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Topics - dark tyrant

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Random lnsanity / Fuck.
« on: August 14, 2008, 10:10:46 pm »
Kaiser Martens is burritos CN.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!

Random lnsanity / Palpatine speaks out
« on: July 20, 2008, 10:01:53 pm »
Palpatine speaks out.

Random lnsanity / I'm fucking sick of this.
« on: April 04, 2008, 03:44:50 pm »

My little arrogent fucktard of a brother is goddamn getting on my last goddamn nerve. It was my turn on a the computer and he wouldn't give it to be so I tried to pull him out of the chair. He hit me so I beat the fucin shit out of him. Then the fucking bastard came back for more. He insulted me and hit me. So I beat the shit out of him again. Now he's shouting at me from upstairs like the fuckin coward he is.

My question is..Should I beat the shit out of the little bastard again?

I fuckin hate  him. If he was shot It'd be the happiest fuckin day of my life.

-end rant-

Random lnsanity / A Characters History..
« on: March 27, 2008, 03:34:15 pm »
Name: Cyborga (Before becoming a Cyborg: Cero Shados)

Species: Human/Cyborg

Home World: Vendaxa

History: Cyborga was born 30 years before the massive Clone Wars. He grew up in a outpost on the overgrown planet of Vendaxa. His parents were successful Safari Guides, they led a good life. Cyborga (then called Cero) became very interested in Vendaxan wildlife. However by the time he turned 15 he became very interested in Galactic Politics and Military Organization. He studied diligently at the only school the outpost had and read every holobook on Politics and Military Organization he could find. However by the time he turned 18 he had gone as far as he could go in the Outposts schools. He bade good bye to his parents and went to study at a Academy on Anaxes. By the time Cyborga had turned 25 he had graduated from the Academy with flying colors.

He then returned to Vendaxa, only to find it groaning under the heel of tyrannous former Jedi. Cyborga knew he had to free his home world. However he did not have the credits to do so. By pure luck however, Cyborga found an abandoned Trade Federation Factory. He marked the Factories position on his map and returned to the Outpost to learn how to activate the Factory. He soon returned to the Factory armed with the knowledge of how to activate it. He activated the factory and ordered it to create an army of Droids to free his world. The Factory did as it was told and began to pump out numerous B1 Battle Droids and E4 Baron Droids. As soon as the army was finished, Cyborga marched it directly to the Citadel of the deranged former Jedi. In a great battle Cyborga’s Droid Army fought the forces of the former Jedi. Cyborga’s Army won that battle. Cyborga himself confronted the former Jedi and slew him in hand to hand combat. Cyborga then claimed the Former Jedi’s Saber as his own.

With his home world free Cyborga settled down on a Manor overlooking Vendaxa’s largest lake. But the Trade Federation had taken note of Cyborga’s activities and approached him with an offer to be the Commander of their Droid Armies. He accepted gladly, he seen saw action during the Battle Of Naboo. He worked hand and hand with the B1 Commander Droid OOM-9. However he barely escaped the Battle of the Grassy Plains with his life. Cyborga went on the command some CIS Forces during the Clone Wars. However at the end of the Clone War’s Cyborga settled down on Vendaxa. But his peace was not to last.

The Empire was pursing some bandits to Vendaxa and the shoot out took place over the house of his Parents. One of the bandits fighters intentionally destroyed the house. Cyborga, stricken with grief and rage reactivated his old Droid Army and tracked the bandits to their HQ on the planet...and mercilessly killed them all with minimal help from his army. However the Empire took notice of his Droid Army and deemed it a threat. Darth Vader himself along with 501st Legion were dispatched to destroy Cyborga and his Army. In epic battle which took place around Cyborga’s Manor the Empire defeated his Droid Army. Cyborga confronted Darth Vader during that battle. Cyborga lost horribly but somehow managed to crawl away from the battle. The CIS remnant desperate for good commanders, found him hiding out in a cave barely alive. They restored his body using the same technics used on General Grievous. Cyborga then joined the CIS Remnant and remains its leader today.

I just want your veiws on this history...

Random lnsanity / Super Granny.
« on: March 16, 2008, 05:20:51 pm »

Random lnsanity / This SO describes Cyber Nations...
« on: February 19, 2008, 08:05:48 pm »

Random lnsanity / :(
« on: February 08, 2008, 04:24:05 pm »
My famly's one year old puppy died yesterday at noon...

Random lnsanity / Man falls 47 stories..and SURVIVES!!!
« on: January 23, 2008, 05:48:00 pm »
I don't have a link yet...but still surviving that kinda of fall.


Random lnsanity / DAMN!!!
« on: November 27, 2007, 07:45:30 pm »
Alright who ever changed the back round in the RIA HQ change it back. I can't veiw the RIA HQ any more and that is pissing me off..So


Random lnsanity / A cool MTW2 video I found online..
« on: November 26, 2007, 07:38:27 pm »
This is a pretty cool MTW2 video with iced earth music I found while randomly searching Youtube.

The Video

Random lnsanity / COBRA New's
« on: October 12, 2007, 02:21:47 pm »
Hi I'm dark tyrant the resident Megalomanic. I can't get onto Cyber nations forums for some reason so I'm posting my nations news here.

Old Air Force Decommisioned The Guard Changes, the Move To Russia, and our current econemic state.
By Johnsen Viper (Reporter 1st class)

The citizeins of Cobra City bid a fond fare well to our older and out of date F-86 Sabre's  and  Bristol Blenheim's. The Planes were meltded down earlier today as Our new air force took to the skies and put on a grand display for our citizeins. Our new air force consisting of  Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15's and B-25 Mitchell's . Also Dark Tyrant him self appeared to day from his heavily fortified bunker located on the cliffs over looking out fair city to reasure the people that the move to Russia was good idea. In other news while our newer more up to date air force wil help keep our nation secure it cost us quite a bit in the money department...many of Dark Tyrants advisers urged him to attack and ransack a weaker nation with no alliance to protect it to recuprate our funds. Details are sketchy but many beleive Dark Tyrant will not attempt such a rash action.

Random lnsanity / ..?!
« on: October 08, 2007, 03:35:48 pm »
Okay why the the bloody hell do we have a Hentai sub forum?!!...Is this really the kind of stuff we want ammbassdors from other alliances seeing?!

Random lnsanity / #%*$(#^
« on: September 22, 2007, 08:05:49 pm »
My account on the CN forums has been suspended and I don't know why could some one contact some one called "Serverus Snape" and find out why my account was suspended?

Random lnsanity / How to make a Vodoo doll.
« on: September 21, 2007, 04:54:23 pm »
Hello I have found a way to make a vodoo doll thanks to some online sources here's the instructions.

1. Form a cross by binding two sticks with yarn.
2. Wrap cotton around the longer stick and cover the body with a 14“x2˝“ cloth poncho—for revenge, make everything black.
3. Leave a hole in the middle for the head and cinch the ensemble with more yarn.
4. Fashion a head out of a 3˝“x2“ piece of cloth, then draw a face or tack on a photo.

please note I do not follow the vodoo religon..I just have a really annoying brother and useing a vodoo doll on him seemend like a fun thing to do..sadly I haven't had much sucess.

Random lnsanity / A poem/predication about the final end of the Unjust war/
« on: September 20, 2007, 07:50:11 pm »
"The reamaning UJPers I think knew they were doomed. But where anthour group would surrender to despair, The UJPers fought back with even greater strength. They made the Justice League fight for every inch of land. In my life I  have never seen anything like it. They would weep, They would pray, They would say good bye to their loved ones. Then throw them selves without fear or hestation at the very face of death itself. Never Surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courge. their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of planes, they used guns, when they ran out of guns, they used Knifes and sticks and bear hands. They were magnifcient. I only hope that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes at the end. They did this for (Insert amount of time here) . They never ran out of courge...but in the end they ran out of time."-Dark Tyrant at the end of the Unjust war on (Insert day here).

Obviusly when the Unjust war ends the gaps in this will filled in.

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