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Messages - master31347

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Random lnsanity / i miss this
« on: December 21, 2008, 03:15:43 pm »
[a href=\"http://cybernations.rialliance.net/index.php?showtopic=7541\" pitchget=\"_blank\"]http://cybernations.rialliance.net/index.php?showtopic=7541[/a]


Random lnsanity / So..
« on: August 06, 2008, 04:41:50 pm »
I need moneys.  

Random lnsanity / Free 2 million, i mean it seriously
« on: March 08, 2008, 08:30:54 pm »
because i am a new nation and just created it 20 minutes ago and i believe it will help me grow into a beautiful plant

Random lnsanity / stupid bs....
« on: March 08, 2008, 07:54:16 pm »
no they found a way around that, thanks tho lol. im using a program that changes my ip to different countries and different ips every 5 seconds, so im gonna start up again

Random lnsanity / stupid bs....
« on: March 08, 2008, 09:25:01 am »
well i had friends who made a nation and would come over and check it at my house. i guess i had multiple nations, they all gt banned too

Random lnsanity / stupid bs....
« on: March 07, 2008, 03:05:41 pm »
Quote from: Dontasemebro
Coulda told us...

well, it wasnt banned when i applied yesterday, and now it is cuz i dont chek comp so often...

and C-Zom, dont say goodbye, i am practically returning :]

EDIT: Since im here, did kenneth ever complete his water fast and get baked on the 10th day?

Random lnsanity / stupid bs....
« on: March 07, 2008, 01:57:48 pm »
yeah so its been a few months since i been banned from cn so i figured they would forget about me, seems like they didnt because they deleted my new nation for ban evasion, ill be back when i get a new comp. sorry ian, or chaos poet for makin u waste money on me

mark my words. i will be back

it wont be for like a week. so change my mask back moth or azuzu

Random lnsanity / Uhh, Bye.
« on: November 20, 2007, 06:43:46 pm »
lets say 300 tech-1500 inf-15 improvements-11k NS.

Random lnsanity / Uhh, Bye.
« on: November 19, 2007, 02:35:21 pm »
id come back if people helped me but im not doing it all over again

Random lnsanity / Uhh, Bye.
« on: November 18, 2007, 07:03:46 pm »
no >_> iron and lumber, and untelligent, i tucked that money under your pillow, go check there...

Random lnsanity / Uhh, Bye.
« on: November 18, 2007, 06:09:15 pm »
id sit around here and beg, but im sure most members forgot about me cuz my computer is crappy and im not as active as i used to be.

Random lnsanity / Uhh, Bye.
« on: November 18, 2007, 06:07:07 pm »
bye C-Zom, youve been a great debater and a friend as well

Random lnsanity / Uhh, Bye.
« on: November 18, 2007, 06:05:38 pm »
banned from CN, stupid library and friends on the comp, im gonna depart i guess, 120 days have been fun, so has that around 100m i spent, bye ria, you have been fun

Random lnsanity / Just finished reading Sandworms of Dune.
« on: November 10, 2007, 10:38:27 am »

Random lnsanity / Take two games...
« on: November 09, 2007, 08:58:50 pm »

Random lnsanity / Take two games...
« on: November 09, 2007, 05:31:41 pm »
halo 3 with gh3,....master chief rockin out, what isnt better than that?

Random lnsanity / $6 MILLION FOR A DONATION
« on: November 08, 2007, 07:39:22 pm »
pl0x i wants teh mooney!!! buttsecks included.

Random lnsanity / Nation Deleted
« on: November 08, 2007, 07:38:32 pm »
i dont quite remember, but its like go to ren, then like ipconfig, then ipreset, but i dont remember what it is,,,ehh.

Random lnsanity / $6 MILLION FOR A DONATION
« on: November 08, 2007, 07:36:14 pm »
adam gimmah some cash!

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