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Messages - Pterrydactyl

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12 13 ... 85
No, probability of having a boy is historically about 50%. .5^27 is about .00000000745 which means there is a .000000745% chance of that occurring. Very uncommon.

Actually, while it's got a probability of 7.46 * 10^-9, that doesn't effect it's chance (as the most basic level) which is ALWAYS 50/50.  Just because you flip a coin 40 times, doesn't mean it won't always land heads.  It gets less and less probable, but the chance always remains the same.

Each time a kid is born, it has a 50% chance of being a boy or a girl.  Now, there might be some sort of "mutation" in his family, which produces more sperm that carry the Y instead of the X.  Now, if this genetic mutation is dominant (and because it would need to affect males), that could mean that each time a male child is born, he carries this new "more Y than X" mutation with him.  Similarly, my girlfriend's family has a similar shenanigan.  Specifically, any blood-related female (to her grandmother) that gives birth, gives birth to twins.  Someone did a genetic test, and found that the females who are blood-related to the one grandmother (even if it is through a male parent) have an additional gene (or change to a gene) that gives them a higher chance to produce twins (something with the eggs if I remember).

A 15 year old kids revolutionizes modern medicine with a test that costs about 3 cents.


Old Men Vs RC car on golf course

There are people that literally say that these kids deserve their RC car to be broken.


1) Those kids don't know any better and probably expected those guys to laugh at their joke

2) That old guy isn't any of those guy's parents or even grandparent I bet, so he has no right to fuck with their toys

3) It's just golf you fucking immature melvins


Give me a fucking break.

Yes, they deserved their RC to get broken.  That's the problem with some fucking teenagers these days, fucking no respect at all, and they take everything too far. 

Yes, it was hilarious when their car drove up and knocked the ball in, but that's where it should have ended.  They should have just driven off into the sunset, content with their lol.  But no, they had to push.  When they stayed around and tried to fuck with them more, that's what gave them the reason to hit the car. 

Let me put it into a context you might understand:

Say your playing a name of "Insert Current Gen Shooter everyone is playing" and suddenly, a wild hacker enters the game, and kills everyone, or stun-locks the whole game, or crashes the server, or whatever.  That's basically what they did with the remote control car.  They ran in, and ruined the game that those guys were trying to play.
 Had they just hit the balls and left, it would have been fine.  But they stuck around like giant fucktards. 

Seriously, I hope that the video they posted gets seen by those guys or the golf club they were at, and they press charges.

People who fuck with others like that, and take it too far should fucking die.

Random lnsanity / Re: LEO AND KENNY WERE IN THE NEWS!!!!
« on: January 31, 2013, 11:45:45 pm »
Last I heard, the chicken was still missing.

Random lnsanity / LEO AND KENNY WERE IN THE NEWS!!!!
« on: January 31, 2013, 10:20:05 pm »

« on: January 25, 2013, 12:17:02 am »

Random lnsanity / Re: Nice Try Atonichis
« on: January 22, 2013, 12:42:24 am »
God Damnit.  Foiled Again...

Spam / Re: Who will post next
« on: January 11, 2013, 02:59:13 pm »
No, llamavore

Random lnsanity / Re: Les Miserables
« on: January 04, 2013, 01:30:28 am »

Random lnsanity / Re: check your privelage
« on: January 02, 2013, 10:30:35 pm »

I had to do a massive research project which involved not only learning of "otherkin" but also interviewing, learning about them, the types, history and such.  It was part of my Online Communities class, (for a humanities credit).  I was "assigned" the topic, but had to submit stuff for government research permission as the research would entail human subjects (interviewees and survey takers).  I have the thing somewhere still (It was about 50 pages in the end), teacher said I should publish it, but I was like "LOL, I'm digital Cinema".

I should add, the project was originally "focused" on vampires and their online communities and where/when they meet IRL, but expanded into otherkin after me and some of the researchers were invited to a "gathering" by some "vampires".

Random lnsanity / Re: And then came man
« on: December 28, 2012, 06:20:05 pm »
Holy Shit... I gave a POTD to llama... WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO???  Next, it'll be leo...

Random lnsanity / Les Miserables
« on: December 27, 2012, 09:57:52 pm »

Seriously, it blows any version I've seen out of the water.  Even my high-school's version, which received huge praise and was claimed to be "better than the broadway one" by many critics (in fact, they extended it at our school, and on top of that, hired the crew to play for 2 weeks in a nearby theatre).

It's seriously great.


Random lnsanity / Re: check your privelage
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:45:33 pm »
Some crazy person who thinks they are otherkin, but probably aren't, as in my experience with otherkin, they tend not to:

1.  Post giant blogs explaining that they are otherkin publically (usually they are private or other otherkin boards)
2.  Be vegan if they are otherkin that is cannibalistic

This person is probably just desperate for attention, also, note that she has disabled as a tag for herself, but does not mention the disability.  Additionally, note that she identifies herself with the latin term cis, which is commonly used when talking about gender identification (a Cis Male for example, is someone born as a male, and has a personality which matches the gender).  While this is used in gender studies, it is not often used outside except by people who have personalities that do not match their gender.  For example, you everyday person doen't go around saying "Hi, I'm a Cis Female" when they introduce themselves, and in biographies, people don't write that they were born a Cis Male.  They write which gender they had been born as, and in cases, include if they have a personality born that does not match
i.e. "I was a woman born in a mans body".

The fact that she uses the word cis, is either because she at one time was "gender-confused" (NOTE: Gender confused is different from non-cis gender, as in non-cis gender, there is no choice, your personality is just male but your female or female but your male, Gender-confused is where you are not sure if your personality is one or the other, but when you are sure, you are confirmed as a cis-male/cis-female), or, because she has some experience with people who have different personalities due to their gender.

This combined with the tag disability leads me to the conclusion (without reading anything past the first blog post), that her disability is a mental disability, and she probably spent time in therapy sessions.  She probably retains the disability status as either a way to supplement her income, or ensure that she can't be removed from her job for her "weird" behavior.

Now, considering the fact that there are MANY support boards for otherkin, but she chooses tumblr, leads me to believe that she fits into the same category as many people who do the same.  Someone who believes they are otherkin, but doesn't get along with otherkin, and was ostracized by the community.  This is somewhat common (especially with women ages 12-17 and males ages 10-14), except in cases where otherkin do not believe that you are really otherkin, or in the case where you are pretending you are otherkin but then discovered because you wanted to be but aren't.  It is actually fairly rare for someone who believes they are otherkin to be ostracized by the otherkin community, but it usually happens when the otherkin community believe that the person thinks they are otherkin because of a mental disability or handicap, and not becuase of true belief.

Source:  My knowledge from my time researching, studying and interacting with "otherkin" and vampires.  (Did it for a research project, not my idea)

Spoilers: parts of this may or may not be accurate as I don't plan to read more of the blog to narrow down the analysis.

Random lnsanity / Re: WARZ WARNING
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:23:05 pm »
No, it was chronologically backwards (the farthest down was the first incident)

Random lnsanity / WARZ WARNING
« on: December 25, 2012, 01:45:45 pm »
Many of you know not to buy it, and many of you research games before you buy them, so you noticed the shenanigans.

Some of you however, are idiots.

So, just a warning:  Avoid WarZ at ALL COSTS.

List of recent shenanigans (youngest to oldest, only what I've tracked):

Steam issues mass refunds for WarZ purchasers

Steam Pulls WarZ after receiving thousands of customer complaints about false advertising

WarZ developer receives trademark infringement cease and desist (or something like that).  Their july 2012 trademark of War Z is too close to "World War z" a paramount production that's been in the work for some time

Additional 1000 players banned for hacking, 3 unbanned as innocent (All claim innocence, hackers post videos of themselves hacking and not getting banned)

800 players banned for "hacking", more than 99% claim innocence, hackers begin posting videos of themselves hacking and not getting banned

WarZ goes for sale on steam

Developers accused of cheating (spawning items, insta-killing)

WarZ "Released" after "years" of development (actual time estimated at 6 months)



Random lnsanity / Re: Pacific Rim (or Gundam vs. Space Cthullu) trailer
« on: December 22, 2012, 07:43:31 pm »
I don't know if this will be a good movie or not.  Considering they made sure that people know the GLADOS voice was in the trailer, I think they might be trying to lure people in...

Random lnsanity / Re: END OF THE FUCKING WORLD
« on: December 20, 2012, 05:45:43 pm »
1 why is the 10th one doing it
2 Im working that night hoping TiVo works
The 10th one isn't doing it... That's Matt Smith, 11.

Music of the Mayans:

"Weird Al" Yankovic - Christmas At Ground Zero

Random lnsanity / Re: idk why this exists but it does
« on: December 19, 2012, 06:19:52 pm »
The main concern is that it's the third one...

Random lnsanity / END OF THE FUCKING WORLD
« on: December 19, 2012, 06:18:05 pm »
It approaches.

I'm stocked up on food, water, and most importantly, ammunition.

Coincidently, in my area, it's supposed to snow about 9 inches on the 21st.

So, I'm fairly certain of what the Mayans were afraid of:

Anyway, here's hoping the doctor can save us on the 21st, because if he doesn't, I won't get to watch his X-mas special.

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