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Messages - Pterrydactyl

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Personally, I think that ZP040 should just take the position of being permanently "2 weeks from retirement" so that he can also say that.

Random lnsanity / Re: El Burrito King ***UPDATE***
« on: May 19, 2013, 04:25:38 am »
I was actually nearly arrested/shot.  It was in a bit of a "bad" neighborhood, and the one cop was about to draw on me.

Random lnsanity / Re: El Burrito King ***UPDATE***
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:48:09 pm »
Fixxed, it should have said "Caught Fire"

Random lnsanity / El Burrito King ***UPDATE***
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:16:17 am »
So, as many of you know, I've been distracted from HOIA duties a bit because El Burrito King has been taking up so much of my time and I'd figure I would give you some updates:

Firstly, we eventually raised $685 from Indiegogo, with another $1,000 from an independent donation, and $500 from me, so thats everyone who donated.

We've been stretching that money as far as we could, and have managed to complete 2 days worth of shooting so far, with 3-4 more scheduled.

Our first day, despite a nearby Trail Derailment was a complete success.  We got all 29 shots we wanted as well as all the coverage for the first 2 scenes.

Out second filming day, however, was not quite so good.  In fact, it is known by the crew only as "The Fiasco".  First, we had reserved the camera (the RED Epic) about a month ahead of time, and someone else didn't return it on time, so we got it the morning of the shoot instead of the night before, but that wasn't too big of an issue.  Second, we were going to pay this woman $200 to use her car for 2 days (it's a classic car) and she cancelled at 7am.  We got a replacement (not as good, but free), so that was solved. 
Then, at 11:20am, 40 minutes before the first shot was schedule, An insurance issue.  We had a single wrong signature on all the insurance paperwork, and thus we had to enter a hold until we got it sorted (which took nearly 2 hours). 
So, we got ready to begin at 2pm, 2 hours behind schedule.  I was moving the prop gun from my vehicle to the actor, when a WILD UNDERCOVER POLICE OFFICER appeared at the very worst possible moment.  After sorting the issue of it being a prop guy out, we continued. 
Then, suddenly, Our director sat in a chair that decided it was "too old" and broke. 
Continuing on, after we shot for about 3 hours, the camera decided to malfunction.  Once it was operational again, a light "Caught fire".

 I think there were a few more issues, but those were the big ones.

All in all, we got about half the shots we wanted, but were confident we'll get the rest the day we return (in 10 days).

If you guys are interested in more updates, or photos from the shoots, find us on facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/El-Burrito-King/491316540927916

Hope to see you guys on the page!

Random lnsanity / Re: Reogas Recovery progress
« on: May 18, 2013, 02:05:13 am »
Keep up the good work!

Just remember that one day you will walk into the doctors office and show him how wrong he was!

Random lnsanity / Re: Just saw Iron Man 3...
« on: May 05, 2013, 04:39:46 pm »
Spoiler for Hiden:
When I first heard the name Extremis I was like "OH SHIT", because I've read the extremis story-line and know how fucked up it is, but they seemed to break from it a bit.  Though, when he was implanting himself with the things in the start I was like, if he had his extremis suit he's be fine.  Then, suddendly: EXTREMIS.

A quick prediction though, they seem to be leaning towards the Civil War universe, or World War Hulk with the "overall" storyline...

Random lnsanity / Re: Just saw Iron Man 3...
« on: May 04, 2013, 01:57:07 am »

Spoiler for Hiden:

The fuck was up with the mandarin?  Seriously, they showed the rings and everything, then MADE HIM A FUCKING BITCH.  I was not happy, especially with the introduction of Magic to the marvel universe through Thor.  It became "plausible". 

And WTF was with jarvis?  Seriously, does he live in individual suits?  Why didn't he just fucking boot up all the suits in the basement when THE HOUSE WAS BEING BOMBARDED?  I mean, it was nice to see the Hall of Armor for once, but WTF?

Or maybe run himself through one of the other suits so he wasn't USELESS for 60% of the movie?

Random lnsanity / Just saw Iron Man 3...
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:45:08 pm »
One word:  Extremis.

« on: April 25, 2013, 06:34:37 pm »
Wait a minute, MIT, the Manhattan project?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but other than some of the scientists having worked on the Manhattan project, isn't there absolutely no connection between MIT and MHP?

Random lnsanity / Re: How to make your own IED
« on: April 25, 2013, 06:29:28 pm »
Just a counter-terrorism idea, inspired by something I read about the Boston bombings:

- Apparently the bomber used a "widely available recipe" to make his bomb

- why not send out fake recipes that blow up catalytically when you make them?  Kind of like giving someone the recipe for nitro-glyceryn, and then telling them to shake it and bang it against a rock to turn it into a useable bomb.

- then anyone who would follow the recipe would blow themselves up when they are making it, and anyone nearby is probably an accomplice

- then spam the web with these recipes, trying to mimic any of the sites that show a real recipe...

This tactic works on bittorrent sites - how many times have you downloaded an 8GB movie only to find that the only thing it shared with the one you wanted was the title?

I... so want to comment on this... but my NDA prevents it...  Just know... It's come up...

Random lnsanity / Re: Time to bomb North Korea
« on: April 19, 2013, 03:05:10 pm »
Exactly. I think it's 11k KM?  So, that's on par with the Trident II, one of our better missiles.

« on: April 19, 2013, 02:57:20 pm »
Wait, why does it go from "Radical Islamic Russians" to "The time to take action against Iran is now"

The fuck?

« on: April 18, 2013, 06:34:54 pm »
Eh.  I'll just accept that I'm going to get trolled for my single misinformed comment I made based on the Media.

i'll live.

« on: April 18, 2013, 03:59:30 am »
Turns out the Saudi guy was innocent, which is good, and it looks like it was not NK related.
No fucking shit.

-10 intelligence points for Atonichis. On the plus side, you get +10 racist and gullibility points.

I didn't think he was guilty because he was Saudi, I thought he was guilty because the Boston newspaper website said "Suspect in Custody".

Can't hear you too well - take off your hood.

Sorry, I said:

I didn't think he was guilty because he was saudi, I thought he was guilty because Boston Newspaper said so.

Random lnsanity / Re: Time to bomb North Korea
« on: April 17, 2013, 11:50:23 pm »
Lol, only 5k?  Please.  Try 17k.


17K if you count those that need to be taken out of storage, armed, and deployed first (a 2-3 month process).  5K could be fired today by all sides.

This is 2008-2009 data:


the fuck?! pakistan have more nukes than israel? they also have one of the best intel agencies in the world.

Assuming Israel isn't bluffing ala Saddam...  If they have anything it is probably only deliverable by aircraft, and therefore far from certain to hit...

Spoilers: We gave Israel MIRV technology.  They can pretty much hit almost anywhere we can.  I'd be surprised if (when it comes to light) it wasn't us who gave them nuke technology in the first place.

Random lnsanity / Re: Man of Steel
« on: April 17, 2013, 10:56:30 pm »

Shot on the same camera I'm using for Burrito.

Random lnsanity / Re: you may or may not be aware
« on: April 17, 2013, 10:52:33 pm »
You have our support!

But go, talk to other doctors, get additional opinions and information.  With the way Cybernetics and other medical science is advancing, it's just a matter of time.

But if you need motivation, always remember Cave Johnson:

Typography | Cave Johnson Lemons

« on: April 17, 2013, 10:30:41 pm »
Turns out the Saudi guy was innocent, which is good, and it looks like it was not NK related.
No fucking shit.

-10 intelligence points for Atonichis. On the plus side, you get +10 racist and gullibility points.

I didn't think he was guilty because he was Saudi, I thought he was guilty because the Boston newspaper website said "Suspect in Custody".

« on: April 16, 2013, 10:36:28 pm »
Adjusted my initial post.  Turns out the Saudi guy was innocent, which is good, and it looks like it was not NK related.

There should be more about this soon, but for now, there aren't even suspects in who it might have been, at least, from what I've been able to gather from some old friends.

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