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Topics - LordShaiyan

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / The Alliance of Real Men (ARM)
« on: August 08, 2012, 10:37:55 am »
                                                 The Alliance of Real Men
                                               L'Alliance des vrais hommes

The Alliance of Real Men (ARM) is an organization which strives to organize and help the REAL MEN out there in the world. Apparently, the number is not much, as majority of the male population consists of walking bags of hormone they call "cool dudes" with no moral values (or a penis) and the REAL MEN are in the dark. This organization will operate inside the RIA to provide the REAL MEN of the RIA a place to hang out and organize.The members of ARM will also try to proselytize potential "cool dudes" and help them reclaim their manhood.

REAL MEN of the world, unite! Sic Semper pervertis!

Rules of ARM Members who will intentionally break the rules will have their testicoli repossessed.
* Never send any posts in the way the "cool dudes" do it (For example: Hey! I'm waiting for this girl to turn 18 so I can fuck her brains out) These type of shit..
* Try to proselytize "cool dudes" and help them reclaim their manhood
* Always respect women in your posts, well, unless she's fucking with you of course.

If you're a REAL MAN interested to join ARM, Post this below with your name on it

"I          , wish to join the Alliance of Real Men and abide by the rules in my post, and also to act according to the old fashion values, on which our great nation used to rely. Amen"

N.B The RIAer named Leo is requested not to join ARM and jeopardize our mission


Random lnsanity / Ki re bacchara, kemon asis? :D
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:28:58 am »
Ki re bacchara? Kemon asis?  :troll:

How innocent children

Random lnsanity / How do I get back??
« on: September 10, 2010, 05:38:19 am »
Will I re-apply or something??

Random lnsanity / I'm in trouble....
« on: September 07, 2010, 01:16:18 pm »
The whole fark alliance is against me because they think I'm too young.I guess it was a terrible mistake to leave RIA.I know I'll have to pay the price for my mistake,no harsh comment please,I already had enough back on their forum....

Random lnsanity / Does blood test hurt?? Answer honestly
« on: September 05, 2010, 01:29:46 pm »
I'm gonna have one tomorrow and I'm scared.I have this rare phobia by the name of Trypanophobia or otherwise known as needle phobia.I had one 5 years ago and as far as I can remember,it didnt hurt.But now I'm scared.Will it hurt???? Answer honestly otherwise I'll piss on your graves (You'll be dead already!!!) lol!! I'm serious!!! Please answer honestly.This fucking NHS really got me on this one....... :horrified: :supaburn: :wacko: :wtf: :surprise:

Tech Trades / 150/6 million tech selling
« on: August 28, 2010, 09:20:33 am »
I will sell 150 tech at 6 million.Fixed rate,no change  :smugbert:

Anyone interested??

Random lnsanity / I'm back again!!
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:10:26 pm »
hello everyone,I was out for a long time,suddenly logging in sometimes,mostly inactive.Now I'm back in full pace!!

Tech Trades / Tech Trading
« on: May 26, 2010, 02:47:10 am »
Anyone wants tech?? 50 for 3m.  ;D  Thankyou.

Tech Trades / Want to sell tech
« on: May 10, 2010, 04:38:28 am »
Hi,I am new here.I don't know most of the rules of tech trading but I want to sell 100 tech for 6 million or 50 tech for 3 million.I have ready technology,so you send me the cash,10 days later,when it expires,I send you the tech.Is it ok?

So basically this is how it works,Isn't it?
Step 1)We sign deal for tech trading.
Step 2)You send me the cash (whichever you choose.Maybe the 6 million,or the 3 million one)
Step 3)After the slot expires,I send you the technology (Whichever you pay for.Maybe the 100 one,or the 50 one)
-------------------------Deal Finished--------------------------------------------------------------------
Am i missing something above??I want to sell tech in the above mentioned way.If youre interested,PM me ingame.My nation is:
Thankyou. ;D

Random lnsanity / Should I start saving my cash?
« on: May 05, 2010, 01:58:53 pm »
Well,I am making about 140,000 per day and I pay 42,000 as bills everyday.So i get only 98,000  net cash.Should I start saving it?My technology is 110 and Infra is 505.I cant backlog taxes because I need to pay bills.So,I'm thinking that,collect tax,pay bills,and save the rest of the cash as warchest.What do ya think??  :-\

« on: May 03, 2010, 10:03:31 am »
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad VS The Prince of Persia
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (الطائر ابن لا أحد in Arabic) (born 1165) was an Assassin during the time of the Third Crusade and later Grand Master of the Assassin’s Order.

The Prince of Persia is a series of games featuring The Prince.There are 7 games in the series.No other information regarding the Prince was found.(But you'll find a full details of Altair  ;D)

Vote for the one you like  ;D

Captain John Price is from the Call of Duty Series.He appeared in Call of Duty 2,Call of Duty 4 Modern Warefare,And Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2.

George Gordon Haggard Junior is from the Battlefield series.He appeared in BattleField Bad Company and BattleField Bad Company 2 as an explosive expert.

Vote for the one you like :D

Random lnsanity / POLL:Tom & Jerry VS Sylvaster & Tweety
« on: April 21, 2010, 04:25:17 am »


New Member Portal / Hello!!!?/Bonjour!!!/مرحبا!!!
« on: April 18, 2010, 04:16:40 am »
Hello all. I'm new here. Hope that I will have a good time here. Thanks to RIa for the joining aid  ;D (this one was really necessary!!!).

So I live in the UK but now I'm in Bangladesh.So Basically Bangladesh is a third world country (most of you might not even heard the name of this country, do a search on google!: D) without modern technology. The Internet reaches barely 25 kilobyte per second which is very fast in Bangladesh! ! ! :D rolling blackouts (load shedding) is a part of life. You will not get electricity for 12 hours daily:( But after all it is the motherland and I shouldn't have said that but despite the difficulties here, the people of Bangladesh is always very friendly and we have natural resources as well. Cox's Bazaar, the longest sea beach in the world (155 km long) and Sunderbans is the largest of mangrove forest (6000 km) which falls on India as well.

Peace, blessings and Goodluck!

Bonjour tous. I'm nouveau ici. Espérez que je profiterai d'un agréable moment ici. Grâce à RIa de l'aide de jointure ! ! :D (celui-là était vraiment nécessaire ! !). Ainsi je vis au R-U mais à l'm actuellement dans Bangladesh.So fondamentalement Bangladesh est un pays du tiers monde (la plupart d'entre vous ne pourrait pas même entendu le nom de ce pays, le rechercher sur google ! ! : D) sans la technologie moderne. Cet Internet atteint à peine le kilo-octet 25 par seconde qui est très rapidement au Bangladesh ! ! ! : D roulant ici des pannes d'électricité (délestage) est une partie de la vie. Vous n'obtiendrez pas l'électricité pendant 12 heures journalière : ( Mais, après que tout il soit la ma mère patrie et I shouldn' ; t ont indiqué cela mais en dépit des difficultés ici, le peuple du Bangladesh est toujours très amical et nous avons les ressources naturelles Cox'; le bazar de s est la plus longue plage de mer dans le monde (155 kilomètres de long) et Sunderbans est la plus grande pièce de forêt de palétuvier (6.000 kilomètres) dont des chutes sur l'Inde aussi bien. Paix, bénédictions et Goodluck ! ! !

مرحبا all.I 'م here.Hope الجديدة التي سوف يكون لها here.Thanks الوقت المناسب لريا للمساعدات الانضمام! ؛ د (أي واحد كان من الضروري حقا!).

لذلك أنا أعيش في المملكة المتحدة ولكن أنا حاليا في Bangladesh.So أساسا بنغلاديش بلد من بلدان العالم الثالث (معظمكم قد لا يسمع باسم هذا البلد ، والبحث على جوجل! : دال) مع أي technology.This الحديثة الانترنت لا يكاد يبلغ 25 كيلوبايت في الثانية الواحدة وهو سريع جدا في بنغلاديش! : انقطاع التيار الكهربائي مد المتداول هنا (تحميل سفك) هو جزء من life.You لن تحصل على الكهرباء لمدة 12 ساعة كل يوم : (
ولكن ، بعد كل ما هو الوطن بلدي وأنا لا ينبغي أن يكون قال ذلك ولكن على الرغم من المصاعب هنا ، وشعب بنغلاديش لا تزال ودية للغاية ويجب علينا بازار resources.Cox الطبيعية 'ق هو أطول شاطئ البحر في العالم (155 كيلو مترا طويل) وساندربانس هي أكبر غابة المنغروف (6،000 كيلومتر) جزء منها يقع على الهند أيضا.

السلام عليكم وجودلاك!!
Note that there are lots of mistakes in translation.Don't start laughing out loud after reading the translations!!! ;D

Notez qu'il existe beaucoup d'erreurs dans translation.Don 't se mettre à rire à haute voix, après avoir lu les traductions!

لاحظ أن هناك الكثير من الاخطاء في translation.Don 'ر بدء يضحك بصوت عال بعد قراءة ترجمة!

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