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Topics - Divineslasher

Pages: [1]
I believe it all started back in 2005...or was it 2006? Idk it was before 2007. A bunch of guys on Gamefaqs saw how cyber nations was potentially fun and...were REALLY bored. They recruited a bunch of RIers and yeah. I never expected the RIA to be this huge. I was pretty shock to see the alliance in the...what? Top Ten? That's nuts! Do you know how much drama this Alliance faced?

Well anyways, I use to have a nation with well over 150k strength. Maxed out navy, nukes and the whole sha-bang. But Im starting fresh since i kinda have to now. 

I plan on getting elected and doing something for the alliance. I remember I use to be an elected official. I can't remember what tho. o_o

So yeah. Hi.

Random lnsanity / Im at night school and gawd im bored...
« on: February 28, 2008, 06:41:04 pm »

Random lnsanity / We all know only C-zom and I can get in Loren's pants.
« on: February 06, 2008, 12:42:16 am »

I and C-zom*


Random lnsanity / Guess who's back.
« on: February 06, 2008, 12:19:21 am »
Back again....


Random lnsanity / Spam
« on: July 18, 2007, 05:23:01 pm »
 I like spam!

*Expects to lose posting abilities and farts in Damens general direction*


Random lnsanity / Attention: Damen
« on: July 16, 2007, 09:49:30 pm »
*farts in your face*


Random lnsanity / Attention: Moth
« on: July 16, 2007, 09:39:49 pm »
*hugs you*

Random lnsanity / Attention Original RIers of long ago
« on: June 02, 2007, 04:09:03 pm »
Would ya come to RI?

Its not as great without you. =(

*knows this will fail miserably*

Random lnsanity / *notices self ranked in top 10*
« on: May 26, 2007, 09:54:43 pm »
O_O Where C-zom go!?

Random lnsanity / God and religion
« on: April 29, 2007, 02:41:49 am »

What is God? A being that can create and dominate life?


Is a double edge sword. Religion has created laws that we still use today in our day and time. Our morales basically comes from it. Telling us whats right and wrong. But yet religion is corrupt in the sense that it takes advantage of the people who has faith in them. In the past, religion has ran the lives of many people. Telling them what to do, how to do it and threating them with the consequences of not following their rules. They tell people that if they dont follow their rules they wont go to heaven. If you really think about it, its pretty selfish. Your just apart of a religion just to get into heaven and to be saved from eternal damnation. If you believe in god, you shouldn't need religion to get you into heaven. You shouldn't need religion to tell you how to live. Maybe im missing something or maybe im the tired fool who doesn't have his facts straight. This isn't my whole opinion either.

If you believe in god, good for you. If you're very religious, lets hope you're not the blind follower who lacks a mind to see the world how it really is.

Its late =(

*doesn't bother with his flame shield*

Random lnsanity / I rank #13 now
« on: April 28, 2007, 07:32:40 am »


Random lnsanity / Now here's a story on how a bucket met my head
« on: April 23, 2007, 09:24:33 pm »
I was in woodshop class and i was minding my business eating M&Ms and watching my freshman friends throw **** at each other. One of them started whispering into a couple of my friends ears and i knew something was up. He didn't come tell me what he was gonna do to the victim, so i knew what was going down. THEY WERE GONNA AMBUSH ME.

So i got up from my seat and said.


one of my friends nodded their heads yes and i made i run for the door that led into the woodshop room. I dodged their attacks and slammed the door shut. Hitting someone from behind. They try ramming me through but i held my ground. But they got to be to much and i was slipping. The door opened up and I was trying to push them back. Suddenly There was no force behind the door and I was wondering where were they. Next thing you know it, I 15 pound metal bucket landed on my head on the shape edge. Cutting an inch and a half of my head open. I placed my fingers on the gash and my fingers sank in. I wasn't bleeding too much...maybe because i had my hand over the gash and everything soaked onto my hands. The paramedics came and took a look at it. Then my dad came and took me to the hospital where they would put a sort of gel numbing agent.(i forgot what its called). Then i waited and waited and waited for a good 3 and a half hours. The numbing agent wore off by then and they cleaned my wound. I felt everything, the stinging, the rubbing against my exposed skin. The worse part was when they put the staples in me.
I felt every single staple penetrate my skin and skull. It wad the worst and they hadto put in 8 staples X_X

here's a pic of the gash >.>:


Random lnsanity / OK, Im just gonna say this
« on: April 21, 2007, 11:21:43 am »

T_T That all i ask for, I dont want her to find some random guy over the net pretending to be her. Pics spread like wildfire over the net and i dont wanna lose her.

Plz dont use pics of her T_T

Tell Chris too...plz damen.

Pages: [1]

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