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Messages - Vintus

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 59
Random lnsanity / New avatar thread
« on: July 30, 2007, 05:11:20 pm »
Changed mine again.

Random lnsanity / New avatar thread
« on: July 30, 2007, 03:27:39 am »
Mine's better.

Random lnsanity / I may be absent some...
« on: July 29, 2007, 12:59:03 am »
Hope you feel better, TIP.

<Vintus[RIA]> I, I, I'm just a love machine and I won't work for nobody but you
<Vintus[RIA]> I'm just a love machine, yeah, baby
<Vintus[RIA]> A hugging kissing fiend
<flpwch> ...
* flpwch has left #ria
<Azural> XD
<Vintus[RIA]> holy shit
<Moth[RIA]> XD
<Vintus[RIA]> did I just scare off flipwich

<Hyperonic[RIA]> I miss my...girlfriend...
<Hyperonic[RIA]> It feels weird saying that. >_>
<Vintus[RIA]> You're STRAIGHT?
<Hyperonic[RIA]> ...
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Dur.
<Vintus[RIA]> NO
<Vintus[RIA]> NOT MY SON
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Dad?!
<Vintus[RIA]> You are DISOWNED, get the FUCK out of my house
<Vintus[RIA]> yes
<Hyperonic[RIA]> ;_;
<Vintus[RIA]> yeah
<Vintus[RIA]> now gtfo
<Hyperonic[RIA]> You faggot.
<Hyperonic[RIA]> I'll kick your ass.
<Vintus[RIA]> and take your suitcase full of strap-ons with you
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Hey!
<Hyperonic[RIA]> That's not mine!
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Ian left it over here!
* dester[RIA] has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Vintus[RIA]> yeah it is
<Vintus[RIA]> don't lie
<Hyperonic[RIA]> And, I don't know why he brought them either!
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> XFD
<Vintus[RIA]> you know very well why you took them out of your closet when he came here
<Hyperonic[RIA]> >_>
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Wow. Your sperm is fucked up.
<Hyperonic[RIA]> You made a daughter with a huge dick.
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Congratulations, fuck up.
<Azural> ...
<Vintus[RIA]>  it was MY genes
<Hyperonic[RIA]> I think it was my mother's now that I think about it.
<Vintus[RIA]> your mom has a huge cock!?
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Wait a second. How old are you?
<Vintus[RIA]> 16
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Damnit where is drunken
<Hyperonic[RIA]> I'm 19.
<Hyperonic[RIA]> OBJECTION!
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Fuck you.
<Vintus[RIA]> D:
<Vintus[RIA]> it was a time travel experiment
<Vintus[RIA]> it went horribly wrong
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Hey, I already made that joke.
<Vintus[RIA]> I'm also my own dad and brother
<Hyperonic[RIA]> That's why Moth is my son.
<Moth[RIA]> D---dad?
<Vintus[RIA]> OMG, Moth is my hermaphrodite son/daugher
<Moth[RIA]> ;_____;
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Son!
<Moth[RIA]> PA!
<Hyperonic[RIA]> No!
* Vintus[RIA] beats Kenny over the head with a baseball bat and drags him off.
<Moth[RIA]> Wait a second...aren't you younger than me?
<Moth[RIA]> ;>_>
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Like I said, I made the time travel joke first. >_>
<ShadowAddict[RIA|ONE]> <_<

<Azural> "I don't want to sound gay our anything, cause I'm not...but I want to see that picture of Kenny's cock"...
<Azural> No shit.
* Azural changes topic to '0,5Random Insanity Alliance | http://rialliance.net | VIVA LA RIA! |13,1 Important >  http://rialliance.net/test.html |0,5 You just lost The Game.| We're no strangers to love. | Hi, Loren! | No eating Poptart | Ministress of Secks is present.'
<Loren> I showed Crazy
<Lanna> You said it?
<Loren> And laughed my ass off
<Azural> Funny as hell, but creepy at the same time.
<Azural> No.
<Azural> ChaosPoet did.
<Loren> Exactly
<Loren> lol
<King_Srqt[\m]> lol unicorns are kick ass
<Azural> He's one of Kenny's RL friends...
<Azural> and aparantly gay.
<Azural> lol, what?
<Loren> XD
<Vintus[RIA]> He's Jewish, black, and gay?
<Lanna> Yall talk about penis way too much.  Is it healthy?
<Azural> ROFL
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Yup
<King_Srqt[\m]> oh man you dont even know the line your quoting
<Azural> Isn't that supposed to be impossible.
<Azural> *?
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> No seriously Chaors is gay
<Loren> XD
<Loren> Lanna..
<Vintus[RIA]> oh lord
<Loren> Healthy or not, it just is
<Vintus[RIA]> homophobia antisemitism and racism
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> He asked loren for a picture of kenny cock
* Lanna has left #ria
<Azural> ...
<Loren> Like I have his cock
<Hyperonic[RIA]> (11:28:35 PM) Azural: CP wants that picture you took yesterday.
<Vintus[RIA]> You have his cock every tuesday n-
* Vintus[RIA] ducks.
<Hyperonic[RIA]> I'm in his basement right now.
<Azural> ROFL
<Loren> XD
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> XFD
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> HAHA
<King_Srqt[\m]> [11:28pm]«@ Azural» "I don't want to sound gay our anything, cause I'm not...but I want to see that picture of Kenny's cock"...<<<<That line is from a movie called orgasmo just replace the cokck part with unicorns are kick ass
<Hyperonic[RIA]> >_>
<Loren> XD
<King_Srqt[\m]> orgasmo = kick ass movie
<Loren> Kenny's cock is a kick ass unicorn now?
<Hyperonic[RIA]> XD
<Loren> Fun
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> kenny you might as well be naked when he comes into the room
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> I am sure he will give you a blowjob
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Ian says "Fuck you!"
<Azural> lol
<Loren> When he comes in..
<Vintus[RIA]> Kenny's cock should be on our official flag
<Loren> I'm gonna laugh so hard
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> XFD also Orgamso is a great movie
<Vintus[RIA]> it'll be great
<Azural> NO
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> XFD
<Loren> XD
<Loren> You saw it?
<Azural> You told him we told you?
<Loren> Its real?
<Loren> LOL
<Vintus[RIA]> Hey Kenny, how's it feel to have everyone talking about your cock
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> Yeah
<Hyperonic[RIA]> He told me he asked already. >_>
<Hyperonic[RIA]> He wanted to compare.
<Vintus[RIA]> stick it on to our flag and wave it around
<Hyperonic[RIA]> (11:33:04 PM) Vintus[RIA]: Hey Kenny, how's it feel to have everyone talking about your cock
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> No kenny
<Hyperonic[RIA]> Feels liek the RIA.
<crazyisraelie[RIA]> he wants it in his mouth
<Loren> "Everyone has aids. Aids aids aids aids. Everyone's dead now. Because of aids aids aids aids aids"

Random lnsanity / Boob, FTW
« on: July 27, 2007, 06:02:27 pm »
Examples of usage would be "brazenly exposed breasts"or the ever popular "jiggling breasts." "Pendantbreasts" or possibly "throbbing breasts" are always tasteful choices. Compound usage could result in:

aching, flushed, magnificent breasts,

pale, glistening, voluptuous, throbbing breasts,

pendant, pink-tipped, heavy breasts,

beautifully formed, burgeoning, naked, creamy breasts.

There are limitless possibilities.

Quote from: dester55
[20:20] *** Tulak_Hord has joined #NSA.
[20:20] *** Solie[FAN] has signed off IRC (Quit: ).
[20:21] Tulak_Hord: ...shit.
[20:21] Tulak_Hord: Who the fuck did this?
[20:21] Tulak_Hord: (Link: http://hyperonic.com/yhelothar.jpg)http://...m/yhelothar.jpg
[20:21] *** crazyisraelie[RIA] has joined #NSA.
[20:21] Tulak_Hord: It's...so big.
[20:21] *** Shyox has joined #NSA.
[20:21] Tulak_Hord: I mean, OH MY GOD.
[20:21] Tulak_Hord: Our forums are covered with it!
[20:22] crazyisraelie[RIA]: XFD
[20:22] *** Uhtred has joined #NSA.
[20:22] Tulak_Hord: I demand to know which of you posted a picture of Hyper's cock on our boards.
[20:22] *** Uhtred has left #NSA.
[20:22] Doctor_Fresh[MCXA]: ROFL
[20:22] dester[RIA]: ROFLMAO
[20:22] Tulak_Hord: I also want to know...how drunk he was when that picture was taken.
[20:23] Tulak_Hord: Because, he's not in #RIA.
[20:23] Tulak_Hord: And, I know...someone...must know the origin of this picture.
[20:23] Tulak_Hord: And, I don't mean his pants.
[20:23] Shyox: Ask his mother
[20:23] Shyox: She keeps a lot of that stuff
[20:23] Tulak_Hord: Hey Shyox. Shut up.
[20:23] *** PDC has joined #NSA.
[20:23] Tulak_Hord: I'll fucking murder you.
[20:23] Tulak_Hord: In the ass.
[20:24] Shyox: *Is murdered*
[20:24] Shyox: *In the ass*
[20:24] PDC: O_________O!
[20:24] PDC: Anal sex?
[20:24] PDC: wtf?
[20:24] * dester[RIA] laughs my ass off
[20:24] Tulak_Hord: God damn, RIAers.
[20:24] PDC: :/
[20:24] PDC: Dude
[20:24] Tulak_Hord: RI is the bane of Cybernations.
[20:24] PDC: you know that anal sex is in the anus right?
[20:24] PDC: :/
[20:24] PDC: Which stinks
[20:24] Shyox: Oh yeah
[20:24] Tulak_Hord: YES I KNOW
[20:24] PDC: then wtf dude?
[20:24] Shyox: Gimme a thick one covered in clear paste
[20:24] PDC: Why you stick your penis there?
[20:24] Tulak_Hord: Hey PDC.
[20:24] Shyox: That's our motto
[20:24] Tulak_Hord: You know that Hyperonic fellow?
[20:24] dester[RIA]: omg! i think he's ten
[20:25] PDC: No
[20:25] PDC: I dunno that fellow
[20:25] Tulak_Hord: Because, he, or someone else decided to post THIS on our forums...
[20:25] Tulak_Hord: (Link: http://hyperonic.com/yhelothar.jpg)http://...m/yhelothar.jpg
[20:25] PDC: dude
[20:25] PDC: I don't click links
[20:25] PDC: is it anal sex? :/
[20:25] Tulak_Hord: No.
[20:25] Tulak_Hord: It's not.
[20:25] Shyox: You don't have to
[20:25] Shyox: It's a viral stream
[20:25] Tulak_Hord: I would definitely click that.
[20:25] Shyox: That will eventually invade your background
[20:25] PDC: Viral? Like a vrus?
[20:25] PDC: forget that then
[20:25] PDC: :/
[20:26] *** Dan2680[away] is now known as Dan2680.
[20:26] Tulak_Hord: This isn't as fun as I hoped it would be.
[20:26] Shyox: Well, it's already invaded this IRC room
[20:26] *** Tulak_Hord is now known as Hyperonic[RIA].
[20:26] Hyperonic[RIA]: <_<
[20:26] Hyperonic[RIA]: Adios.
[20:26] *** Hyperonic[RIA] has left #NSA.


Random lnsanity / <_< Hi, I'm new here!!!
« on: July 27, 2007, 07:43:27 am »
Your sig gives it away. >_>

Random lnsanity / Boob, FTW
« on: July 26, 2007, 01:07:49 am »
Tig bitties!

Random lnsanity / Please tell me
« on: July 25, 2007, 11:58:31 pm »
Yours took a while to load for me..

Random lnsanity / Worst. Song. Ever.
« on: July 24, 2007, 05:19:58 pm »
Quote from: zblewski
Quote from: evil greg guy
i agree ganon, if i were mod, i would change the title to worst.song.ever

Proud to be of service.

You suck blewski that song owns.

Random lnsanity / Worst. Song. Ever.
« on: July 24, 2007, 02:00:19 am »
[embed src=\"http://youtube.com/v/wZMsv5SoDyo.swf\" /]

Random lnsanity / CJayC left. :(
« on: July 23, 2007, 11:54:35 pm »
Quote from: Flask
Wait...is this for real? I haven't been on GF for a while.

Check the Daily Grind. It's real.

Random lnsanity / Video Game Trivia
« on: July 23, 2007, 07:53:43 pm »
Google makes all message board trivia useless.

Random lnsanity / Quittin' CN
« on: July 23, 2007, 06:26:22 pm »
hay can i hav sum tech

I'll mees you.

Random lnsanity / Squee!
« on: July 23, 2007, 05:23:06 am »
I found all the passes to all 8 of my alt accounts on GFAQs, including one I made 2 years ago that was set to read-only and was upgraded at random.

Time to make more!

Random lnsanity / I'll cut to the chase.
« on: July 20, 2007, 07:11:12 pm »
Quote from: bioakky
What he wants to say is, "Pics or it never happened."



Random lnsanity / I'll cut to the chase.
« on: July 20, 2007, 06:14:07 pm »
Nothing. >_>

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 [53] 54 55 ... 59

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