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Topics - Adolf Von Sippycup

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / *dramatic music*
« on: November 24, 2008, 07:27:09 pm »

Random lnsanity / Religulous
« on: October 09, 2008, 09:54:40 pm »
If you haven't seen it, see it. It's an amazing documentary that proves just how ridiculous organized religion really is and how scary the world is becoming as we vote more and more religious leaders into power. Oh, and discuss.

Random lnsanity / Just saw Indiana Jones
« on: May 22, 2008, 04:37:45 am »
@ Midnight. One thing: Beware the fucking Peruvian Ninja Skeletons.

Random lnsanity / Question
« on: March 16, 2008, 12:28:26 am »
Just deleted and remade a nation. Is Cattle and Pigs good resources or should I reroll in 3 days?

Random lnsanity / Hey, you guys want some 13-year old's nude pics?
« on: February 29, 2008, 10:12:20 pm »

Random lnsanity / So I was visited by some Mormons...
« on: February 20, 2008, 06:33:38 pm »
Before they could say anything I asked them if they were interested in joining me in Pastafarianism and worship the Spaghedeity with me. When they told me that they were Mormons and wanted to give me some pamphlets about Mormonism I put my hand up and yelled as loud as I could, "Flying Spaghetti Monster! Strike down these heathens with your noodly appendage!" I then told them while I waited for their demise I should enlighten them about Pastafarianism. I explained to them that the weather (Which ironically right now in my town is very bad. Rain and strong winds.) is a direct result of the steadily decreasing number of pirates in the world. That's when they started walking away. As they got into their MAV (Mormon Assault Vehicle a.k.a. a white mini-van) I yelled to them and all their friends "May you be touch by His noodly appendage and enlightened!"

Random lnsanity / Farewell Random Insanity
« on: February 18, 2008, 04:36:43 pm »
I dunno if you all know or not but I've been kicked from the RIA. I'm sure you'll all hear about it eventually but I wanted to post my farewell here because this is where I spent most of my time. I will most likely be burritos CN as well so I'll never see any of you again, not that any of you even really know who I am. May the FSM be with you all.

Has a headache and is confused,
Adolf Von Sippycup

Pages: [1]

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