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Topics - zblewski

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6
Random lnsanity / My embed test.
« on: May 28, 2007, 08:27:18 am »
[embed src=\"http://ftf.electrocutionerdz.com/audio/FTF-Legacy_Dear_Shit_Book.mp3\" /]

Random lnsanity / Fellatio.
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:43:58 pm »
[22:38] <zblewski[RIA]> I'm horny.
[22:38] <zblewski[RIA]> Fellatio.
[22:39] <Hyperonic[RIA]> If I see another Comcast commerical say "OMG CABLE IS FASTER" or "OMG NOW COMCAST HAS POWER BOOST" I'm going to start puking.
[22:39] <Hyperonic[RIA]> I'm going to go outside and puke on crackheads and crack dealers.
[22:39] <Hyperonic[RIA]> Then, when I get shot and go to the hospital, I'll puke on the doctors.
[22:39] <dester> ...please do
[22:39] <zblewski[RIA]> Persona Cable= Fellatio
[22:40] <zblewski[RIA]> Puke= DO NOT WANT fellatio
[22:40] <zblewski[RIA]> RIA= Fellatio
[22:40] <dester> azural i need you to look at some thing for me
[22:40] <zblewski[RIA]> GUARD= Fellatio
[22:41] <zblewski[RIA]> Fellatio = Fellatio
[22:41] *** Hyperonic[RIA] sets mode -v on zblewski[RIA]
[22:41] *** Hyperonic[RIA] sets mode +v on zblewski[RIA]
[22:41] <Hyperonic[RIA]> <_<
[22:41] <zblewski[RIA]> Fellatio?
[22:42] <Azural> ...

Random lnsanity / Anyone play Halo PC (Demo Available)
« on: May 27, 2007, 06:17:43 pm »
I'm always looking for people to play, so just post here and we'll set a game up.

Random lnsanity / You Knew It Was Coming...
« on: May 25, 2007, 10:43:02 pm »
Tell me where you come from. Just the town, whatever. I'll update teh map every time. Just to see where people come from.

Zblewski=Sudbury, ON, Canada


Random lnsanity / LOL MoP M I Rite?
« on: May 23, 2007, 11:48:11 pm »

Random lnsanity / lol random
« on: May 22, 2007, 11:12:42 pm »

Random lnsanity / When you are bored...
« on: May 22, 2007, 10:40:43 pm »
Just post violent lyrics on #CN at the IRC!

23:24] *** Topic is Official Cyber Nations IRC Channel. Alliance leaders, request ops from ircadmin@cybernations.net | If there is a problem, query an op, we can't always be watching
[23:24] *** Channel mode is +tnr [/color]
[23:24] <zblewski[RIA]> so...
[23:24] <zblewski[RIA]> how bout that NHL?
[23:25] <zblewski[RIA]> The kombucha mushroom people
[23:25] <zblewski[RIA]> sitting around all day
[23:25] <zblewski[RIA]> who can believe you?
[23:26] <zblewski[RIA]> who can believe you?
[23:26] <zblewski[RIA]> let your mother pray
[23:26] <zblewski[RIA]> (Sugar)
[23:27] <zblewski[RIA]> Well i'm not there all the time you know
[23:28] <zblewski[RIA]> some people, some people, some people
[23:28] <zblewski[RIA]> call it insane
[23:28] <zblewski[RIA]> yeah they call it insane
[23:28] *** maxnmike[FAN] has quit (Quit: later)
[23:28] <zblewski[RIA]> I play russian roulette everyday a man's sport
[23:29] <zblewski[RIA]> with a oxet called life
[23:29] <zblewski[RIA]> yeah momma called life
[23:29] <zblewski[RIA]> You know that every time I try to go
[23:29] <zblewski[RIA]> Where I really want to be
[23:29] <zblewski[RIA]> It's already where I am
[23:30] <zblewski[RIA]> Cause I'm already there…
[23:30] <zblewski[RIA]> The kombucha mushroom people,
[23:30] <zblewski[RIA]> Sitting around all day
[23:30] <zblewski[RIA]> Who can believe you?
[23:31] <zblewski[RIA]> Who can believe you?
[23:31] <zblewski[RIA]> Let your mother pray
[23:31] <zblewski[RIA]> (sugar)
[23:31] <zblewski[RIA]> I got a gun the other day from Sako
[23:31] <zblewski[RIA]> It's cute, small, fits right in my pocket
[23:31] <zblewski[RIA]> Yeah, right in my pocket
[23:31] <zblewski[RIA]> My girl, you know, she lashes out at me sometimes,
[23:32] <zblewski[RIA]> And I just kick her, and then she's O.K. ,she's O.K
[23:32] *** maxnmike has joined #CN
[23:32] *** maxnmike is now known as maxnmike[FAN]

[23:32] <zblewski[RIA]> People are always chasing me down
[23:32] <zblewski[RIA]> Trying to push my face to the ground
[23:32] <zblewski[RIA]> Where all they really want to do
[23:32] <zblewski[RIA]> Is suck out my mother f****** brains
[23:32] <zblewski[RIA]> my brains  
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> The kombucha mushroom people,
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> Sitting around all day
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> Who can believe you?
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> Who can believe you?
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> Let your mother pray
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> (sugar)
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> I sit
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> In my desolate room
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> no lights
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> no music
[23:33] <zblewski[RIA]> JUST ANGER
[23:34] *** Linux_Rocks has joined #CN
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> killed everyone
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> I'm away forever
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> but i'm feeling better
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> How do I feel
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> What do I say
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> F*** you, it all goes away
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> How do I feel
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> What do I say
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> F*** you, it all goes away
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> How do I feel
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> What do I say
[23:34] <Linux_Rocks> emo!
[23:34] <zblewski[RIA]> F*** you, it all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> How do I feel
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> What do I say
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> How do I feel
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> What do I say
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> How do I feel
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> What do I say
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> How do I feel
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> What do I say
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> In the end i all goes away
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> There you have it folks
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> the entire lyrics for "Sugar"
[23:35] <zblewski[RIA]> By System of a Down

Random lnsanity / By The Declaration Of The Great Spam King...
« on: May 22, 2007, 05:47:02 pm »
I order you to go to this website:


That's right, the Hillary Clinton For President Webite.

And "In the space provided", vote for this exat song, and this EXACT song only as her campaign jingle...

The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Theme

Vote as much as possible.


By order of His Majesty The Spam King Zblewski, and the /b/ For farking Up Hillary Campaign.


Random lnsanity / because we all know it is true.
« on: May 16, 2007, 08:49:42 pm »
Snape Killed Dumbledore.

Random lnsanity / Question for Just Mix...
« on: May 16, 2007, 11:50:06 am »
Vous avez dit que vous êtes français... d'où êtes-vous?

Random lnsanity / How old are you?
« on: May 14, 2007, 10:47:58 pm »

Random lnsanity / Joke nation?
« on: May 14, 2007, 08:55:59 pm »

He offered a trade, and ends his messages with "LEGALIZE".

Not accepting trade.

Random lnsanity / lolz
« on: May 14, 2007, 03:07:57 pm »


Random lnsanity / A truely sweet anti-war song
« on: May 13, 2007, 11:39:48 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_h_rLKTLvs" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_h_rLKTLvs</a>


The world is full of terror
If someone makes an error
He's gonna blow us up to biddy biddy kingdom come
There are some crazy rulers
They hide and try to fool us
With demonic, technologic willingness to harm
They're gonna push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button
Push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button
Il y a plein de souffrance (There's a lot of suffering)
Dans la rue y'a trop d'violence (In the streets there's too much violence)
Et on a beaucoup de chance d'être vivant, même pas blessés (And we stand a good chance of staying alive, even unscathed)
Avancement tactique de régime fanatique (Tactical advancement of a fanatical regime)
Situation tragique qui me met les larmes aux yeux (A tragic situation that brings tears to my eyes)
And I don't wanna die
I wanna see the flowers bloom
Don't wanna go kaput kaboom
And I don't wanna cry
I wanna have a lot of fun just sitting in the sun
But nevertheless
He's gonna push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button  
Push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button
מסרים מתפוצצים עלי (Messages are exploding on me)
טילים מתעופפים וגם נופלים עלי (Missiles are flying are also landing on me)
שוטרים וגנבים מתרוצצים עלי (Cops and robbers are running all over me)
והם קוצפים עלי, מתקרצצים עלי (And they're jumping me, getting on my case)
אללי, אללי, תענה לי, אלוהי, הי (Alas, alas, answer me, my God, hi)
הסיוט הזה ארוך מדי (This nightmare is too long)
כשאני בקושי חי וכולם מכוונים אלי (When I'm barely alive and everyone is aiming at me)
זה מוקדם לשיר אולי שנתתי לה חיי (Maybe it's too late to sing that I gave her my life)
משטרה, צוות הצלה (rescue team)
הנה זה בקדם, שיר ללא סלאם (It made it to the Kdam, a song with no peace)
אדום זה לא רק צבע, זה יותר כמו דם (Red is not just a colour, it's more like blood)
שוב עוצר בלב את הנשימה (Again I'm stopping the breathing in my heart)
שלא תפרח עכשיו הנשמה (So I won't drop dead)
הנה מלחמה, הנה הנשמה (First it's a war, now it's resuscitation)
בום בום, זה מה שקורה עכשיו (Boom boom, that's what is happening now)
בין רקטה למצ'טה, בין צופה לכתב (In between a rocket and a machete, a viewer and a reporter)
בין מחטף לנחטף, בין גשום לשרב (Underhanded opportunism and a kidnapee, rain and a heatwave)
הסלמה במדרגות עולה ותופסת קו (An escalation in the levels is setting up camp)
כלום, כלום, זה מה שכולם עושים (Nothing, nothing, that's what everyone is doing)
קיצונים מקצינים וקצינים מרצינים (Hardliners become more extreme and officers more serious)
התמימים מתמתנים, ממתינים לנתונים (The naive become more moderate, waiting for the data)
(ועונים (שכולם חסרי אונים (And reply [that everyone is helpless])
עולם כולו דמונים שאנחנו סתם פיונים (A world full of demons where we are nothing but pawns)
ושמפיונים עם ז'יטונים מחליטים מה שיהיה (And champions with gambling chips decide the outcome)
ניהול בעצלתיים, אוניה מלאה במים (Sluggish management, a ship filled with water)
וכולם שותים לחיים וטובעים זה לצד זה (And everyone is drinking to good health, and drowning)
אולי זה חד מדי (Maybe it's too sharp)
צריך לשיר שירי דקלים, שירי מדבר ללא דגלים (We should sing palm tree songs, desert songs with no flags)
אני עוד חי, חי, חי (I'm still alive, alive, alive)
:ואם ימשיך להיות מפחיד, רק אז אני אגיד (And if it keeps on being scary, only then will I say:)
I'm gonna push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button
Push the button, push the button
Push the bu... push the bu... push the button

Random lnsanity / Sexy Time
« on: May 13, 2007, 10:53:44 pm »

Random lnsanity / I just got he greatest Idea.
« on: May 13, 2007, 04:05:49 pm »
Secret rating topic.


Random lnsanity / O....k....
« on: May 13, 2007, 12:53:15 pm »
I just got the exact same event as I just got yesterday.


Random lnsanity / Today was slow...
« on: May 11, 2007, 11:42:48 pm »
Only ONE spam topic while I was gone today? NVM the ones from yesterday.


Also, Cocks.

Random lnsanity / Field trip.
« on: May 09, 2007, 06:58:11 pm »
To Stratford, ON for "Canada's Largest Outdoor Theatre Festival".


I leave tomorrow at 7:30am CN and return 10:00 Friday CN.

Pray for my soul.

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