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Messages - Skulryk

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Random lnsanity / from now on, if I catch you fags eating penis cakes
« on: December 12, 2009, 02:40:26 pm »
Wait... which of the photos in there are yours?

Anime / Winter 2009-10 Anime Season
« on: December 11, 2009, 12:04:52 pm »
I'd actually love to see people trying to troll me. I'd be amused to see them try to annoy me.  Unlike most people in this world, I'm too far detached to give a fuck about anything.

Oh, and since Myrrh seems to really love her mod privleges and deleted my post (Cowarddddddddddd), Imma post it again.

: I guess it's only a joke so long as it's not making fun of your hobbies then, right Myrrh? Hypocriteeeeeeeeee~~~

Anime / Winter 2009-10 Anime Season
« on: December 08, 2009, 10:00:54 am »
LOL. I love how everyone is always more than willing to shit upon anything for the sake of comedy, but as soon as their own hobbies/lifestyles/religions/etc. are shat upon, they flip out and get all defensive. Fucking pussies. >_>

Seriously. You anime people need to grow the fuck up and roll with the flames. Otherwise, why the fuck would you be in the RANDOM INSANITY alliance? Duhhhhhhhhhhh.

Oh, and as for the "Winter Season," I don't plan on watching anything new, just catching up on some older series that I've been meaning to watch for quite some time... Really wanna finish watching Zenki. Not sure why... I just do. O_O

Anime / anime is still gay
« on: November 12, 2009, 12:41:04 pm »
I like this thread title. It accurately explains -exactly- why I love anime.

Anime / anime is gay as fuck
« on: November 12, 2009, 12:39:21 pm »
Quote from: gangs20003
Quote from: Skulryk
I love how defensive the fan-girls/boys are getting over this topic. LOL. When exactly did our society learn to not be able to understand jokes? >_>



Anime / anime is gay as fuck
« on: November 08, 2009, 03:44:12 pm »
I love how defensive the fan-girls/boys are getting over this topic. LOL. When exactly did our society learn to not be able to understand jokes? >_>

Anime / Your Top 5 Least Favorite Animes
« on: October 31, 2009, 12:01:05 pm »
Quote from: Trollan
Quote from: gangs20003
Quote from: Trollan
4. Bleach - Generic GRIND FOR MOAR POWAR shounen shit.
youre next...
I don't care. Generic shounen shit is still generic and shit.


Anime / Are 4Kids and Disney a Danger to Anime?
« on: October 31, 2009, 11:59:31 am »
But: 1.) Why would you even associate with those people?

And: 2.) Why would I EVER bother watching a 4Kids dub of something when I could just watch the original online? It doesn't concern me when they do shit, because there's no reason for me to need to care. And even then, 4Kids would NEVER take any of my series that I watch. They're far to sex-filled and/or violent for them to even dare. You can only really do so much in terms of censorship, people. If they got their hands on my shows... they might be able to televise 5 of the 30 minutes of it due to censorship issues. >_>

Plus: 3.) They'll probably never stray from their current market of televised retardation. It wouldn't prove profitable in the long-run for them, because most people who watch anime and are over the age of 15 have a tendency to eventually realize the stupidity of 4Kids and move on to somewhat "truer" animes. And then of course, if 4Kids were to try and take those as well, people would just ignore it.

Anime / Are 4Kids and Disney a Danger to Anime?
« on: October 30, 2009, 01:16:08 pm »
Well... why the fuck would anybody who actually watches anime watch the shit that 4Kids spews out? They don't even show good series to begin with... So why do we care what they put out? If you're honestly concerened about shit being turned shittier, then you need to re-think your priorites. >_>

Anime / Your Top 5 Least Favorite Animes
« on: October 30, 2009, 09:13:30 am »
Quote from: UndiscoveredBum
Oh come on. It's not like GT can be any worse than everything that happened after freiza. I mean I love DBZ, but Cell and Buu are the stupidest fucking villains ever.

Cell is OVER 9000!!!! times more badass than ANYTHING we see in GT. For instance... "The Para Para brothers then command them to hand over the six-star ball, but Goku refuses. The brothers then take off their armor, which turn into stereos, and they start dancing. The mystical beat forces Goku, Trunks, and Pan to dance along with them, and the brothers' leader takes advantage of their essential paralysis and begins to beat them up. More giant worm monsters appear and crush the brothers' stereos, freeing Goku, Trunks, and Pan. The three then easily defeat the Para Para brothers."

... and then of course there's the evil robot named "Baby" ... >_>

And let's not forget the episode where the portal to Hell (Or HFIL (the Home For Infinite Losers) in the English dub) is opened and all the old vilians of DBZ tonic back out...

Yeah. GT was FAR worse than anything DBZ could spit out.

Anime / Your Top 5 Least Favorite Animes
« on: October 29, 2009, 11:54:29 am »
Quote from: Trollan
1. Naruto - The majority of its fanbase is shit.
2. Shugo Chara - Cutesy moe-blob crap D:
3. Rosario + Vampire - Harem crap
4. Bleach - Generic GRIND FOR MOAR POWAR shounen shit.
5. RideBack - The manga was great. The anime was shit.

I can't believe that I forgot to include Bleach on my list of my top-5 most hated. O_O

That DEFINATELY pushes back InuYasha to #6. Possibly even pushes back Bakugan.

Anime / Your Top 5 Favorite Animes
« on: October 29, 2009, 11:51:50 am »
5.) Sensitive Pornograph - ........ I like me teh guyz. >_>
4.) Neon Genesis Evangelion - Loved it. Really intense story-line, really gripping plot. Decent artwork for the most part, though I find that people who draw in that style don't always end up burritos me entirely satisfied. This time it worked though. I feel like this one would have ranked higher if not for the fucked-up ending that left me wondering if perhaps the creators had just dug themselves such a huge plot-hole that they couldn't get out and just threw together an acid-trip end.
3.) Tales of Phantasia OVA - Not only did I love the game (Thank GOD for fan-subs... I would have killed myself if I had to play that game on my GBA!), but the OVA was extremely well done. Loved every minute of it, great artwork, great story, great EVERYTHING.
2.) Ouran Highschool Host Club - Any show that actively makes fun of its viewers is bound to rank highly in my book. It's essentially the ultimate roast of anime fangirls. Yet somehow it managed to also have great artwork, great voice acting, and a pretty decent (though often times somewhat strange) plot. Loved this show with all my heart. Cosplayed as Tamaki last year at Anime Boston '09. Fantastic times indeed. The fangirls all loved how I was more than willing to supply them with some Tamaki/Kyoya fanservice whenever a Kyoya happened to walk by...
1.) Ai No Kusabi - ............................................ I REALLY like me teh guyz. >_>

Anime / Your Top 5 Least Favorite Animes
« on: October 28, 2009, 04:21:34 pm »
5.) InuYasha - I used to actually like this show. And then I noticed that it was just never going to end. And on and on it went, hundreds of episodes of fluffy filler... and suddenly it just ends without a proper ending. FUCK THAT SHIT.
4.) Bakugan Battle Brawlers - Nuff said. Another fucking Beyblade/Yu-Gi-Oh/Pokemon battle-shit rip-off. Well, you can go FUCK yourself.
3.) Full Metal Alchemist - Just a really annoying show. Bothers me quite a bit. And it's successes with mainstream audiences (a.k.a. the uninformed masses who think that things like FMA are really "hardcore" anime... stupid tit-fuckers) ensure that you can't escape it's influences no matter how far you try to run...
2.) Dragonball GT - Dragonball Z was ok... sorta. When I was 8. So was Dragonball. But GT... ughhh. Fucking SHIT. Worthless in every sense of the word.
1.) Naruto (Shippuden or otherwise) - That show is the most fucking worthless piece of shit to ever crawl forth on the face of the Earth, and it's very existance is offensive to me. Plus, because of stupid fucking emo Sasuke, you can't go to an anime convention without seeing swarms of Naruto fans runnning around, mis-pronouncing all the names, and squealing about how "Sasuke is sooooooo misunderstood!!! But I could love him!" ... Makes me want to fucking slit my throat.

Random lnsanity / Ok you stupid faggots. I need relationship help.
« on: September 29, 2009, 04:28:10 pm »
Don't do it.

At age 18, I had SIGNIFICANT issues when I was dating someone else who was 23. And that was only a 5 year gap.

Go for someone closer to your age... like... seriously.

I feel that I am best qualified to comment out of anyone here considering I'm actually gay. >_>

So yeah... seriously, just wait till college. I did, and now it's awesome. I haven't even been here a month and I've already met a TOTALLY awesome and adorable guy who's my age, and we just spent last night wrestling in the lounge, seeing who could get the other to submit first. It was awesome. Flirting is SO fun.

So seriously. Just wait a little while longer. It'll pay off in the end.

Random lnsanity / What did you want to be when you grew up?
« on: September 22, 2009, 12:38:27 pm »
As a small child, I wanted to be a game designer... changed my mind around age 12 when I decided I wanted to be a pianist. That plan changed a few weeks ago when I decided to go for an organ major rather than piano, in addition to my poli-sci (with certificate in Internation Relations) as a back-up. And in the last few days... my mind is changing again towards persuing vocal work. >_>

Random lnsanity / I dedicate this here topic, to Zitan XLII
« on: September 20, 2009, 04:59:26 pm »
Fuck you. This topic sucks.

What a waste of life.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Not those rok bastards...
« on: September 17, 2009, 12:37:36 pm »
HEY! Do you know Mr. Tibbles?!?

Because  I <3 him. Tell him I say hi.

(Though I wonder if he uses Mr. Tibbles as him forum ID... I just know it as his nation ruler name).

*EDIT* So apparently he goes by the name Fenrir's Pup. And apparently his nation has been deleted. And apparently he wasn't terribly active on your forums either. >_>

... so yeah. That kinda makes sense. He tends to get all excited about shit and then get bored with it really quickly in real-life... so no surprise CN didn't keep his attention.

Random lnsanity / If you're reading this, you're stupid.
« on: September 15, 2009, 10:16:57 am »
If you're reading this, then Patrick Swayze is dead.

... Oh, wait ... >_>

Tech Trades / Selling Tech all day
« on: September 09, 2009, 06:59:27 pm »
You should sign up for our tech farm... deals are automatically set up for you, 6 mil for 150 tech.

Random lnsanity / Greatest Website EVER
« on: September 09, 2009, 02:54:26 pm »
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