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Topics - Thunder Strike

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Random lnsanity / The definition of a nerd
« on: October 25, 2011, 06:45:36 am »
Nerd: Knows what Linux is.

Agree or disagree?
The reason for this question is a friend of mine denies being a nerd yet they use Linux. I keep telling them that this in itself makes them a nerd regardless of any other factors.

Random lnsanity / Sexism in the RIA
« on: July 14, 2011, 07:19:10 am »
I've come to view having e-peens as rather sexist towards our few female compatriots. I think something needs to be done to address this and ensure the RIA behaves in the politically correct manner that shows our respect for women.

I would thus like to propose a change to the e-peen system.

Our female members should have e-boobs.

Tech Trades / Need 3 Tech Sellers
« on: December 13, 2010, 12:02:58 am »
All my tech sellers are abandoning me.

6mil for 150 tech deals.

Random lnsanity / bwq xisw
« on: October 18, 2010, 09:08:10 pm »
Ub rgua rioux tiy xlb ibkt rlkj yaubf rgua xisw.

fir ur?

Cactuar uses the Schwarz and becomes lost



The League of Shadows Treaty (=LOST=) and the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) have come together to go on an epic road space trip together.

Article 1.

=LOST= and RIA agree that there can be no fighting between each other, otherwise it's going to be one long ass trip. Also activating Mega Maid Death Star is a big no-no.

Article 2.

Space is a dangerous place. If either =LOST= or the RIA come under attack during this trip the other party is encouraged, but not obligated to come to the others defence. Imperial Starcruiser fleets are to be avoided at all cost.

Article 3.

If =LOST= or RIA sees an asteroid coming that may damage the other party they are required to tell them about it. Don't want to have a dent in that nice new Mercedes-Benz spaceship.

D: Florida.

If a new planet is discovered on this trip it must be named Florida.

Article 5.

It's a long trip and it is only fair that the costs are split evenly. But if one party is really short on fuel money they can ask the other for some help.

Article 6.

"If you don't stop arguing I'm turning this space cruiser around!!!" If =LOST= and RIA decide that they no longer want to go on this space trip with each other they have to give the other at least 72 hours notice.


For =LOST=,

For RIA,

~ Thunder Strike, Triumvir of Stuff, Hater of Cats, and 'pigs in spaaace'.
~ Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Puppetmaster of Chaos
~ Delta1212, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, Demi-God of Maroon, Psychic Cupcake Overlord of the Cupcakery, Eperor of the SuperFriends
~ King Death II, Darth Vader wannabe aka Darth Helmet, also dude who does everything
~ C-zom, Head of Military Operations
~ Ogaden, intergalactic groove machine
~ Jenne - Responding to Peer Pressure since 2010
~ cctmsp13 - they still let me sign stuff!

Random lnsanity / Delta is such a stud.
« on: September 06, 2010, 12:53:39 am »
I spotted this on FML today.

Today, after doing it with my girlfriend, she told me that she was "faking the whole time, and thinking of talking cupcakes." FML

Random lnsanity / Thunder Strike's photo thread
« on: August 14, 2010, 07:24:54 am »
So while I was bored tonight (I should be studying) I was browsing through my old travel photos and thought about posting some of them here.

I'll try post a new one every day.

First up.


A skink (I think) trying to camouflage itself on a rusty tin can on the island of Rarotonga, the main island of the Cook Islands.

Random lnsanity / Images from googling 'Random Insanity Alliance
« on: July 29, 2010, 10:02:44 pm »
Post your favourite pics from googling 'Random Insanity Alliance'.


Boring ...


There we go.

Defunct Treaties / The "Brunch at Cactuars" Accords (MDP with BACoN)
« on: July 26, 2010, 02:51:45 am »


“Brunch at Cactuar’s” Accords

One fine day after an all nighter, the governments of RIA and BACoN were seeking to cure their hangovers with the best known remedy, a greasy plate of bacon. While they were chowing down on Emperor Oinks private reserve, they got to talking and the following agreement was written down on a slightly used napkin.

Article I: “Give grease a chance”

Internationally renowned bacon lover John Lennon, said it best with his hit lyric. “All we are saying…, is give grease a chance!” In that spirit RIA and BACoN agree to a peaceful coexistence as friends and allies.

Article II: “Loose lips sink ships, but are great for enjoying bacon.”

If either signatory catches wind of intelligence that affects the other signatory, they should share it over a plate of bacon and cool glass of cactus juice.

Article III: “Break open the Piggy Bank.”

Both signatories are encouraged to aid each other in times of need if possible. Piggy banks are made to be broken!

D: Florida: “If you can’t stand the heat; Stay out of the kitchen!”

While bacon is delicious and cacti a prize to behold, it should be noted by any would be aggressors that an attack on one is an attack on the other. In that case either alliance is required to come to the defense of the other.

Article V: "Becoming Vegetarian".

Should either side get a hippy girl friend that won't let them eat meat they are required to give 42.5 hours notice to the other party.

for the Blatantly Awesome Coalition of Nations,
~Kpcurley - Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine

for the Random Insanity Alliance,
~Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Puppetmaster of Chaos
~Delta1212, Triumvir of the Random Insanity Alliance, Demi-God of Maroon, Psychic Cupcake Overlord of the Cupcakery, Eperor of the Superfriends
~Thunder Strike, Triumvir of Stuff and Hater of Cats
~Ogaden, Slave to pork, Head of Recruitment
~C-zom, H.o.M.O.
~cctmsp13, Viceroy and Head of Pork Barrel spending
~Jenne, Master of Puppetz, Slave to the Man
~crazyisraelie, Head of Foreign Affairs and HATER of ALL things PORK

Random lnsanity / I'm listening to classical music
« on: May 05, 2010, 03:37:13 am »
I never used to like any classical music, I used to like angry bands like Slipknot.
I mellowed out in my music taste in my late teens and started to like rock/alternative etc.
Muse is my favourite band now and they have some classical bits in their music, which lead me to look up Frederic Chopin - Nocturne In E Flat Major, Op.9 No.2 which I have been listening to over and over for the past few hours.

Am I getting old now?

Random lnsanity / I found Moth's facebook page
« on: April 28, 2010, 05:15:42 am »
So facebook came up with a rather odd friend suggestion for me today.
'Mothy Mothington'

I know it is you Moth.

also C-zom summon.



The “Breakfast at Cactuar’s” accords.

One fine day after an all nighter, the governments of RIA and BACoN were seeking to cure their hangovers with the best known remedy, a greasy plate of bacon. While they were chowing down on Emperor Oinks private reserve, they got to talking and the following agreement was written down on a slightly used napkin.

Article I: “Give grease a chance”

Internationally renowned bacon lover John Lennon, said it best with his hit lyric. “All we are saying…, is give grease a chance!” In that spirit RIA and BACoN agree to a peaceful coexistence as friends and allies.

Article II: “Loose lips sink ships, but are great for enjoying bacon.”

If either signatory catches wind of intelligence that affects the other signatory, they should share it over a plate of bacon and cool glass of cactus juice.

Article III: “Break open the Piggy Bank.”

Both signatories are encouraged to aid each other in times of need if possible. Piggy banks are made to be broken!

D: Florida: “If you can’t stand the heat; Stay out of the kitchen!”

While bacon is delicious and cacti a prize to behold, it should be noted by any would be aggressors that an attack on one may be seen as an attack on the other. In that case either alliance is encouraged to come to the defense of the other.

Article V: "Becoming Vegetarian".

Should either side get a hippy girl friend that won't let them eat meat they are required to give 42.5 hours notice to the other party.

for the Blatantly Awesome Coalition of Nations,

Kpcurley, Emperor Oink: The Divine Swine, His Royal Succulence
Darknight6, Foreign Affairs Piggy
Triviuum, Membership Piggy
Ghux, Finance Piggy
for the Random Insanity Alliance,

~Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity, The Ultimate Lifeform, Mystic Dragon Emperor of the Cheeselands, Puppetmaster of Chaos
~Thunder Strike, Triumvir of Stuff, hater of cats, and recently got violated
~Ogaden, slave to pork, Head of Fried Affairs
~C-zom, Democratically Appointed Commander in Chief of all things related to Warfare in the game of Cybernations, from the deployment of troops and structuring of battle plans to the organization of war aid and staggers. Alternately, Head of Military Organization.
~Gangs20003, Ham of Recruitment, pork...pork...porkporkporkporkporkporkporkporkpork
~cctmsp13, Viceroy of Economics

Random lnsanity / I need a translation
« on: January 19, 2010, 07:30:34 am »
So I sent this guy a recruitment message and got this reply.

To: Thunder Strike    From: Uniao Comunista    Date: 1/19/2010 4:39:30 AM

Subject: RE: Are you Random and Insane?
Message: camarada
eu ja entrei em tantas alianças assim e num ganhei nada disso que você falou, é como se eu não fosse nada

to pensando em quem quiser me convidar pra aliança mandar logo uma ajuda pra eu entrar la, pois como voce sabe, os iniciantes arrecadam pouco dinheiro de imposto

I replied that I don't speak Spanish or whatever it is and he said.

To: Thunder Strike    From: Uniao Comunista    Date: 1/19/2010 7:20:52 AM

Subject: RE: Are you Random and Insane?
Message: Eu não sou espanhol camarada
 Eu sou brasileiro
 a mensagem que eu pedi a resposta era:
 Eu já inscritos, assim como em muitas alianças e em uma eu ganhei nada do que você falou, é como se eu não era nada
 você está pensando que a aliança pretende convidar pra encomendar uma ajuda logo a mim pra eu entrar lá, portanto, como você sabe, esses começo você coletar pouco dinheiro do imposto

I'm pretty sure there is no chance of me recruiting him but I still want to know what he said to me

Random lnsanity / Hey Crunka
« on: January 19, 2010, 07:07:04 am »

Random lnsanity / Any of you Aussies going to Big Day Out?
« on: January 17, 2010, 01:20:33 am »
If you are make sure you see Muse, they kicked ass and put on a show that put all the other bands to shame.

Rise Against and Karnivool where really good as well though.
And Dizzee Rascal worked the crowd well but that ain't my type of music.

For anyone that isn't a New Zealander or Aussie this is what the Big Day Out is.

Random lnsanity / ATTN Delta
« on: December 21, 2009, 04:24:55 am »
[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/7cDwYPWXrl4&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

I found your new mode of transportation.

Random lnsanity / Thunder Strike's Football 2010 World Cup guide
« on: November 22, 2009, 02:29:51 am »
The qualification for the World Cup in South Africa 2010 has just finished. Here is a run down of what I think of all the teams that have qualified.

Last team to qualify with a play off win over Costa Rica. Has potential and can play some classy football but will probably struggle to make it out of the groups stages. Despite winning the competition twice they don't produce the teams capable of winning it anymore.

I never really know what to make of France. They are so inconsistent. The made last years final and lost despite indifferent form in the group stages. This time around they have struggled to qualify and only just made it. But they always seem to step up when they need to. I either see them crashing out in the group stages or making it to the semi finals.

My most hated team, but they are good. Quarter Finals.

They don't have much of a history in the World Cup, this is only the second time they have qualified. Won't make it out of the group stages.

Amazingly they won Euro 2004 but apart from that they haven't had much success in football. They don't play very attractive football and if they win it is usually 1-0. They might get an easy group and if they do they may make it into the last 16.

I don't actually know that much about them but I don't see them getting out of the group stages.

A decent side with a few truly world class players such as Eto. If they get a good group the may make it to the last 16.

Another decent side. Africa does tend to produce some exciting teams but they are never up to the quality needed to go far in this competition. Will probably get knocked out at the groups stages.

New Zealand
Oh dear, the country that I live in. A truly terrible footballing side and will be lucky to manage even a draw at the competition.

I actually saw them play live once against Mexico. Won't make it out the group stages though.

I very good side with a rich footballing history. Haven't been very good in qualification though. Quarter Finals.

Won't make it out of the group stages.

A boring team that will struggle to make it out of the group stages.

United States
This is the biggest single sporting competition in the world and Americans don't really care. However this is a decent team and has been getting better. May just make it out of the group stages if they get a good draw.

A team of similar talents to the US and I see them making it just as far, last 16 if they are lucky.

A decent South American side. But probably not good enough to make it out of the group stages.

Last competitions winners, a very good team. Semi finals or finals. I was in Italy when they won, good times.

Probably won't make it out of the group stages.

A good team with some good players and should make it to the last 16.

A very good footballing side with world class players. But I do not like the Germans. Quarter finalists at least.

Ivory Coast
A very exciting African side with a few amazing players. Last 16 possibly.

A South American team that has struggled to make an impression at the World Cup. Will be lucky to make it out of the group stages.

An amazing team and in amazing form. They play with style and grace and have some of the most talented players in the world. Won Euro 2008 and I can see them making it to the finals and possibly winning it.

I'm half english and strongly support them. However despite having good players they seem to lack the mental strength to perform well. But they have been making great strides in qualification. Quarter finals at least, possible semis.

Another exciting African team that put in a good showing at the last world cup. Will hopefully make it to the last 16.

The most successful footballing country ever and has won this competition the most times. Plays with style and always puts in a good showing at the world cup. Will at least make it to the semi finals, but most likely make the finals and are one of the favourites to win it.

North Korea
lol, won't make it past group stages. I think they are the lowest rank team in the world cup.

Being Dutch born I am a fanatical supporter. The play stylish football and despite never winning the world cup are a big force in international football. A conservative estimation is quarter finals. But because I support them so strongly I am picking them to win it.

South Korea
Better than North Korea. But still probably won't make it out of the group stages.

Despite a lack of footballing history they put in a very good performance at the last world cup and had a very good qualification campaign. Must be because they have been going with Dutch managers lately. Last 16.

In a similar position to South Korea and will be lucky to make it out of the group stages.

South Africa
Are in because they are the hosts. But aren't good enough to make it out of the group stages. Although you never know with home advantage, they may surprise.

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