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Messages - Emperor Whimsical

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Random lnsanity / Whimsy's AoE topic
« on: March 09, 2008, 04:08:11 am »
I've decided to start a new campaign.

Random lnsanity / Whimsy's AoE topic
« on: March 09, 2008, 03:53:27 am »
lol. I cramed 4 hours of gameplay into 7 paragraphs. Should I still make these?

Random lnsanity / Whimsy's AoE topic
« on: March 09, 2008, 12:03:58 am »
Part two. With all the gold, I've acculated, I launch an offensive maneuver at Darius, hitting him, and knocking him back. I research cannon galleons, nifty little boats that are a terror to anyone with buildings near the coast.  I make a castle, and several towers. A make a wall around my little colony. I begin launching catapualt attacks, and destroying nearby building from within my base. My cannon galleons are instrumental on stopping Darius from sending more troopsI send out a small group of teutonic knights and catapualts, who destroy Darius. Darius is defeated!

while this is going on, Rama continues to launch naval attacks at my docks. I kill his boats, and establish a patrol unit of 12 fireships at two different rivers. Eric is engaging Rama with guerrilla  warfare. I form another colony on top of Darius, who shares a border with Rama. I put towers on the coast, and another naval patrol. I also put more gates on the border, so Rama is forced back. I make another cannon galleon battalion. This one attacks rama on his borders. I start to make another army.

At this point, Rama and Eric are in a slugging match. Eric keeps going in, and keeps getting forced back, But he's gaining ground every match. Soon, He at the city's town center. My army (6 catapults and 20 knights) move into Rama's territory. My cannon galleons cover Eric as he marchs toward the base. I launch my attack from the east, destroying several key buildings, and with Eric in the south, punching through a wall my cannon galleons opene, Rama  is completely unprepared for this assualt. Rama surrenders! We are victorious!

0/ catapults!

Random lnsanity / Whimsy's AoE topic
« on: March 08, 2008, 06:25:42 pm »
Same map and people.

K. We're in the imperial age now. Me and Eric Vs. Darius and Rama. It starts out mellow. No one attacks me. Pretty soon, though Rama gets to imperial age first, and builds a huge navy. This navy starts going around Eric's Island, killing anything on the coast. This hurts us both, as I am using trade ships at his docks. After a repeated cycle of breaking his docks, Rama goes after me. He destroys one. On route to another, I make a navy and stop his. At this point, Eric, whom I still share a border with, builds an army. I build one too. Darius sends various soldiers in, through eric's border. This becomes important later.

Meanwhile, My army marchs in to Darius's territory,and is decisively defeated. My knights, paladins, and rams all collapse. Eric launchs his own offensive manuever, hitting Rama hard, and nearly reaching his base. Meanwhile those soldiers, have been hitting my villagers. By the time I realize this, They have killed 30 of my 88 villagers. I quickly kill them, and the damage is done. Eric, went from being everyone's bitch to a major player quickly. I'm out of gold now. I begin trading with Eric again, through my trade ships. I'm hoarding my resources to make another army.


Random lnsanity / Whimsy's AoE topic
« on: March 08, 2008, 03:58:09 pm »
No cheats for meh. I think I'm going to do it again, cept from the start, no techs.

Random lnsanity / Whimsy's AoE topic
« on: March 08, 2008, 03:02:05 pm »
Btw, this was done from post imperial age, all techs.

Random lnsanity / Whimsy's AoE topic
« on: March 08, 2008, 02:21:55 am »
I played a game just now, called rivers, a custom made map, with four islands and rivers crisscrossing them. There was 4 teams. Me(Teutons) Eric the Red(Franks) Ramathura(Mayans) and Darius, (Persia) The Setup was every man for himself.

We each had our own islands, and I put gates, walls and towers around mine, preventing invasion. It was set up like this:
ME      Darius
Eric the Red Ramathura
I shared a border with Eric the Red, and two with Darius.

I started out with villagers, mining, lumbering, etc. Darius started killing mah farms and fishing boats, so I'm like, aw hell naw,so I bust out a small fleet (less than half a dozen ships) who annihilate him, and his dock near me.  Meanwhile, Eric the Red starts sending out a dozen troops to level my gates. I set up two towers, which quickly crush the attackers. I start building an army at this point. I build one of out teutonic knights (arguably best in the game) Paladins (mounted units), catapults, and bombard cannons. My total army is around 30 people. I march into eric the red's territory...

and get my ass whooped. My catapualts are collapsed, so they can't break Eric's buildings. My knights and paladins are quickly defeated. Now, while this is going on, Ramathurtha sends around 20 ships for an attack on one of my docks. They are utterly defeated by my kamikaze ships. I have a huge problem now. I'm landlocked, with nowhere to run. I can produce no more gold, so I can't build an army or anything to defend myself.  Eric's guerilla warfare is destroying all my outposts and towers in the surrrounding area, so I can't see anything. He launchs an offensive manuever on an unprotected dock. My other docks are too covered to help. Eric breaks through my gates (No gold for towers), and using his navy as support, quickly destroys my city.


Random lnsanity / Resigning
« on: March 03, 2008, 09:39:38 pm »


Random lnsanity / my conversation with "the black watch"
« on: February 17, 2008, 12:03:50 pm »
lawl. I don't go by emperor whimsical IRL.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / League of Internationally Organized Nations (LION)
« on: February 10, 2008, 03:35:00 pm »
Sup, TIP.

Random lnsanity / Way to go CE...
« on: February 09, 2008, 01:50:03 am »
I had no part in this shit. If CE gets SterLUEided as a result, I am going to exceedingly angry.

Random lnsanity / My income per citizen is a new high. =D
« on: February 03, 2008, 02:23:04 pm »
I have 26K citizens, yet I make only 700K after bills. ?
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day $52.96  lolwut

Random lnsanity / RIA I need your opinion.
« on: January 27, 2008, 09:04:34 pm »
More than likely something with Auron in it.

Random lnsanity / ITT
« on: January 27, 2008, 09:00:36 pm »
I like Austraila. Without them, there would be no wolfmother.

Random lnsanity / RIA I need your opinion.
« on: January 27, 2008, 08:57:41 pm »
Change mah avatar?

Random lnsanity / My shirt has pandas on it
« on: January 27, 2008, 04:49:13 pm »
I thought you were deleted for multis?

Random lnsanity / Suck it, Infra jump.
« on: January 24, 2008, 12:13:34 am »
Bought 170 units of infra, two clinics, and a school.

I have 2,176,000 on me at this moment. I need tech for infra jump. I'll need a seller , and a responsible middleman.

Random lnsanity / Creepy pasta is creepy. XD
« on: January 20, 2008, 02:17:17 am »
Well, I was planning on sleeping, but that woke me up.

Random lnsanity / How would you like to die?
« on: January 20, 2008, 01:40:46 am »
Falling off something.

Then I'd play

"Another one bites the dust" at my funeral

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