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Topics - KingRanter

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Random lnsanity / take a seat
« on: September 04, 2008, 04:53:12 pm »

Random lnsanity / Why do monkeys?
« on: September 03, 2008, 08:02:31 pm »
Why do they?

Random lnsanity / Identify my bookmarks
« on: September 01, 2008, 11:29:44 pm »
after finding out that I can actually not name a bookmark and it still be there, i deleted all names from my Firefox bookmark toolbar and left only the icons. then i took some of the bookmarks from my regular bookmarks menu and threw them on and removed the names. What the below picture indicates is what i was left with, minus the ones without icons that make the site identifiable, and the more ridiculously unknown sites, like Gordian Algebra, a really bad webcomic that hasnt been updated for months and i dont suggest reading anyways.

I expect some level of being specific, but if you get close and mess up a letter or word or something, i MIGHT let you get away with it. but it has to be a genuine mistake.

Random lnsanity / burrito
« on: August 30, 2008, 01:40:54 am »
one character shorter than the other 2.

that is all.

Random lnsanity / My Next Topic Is About Pokemon
« on: August 26, 2008, 09:29:28 pm »
Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon

Please Post

Random lnsanity / I'm trying to make a Pokemon Hack
« on: August 25, 2008, 11:16:55 pm »
Pokemon Brown. Pokemon Chaos Black. Pokemon Dragonstone. These are some examples of what i mean, without links to them or anything like that. anyways.

I've already posted questions like this all over OxShittin Mother Fuckin Cock Eatin Piss Shittin Yahoo Goddamn Answers


ok. im calm. anyways.

I have been looking all over and asking all over exept for here. I didnt want to burden the RIA, no matter how little or big the burden would be, but now im forced.

help. please. i've got fuck all. give me something for either pokemon red or fire red. i can screw around with either of those things due to other equipment I have for them, as well as those roms themselves. please help.

Random lnsanity / Pokemon Blue Game Genie cheat ensues many lulz
« on: August 21, 2008, 01:14:35 am »
i took a bunch of screenshots of using a cheat i knew wouldnt work, but I wanted to see exactly what it would do. the cheat's description was:

Anthrax: 6FBFD8CF How to get him: Walk around a field and you'll find it. Capture it and it will be a Rhydon. Then after it updates the Pokédex don't nickname it. Then go and capture it again this time it will not mention the Pokédex, nickname it Anthrax and go pick it up at the Pokémon Center.

Anthrax was a rumored "PokeGod" and seeing many of these cheats, i tried a few out. I tried one that did absolutely nothing, but then again i didnt rly try to do anything. then i tried this one and heres the screenshots that i took.


its a zip folder to the several screenshots that i took. from memory, everything that happened went something like this

I saved the game, saved state, and then entered the cheat in that order so I would be able to go back in case something horrible went wrong. I went out into some grass and followed the instructions. what appeared was a short pink rectangle of pixels that played the sound when a pokemon uses sing as its cry. the name was jumbled by letters and boxes and whatnot. I sent out some random pokemon and threw a masterball (one of my many thx to cheats) and caught the pokemon. it showed its pokedex data (or not. there was no sprite for the pokemon, no description where it would normally be, and random boxes for the pokemon information that included the height and weight and crap) and then it asked me if i wanted to give a nickname to RHYDON. i said no, and it was sent to my PC.

I proceeded with more walking when i ran into another pink rectangle. I sent out the same pokemon and again, threw a masterball. this time it didnt show any data for anything, but this time instead of asking me if i wanted to give a nickname to RHYDON, it asked if i wanted to nickname a jumble of letters and colours and shapes that didnt form words. i called it ANTHRAX as i was instructed.

I went to the Pokecenter in lavender town (the closest town) and went to the PC, picked up my ANTHRAX and took my first screenshot in the pokemon menu. i took a few more screenshots of stats and stuff and then went out to the grass to try out some shit, and i turned off the cheat here so i could run into some real pokemon. i put RHYDON in the top of my party and when I got into a battle i ended up fighting a lvl 18 pidgey. this was normal for the area. I sent out RHYDON and the sprite was normal, but he was pink instead of brown (i took a screenshot of that but i accidentally saved over it  ). he did his stupid 'sing cry' and i started fighting. or at least i tried. as the screenshots indicate, he had no moves, and he refused to use struggle >_> and also, when i pressed down at the moves menu, the volume of the game's music would go down, and when it was completly silenced, RHYDON's regular cry would play.

I had to do something for my turn, so i attempted running. that didnt fuckin work. then it turned out that the enemy pidgey was not only sleeping, but was also level 44 for some reason. boy was i Goddamn confused. and on top of that, Rhydon was poisoned. no worries though, both pokemon's health was infinite, you could tell by the fuckin health bars flyin off everywhere. so i switched out to my mew that i didnt use codes to get, and my side of the screen seemed to have turned to normal. I started attacking with pound and seismic toss. the health was firing downwards, but when it never killed it and the health always filled back up. then pidgey woke up and used bite. WTF!!! so i threw a masterball at it and the pokedex registered a mother fuckin vulpix and i was on my way.

i put anthrax at the front after this. i was walkin around and the screen was doing the flashy thing to tell me my pokemon was poisoned. of course. anyways then I got into a battle with a level 17 sandshrew i think. i sent out anthrax, who was a big pink pixelly square with that damn 'sing cry' again. and within seconds. before I really got to do jack all other than look at his empty move set, the game went REAL pixelated, and turned white. i pressed some buttons but fuck all was happening beyond the battle music still playing, and I didnt even get to take a screenshot that battle. so i loaded my state and was back to just after i saved. things were back to normal again. whew.

it was a fun ride. anyways there was some stuff i left out that wouldnt be worth explaining considering i have the screenshots to tell you for me. so go ahead and look at that link way up there, if you took the time to read this than good for you. if not, well i hope you at least looked at the screenshots.

Random lnsanity / Pokemon Blue Gameshark cheat
« on: August 20, 2008, 10:40:49 pm »
I've got a "buy master balls for free at any pokemart" cheat, a "full restores to replace first item in your item list" cheat that I use only every so often, and some cheats to catch any wild pokemon in the wild that i used for a bulbasaur and squirtle to go with the charmander i started with, and a dratini so i could get a dragonite that could tank everyone after raising it. I also have a lvl 100 mew that i got by not using gameshark. there are ways. search it in youtube. >_>

but you didnt have to read all that

anyways Im only at celadon right now, and I figure while im here, why not enter a cheat for a full pokedex so I can get that useless diploma from that guy in that building thats a few stories tall. ive looked all over the place. i've found FUCK ALL!!!

basically the point is

does anyone know of a 'complete pokedex' cheat? cause i want one


Random lnsanity / Pokemon Chaos Black codes?
« on: August 15, 2008, 09:36:06 pm »
I got myself a Pokemon Chaos Black rom for the Virtual Boy advance.

for those of you who dont know, Pokemon Chaos Black is a hacked version of Pokemon Fire Red. This game is real, however it is not an official nintendo game. anyways.

I want some codes for it (gameshark, AR, whatever) mostly for masterballs and money, i dont like to be bothered with trying to catch pokemon, i like to be easy with catching them, and if i have an open party slot i dont want a dying pokemon in my party if i just got him. but thats beside the point. I heard that you can use gameshark codes for Pokemon Fire Red on Chaos Black, but i haven't found that anything works, but it would be fantastic if I could be proven wrong.

and for everyone, try this game, and also try Pokemon Dragonstone, its fuckin hilarious

Random lnsanity / Guess who's back from camp!!
« on: August 11, 2008, 04:10:26 pm »
srsly. guess.

Random lnsanity / I'm going away for a bit
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:36:35 am »
going to camp for a bit with my cousin, wont be back till friday and wont post on the day i get back, most likely.

im gonna let my nation sit on its own, ill collect taxes and pay bills before i leave and first chance i get when i get back. should be fine, ive left my nation inactive for longer than this by accident before and it was fine

anyways, im not posting till i get back so this is my last post, and i dont know where your supposed to post about burritos for a while, but this is the only board i post on anyways so i figured, ehh, whatever

anyways, byyy everyyyooooneee, ill talk to you this weeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeenddddddd!!!!

Random lnsanity / Much lulz about polar bears
« on: August 03, 2008, 11:56:14 pm »
#1 is anyways


dont forget to read #2, #3, #4, #5, #7#8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, and #15

Random lnsanity / My computer is hugely Fucked over
« on: August 01, 2008, 05:09:19 pm »
I just reformatted a week or so ago, and now its fucked up again. this time much worse than the last. MUCH worse. I have to open explorer.exe and a bunch of other stuff through task manager otherwise it wont open at all. what should i do? should i reformat again? cause I can access my files so as soon as i find my USB stick i'll be able back stuff up and do that.


Random lnsanity / Who remembers this amazing LEGO browser game?
« on: July 28, 2008, 10:45:51 pm »
Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident

I can't provide a link, but today I somehow remembered it and got an urge to play it. The reason I can't provide a link is because it has been TAKEN OFF THE SITE possible for a temporary time. but it's still annoying.

its where you click on the little buildings to enter a netbattle or something where your little characters r squares and u start out with Hack and Slingshot as your whatever-they-are's that you fight with

i need a damn link to that game, i googled it and everything redirects to the LEGO site where the game has been removed >_>

anyways, who remembers it!?

itll b fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Random lnsanity / Ask Pikachu
« on: July 18, 2008, 08:18:12 pm »

make a konderwink out of this shit and you have a mother fuckin book >_>

Random lnsanity / IT'S MY BIRFDAY
« on: July 15, 2008, 11:06:01 pm »
praise me



« on: July 15, 2008, 11:54:20 am »
Mii's everywhere

haha, people are using the Wii's resources! They're resorting to Nintendo's ways! NINTENDO IS TAKIN OVER!!

Random lnsanity / Who remembers Mario Paint!?
« on: July 15, 2008, 11:30:50 am »


I take full credit for this cause i made this on a ROM that I downloaded legally because I own the game and its in my basement with the rest of my SNES stuff >_>

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