on: September 25, 2007, 05:41:43 pm »
Can we put our spam-off on hold?


Dinner beckons.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Loren
« on: September 19, 2007, 10:15:55 am »

Random lnsanity / Why, hello there.
« on: September 16, 2007, 11:21:32 pm »
Would you care to engage in sexual intercourse via the anal cavity?

Random lnsanity / AIR: NTTA
« on: September 16, 2007, 02:36:27 pm »
Non-flooding spam-off. Nao.


Random lnsanity / :O
« on: September 01, 2007, 11:33:18 pm »
[embed src=\"http://hyperonic.com/flash/edgeworth.swf\" Flashvars=\"InputStr=This+is+how+you+talk+for+Edgy.\" width=\"800\" height=\"600\"

Tech Trades / Selling tech.
« on: August 29, 2007, 09:12:01 pm »
Get a middleman and I'll take any reasonable price.

Random lnsanity / lol nvm
« on: August 24, 2007, 07:25:54 am »
I just deleted my nation.


Random lnsanity / Oh, shit.
« on: August 14, 2007, 09:07:27 am »

Random lnsanity / Epic Rickrolls ITT
« on: August 13, 2007, 11:50:25 am »
Over the past few summers, I've been involved with a summer theater company. We always screw around on closing night, but this year's closing night was by far the best. Aside from all the random shit we did (two leads had a contest to see how many "meow"s they could say onstage, among many other things), during the bows, instead of the normal bow music, Never Gonna Give You Up came on.


Post your epic Rickrolls.

Random lnsanity / EL has a new avatar?
« on: August 09, 2007, 02:19:58 pm »

Severus Snape.

Random lnsanity / 7000 get!
« on: August 08, 2007, 11:40:57 am »

Random lnsanity / >.>
« on: August 04, 2007, 10:45:31 pm »
EnragedLobster89 (11:41:37 PM): A guy just PMed me saying that he'll drop my trade unless I give him >3mil.
Saltpeter Taffy (11:41:49 PM): ...Did he give a reason?
Saltpeter Taffy (11:41:55 PM): Is he in an alliance?
EnragedLobster89 (11:42:00 PM): CSN.
Saltpeter Taffy (11:42:02 PM): ...
Saltpeter Taffy (11:42:06 PM): Not cool.
EnragedLobster89 (11:42:07 PM): Someone else offered 3mil for a trade slot.
Saltpeter Taffy (11:42:14 PM): Ah.
Saltpeter Taffy (11:42:26 PM): Is it a difficult trade to replace?
EnragedLobster89 (11:42:45 PM): Pigs and lumber.
Saltpeter Taffy (11:42:48 PM): ...
Saltpeter Taffy (11:42:52 PM): fugocci?
EnragedLobster89 (11:42:54 PM): It's essential.
EnragedLobster89 (11:42:56 PM): Yeah.
Saltpeter Taffy (11:43:01 PM): The guy who offered 3 mil...
Saltpeter Taffy (11:43:03 PM): Was me. >_>
EnragedLobster89 (11:43:10 PM): <.,
EnragedLobster89 (11:43:12 PM): >.>
EnragedLobster89 (11:43:21 PM): Well, this is awkward.
Saltpeter Taffy (11:43:23 PM): Indeed.

Tech Trades / $1.5mil for 50 tech.
« on: August 03, 2007, 01:38:21 pm »
I'm looking for two tech deals in the next few days. I'd prefer if you supply the middleman, but I can deal with finding one if that's not feasible.

Random lnsanity / So who got banned from Esper?
« on: July 31, 2007, 11:17:38 pm »
I don't think I did...can't really tell, though, since IRC is still frozen.

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