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Messages - Ryun

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« on: October 11, 2011, 07:56:42 am »
Today I realized we are heavily lacking in emotes to express my feelings on topics of this nature.


Random lnsanity / Re: The Inaugural RIA Games - Shellshock edition
« on: October 11, 2011, 07:53:27 am »
Kongregate Username (if applicable): nope
When are you available to d-d-d-d-d-d-duel? (CN time): All of the time is Ryun time except when he is asleep or otherwise pre-occupied with various workings, tinkerings, and/or activities of SCIENCE  :science:
Who is your favourite backstreet boy? And why?: Fuck Kongregate

Random lnsanity / Re: Please help me remember a couple of old space games
« on: December 09, 2010, 03:47:35 am »
no wait, space invaders

Random lnsanity / Re: Please help me remember a couple of old space games
« on: December 09, 2010, 03:47:22 am »
one of those scroll around a map games where you controlled one ship

 I believe you controlled the ship with your keys and fought enemy vessels

dont even remember the goal...


Random lnsanity / Re: tok..tok...TOK....pokka!
« on: December 09, 2010, 03:44:29 am »
Dear Mods,

STOP FUCKING WITH MY SIG! llamavore said that, not Llama.

Godammit, fucking filter. Moth = moth

are you on the dope, son?

it'd need transparent layers and probably the original photo because i kind of butchered it in MSPaint trying to make it look not awful but it totally deserves it

yep I'm making this on the spam board so nobody will see this  :rainbowsheep:

Random lnsanity / Re: My great wifi adapter got kicked by my maid
« on: August 19, 2010, 08:29:22 pm »
this just in

youtube is shit

everything can flawlessly be blamed on youtube


fucking oil spills

e.g. ff7 character, famous historical figure, etc

Why has someone not done this before:

- make a 100 question long survey to have people find out "Which classic villain are you?"
- have it include lots of trivial questions
- have all the results be Grunty from Banjo Kazooie, with the description "you're terrible at this and everything you do, try again?" or something fucking generic that's absolutely terrible that nobody would want, make the description something stupid misleading like "Are you Sephiroth, Ganon, or even LIKWID SNAEK!!?!"
- if people start to get on the trail, admit that all results really are grunty, except one has a secret special surprise for the right combination (something stupid like an account for some private or pay-only website that is difficult to get in to or some pay-to-play account)
- find at how much time people waste until they give up or actually find out they are all grunty entirely

post link somewhere where video games are discussed often, put into action

eventually people will get so pissed at being fooled that they'll try to fool their friends, which will try to fool other forums

this is the super-retarded royal nonesuch of our time

and it's just retarded enough to work - you've seen those forum signatures "I AM CLOUD BECAUSE I AM SILENT AND GOOD NATURED AND I HIT BACK A FEW TIMES TO MAKE SURE I DIDN'T GET BARRET CUZ HES NOT AS KAWAII ANIMES AS CLOUD, click here to take the supa AWSUM test youself!~"


About 58,700,000 results  (0.24 seconds)

You know it will be amazing.

Random lnsanity / Re: Thank you global warming
« on: March 22, 2010, 06:56:46 pm »
lousy smarch weather


sounds accurate

minor profanity... so nsfw

The guy running the bakery - fucking HUGE.  Maybe 6' 5", 6' 6", around that.  Not only that he was built like some kind of ungodly man-tank.  You know that guy from American Choppers, that faggish man with the handlebar mustache he keeps for ironic purposes that yells at fucking everyone?  Look at his arms, now imagine that on this guy except fucking everywhere, okay?

I kept trying to ask him what the cost for a loaf of whole-wheat was (because for some reason they had no white bread - racists) but he just kept staring at me.  I couldn't really tell if he was from around Brussels, he had no accent because he didn't SPEAK. and I'm pretty sure he wasn't asian.  So, I'm a bit peeved about the lack of white bread so in my most annoying Super Mario-esque accent (sure to provoke some kind of response) and ask him "eh, mama mia, do you speak-a my language?"

And then he just looks at me, still.  I couldn't tell if he was stifiling a laugh or about to cry or terribly pissed off but he just stares at me.  Then he goes in the back of the store.

Can you fucking believe it?  I can't even get a fucking loaf of bread in Brussels, of all places!  I wait like 20 minutes and he comes back out.  He looks at me and he's all red-faced.  He was probably doing something I don't even want to know about back there, but then he just smiles and hands me some pasty fucking sandwich and points to a sign on the wall that said "Try our vegemite sandwiches!"  DO YOU GUYS THINK THAT IF I WANTED A SANDWICH, I WOULD'VE ORDERED ONE INSTEAD OF DRAGGING A FUCKING POORLY ASS WRAPPED BAG HOLDING A LOAF OF FUCKING SLICED WHOLE WHEAT BREAD UP TO THE COUNTER?

Anyway, after this he looks at me, gets this huge ass grin and leans over the counter to tell me some of the weirdest of all phrases I could possibly ever comprehend.  English, too, mind you.  Just loud enough for me to hear, he whispers something, and when I lean closer trying to hear what he was actually saying and to make sure he wasn't just whistling or something, he just fucking bellows out "I COME FROM A LAND DOWN UNDER, WHERE BEER DOES FLOW AND MEN CHUNDER.  CAN'T YOU HEAR - CAN'T YOUR HEAR THE THUNDER?  YOU BETTER RUN, YOU BETTER TAKE COVER."

Needless to say I just ran with the bread I needed for my lunch before he could pull out a gun or something and start shooting at me, or worse, keep flapping his lips backed by his foghorn of a voice box.  The guy was batshit insane, I can tell you that.  I got all the way to the airport and got on the next plane to Bombay - I needed to be as far away from that guy as possible.

Scares me to this day.  Shit.

Random lnsanity / Fuck you Obama
« on: October 26, 2009, 02:22:41 pm »
If you guys want a decent country it'd probably be best to just move out.

From the beginning of America's history things had to be built on compromise.  In the past 50 or so years it's moved away from that and now people are dumb and only vote for party loyalties or the candidates only act in order to get their party's support (and therefore DINERO $$$$).

Acting for your party's support = $$$$$ but you don't get all the issues done
Acting on all the right issues to get the country back on track = No money = You won't get elected
Trying to get everything done right in the 4-8 years you are president = you're a dumbass get the hell out
Acting to get the support of both parties = impossible, don't try it

Obama got ambitious and PROMISED to get everything done and get the country back on track.  That's basically how he got the nobel peace prize, as reported by every news station I tune in to.  By promising to do amazing things.  I can't go on anything else, there are no more sources.  This is it, the "facts".

And then, it's simply unpossible.  If you don't get shit done your first 4 years you won't get a second 4 years.  If you try to get everything done you don't get shit done the first 4 years and thus can't finish so you can enjoy your little set up get torn all the way down by the opposing party over the next 4 years.  Learn to pass the torch.  Get the important things done any MAYBE your party and your ideas will proceed for another 4 years.

But then that would rely on cooperation from the other party, compromise, and "PROMISES" that the other major party wouldn't go around and fuck up all you've done so it's more "CONSERVATIVE" or more "LIBERAL" to fit their party so they get they money for their campaign for their next 4 years.

Simply put, no matter who you elect, there would have to be massive revolutionary changes in human nature for this country to get "back on track".  Right now you can vote for one of two extremes that have good ideas for some things and fuck TERRIBLE ideas for other things, for the purpose of their next campaign.

You want a smart candidate?  Get one that promises stuff, gets his party's support, gets elected, and goes around and says "up yours" to his party and compromises between the two no matter how pissy they get.  That's a smart candidate, but if you have a dumb congress it's all for naught, because if they get pissy, your legislature won't get passed until something in the bill benefits them instead of the public, which makes us go backwards again.

I don't usually bitch about this but I am fucking tired of it.

Random lnsanity / I HAS NEW PUPPY
« on: July 26, 2009, 12:46:33 pm »

And that's not a dog, crazy, that's a very large rat.

Random lnsanity / Me>>>>>you
« on: July 26, 2009, 12:43:40 pm »

Member No. 19

Fast Post

Random lnsanity / ITT, I swear a lot to show my appreciation
« on: July 06, 2009, 02:39:16 am »



that game was goddamn fucking amazing and it is your god-given motherfucking duty to download that game RIGHT FUCKING NOW AND PLAY IT AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE STARCRAFT YOU BETTER GO OUT AND FUCKING BUY IT JUST FOR THIS MOTHERFUCKING MAP

Also, it's 11 megabytes, 10 megabytes of which are taken up solely by triggers.

This about sums it up.

That pelvic thrust is just bpenising to be turned into a .gif


Also, by far, the best part in the game was the highway scene.

Random lnsanity / Ryun's Hacking Super Mario World! Yaay!
« on: June 28, 2009, 11:58:11 pm »
Update with no content

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