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Messages - Princess Celly

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Random lnsanity / Re: Ender's Game
« on: November 30, 2013, 03:58:22 pm »
PS: You don't get to call us queer, or fags, or homos.  You can call us "gay," or "homosexual" if you want a strict scientific term, or if you really want to go nuts with big words, you can call us "non-heteronormative," but "gay" is probably the simplest.  Technically, I'm bi, and technically technically, I'm genderqueer pansexual (and you can use both of those words as well, also "pan" to abbreviate the latter), but I accept "gay" as a catch all.

You cannot call us queer, fag, homo, fairy, tranny, or any other term that has been used in a derogatory manner towards us - unless, of course, your intent is to be derogatory, because that's exactly the sentiment you convey.  That's how this whole re-appropriation thing works.  The oppressed group reclaims the words used against them.  That's why only jews can call each other "kike," why only blacks can call each other "nigger."  If you're part of the class that did the oppressing, you don't get  to share in that re-appropriation.

Random lnsanity / Re: Ender's Game
« on: November 30, 2013, 03:50:33 pm »
And Slug, while I appreciate the Libertarian perspective of "no government interference," as a Libertarian myself, I must say that you are excessively homophobic in this thread.  You know what kissing another guy in public falls under?  Freedom of fucking speech.  A core Libertarian value as well.  When you speak of all the "progress" we've made, and then with the same breath suggest that we shouldn't be open in public, whereas heterosexual couples get to put on a show of it everywhere they go?  That I can be gay as long as you don't have to be reminded that gay people exist and to kindly just keep it behind closed doors?  That's fucked up.

I'm not saying that people should be allowed to hump in public, I'm just saying that the standards need to be applied equally.  Perhaps you just notice gay love scenes more in the media because it's shocking to you.  But they are few and far between when compared to straight love scenes.  I mean, shit, it's hard to go a single episode without a straight kiss.  But fictional gay couples aren't allowed to display the same degree of affection?

I don't know what else to say.  It's hypocrisy and ignorance at it's finest.

Random lnsanity / Re: Ender's Game
« on: November 30, 2013, 03:40:42 pm »
Equal rights does not mean statistical equality. I'll try to be succinct. Using gender equality as an example, if half the toniculation is female, and they have absolutely equal opportunities, it is still completely possible for men to dominate in some fields and women to dominate in others.

This is because people make their own choices, as individuals being influenced by their own differences, not because society is forcing them or oppressing them.

Women may innately prefer more social, stable, artistic careers. Men may innately prefer riskier ones. This may always lead to men making more money. It would be sexist to say all women are this way, and that they may never change.

It would also be sexist to tell women that in order to be equal they must make all the same decisions that men make; that they are inferior because they choose not to make as much money or occupy as many administrative or political positions. Essentially saying, 'you are less of a woman because you are not a feminist.'

This example applies to any subgroup when looking at statistics regarding that group. Equal opportunities and rights are important, but equal results are impossible. we will always get different results because individuals make different choices.

TLDR if everyone is equal, certain groups may still tend towards certain behaviors in a statistically disproportionate manner. Statistical equality requires forced conformity, forcing every 'group' to be the same... a form of oppression.
We still raise girls to be childbearers and housewives.  Look at toys.  Boys get to play with LEGO, erector sets, K'nex, Tinker Toys, and whatnot.  What do girls get?  Dolls.  Overly sexualized Barbie dolls.  Lifelike baby dolls.  They get a play kitchen set, they get fake jewelry and pink dresses.  They get fake, miniature vacuum cleaners and Easy Bake Ovens.  We encourage boys, from an early age, to be creative and to build things, while we encourage girls to just be housekeepers and caretakers.

The inequality in adulthood is no surprise, it's how they were raised from birth, to be subservient and second class.  While we've made a lot of progress, we still have a long way to go.

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:17:09 pm »
I am long since bored but can't stop...
I'm here right now.  I think the deciding factor is going to be that I can't play other games with cc running in the background because of lag spikes.  Which are not a good thing in DotA.  Not in the slightest.

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: November 25, 2013, 01:08:47 am »

and yet, no cheet award
except speed baking iii is impossible it get unless you play a very particular and specific way and then get extremely lucky.  or cheat.  and then hack out the cheating shadow achievement.

Random lnsanity / Re: Screw Xmass
« on: November 18, 2013, 03:17:45 am »
no kerbal space program sadfaec

Random lnsanity / this isnt even her final form
« on: November 17, 2013, 02:24:48 am »
Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball G-Major

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: November 16, 2013, 12:27:39 pm »
>wake up
>watch porn for morning fap
>finish up
>close browser window
>oh fuck, i didn't make it a separate window
>12 hours of wrinkler cookies gone


Random lnsanity / Re: Ender's Game
« on: November 16, 2013, 12:25:40 pm »
Won't give my money to that homophobic bastard Orson Scott Card.  Gonna pirate it when it hits the internet though.  Can't say it doesn't look good, just that I'm not giving the fucker my money.
Card's deal is from a long time ago and doesn't include receiving any of the box office proceeds. So... He gets exactly as much money regardless of how you watch it.
yes, but by not watching it, the company that bought the rights will be sent the message that card's works are not profitable, and will not give him money in the future, hopefully.

i couldn't watch it anyway without constantly realizing that the author hates me as a person despite never having met me, just because of who i am.  fuck that garbage.

Random lnsanity / post
« on: November 14, 2013, 12:06:39 am »

« on: November 13, 2013, 11:56:33 pm »

joland u should really consider posting this on the owf i think they would b a receptive audience to ur grievance

Random lnsanity / Re: Ender's Game
« on: November 05, 2013, 10:15:07 pm »
Won't give my money to that homophobic bastard Orson Scott Card.  Gonna pirate it when it hits the internet though.  Can't say it doesn't look good, just that I'm not giving the fucker my money.

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:37:32 am »
The strategy for SB III, btw, is to click to 115, buy the first cursor and the 100 click upgrade (the one that doubles cpc), click to 400 and buy the second upgrade, click to a bit over 10k and buy 9 more cursors and ambidextrous, for 8 cookies per click, and then basically just wait for the first golden cookie and hope its a clicking frenzy.  The frenzy can net you the million if you're fast enough, or at least drop you off very close with plenty of time to spare.  If you don't get the frenzy, don't even bother wasting the effort, you're not gonna make it.

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:33:57 am »
Reset at 3 Qt all time.  Unlocked Speed Baking II after much vigorous clicking.  Apparently Speed Baking III flat out isn't possible unless your first golden cookie is a clicking frenzy.  Not bothering.  Going for the 1b all time with no upgrades, and then from there flesh it back out to where I was.

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: November 03, 2013, 02:16:09 pm »
So wrinklers are probably the best thing to happen.  They cut your cps while they're active, but when you pop them, you get all your cookies back, plus interest.  plus a fuckton of interest.  like i think you get about 3x back.

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: November 02, 2013, 12:52:35 am »
New update, stuff happens during grandmapocalypse now, things eat your cookies but give them all back when you kill them, some new achievements and a set of cookie multiplier upgrades.  still no dungeons.

Random lnsanity / Re: so the best game ever made
« on: October 15, 2013, 01:38:55 pm »
Are heavenly chips cumulative?  This is important to know for my next reset.
Yes.  It's based on cookies baked all time.  Each HC takes more than the previous to acquire, though, so you will gain less than you did previously (per equal amount of cookies reset) but it is cumulative.

Random lnsanity / Re: So honestly... What the shit fox?
« on: October 14, 2013, 04:38:33 pm »
But remember, don't draw the obvious connections, or else you're just a "radical conspiracy theorist"

Random lnsanity / Re: So honestly... What the shit fox?
« on: October 14, 2013, 04:37:33 pm »
Congress is constitutionally assigned the right to decide on funding.  The government is shut down because the two houses of Congress are in disagreement and deadlock.  This is not the fault of any one party, though you can be damn sure that each party is going to demonize the other over it.

The ridiculous shutdowns of public parks and the like is a separate matter of concern, and is about the Obama administration betting on the GOP being blamed more than the Dems, and so he is just trying literally to hurt the American people and transfer blame to the GOP.

It's all just politics as usual, not one of these bloody assholes in the federal government, on either side, gives a flying fuck about you or me, and they'll all step on us to maintain their power and keep their pockets lined.

You can't take a walk in the woods without government holding your hand, they want you to believe.  Yet the NSA is still fully operational.  Imagine that, only things that benefit people are getting shut down, while billions are continuing to be spent on programs that spy on Americans.

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