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Topics - Moth

Pages: [1] 2 3
Random lnsanity / Who sorted the boards?
« on: February 23, 2015, 03:38:07 pm »
Someone give that man a goddamn medal. <3

Random lnsanity / Apparently pikadeth died.
« on: December 19, 2014, 12:19:41 am »
This is for the OG RIers. residentevilfrk is his wife.


Posted 12/18/2014 6:55:18 AM
message detail
Hey guys, this is going to seem very sudden because it was sudden. Pikadeth is dead. You guys meant a lot to him and he would want you to know.

Random lnsanity / HEY KENNY
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:44:01 am »
Someone in RI wants that rickroll website headache you created a while back. Hook a brother up.

Random lnsanity / Anyone here going to New York Comic-Con on Thursday?
« on: October 05, 2013, 10:37:16 pm »
I'm going for the 3:15 panel about EVE Online and Sci-Fi. @.@

Kid dies on tv program


Random lnsanity / Operation Mid-Life Kitties
« on: October 27, 2012, 11:16:17 am »
So I may skip out on that computer in favor of adopting a cat.


Isn't she adorable? :333

Random lnsanity / Operation Mid-Life Crisis
« on: October 22, 2012, 03:55:44 pm »
Building a computer. $4000 budget. This is not a joke.


ATX form factor
Can support at least 4 monitors
Includes cost of 2 more monitors and Logitech G35 Advanced gaming board

Help me build the greatest gaming machine ever.

Random lnsanity / Join the Temple of Moth today!
« on: April 05, 2009, 05:55:25 pm »
...my Ragnarok Online guild. ;>.>


I play on this free server, and we're sorely lacking members. If I can bring the guild up to ten unique members, it would be totally freaking sweet, since we'll be able to participate in an event called Battlegrounds, which pits five people against five. That means that no matter which team loses, the guild wins. ;>.> There are no guilds in this server that have ten active unique members, so we'd be a commanding force once the members get up to level.

If you're interested, poist here, PM me, or get me on AIM or MSN. Saltpeter Taffy and moth366@hotmail.com, respectively. o.o

Random lnsanity / Three minutes of kitten.
« on: February 12, 2009, 12:45:03 pm »

[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/g93MMg_At6c&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Random lnsanity / At what point did Sesame Street lose its
« on: December 13, 2008, 02:03:59 am »
massive balls?

[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/YZTvDZHRFrU&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

^ Sesame Street as I remember it.

Tech Trades / Buying tech
« on: November 03, 2008, 11:50:53 am »
I will pay 2.75 million per 50 tech each to everyone willing to sell, and 250K to every middleman who helps out. Goes down ASAP.

Random lnsanity / Vote for #13
« on: July 14, 2008, 02:46:06 pm »

A friend of mine wants people to vote for his friend's entry in this contest. This friend of mine is the guy who got me into CN in the first place. ;>.> Please go vote.

Random lnsanity / Folding@Home
« on: June 04, 2008, 01:21:55 am »

I created a group for us, 15243.

Random lnsanity / Moth's Collectible Card Game Idea
« on: April 11, 2008, 09:35:21 pm »
Here's a basis for a CCG. =D

Player Stats:

Funk: If the Funk reaches zero, the player loses.
Posts: Basic resource. Allows the player to play cards from his hand.
Maroonity: The more Maroonity the player has, the more actions one is able to take per turn.
Randomness: Randomness allows the player to use special abilities.
Insanity: Insanity is a bonus adder for all the other player stats. Very rare, but very useful.
lulz/srz bznz: If a player chooses to be lulz, then mod-friendly actions will be bad for that player. If a player chooses to be srz bznz, then mod-friendly actions will be good for that player.

Card Types:

Spam Topic: Basic resource card(akin to mana in M:TG). Generates Posts the fastest.
Member: Basic creature-type card.
Joke Topic: Has lulz-aligned useful abilities
srz Topic: Has srz bznz-aligned useful abilities
Moderator: Once cast, cannot be removed from play except by an h4x, admin or itself; causes ill effects on all lulz players and/or cards in the CN realm, and good effects on all srz bznz players and/or cards in the CN realm.
admin: Only one admin card in play at any time. Once cast, cannot be removed except by h4x or itself. Causes ill effects on all lulz players and/or cards in the CN realm, and good effects on all srz bznz players and/or cards in the CN realm.
h4x: Special ability cards. Kept separate from the others, and only drawn by lulz abilities. Causes harmful effects on Moderators and admin,  srz bznz players and/or cards in the CN realm.

Turn Order:

1. Acquire Posts/Spam Topic Abilities
2. CN Realm Phase
3. Casting Phase/Member Abilities Phase/Joke Topic Abilities Phase/srz Topic Abilities Phase
4. Member Attack Phase
5. Moderator Action Phase
6. admin Action Phase

Card Stats:

Casting Cost: Cost to play(in Posts).
Funk: Health. If it goes to zero, it is immediately removed from play.
Spunk: Attack power. Applies only to Members. How much damage it does to other Members.
CN F/S Modifier: A number that changes Funk and Spunk of Members when they are brought into the CN Realm.
CN Cost: Cost, in Posts, to move a card into or out of the CN Realm.
lulz/srz bznz: Determines the alignment of the card.
Posting Limit: Applies only to Spam Topics. Increases the total capacity for posts for a player.

Card examples:

"Get to 1000 posts!"
Spam Topic
Capacity + 100

Generates 10 Posts each turn
Casting Cost: 580P
Funk: 99
Spunk: 30
Alignment: srz bznz

CN-F/S: 0/-5
CN-C: 15P

Moth becomes Xythra when brought into the CN Realm. Moth generates 5 posts each turn. Xythra generates 3 posts each turn.

1R: Moth removes 10 Funk from one Member in the CN Realm. This cannot be prevented except by a Moderator, admin, or h4x.
0R: Xythra generates 2 Randomness. Xythra cannot attack this turn.
admin the Vengeful
Casting Cost: 1000P, two Moderators must be in play at the time of casting.

Each turn, admin the Vengeful removes one Moderator fron play. If no Moderators are present at the start of the admin Phase, admin the Vengeful is removed from play. Next, admin the Vengeful returns to play all srz bznz cards removed from play while in the CN realm during that turn. Finally, admin the Vengeful removes all lulz cards in the CN realm from play.

All srz bznz cards, Moderators, and admin, in the CN Realm are removed from play. This cannot be prevented. DDoS is then immediately removed from play.

Official Documents / First Amendment, Third ConstRItution
« on: April 10, 2008, 04:09:21 pm »
Quote from: Moth
Preamble to Amendment:

The goal of this amendment is, first and foremost, to justify the elevation of Internal Affairs to a Cabinet position. The Internal Affairs department is one charged with many specific tasks which appear to many members as intimidating and repetitious drudgery, and as such few seek the position out. It is a very important position, vital to many aspects of RIA administration, and cannot be allowed to go unfulfilled. For the past few months, the head of the IA department has been set in the Secretariat, a level in the RIA's hierarchy of no more power than any other appointed job. Whether or not IA should be worth a Cabinet position is in debate, and it is my hope that this amendment will apply sufficient responsibility and importance to the role of Internal Affairs to make it worthy of gaining the powers bestowed upon Cabinet members. Should this amendment pass, it also has the fortunate side effect of outdating and thus removing a large part of the ConstRItution.

Article II

Section 3

Sub-section iii
The Head of Foreign Affairs leads the diplomatic corps of the alliance. This office is entrusted with the task of maintaining a favorable relationship with as many foreign powers as possible and ensuring the continued safety of the alliance through the procurement of allies and the cessation of hostilities, both military and peaceful, with belligerent entities.

Revised(changes in bold):
The Head of Foreign Affairs(henceforth referred to as the HoFA) leads the diplomatic corps of the alliance. This office is entrusted with the task of maintaining a favorable relationship with as many foreign powers as possible and ensuring the continued safety of the alliance through the procurement of allies and the cessation of hostilities, both military and peaceful, with belligerent entities. The HoFA is responsible for the creation of embassies on the forum, the masking of diplomats from other alliances, and the assigning and directing diplomats to other alliances to initiate, maintain, and improve relations with them.

Sub-section iv
The Head of Commerce is tasked with arranging the economic affairs of the alliance through the use of aid, guides, and any other means directly related to the advancement of individual nations for the benefit of the alliance as a whole.

Revised(changes in bold):
The Head of Economics(henceforth referred to as the HoE) is tasked with arranging the economic affairs of the alliance through the use of aid, guides, and any other means directly related to the advancement of individual nations for the benefit of the alliance as a whole. The HoE determines the structure of the Treasury and directs members to move money and tech throughout the alliance.

Sub-section v
The Head of Military Operations leads the defensive branch of the alliance. All things relating to the organization of the military, research into the art of war, and passive intelligence gathering and analysis are directed by this office.

Revised(changes in bold):
The Head of Military Operations(henceforth referred to as the HoMO) determines and directs all military action in the alliance. All things relating to the organization of the military, research into the art of war, and passive intelligence gathering and analysis as it relates to war are directed by the HoMO.

Sub-section vi
The Head of Recruitment is in charge of the effort to expand the sphere of influence of the alliance throughout the world by the obtaining of new individual member states. All programs involving the recruitment of new members run through the Head of Recruitment.

Revised(changes in bold):
The Head of Recruitment(henceforth referred to as the HoR) directs the alliance's efforts to obtain new member nations. The HoR authorizes and directs all recruitment programs as one sees fit, approves the admittance of new members, and masks them.

Additions to A-II.S-3:

Rename sub-sections iii, iv, v, and vi to iv, v, vi, and vii, respectively.

Sub-section iii
Cabinet members are expected, but not required, to create subordinate positions under their respective jurisdictions, in order to facilitate the completion of the tasks for which they are responsible.

Sub-section viii
The Head of Internal Affairs(henceforth referred to as the HoIA) is responsible for the maintenance and dissemination of information throughout the alliance. The HoIA maintains a list of members to facilitate sending messages, a list of the resources of all members, and rosters of members for each non-military task force in the alliance. The HoIA is responsible for checking the member list frequently for nations no longer in the alliance, nations falsely flying the RIA alliance affiliation, and nations that no longer exist. The HoIA is responsible for the demasking and/or handling of such nations. The HoIA is responsible for the maintenance of the election board, including the creation of nomination topics, election polls, and updating the public and private election results topics. Finally, the HoIA is responsible for maintaining a list of official RIA accolades earned by members, so that members do not misrepresent their honors.

Article II, Section 4 is to be completely removed from the ConstRItution.

Article III

Section 1
For the continued protection of the alliance, the weeding out of the grossly incompetent and actively destructive members of government may be required outside of normal election processes. This should only be used in cases where an immediate risk to the alliance should the person remain in office has demonstrated itself.

Revised(changes in bold):
For the continued protection of the alliance, the weeding out of the grossly incompetent and/or actively destructive members of government may be required outside of normal election processes. This should only be used in cases where the person's position in the government poses an immediate risk to the well-being of the alliance.

Article VI

Section 1
No plan of government can conceive of all possible situations, nor can it hope to properly reflect all future attitudes of those it attempts to govern. As such, a provision must be in place to amend and successful plan of government.

Revised(changes in bold):
No plan of government can conceive of all possible situations, nor can it hope to properly reflect all future attitudes of those it attempts to govern. As such, a provision must be in place to amend the ConstRItution to suit the present needs of the alliance.

Section 2

Sub-Section ii
Once an amendment receives majority approval from both the Triumvirate it passes to the Cabinet. If the Cabinet edits the amendment, it must be passed back to the Triumvirate for approval. If it passes unchanged, the amendment may then be voted upon by the general membership.

Revised(changes in bold):
Once an amendment receives majority approval from ("both" omitted) the Triumvirate it passes to the Cabinet. If the Cabinet edits the amendment, it must be passed back to the Triumvirate for approval. If it passes unchanged, the amendment may then be voted upon by the general membership.

Major conflict:

The addition of a fifth Cabinet member changes the total number of government positions to eight, an even number. This allows for ties in government votes, which can severely delay due process. Below is the proposed solution:

A1) Change all instances of "five-sevenths" in the ConstRItution to "six-eighths"(five-eighths is insufficient, as it unchecks the Cabinet against the Triumvirate).

A2) Change all instances of "three-fourths" in the ConstRItution to "three-fifths" or "four-fifths".

Instances of "five-sevenths":

A-IV, S-4, ss-i
A-VII, S-2, ss-iii

Instances of "three-fourths":

A-VII, S-2, ss-ii

Tech Trades / Need a middleman.
« on: March 26, 2008, 12:59:01 am »
Only two aid slots necessary. I need someone to move 3 million of my money to ShiftyStranger.

Random lnsanity / Who's the stupid who renamed this board?
« on: March 19, 2008, 08:21:59 pm »
Seriously, guys, this isn't cute. >_>

Random lnsanity / Are you an asshole and proud of it?
« on: February 28, 2008, 10:54:14 pm »
Then I probably wouldn't like you in real life. >_> You might even be the kind of person I laugh at behind one's back with my friends for one's excessive jackassery.

Nice guys are superior.

Pages: [1] 2 3

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Head of Foreign Affairs:

Head of Internal Affairs:

Head of Military Operations: