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Messages - Joker

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Random lnsanity / I am extremely offended by American Idol.
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:09:51 pm »

If this offends you, I hope you don't spent too much time outside in the real world, or else you may NEVER stop being offended.

Random lnsanity / lol I say smart things sometimes
« on: April 10, 2008, 07:07:56 am »
FAN and GOONS are only perma-ZI as long as they stay in FAN or GOONS, really, or have done something really bad - Diskord fought in the first FAN War for FAN and he's safely with us today, while we have quite a few ex-GOONS among us, including a couple who didn't come to us 'til fucking DECEMBER, after 3 months of fighting. Outside of them, few alliances outside of LUE had many of their players driven out by perma-ZI to my knowledge, and even LUE didn't have a blanket perma-ZI (though I've heard quite a few stories of people being perma-ZIed for totally BS reasons there).

Random lnsanity / WTF @ INDIA
« on: April 10, 2008, 06:54:26 am »
1+ billion people + industrializing = lots o' mutations


Random lnsanity / Why MySpace Must Be Crushed Forever.
« on: April 10, 2008, 12:41:05 am »
yeah i mean it's not like stupid people have any other ways of expressing themselves and their stupidity in ways that'll inevitably get in your way

tl;dr quit bitching and get worked up over something worthwhile

Random lnsanity / Which wonder next.
« on: April 09, 2008, 01:48:17 am »
Foreign Air Force Base or Hidden Nuclear Missile Silo. 25 nukes fuck yeah

Random lnsanity / Debate Time
« on: April 08, 2008, 10:44:42 pm »
this is retarded ur all retarded i h8 u all

Random lnsanity / I can't be the only one that finds humour in this
« on: April 07, 2008, 01:06:13 am »
[02:05] Trotsky: apparently it was a broken heart
[02:05] Trotsky: *rimshot*

Random lnsanity / Deletion?
« on: April 06, 2008, 06:10:09 pm »
Admin runs the deletion script randomly doesn't he?

EDIT: Randomly during the day, I mean.

Random lnsanity / I keep on forgetting about my cybernations accounts.
« on: April 05, 2008, 04:54:31 pm »
You only need to log in and collect taxes once every 20 days.

Random lnsanity / I'm fucking sick of this.
« on: April 05, 2008, 12:28:54 am »
Quote from: WestWind
Wait...your parents are fine with you beating the shit out of him, but will be pissed if you give him porn? God damn, some times I hate this country.

Except for the last sentence I was thinking that too

Anyway, just act like reasonable human beings, make a compromise. You're stuck with your family for life, so try and get along with them - you'd probably regret it later in life if you were estranged from them anyway.

I used to have similar scuffles with my sister over computer use and they didn't get solved until she got a computer of her own, but I really wish I'd have been more mature about it. Just get the parents when he doesn't let you take your turn, especially if he agreed to a deal with you. Chances are your parents are more persuasive with him than you, and maybe more persuasive than your fists too.

Random lnsanity / Wow ive never noticed this...
« on: April 05, 2008, 12:18:42 am »
0.58 Global Radiation Level

This needs to be higher so I can laugh at the whiners  

Random lnsanity / LOL
« on: March 31, 2008, 06:52:19 pm »
I don't really consider anything from the new millenium particularly old yet.

Random lnsanity / I need help
« on: March 30, 2008, 09:32:16 pm »
I'd say save up enough to get you about 500 infra...so at least $50 million (not entirely sure on infra costs at these levels). Plus you want enough money afterwards that you don't have to spend forever building up enough money to start sledding again, so that's probably another 10-15 million.

My personal preference would be to save up enough money to go straight from 4999 to 5999, but you may or may not be more impatient than me

Random lnsanity / What's so good about RIA?
« on: March 29, 2008, 10:30:09 pm »
Quote from: evil greg guy
Because IRON is incr4edibly inactive. I used to be our ambasador there, and they were very inactive on their social forums

If they're like us, it's probably because they're all on IRC instead.  

I know IRON is probably well organized, and they have an in-game flag, but RIA certainly does have a unique and quirky community the likes of which that you probably would be hard pressed to find anywhere else except perhaps GameFAQs RI. And, in the end, that's really what alliances boil down to - communities. You don't like your community, you jump ship and take a gamble on another one, you like the one you're in, you stay, and, this is something a lot of people don't always get, work to make it better and preserve it.

Random lnsanity / It's Friday
« on: March 29, 2008, 03:10:45 pm »
Quote from: Loren
Quote from: Dontasemebro
I got a blowjob from Loren

I don't remember this.

That doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Random lnsanity / 20
« on: March 28, 2008, 05:54:51 pm »
Happy birthday, dude. I'm turning 19 in like five days myself.


Random lnsanity / It's Friday
« on: March 28, 2008, 01:34:54 pm »
I don't know what happened to you, but for me a trap door opened up in the ceiling causing it to rain down balloons and confetti. Followed shortly thereafter by a one ton weight that barely missed me.

Random lnsanity / Sugar and Wheat no longer provide a land bonus.
« on: March 27, 2008, 04:24:07 pm »
I was paying attention to the last sentence.

Random lnsanity / I AM NOT A SPY
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:59:17 pm »
Quote from: C-zom
I will hold no stops in making your lying ass miserable.

The proper response to this thread is "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die." http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y250/DastardlyBadGuy/emote/eng101.gif

Random lnsanity / Sugar and Wheat no longer provide a land bonus.
« on: March 26, 2008, 04:57:02 pm »
Quote from: Vice Man
Sugar is still alright, but now that Furs doesn't suck that much Lead is the worst by far, unless maybe if you have nukes (and plenty of them). You can't have that many planes, so the lower upkeep is barely noticiable and most people don't have tanks and missiles laying around during peace time, so their lowered upkeep is useless too. But what I found to be the worst was the fact that it is supposed to lower your soldier upkeep by $0.50 per soldier. But Pigs does the same thing and if you have both (like I do) you only get that discount once. So if it wasn't for Scholars and the lowered aircraft upkeep, I might as well just not have a second resource.

I hate to break it to you, but the lowered plane upkeep is worthless too. I have 60 level 9 planes and pay $12,000 upkeep on them daily. Lead would save me a whole $4,000, which is actually less than the soldier upkeep savings I'd get (approx $6,000). Unless your nation is tiny, that's peanuts.

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