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Messages - Shamedmonkey

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Random lnsanity / Breaking news!
« on: January 28, 2009, 11:34:18 pm »
ℓoren says:
I'm gay.

Random lnsanity / So... Grant theft auto 4.
« on: December 15, 2008, 01:12:11 pm »
I will destroy Srqt.


And I'm lazy.

Thank you for your time and good night.

Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 08, 2008, 09:15:20 am »
I sent you 50 tech. Will you give me AOPs in #cupcakery now?

Random lnsanity / VOTE FOR L-FUCKING-BLOCK
« on: November 08, 2008, 09:14:40 am »


Random lnsanity / Super Ultra Hyper Mega Happy Ninja Awesome moments in #RIA
« on: September 30, 2008, 01:22:29 pm »
In #cupcakery, Delta's private channel that you probably don't have access to.

<@Big_Z[GOD]> Is Srqt talking about himself in the third person?
<Shamedmonkey> no
<Shamedmonkey> That's the Future Mrs SrG
<@Big_Z[GOD]> :O
<Shamedmonkey> SrGt*
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Srqt has a life outside of CN? BLASPHEMY!
<Shamedmonkey> yes I know
<Shamedmonkey> I think he paid a hooker to get on the radio
* Shamedmonkey runs
<@Big_Z[GOD]> :O
<Shamedmonkey> huh
<Shamedmonkey> I'm surprised I haven't been lynched yet
<@Away_Srqt> thanks guys really.
<@Away_Srqt> i feel the love .
<@Away_Srqt> i do exist, those pictures weren't photo shopped or anything i assure you
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Wait, we shouldn't jump to such conclusions so quickly Shamed
<@Big_Z[GOD]> It might just be MPD
<Shamedmonkey> true
<@Away_Srqt> FUCK YOU ALLL
<@Away_Srqt> in the ass
<@Away_Srqt> hard
<Shamedmonkey> So SrGt is marrying himself?
* Shamedmonkey dodges
<@Away_Srqt> multiple times
<@Big_Z[GOD]> No need to tell us what you do during your free time man
<@Big_Z[GOD]> TMI
<@Away_Srqt> no blaspheming my wedding
<Shamedmonkey> I agree with Z
<Shamedmonkey> Is that even a word?
<@Away_Srqt> hey its still the future mrs watch your mouth
<@Away_Srqt> and yes its a word, im a language nazi remember?
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Note how quickly the personality shifts
<Shamedmonkey> I feel a kickban coming on from SrGt
<@Away_Srqt> you should be able to tell its not MPD by the fact that she can type
<@Away_Srqt> also
<@Away_Srqt> Hi shamed
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Not really
* Shadow[RIA] (theshadowd@coldfront-FAEB0020.buckeyecom.net) Quit (Ping timeout)
* You were kicked by Away_Srqt (since you asked « Ë×Çü®§îöñ »)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Cupcakery
* Rejoined channel #Cupcakery
* Topic is 'Realm of the Psychic Cupcake Overlord | Birthplace of the Royal Inverted Arithmetical Operation | No one hops like Gaston | lol Shamed | Doitzel: He's better than you | Dilber: Resident blind seer | Archon: Just when you thought the shadows were safe | Radio:'
* Set by Delta1212[RIA] on Sat Sep 27 03:36:13
<@Big_Z[GOD]> There's no research indicating that a multiple personality can't type
<@Away_Srqt> true, sybil could draw with purple crayons
<Shamedmonkey> I have not seen that movie.
<@Away_Srqt> he says he hates you all by the way
<@Away_Srqt> i didnt either i just read the book
<@Big_Z[GOD]> [18:33]   <Away_Srqt>   he says he hates you all by the way  <-- Oshi- Hoo will be pissed. That's not what he told Hoo last night :O
<@Away_Srqt> I tell Hoo whatever he pays me to say
<@Away_Srqt> he knows when I am off duty I am free to speak my mind
<Shamedmonkey> Hoo told me SrGt swallows for him
<Shamedmonkey> :O
* You were kicked by Away_Srqt (swallow this « Ë×Çü®§îöñ »)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Cupcakery
* Rejoined channel #Cupcakery
* Topic is 'Realm of the Psychic Cupcake Overlord | Birthplace of the Royal Inverted Arithmetical Operation | No one hops like Gaston | lol Shamed | Doitzel: He's better than you | Dilber: Resident blind seer | Archon: Just when you thought the shadows were safe | Radio:'
* Set by Delta1212[RIA] on Sat Sep 27 03:36:13
<Shamedmonkey> no
<Shamedmonkey> I refuse
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Is that an admission that you spend your off nights with Hoo?
<@Away_Srqt> I didnt know it was a secret
<Shamedmonkey> This channel just took a turn for the homoerotic, even with that hooker reading what we say
* Shamedmonkey runs away
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Shamedmonkey: It was always homoerotic. Srqt was in the channel, even if the tag is away :P
<@Away_Srqt> >_>
<@Away_Srqt> <_<
<Shamedmonkey> SrGt is a compulsive liar too, since he tag lies so often
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> [16:37] <@Away_Srqt> he says he hates you all by the way <--- nonsense ...
<Shamedmonkey> Hoo, is it true? Does SrGt swallow for you?
* Retrieving #Cupcakery modes...
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> Only on Tuesdays
<Shamedmonkey> Why Tuesdays?
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> I dunno ... ask him
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> :D
<Shamedmonkey> SrGt, why Tuesdays?
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> lol
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Probably the only day of the week Hoo is available. He WAS voted the best leader of all sanctioned alliances ya know.
<@Big_Z[GOD]> So obviously his schedule of lackeys is filled other days
<Shamedmonkey> Wow, SrGt is a whore
<@Away_Srqt> tuesdays anger me
<@Big_Z[GOD]> What does swallowing have to do with anger? O_o
<Shamedmonkey> So you take your anger out on Hoo's cock?
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> [16:42] <@Big_Z[GOD]> Probably the only day of the week Hoo is available. He WAS voted the best leader of all sanctioned alliances ya know. <-- you guys are never going to let that go, are you? ... D:
<@Big_Z[GOD]> more fun to mock you about it
<@Big_Z[GOD]> I'll let it go when I get better ammunition
* Shadow[RIA] (theshadowd@coldfront-FAEB0020.buckeyecom.net) has joined #Cupcakery
* @VanHooIII[RoK] is goingto bash Z on AirMe's show next week
<@Away_Srqt> you know once I have my show and you ae a guest I am introducing you as "VanHoo the greatest alliance leader in CN"
* Shamedmonkey thinks Shadow missed the epicness of SrGt's hooker
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> Fuck that, SrGt!
<@Away_Srqt> and if you dont come on I will call you that 10 times as much on the air
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> hahahaa
<Shadow[RIA]> i don't think i missed much in the 30 seconds between me getting disconnected and re-connecting. >_>
<@Away_Srqt> he
<Shamedmonkey> Yes, you did actually
<@Away_Srqt> * he's lying, cuz he knows he can't get a show without me
<@Away_Srqt> hehe
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Shhh, stop giving SrGt ideas Hoo. Do you really want to know if SrGt really is doing that to some poor inanimate object right now?
<Shadow[RIA]> ok maybe i did
<Shamedmonkey> Also, Hoo.
<Shamedmonkey> I demand a shout out when you're on AirMe's show
<@Away_Srqt> from who .. me?
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> Get in line
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> :P
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Also, Hoo, do let us know when you're on air. I'll actually take time to listen in
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> Thursday after next
<@Big_Z[GOD]> So the 9th?
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> Yeah
<Shamedmonkey> Cupcakery has exclusive rights to shoutouts, Hoo
<Shamedmonkey> >_>
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Hmm, terrible timing but doable I guess
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> lol Shamedmonkey
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Probably a good thing it's not on Tuesday either
<@Away_Srqt> why is your name shamedmonkey?
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> I'll give a blanket shoutout then
<@Away_Srqt> it intrigues me
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Cool, I'll make a note in my blackberry to piss you off on the 8th
<Shamedmonkey> I named my friend's profile that on Halo 2 to annoy him, the I adopted the name
<@Away_Srqt> gotchaaaaa
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> lol Z
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Shouldn't be too hard ;)
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Have a lot of
 topics I can hit on
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> I'm the only guest that time, I'm sure AirMe plans on it getting a little out of hand ... :P
<@Away_Srqt> its just funny cuz it has monkey in it. my dorm room has a famous mokey, but it's name is mokeycat
<@Away_Srqt> *monkeycat
<@Away_Srqt> it's pretty amazing
<@Big_Z[GOD]> I'll find someone to give you 50 tech if you say on air what you were thinking about saying yesterday in hoj
<Shamedmonkey> lolwut
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Don't try to understand shame donkey, it's in inside joke thingy
<@Away_Srqt> .... brains dead?
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Hoo knows what I'm talking about
<@Away_Srqt> aha
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> lol
<Shamedmonkey> See, this is why Delta needs to put more people from my side in this channel.
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Also, I noticed you finally dropped your charade Srqt. I'm pleased to see the progress you've made under our collective guidance.
<Shamedmonkey> So I can have inside jokes with them
<@Big_Z[GOD]> So, that's 500 dollars you owe us.
<@Away_Srqt> it's still me
<Shamedmonkey> Nah, you're forgetting the fee for having to do it over the internet, Z
* Away_Srqt is now known as Mrs_Srqt
<Shamedmonkey> That's another $300.
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Yeah but we haven't done it for the full hour yet
<Shamedmonkey> Each.
<@Mrs_Srqt> yayyyy
<@Mrs_Srqt> i have my own name
* Mrs_Srqt is now known as King_Srqt
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Hmm, another step backward into his fantasy world
<Shamedmonkey> This is more serious than we though.
* King_Srqt is now known as Mrs_Srqt
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Seems like a retreat from reality.
<Shamedmonkey> Maybe we should try shock therapy?
<Shadow[RIA]> =o!
<@Mrs_Srqt> fuck you
<@Mrs_Srqt> now it's strictly the mrs
<Shamedmonkey> XD
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Escapism isn't healthy Srqt
<@Mrs_Srqt> so watch it , ill fuck you up
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Note how aggressive Srqt gets when he has the "Mrs" tag on
<@Mrs_Srqt> so not only do i own the radio, i own the chat room AND i even have a nation on CN
<@Big_Z[GOD]> It obviously raises a large red flag
<Shamedmonkey> Must be PMSing
<@Mrs_Srqt> i dont pms .
<@Mrs_Srqt> im special like that, half the reason why he loves me so much
<Shamedmonkey> What, were you spayed?
<@Mrs_Srqt> yes. that's exactly it, i'm a bitch.
<@Mrs_Srqt> in reality, obviously not fuckheads, i want kids ya know
<Shamedmonkey> Shit. I think we're all fucked if SrGt passes on his genes.
<@Mrs_Srqt> let's just hope they never talk to any of you =P
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Shamedmonkey: Luckily, that won't happen. Srqt is a famed CN player.
<@Big_Z[GOD]> The paradoxical nature of fame in CN and having a real life has been established in multiple cases
<@Mrs_Srqt> he already has two kids ya know
<Shamedmonkey> It's a good thing I'm not famous on Planet Bob then.
<Shamedmonkey> This lie keeps on getting bigger and bigger.
<@Mrs_Srqt> is that why EVERYONE asked constantly if he was really engaged, jeez i don't get the internet realm
<@Big_Z[GOD]> So you're saying that Srqt has been experiencing hallucinations and delusions even before our conversation today? A most disturbing prognosis.
* Mrs_Srqt is now known as King_srqt
<Shamedmonkey> This man needs serious help. I think we should set up sessions every week, Z.
 <@King_srqt> would you like to hear the Fiancee and children on the radio?
<@King_srqt> i can arrange that
<@King_srqt> fucker :P
* You were kicked by King_srqt (I just really like doing this « Ë×Çü®§îöñ »)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Cupcakery
* Rejoined channel #Cupcakery
* Topic is 'Realm of the Psychic Cupcake Overlord | Birthplace of the Royal Inverted Arithmetical Operation | No one hops like Gaston | lol Shamed | Doitzel: He's better than you | Dilber: Resident blind seer | Archon: Just when you thought the shadows were safe | Radio:'
* Set by Delta1212[RIA] on Sat Sep 27 03:36:13
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Now, as treatment, I'd recommend Srqt spend 24 hours in solitary confinement with Herooftime55
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> Oh jeez
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> That's fucking cruel
<@King_srqt> oh now you are trying to get me in jail for murder
<@Big_Z[GOD]> That should help him snap out of it
<Shamedmonkey> Nah, we'd tie you down.
<@King_srqt> I would kill him with my teeth
<Shamedmonkey> And gag you.
<@Big_Z[GOD]> We'd make sure Herooftime keeps talking the entire 24 hours to be safe
<@King_srqt> id swallow the gag to get at him
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> He'd kill him with mindoxets
<@King_srqt> I would find a way
<@King_srqt> that fucker would not make it out
<Shamedmonkey> The power to kill HeroofTime55 from 200 yards away...WITH MIND oxETS.
<@VanHooIII[RoK]> ha
<Shamedmonkey> It's a good thing SrGt doesn't have this power, Z. Otherwise we'd have to rig it so that every time SrGt tries to fire one he gets a paralyzing shock.
<Shamedmonkey> We should also cushion the walls so SrGt can't commit suicide.
* Retrieving #Cupcakery modes...
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Ok, to be fair, we'll give you a choice. 168 hours in solitary confinement with Misr or 24 hours with Herooftime55. Sounds like a fair bargain.
<@King_srqt> :((
<Jangel-GOD> XD
<Shamedmonkey> What about the option of both of them with Bilrow for 3 hours, Z?
* VanHooIII[RoK] is now known as Hoo[AWAY]
<Shamedmonkey> And I'll throw in Norman for free, SrGt.
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Hmm, that's indeed a risky third option. But it just might be highly effective.
<@King_srqt> oh god
<@King_srqt> he would try and give me an excercism or some shit
<@King_srqt> hahah NO you have to but ME
<@King_srqt> as in the mrs
<Shamedmonkey> Hush, SrGt. Let the Doctors talk.
<@King_srqt> as in you have NO idea what would go on if you put him and i in a room together
<@King_srqt> before Srqt i dated a born again . aka an uber christian conservative.
* Doitzel (marc@9E2311A8.EEE8915A.99279231.IP) has joined #Cupcakery
<Shamedmonkey> Doitzel, we're working on theraputic treatments for SrGt.
<Shamedmonkey> So far we have three options.
<Doitzel> what?
<Shamedmonkey> 168 hours in solitary confinement with Misr, 24 hours with Herooftime55, or 3 hours with Herooftime, Misr, and Bilrow.
<Shamedmonkey> What do you think?
<@King_srqt> I think I need to kill you
<@King_srqt> >_>
<Shamedmonkey> I was asking Doitzel, not you, SrGt.
<Shamedmonkey> If you keep talking I'll have Nurse Hoo sedate you.
* King_srqt sets mode: +b *!*@coldfront-128BA4C1.hsd1.md.comcast.net
* You were kicked by King_srqt (no you cant come back for a minute (1 Min Ban ) « Ë×Çü®§îöñ »)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #Cupcakery
* Now talking in #Cupcakery
* Topic is 'Realm of the Psychic Cupcake Overlord | Birthplace of the Royal Inverted Arithmetical Operation | No one hops like Gaston | lol Shamed | Doitzel: He's better than you | Dilber: Resident blind seer | Archon: Just when you thought the shadows were safe | Radio:'
* Set by Delta1212[RIA] on Sat Sep 27 03:36:13
<Shamedmonkey> Nurse Hoo!
<@King_srqt> lol
<Shamedmonkey> (In all fairness I was surprised you managed that long before kbing me.)
<@Big_Z[GOD]> I think in light of this insubordination, we should up all therapy treatment periods by 48 hours apiece
<@King_srqt> lol thats because she had the comp
<Shamedmonkey> Agreed, Z.
<Shamedmonkey> Might need to bring in a 4th person as well.
<Shamedmonkey> Any suggestions
<Shamedmonkey> ?
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Holy shit, Wisconsin lost to Michigan?
<@Big_Z[GOD]> \o/
<@King_srqt> hmm la dame de coeurs perhaps?
<@King_srqt> lol that's her ruler name
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Wake Forest lost, USC lost, Wisconsin lost, Florida lost, Clemson lost, East Carolina lost...
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Wow
<Shamedmonkey> It appears we've had a regression, Z. He's thinking of his other personality as a different person now.
<Doitzel> did UCF lose?
<Shamedmonkey> Also, fuck yes Clemson lost, that means Maryland won
<Doitzel> I bet we did
<@King_srqt> i hate you...
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Nah, the game is still playing
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Just started
<Shamedmonkey> In light of Nurse Hoo's incompetency, I'm appointing Doitzel as SrGt's new nurse
<Doitzel> if the game started then we lost
<@King_srqt> Well at least Doitzel has a sexy voice
* Retrieving #Cupcakery modes...
<Doitzel> that I do
<Shamedmonkey> Clearly, SrGt likes having Doitzel as a Nurse. This means we need a different one.
<@Big_Z[GOD]> I vote we make Herooftime55 his nurse
<@Big_Z[GOD]> Or at least threaten to make Herooftime55 his nurse
<Shamedmonkey> Hmm..I agree. I think we should also have Herooftime55 become his caretaker after he's finished with treatment.
<Doitzel> why do I not have ops in here yet
<Doitzel> fucking cupcake
* King_srqt sets mode: -o Big_Z[GOD]
<Doitzel> i give and i give and i give and what do i get?!
<Doitzel> nothin'!
* Big_Z[GOD] was kicked by King_srqt (no u « Ë×Çü®§îöñ »)
* Big_Z[GOD] (chatzilla@coldfront-EFB9420A.urh.uiuc.edu) has joined #Cupcakery
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Big_Z[GOD]
<Shamedmonkey> Nurse Doitzel, please. We can't show any weakness in front of the patient.
<Shamedmonkey> <_<
<Shamedmonkey> OK, fine, I'll stop now.
<Shamedmonkey> I'm saving these logs however, and possibly posting them on the RIA boards
<@King_srqt> Shamedmonkey you are just jealous because you want to have sex with my fiancee
<@King_srqt> and its ok
<@King_srqt> I understand
<Shamedmonkey> Ah, dammit, It appears he's back to believing he has a fiancee again. Z, it appears the treatment was ineffective.
* King_srqt sets mode: +b *!*hamedmonk@*.hsd1.md.comcast.net
<@King_srqt> shhhh
<@King_srqt> you be quiet now
* King_srqt was kicked by Big_Z[GOD] (no u)
* King_srqt (none@coldfront-979B5984.ri.ri.cox.net) has joined #Cupcakery
* ChanServ sets mode: +o King_srqt
<Shamedmonkey> Recommending long term treatment involving Herooftime55, Misr, Bilrow, and Norman 24/7 for the next 10 years.
#Cupcakery You are banned (#Cupcakery)
* Big_Z[GOD] sets mode: -b *!*hamedmonk@*.hsd1.md.comcast.net
<Shamedmonkey> Recommending long term treatment involving Herooftime55, Misr, Bilrow, and Norman 24/7 for the next 10 years.
* King_srqt sets mode: +b *!*chatzilla@*.urh.uiuc.edu
* ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*chatzilla@*.urh.uiuc.edu
* King_srqt sets mode: +b *!*@coldfront-EFB9420A.urh.uiuc.edu
* ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@coldfront-EFB9420A.urh.uiuc.edu
* Big_Z[GOD] was kicked by King_srqt (I said +B « Ë×Çü®§îöñ »)
* Big_Z[GOD] (chatzilla@coldfront-EFB9420A.urh.uiuc.edu) has joined #Cupcakery
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Big_Z[GOD]
<Shamedmonkey> Patient is feeling a little touchy right now.
* Big_Z[GOD] sets mode: +b *!*@coldfront-979B5984.ri.ri.cox.net
<@King_srqt> Kick wars are fun
* King_srqt was kicked by Big_Z[GOD] (NO U!)
* Big_Z[GOD] sets mode: +I Big_Z[GOD]!*@*
* Big_Z[GOD] sets mode: +e Big_Z[GOD]!*@*
* ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@coldfront-979B5984.ri.ri.cox.net
* King_srqt (none@coldfront-979B5984.ri.ri.cox.net) has joined #Cupcakery
* ChanServ sets mode: +o King_srqt
<Doitzel> much to learn, you still have
* Big_Z[GOD] was kicked by King_srqt (King_srqt)
* King_srqt sets mode: +b *!*@coldfront-EFB9420A.urh.uiuc.edu
* Big_Z[GOD] (chatzilla@coldfront-EFB9420A.urh.uiuc.edu) has joined #Cupcakery
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Big_Z[GOD]
* King_srqt was kicked by Big_Z[GOD] (Big_Z[GOD])
* King_srqt (none@coldfront-979B5984.ri.ri.cox.net) has joined #Cupcakery
<Shamedmonkey> What do you recommend for treatment then, Doitzel?
* ChanServ sets mode: +o King_srqt
<@King_srqt> alrigth well I have to get th ekids to bed
<@King_srqt> I will be back
* King_srqt is now known as Away_Srqt
<Doitzel> squirt has childreN/
<Doitzel> n?
<Doitzel> they let you reproduce?
<Shamedmonkey> I got scared as well, Doitzel
<@Away_Srqt> thanks Doitzel
<@Away_Srqt> :(
<Doitzel> and not only that, it was /plural/
<Doitzel> they let you reproduce repeatedly

Random lnsanity / Rating topic.
« on: August 01, 2008, 10:37:19 pm »
Oh hey late post is late.

Random lnsanity / MEDAL RACE 08
« on: August 01, 2008, 10:35:16 pm »



Random lnsanity / Hi, I'm new here.
« on: May 03, 2008, 10:03:48 am »
/me kills Zeep and hides the body

Random lnsanity / I'M GETTING MARRIED
« on: April 21, 2008, 09:39:26 pm »
You're my lesser clone, you stole the Hate-Everything attitude from me.

Random lnsanity / I'M GETTING MARRIED
« on: April 21, 2008, 01:16:14 pm »
Lore Lore is just jealous because she has the hots for C-zom.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Tyberian Covenant's Ambassador
« on: April 14, 2008, 07:54:14 pm »
o hay

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Tyberian Covenant's Ambassador
« on: April 14, 2008, 06:12:14 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: Black Phoenix
Your Alliance: The Tyberian Covenant
Your Alliance's Initials: TTC
Your Alliance's primary team color: Black
URL to your alliance's forum: http://tyberia.net/index.php

On a related note, I can't believe that what not to do topic is still pinned.

Also, hello. I'm now your official ambassador.

Random lnsanity / Moth's Collectible Card Game Idea
« on: April 14, 2008, 11:46:35 am »
I still want a card >_>

Random lnsanity / Moth's Collectible Card Game Idea
« on: April 13, 2008, 09:29:09 pm »
Ooooh, make a card of me! >_>

Random lnsanity / I am extremely offended by American Idol.
« on: April 11, 2008, 10:26:04 pm »
OK, let me get this straight...You're offended by something...that doesn't go out of it's way to offend anyone who isn't of Christian faith? FFS, if it bothers you that much, don't watch the show.

I'm an atheist, and I don't care. I preach religious equality as much as anyone, but I'm sure as hell not offended by this. Honestly, it's like you're looking for a reason to be offended. Hell, I am an Atheist and that song doesn't offend me, in fact, I enjoy the song because it has a nice sound, it's promoting peace and harmony, AND IT IS NOT SAYING ANYTHING BAD ABOUT ME.

If they sung a song about Buddhism, I would not be offended, if they sung a song about Judaism I would not be offended, if they sung a song about the Greek Gods I would not be offended. And you sure as hell wouldn't be offended if they sung a song about your respective religion. And you're calling American Idol close minded?

They haven't done ANYTHING offensive at all. They did not say anything but goodwill towards man. And you're calling it offensive.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Loren
« on: April 09, 2008, 07:00:45 pm »
ATTN: Loren

Will you be my girlfriend?

Good times.

* EnragedLobster (~kieranwal@synIRC-B296DB06.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #ria
* ChanServ sets mode: +v EnragedLobster
* +Shamedmonkey slaps EnragedLobster around a bit with a large trout
<+EnragedLobster> oh, fuck
* +EnragedLobster counters with a large rock
<+typa> On the trout, or the Monkey?
* +Shamedmonkey barrel rolls and throws an enraged turtle at EL
* +EnragedLobster air dodges and throws a home run bat at Shamed
<+Kadin[EGS]> :XX
* +Shamedmonkey uses Azural as a shield and throws Kadin at EL
<%crazyisraelie[OBS-RA]> Well
<%crazyisraelie[OBS-RA]> Lanna
<+Kadin[EGS]> o lawd
<%crazyisraelie[OBS-RA]> do you remember when I went about posting gay porn in this channel?
* +Mayuri-[EGS] (~asfdfdsa.@synIRC-72E8D17B.dhcp.inet.fi) Quit (Ping timeout)
* +EnragedLobster eats Kadin and projectile-vomits him out at Shamed
* +Shamedmonkey rolls to the side and throws a knife at EL
* +EnragedLobster is stabbed
<+EnragedLobster> Fuck!
<+EnragedLobster> Get me a medic!
<+EnragedLobster> oh god
<+EnragedLobster> oh god
<+EnragedLobster> oh god
<+EnragedLobster> I'm bleeding
* +typa hands EL some bandages
<+EnragedLobster> I need to get this knife out.
* +Shamedmonkey witholds medical treatment from EL because he's a commie
<+EnragedLobster> Fuck
<+EnragedLobster> Goddammit
* +EnragedLobster grabs the knife
<+EnragedLobster> AAAAGHHH
<+EnragedLobster> it hurts
* +Shamedmonkey pulls the knife out and shoves it back in in a different spot
* +EnragedLobster rips the knife out and attacks Shamed with a hammer and sickle
* +Shamedmonkey gets his arm sliced off, but grabs said arm and starts beating EL with itr
<+Shamedmonkey> It*
* +EnragedLobster slices Shamed's gut open
* +Shamedmonkey strangles EL with his own intestines
<+EnragedLobster> Dammit, I was going to do that to you next.
<+EnragedLobster> >>.
<+Shamedmonkey> >_>
<+Shamedmonkey> Does this mean I win?
* +EnragedLobster chops Shamed's intestines and hits him in the balls with a hammer
* +Shamedmonkey whimpers in pain and castrates EL with a rusty saw blade
* Mayuri-[EGS] (~asfdfdsa.@synIRC-72E8D17B.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #ria
* Azural sets mode: +v Mayuri-[EGS]
* +EnragedLobster screams in agony, then smacks Shamed in the face with his own balls
<+EnragedLobster> I think you lose.
<+EnragedLobster> You had balls in your face.
<+Shamedmonkey> Not really, I came out with a dick.
<+Shamedmonkey> Even if I am sterile now.
<+EnragedLobster> I was talking about my balls.
<+EnragedLobster> Not yours.
<+Shamedmonkey> Yeah, I know.
<+Shamedmonkey> Fight may be over, but I can still have sex.
<+EnragedLobster> >.>
<+EnragedLobster> Are there girls who have a disemboweled amputee fetish?
<+Shamedmonkey> Probably.
<+Shamedmonkey> Its like Rule 34 with fetishes, if it exists, there's a fetish for it.
<+EnragedLobster> true.
<+Shamedmonkey> But eh, even if I can't have sex, I can still fap.
<+EnragedLobster> True, true.
<+EnragedLobster> But at least I can say I ate a guy and projectile vomited him at someone else.
<+Shamedmonkey> True, and I'm probably bleeding out from the wounds to my stomach. I'll probably never be able to eat again properly, even if I do heal.
<+EnragedLobster> Yeah.
<+EnragedLobster> And I've got two knife holes in unspecified places.
<+EnragedLobster> Plus, I can't pee.
<+Shamedmonkey> Yeah, you came off worse. We're both pretty much fucked for life though.
<+Shamedmonkey> Im so disfigured I'll never get laid.
<+Shamedmonkey> At least I'm sterile and won't have to worry about protection for the most part, other than with Hookers.

Random lnsanity / if you want to burn yourself...
« on: March 03, 2008, 10:18:40 am »
Quote from: Azural's Fanboy
Quote from: Flask
Quote from: Azural's Fanboy
I like your sig.  So girly.

It seems you don't know what Portal is.
I was thinking it was something from Portal, but since when was pink hearts not a girly thing?

The Companion Cube is the epitome of manliness.

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