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Messages - Azural

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Official Documents / The ConstRItution (revised)
« on: April 17, 2007, 11:04:35 pm »


We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and, secure the blessing of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity, have hired, lots of wafflefoxes, for this alliance, for the safety and protection of RIA, FREEDOM, AND STUFF!!!

Article I. – The Cabinet

Sub-Article I. - The Leader

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

It is required that, in order to be eligible for the Leadership, one must be on the official team, Maroon. In order to run for the position of Leader, a nation must have been an alliance member for a minimum span of one month.

Section 2 – Powers and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Leader to insure the safety and prosperity of all the member nations of the Alliance. It is the duty of the Leader to use the power of the office for the exclusive purpose of carrying out this mandate. The Leader has the power to declare war on another alliance or nation, determine Alliance foreign and recruitment policy, and enforce and uphold the law as put forth in this document.

Section 3 – tonicular Approval

The Leader represents the will of the people and is therefore subject to their approval. Any major policy that the Leader makes must be put to a vote lasting twenty-four hours before being enacted. Should the policy receive half or more of the cast votes, it will become official. If it fails, the Leader may put it to another vote in one week’s time. A declaration of war requires at least sixty percent of the cast votes to be in favor in order to pass.

Section 4 – Emergency Powers

During times of war or similar crisis, the Leader may request from the people emergency powers and the motion must pass with an eighty percent approval after twenty-four hours.. This will allow the leader to act without requiring tonicular approval. A time limit must be set at the assumption of the emergency powers after which time they must be renewed or expire. If the crisis is resolved, the Leader must immediately relinquish the emergency power. The powers include and are limited to: member suspension, strategic decisions, negotiations and the temporary postponement of elections.

Section 5 - Impeachment

Should it be determined that the Leader has failed to abide by the laws laid down this document, an impeachment vote may be called.

Sub-Article II. – The Co-Leader

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

Because the Co-Leader has the potential to assume the role of Leader, all restrictions concerning eligibility for the office of Leader also apply to the office of Co-Leader.

Section – 2 Duties and Responsibilities

It is the job of the Co-Leader to manage membership of the Alliance. The Co-Leader must execute the recruitment and membership policies laid down by the Leader as well as punishing those who disobey said policy.  In situations not covered by Leadership policy, the judgement of the Co-Leader may be deferred to. The Co-Leader is responsible for running recruitment drives and ensuring that the alliance has an effective sign-up process.

Section 3 – Punitive Action

Should a member nation refuse to comply to the policy over which the Co-Leader has jurisdiction, it will be the prerogative of the Co-Leader to determine the fate of the offending nation. The Co-Leader may take any of the following actions: Fines, the amount of which is at the discretion of the Co-Leader, to be redistributed by the Economic advisor to non-government officials, or Alliance suspension for up to one week. Noncompliance for any punishment is grounds for harsher punishment or Expulsion from the Alliance. To be expelled, there must be a unanimous vote in the Cabinet.

Section 4 – Succession

In the event that the Leader is unable to fulfill the duties of the office, it will be the Co-leader who steps into the position. Reasons for the promotion include: Impeachment of the Leader, resignation of the Leader, or unanticipated absence of the Leader. If the Alliance is informed of a short absence by the Leader ahead of time, the Co-Leader may temporarily fill the position.

Section 5 - Impeachment

Should it be determined that the Co-Leader has failed to abide by the laws laid down this document, an impeachment vote may be called.

Sub-Article III. - The Head of Foreign Affairs

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

The Head of Foreign Affairs must be a member of the Alliance team, Maroon.

Section 2 – Responsibilities

The Head of Foreign Affairs is the public face of the Alliance. It will be the job of the Ambassador to make contact and maintain good relations with other alliances. The Head of Foreign Affairs is in charge of negotiating treaties and alliances with other Alliances as well as formally announcing declarations of war and spear-heading peace talks. The Ambassador executes the Leaders foreign policy and is the voice of RIA in the Cybernations community.

Section 3 – Diplomats

3a. The Ambassador may appoint diplomats to suit increasing workload. It will be the job of Diplomats to deal with maintaining relations, especially with the minor alliances, burritos the Ambassador free to deal with the superpowers or anything unusual.

Responsibilities of the diplomat:

1. Establish masks and embassies from the alliances to which the diplomat is assigned, unless embassies have already been established in these alliances.

2. Establish the first topic in those embassies, provided one is not already established. It is customary to greet the alliance, or thank them for the embassy in these topics.

3. Maintain closeness with the alliances to which it is assigned. Relay important events in the RIA to the embassies to which the diplomat is assigned.

4. Present the NAP, MDP, MADP, ASV, or merger proposal template to alliances to which the diplomat has been assigned, provided the RIA has agreed on making the proposal.

5. Be a frequent visitor to the RIA forum, and a consistent player of CN.

6. Inform the Head of Foreign Affairs if the diplomat is going to be absent for an extended time.

7. Report any incidents involving the RIA and the alliances to which the diplomat is assigned to the Head of Foreign Affairs, via the Bureau of Foreign Affairs forum.

8. Work towards a peaceful, agreeable conclusion to any situations that arise between the RIA and the alliances to which the diplomat is assigned.

In addition to these responsibilities, the diplomat has the following rights:

1. A diplomat may step down from one's post at any time. If one does, one must inform the Head of Foreign Affairs.

2. A diplomat may request help in managing situations that arise between the RIA and any alliances to which the diplomat is assigned, from another diplomat, or the Head of Foreign Affairs.

3b. Diplomats who are promoted to Advanced Diplomats have the added privilege of presenting pact proposals from their assigned alliances directly to the RIA Cabinet without prior approval from the Ambassador. Note that Advanced Diplomats do not have the privilege of proposing pacts to other alliances without Cabinet approval, nor does the Advanced Diplomat have the ability to circumvent the necessary vote of the Ambassador in any matters.

Section 4 - Impeachment

Should it be determined that the Head of Foreign Affairs has failed to abide by the laws laid down this document, an impeachment vote may be called.

Sub-Article IV. - The Economic Advisor

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

The Economic Advisor must be a member of the Alliance team, Maroon.

Section 2 – Responsibilities

It is the job of the Economic Advisor to aid in the financial growth of the nations in the Alliance. The Economic Advisor will be in charge of running various aid programs, and the insurance of efficient redistribution of funds by members.

Section 3 – Staff

Once the RIA has reached a membership count of one hundred, the Economic Advisor may appoint a Staff of five members. The Staff will be responsible for keeping the membership statistic records up to date. This will leave the Economic Advisor free to deal with problems such as aiding new members and helping rebuild any nations in the aftermath of a war.

Section 4 - Impeachment

Should it be determined that the Economic Advisor has failed to abide by the laws laid down this document, an impeachment vote may be called.

Sub-Article V. - The War Advisor

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

The War Advisor must be a member of the Alliance team, Maroon. The War Advisor may not be in peace mode from the time elections begin till the end of the term.

Section 2 – Responsibilities

The War Advisor is responsible for leading the Alliance defense in war, keeping watch on potential enemies, knowing the state of the military of each member nation, and keeping track of all wars in the Alliance.

Section 3 – Interalliance Warfare

In the event that the Random Insanity Alliance goes to war with another alliance, it will be the task of the War Advisor to organize the military. This task entails the selecting of priority targets and the assignment of member nations to attack said targets. The War Advisor must work with the Economic Advisor to ensure the proper allocation of resources as deemed necessary for the war effort.

Section 4 – Staff

Once the Alliance has reached one hundred members, the War Advisor may appoint a Staff of five members. It will be the job of the Staff to keep up to date on the military readiness of the Alliance, watch potential enemies, and, during war time, assist the War Advisor in directing resources where they are needed.

Section 5 – Nuclear Policy

Because of the major cost and responsibility of owning nuclear weapons, it is required that a member nation receive the permission of the War Advisor before doing so. This will allow the government to keep track of all nuclear weapons within the Alliance.

Because of the devastating nature of a nuclear and its potential political consequences for the Alliance, no nuclear strike can be undertaken by any member nation without explicit consent from the General. Member nations wishing to use nuclear weapons, even in self-defense or retaliation, must petition the General prior to launching the attack.

Section 6 - Impeachment

Should it be determined that the War Advisor has failed to abide by the laws laid down this document, an impeachment vote may be called.

Article II. – Elections

Section 1 - Nomination

To officially be on the ballot come election time, a member must be nominated for a position by another member of the Alliance. No member nation may nominate more than one person for a position nor be nominated by someone whom that member nominated. Nominations will be accepted between the 20th and 24th of each month. It is the prerogative of a nominee to decline the nomination for a position with the exclusion of incumbent candidates.

Section 2 – Election Day

Elections will begin on the 25th of each month. Elections will run for two days until the 27th. To be elected, a nominee must receive a majority of the cast votes. Should no majority exist, there will be a second election on the 28th between the top two candidates. Should there be a tie, the Leader will decide which candidate is the winner before burritos office. The newly elected government will begin its term on the 1st of the month following the election.

Section 3 – Multiple Nominations

A member may be nominated for multiple positions within the government in a single election. In the event that the member is elected to more than one position, the position for which the highest percentage of votes has been cast in favor of the member is the office which will be occupied. Elections for the other position(s) will be redone on the 28th as per Article VI, Section 2.

Section 4 – Restrictions

Any member who has served as the Leader more than thrice consecutively shall be required to obtain an absolute majority in order to be elected to the positions of Leader or Co-Leader.

Article III. – Amendments

Section 1 – Proposal

An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by any member nation through petition to the Leader. Should the Leader find no fault with the amendment, it will be put to the Cabinet as a whole to debate and edit.

Section 2 – Passage

Should the Cabinet come to an agreement upon the passage of the amendment, it will be put to a vote by the member nations. The vote must last one full twenty-four hour period. If at least two thirds of those who vote agree to the amendment, it will be added to the Constitution.

Section 3 – Repealment

Should the Cabinet decide that an amendment no longer applies and wish to repeal it, they must put it to a tonicular vote for one twenty-four hour period. If at least one half of the votes are in favor of repealing, the amendment in question will be canceled out. It will not, however be removed from the document but only marked as obsolete.

Should a member desire to repeal an amendment, it is required that an amendment be proposed to cancel the amendment in question. All processes for the passage of an amendment must then be followed as per Article VII, Sections 1 and 2.

Article IV. – Florida

Section 1 – Prevention of Spies

In order to maintain the security of the alliance, everyone will be subject to unexpected background checks *wink wink*

Section 2 – Civil War

Should a Civil War break out, every member of the alliance will be expected to fight themselves until we make us surrender. We are the one alliance with which we cannot negotiate. Any nation which fails to defend itself from itself will be forced over to the other side.

Section 3 - Filler

Any nation which is found to be adding unimportant fluff to official documents for the sole purpose of extending the length without adding anything of import will be summarily executed. There will be no exceptions (Unless it’s funny, of which this is a poor example).

Section 4 – Alliance War

A declaration of War against a foreign power requires a 4/5 majority vote by the Cabinet, and both the Leader and War Advisor must be in that majority. Declaring peace with another alliance requires a simple majority vote by the Cabinet.

Section 5 - Impeachment

Any Cabinet member can call for the impeachment of another member of the Cabinet. For a member to call for an impeachment, a petition with the signatures of at least 10% of the alliance in favor of the impeachment must be produced. Once an impeachmen hearing has been called, each side will be given twenty-four hours to present its case after which time a vote will be called. The vote of the people will be assigned a value of ten, broken up by percentage, while each Cabinet member receives one vote. The vote will last for four days. In order to remove the Cabinet member from office, a total vote of 10 must be reached in favor of removal. Percentages will be rounded to the nearest ten in the tonicular vote.

Article V. – Treaties

Section 1 – NAPs

In order to pass an NAP, a majority of the Cabinet must sign it. A majority shall be defined as greater than fifty percent of all signatures.

Section 2 - MDPs

Because of the serious nature of an MDP, all members of the Cabinet members must sign the treaty in order for it to pass.

Section 3 – MADPs

MADPs, or a full alliance, must be signed off by every member of the Cabinet. A general twenty-four hour vote must also be called and a majority of the alliance vote in favor of the treaty in order for it to pass.

Section 4 – Other Treaties

Because there are various treaties, not all can be covered. As such, each will be assessed in comparison to the preceding three. Every treaty will be treated as though it is the highest level category under which it can fall.

Official Documents / No-Tolerance Policy for attacks
« on: April 17, 2007, 11:02:04 pm »
No-Tolerance Policy for nations that attack inactive RIA members


Recent events have brought to light a new situation which we had not yet considered in our legislation. A nation attacked one of our members, citing inactivity as it's justification. This is unacceptable to us. The RIA protects every one of it's members, regardless of activity, title, strength, or any demographic statistics. Thus, we have prepared a document defining our stance on nations attacking our own nations due to inactivity. This doubles as a public statement, that should be heeded by any nations that like to attack inactive nations.


1. It is understood that all RIA members, regardless of their level of activity, are protected by the privileges of being a member of the RIA.

2. All nations that initiate hostilities with a member of the RIA of their own volition(that is, without the direction of their alliance, if any) will be held solely accountable.

3. It is not the responsibility of the RIA member involved to pay reparations to an attacking nation, nor will it ever be. All damage to an aggressor's own nation is the aggressor's doing, for having started the war in the first place.

4. If a nation attacks an inactive RIA member, then offers peace and reparations, if the RIA member involved deems the reparation offer inadequate* and decides to continue conflict, for whatever reason, the initial aggressor is still the aggressor.

*In this situation, RIA members will not seek reparations greater than the damages done to one's nation.

5. Any attack on an inactive member of the RIA, by a member of an alliance, risks causing an inter-alliance incident. The RIA will not take such an event any less lightly than we would take an attack on an active member, and the alliance whose nation attacks our member is strongly urged to help restore just order.

Summary: If you are in the habit of attacking inactive nations, stay away from RIA members. It's not worth it for either of us.

Official Documents / The RI Mission Statement
« on: April 17, 2007, 11:01:19 pm »

At first glance we look like a big, jugular but that is cornucopia of love. However, we really like to eat charcoal. SO if we are behind you, watch your overly large mandibles. "Y helo thar" she blows, we say as we sleep with your ascension. You! Who are you? We are WINNER beyond needing more time! You shall now

But take us seriously. We are for real. =)

Official Documents / Second Amendment
« on: April 17, 2007, 11:00:31 pm »
CARDINAL RULE: Maintain an air of courtesy to all members of all alliances. Anger is permitted, but rudeness is not.

1. Establish masks and embassies from the alliances to which the diplomat is assigned, unless embassies have already been established in these alliances.

2. Establish the first topic in those embassies, provided one is not already established. It is customary to greet the alliance, or thank them for the embassy in these topics.

3. Maintain closeness with the alliances to which it is assigned. Relay important events in the RIA to the embassies to which the diplomat is assigned.

4. Present the NAP, MDP, MADP, ASV, or merger proposal template to alliances to which the diplomat has been assigned, provided the RIA has agreed on making the proposal.

5. Be a frequent visitor to the RIA forum, and a consistent player of CN.

6. Inform the Head of Foreign Affairs if the diplomat is going to be absent for an extended time.

7. Report any incidents involving the RIA and the alliances to which the diplomat is assigned to the Head of Foreign Affairs, via the Bureau of Foreign Affairs forum.

8. Work towards a peaceful, agreeable conclusion to any situations that arise between the RIA and the alliances to which the diplomat is assigned.

In addition to these responsibilities, the diplomat has some rights:

1. A diplomat may step down from one's post at any time. If one does, one must inform the Head of Foreign Affairs.

2. A diplomat may request help in managing situations that arise between the RIA and any alliances to which the diplomat is assigned, from another diplomat, or the Head of Foreign Affairs.

Official Documents / First Amendment
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:59:51 pm »
'A leader's terms are not limited in any way and he or she may serve as many consecutive terms as long as he wins with at least 2/3 of the vote. If he does not win by a 2/3 vote but has the most votes, the person with the second highest amount of votes or, if agreed upon by the majority of members, a new election for leader may take place.'

Official Documents / The ConstRItution
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:59:06 pm »


We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and, secure the blessing of liberty, to ourselves and our posterity, have hired, lots of wafflefoxes, for this alliance, for the safety and  protection of RIA, FREEDOM, AND STUFF!!!

Article I. – The Leader

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

It is required that, in order to be eligible for the Leadership, one must be on the official team, Maroon. Furthermore, the Leader must have joined the Alliance through RI and cannot have joined the Alliance solely through Cybernations or another outside source.

Section 2 – Powers and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Leader to insure the safety and prosperity of all the member nations of the Alliance. It is the duty of the Leader to use the power of the office for the exclusive purpose of carrying out this mandate. The Leader has the power to declare war on another alliance or nation, determine Alliance foreign and recruitment policy, and enforce and uphold the law as put forth in this document.

Section 3 – tonicular Approval

The Leader represents the will of the people and is therefore subject to their approval. Any major policy that the Leader makes must be put to a vote lasting twenty-four hours before being enacted. Should the policy receive half or more of the cast votes, it will become official. If it fails, the Leader may put it to another vote in one week’s time. A declaration of war requires at least sixty percent of the cast votes to be in favor in order to pass.

Section 4 – Emergency Powers

During times of war or similar crisis, the Leader may request from the people emergency powers and the motion must pass with an eighty percent approval after twenty-four hours.. This will allow the leader to act without requiring tonicular approval. A time limit must be set at the assumption of the emergency powers after which time they must be renewed or expire. If the crisis is resolved, the Leader must immediately relinquish the emergency power. The powers include and are limited to: member suspension, strategic decisions, negotiations and the temporary postponement of elections.

Section 5 - Impeachment

Should it be determined that the Leader has failed to abide by the laws laid down this document, an impeachment vote may be called.

Article II. – Co-Leader

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

Because the Co-Leader has the potential to assume the role of Leader, all restrictions concerning eligibility for the office of Leader also apply to the office of Co-Leader.

Section – 2 Duties and Responsibilities

 It is the job of the Co-Leader to manage membership of the Alliance. The Co-Leader must execute the recruitment and membership policies laid down by the Leader as well as punishing those who disobey said policy. In situations not covered by Leadership policy, the judgement of the Co-Leader may be deferred to.

Section 3 – Punitive Action

Should a member nation refuse to comply to the policy over which the Co-Leader has jurisdiction, it will be the prerogative of the Co-Leader to determine the fate of the offending nation. The Co-Leader may take any of the following actions: Fines up to the amount of five thousand dollars to be redistributed by the Economic advisor to non-government officials, barring of trade for up to two weeks, or Alliance suspension for up to one week. Noncompliance for any punishment is grounds for harsher punishment or Expulsion from the Alliance. To be expelled, there must be a unanimous vote in the Cabinet and at least seventy percent approval within two days by the people.

Section 4 – Succession

In the event that the Leader is unable to fulfill the duties of the office, it will be the Co-leader who steps into the position. Reasons for the promotion include: Impeachment of the Leader, resignation of the Leader, or unanticipated absence of the Leader. If the Alliance is informed of a short absence by the Leader ahead of time, the Co-Leader may temporarily fill the position.

 Article III. – Ambassador

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

The Ambassador must be a member of the Alliance team, Maroon.

Section 2 – Responsibilities

The Ambassador is the public face of the Alliance. It will be the job of the Ambassador to make contact and maintain good relations with other alliances. The Ambassador is in charge of negotiating treaties and alliances with other Alliances as well as formally announcing declarations of war and spear-heading peace talks. The Ambassador executes the Leaders foreign policy and is the voice of RIA in the Cybernations community.

Section 3 – Diplomats

3a. The Ambassador may appoint diplomats to suit increasing workload. It will be the job of Diplomats to deal with maintaining relations, especially with the minor alliances, burritos the Ambassador free to deal with the superpowers or anything unusual. Expansion on the Diplomat's duties can be found in the document titled "Responsibilities of the diplomat".

3b. Diplomats who are promoted to Advanced Diplomats have the added privilege of presenting pact proposals from their assigned alliances directly to the RIA Cabinet without prior approval from the Ambassador. Note that Advanced Diplomats do not have the privilege of proposing pacts to other alliances without Cabinet approval, nor does the Advanced Diplomat have the ability to circumvent the necessary vote of the Ambassador in any matters.

Section 4 – Foreign Embassies

Accounts created with other alliances for the purpose of maintaining relations and creating embassies should use the moniker “RIA” and passed from one Ambassador to the next. Every first of the month, should a new Ambassador be elected, the former Ambassador must pass on the password for the accounts created on the other alliance boards. This will save the new Ambassador the trouble of reestablishing contact with each alliance and extends us, as an Alliance, an air of continuity that would be lost by the confusion of a monthly changeover.

Article IV. – Economic Advisor

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

The Economic Advisor must be a member of the Alliance team, Maroon.

Section 2 – Responsibilities

It is the job of the Economic Advisor to aid in the financial growth of the nations in the Alliance. The Economic Advisor keeps track of all trade agreements, resources, and incomes of the member nations. This will allow the Economic Advisor to allocate the Alliances resources in the most efficient manner and will be especially helpful in times of war.

Section 3 – Staff

Once the RIA has reached a membership count of one hundred, the Economic Advisor may appoint a Staff of five members. The Staff will be responsible for keeping the membership statistic records up to date. This will leave the Economic Advisor free to deal with problems such as aiding new members and helping rebuild any nations in the aftermath of a war.

Section 4 – Nuclear Purchases

Because of the major cost and responsibility of owning nuclear weapons, it is required that a member nation receive the permission of the Economic Advisor before doing so. This will allow the government to keep track of all nuclear weapons within the Alliance.

Article V. – General

Section 1 – Requirements and Limitations

The General must be a member of the Alliance team, Maroon. The General may not be in peace mode from the time elections begin till the end of the term.

Section 2 – Responsibilities

The General is responsible for leading the Alliance defense in war, keeping watch on potential enemies, knowing the state of the military of each member nation, and keeping track of all wars in the Alliance.

Section 3 – Interalliance Warfare

In the event that the Random Insanity Alliance goes to war with another alliance, it will be the task of the General to organize the military. This task entails the selecting of priority targets and the assignment of member nations to attack said targets. The General must work with the Economic Advisor to ensure the proper allocation of resources as deemed necessary for the war effort.

Section 4 – Staff

Once the Alliance has reached one hundred members, the General may appoint a Staff of five members. It will be the job of the Staff to keep up to date on the military readiness of the Alliance, watch potential enemies, and, during war time, assist the General in directing resources where they are needed.

Section 5 – Nuclear Policy

 Because of the devastating nature of a nuclear and its potential political consequences for the Alliance, no nuclear strike can be undertaken by any member nation without explicit consent from the General. Member nations wishing to use nuclear weapons, even in self-defense or retaliation, must petition the General prior to launching the attack.

Article VI. – Elections

Section 1 - Nomination

To officially be on the ballot come election time, a member must be nominated for a position by another member of the Alliance. No member nation may nominate more than one person for a position nor be nominated by someone whom that member nominated. Nominations will be accepted between the 20th and 24th of each month.

Section 2 – Election Day

Elections will begin on the 25th of each month. Elections will run for two days until the 27th. To be elected, a nominee must receive a majority of the cast votes. Should no majority exist, there will be a second election on the 28th between the top two candidates. Should there be a tie, the Leader will decide which candidate is the winner before burritos office. The newly elected government will begin its term on the 1st of the month following the election.

Section 3 – Multiple Nominations

A member may be nominated for multiple positions within the government in a single election. In the event that the member is elected to more than one position, the position for which the highest percentage of votes has been cast in favor of the member is the office which will be occupied. Elections for the other position(s) will be redone on the 28th as per Article VI, Section 2.

Section 4 – Restrictions

Because no member of the Alliance may hold the office of Leader for more than three consecutive terms, no one who has served in the position of Leader thrice consecutively may be nominated for the position of Leader or Co-Leader.

Article VII. – Amendments

Section 1 – Proposal

An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by any member nation through petition to the Leader. Should the Leader find no fault with the amendment, it will be put to the Cabinet as a whole to debate and edit.

Section 2 – Passage

Should the Cabinet come to an agreement upon the passage of the amendment, it will be put to a vote by the member nations. The vote must last one full twenty-four hour period. If at least two thirds of those who vote agree to the amendment, it will be added to the Constitution.

Section 3 – Repeal

Should the Cabinet decide that an amendment no longer applies and wish to repeal it, they must put it to a tonicular vote for one twenty-four hour period. If at least one half of the votes are in favor of repealing, the amendment in question will be canceled out. It will not, however be removed from the document but only marked as obsolete.

Should a member desire to repeal an amendment, it is required that an amendment be proposed to cancel the amendment in question. All processes for the passage of an amendment must then be followed as per Article VII, Sections 1 and 2.


The following hereby officially sign this Constitution of the Random Insanity Alliance:

Shyox, current leader as of September 11, 2006, co-founder and loving father of the RIA boards

Moth, current Foreign Advisor as of September 11th, 2006, supportive and contributing member, and designated driver of the RIA

Leo, current Co-Leader as of September 11th, 2006, good friend and loyal to the core and pimp-in-training

Defunct Treaties / OCUK ProtectoRIte Agreement
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:40:59 pm »
RIA--OCUK ProtectoRIte

The RIA, having a strong relationship and good ties with OCUK, does take on the role of Protector of OCUK in order to guide and defend them from any who would seek to threaten them and their members.

Article I
The RIA pledges to defend OCUK against any acts of aggression to the fullest extent of its ability. Any action taken against OCUK will be considered as a direct attack on the RIA.

Article II
OCUK agrees to give it’s loyalty to the RIA. Abuse of this friendship in any way will be cause for cancellation of this pact. Abuse includes, but is not limited to, provoking other alliances into a war, attacking the RIA or its allies, or aiding enemies of the RIA.

Article III
The RIA will send a representative to OCUK. This representative will be kept informed of all events in OCUK and may act in an advisory role. To protect the sovereignty of OCUK, the representative will have no formal power in OCUK.

Article IV

Article V
Either alliance may withdraw from this treaty by giving fourty-eight thousand and one cookies to the other alliance.

Article VI
The protectorate will automatically nullify once the OCUK reaches 123,456 strength.

Signed, RIA:

Delta, Leader
Crazyisraelie, Co-Leader
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Zombie2000, War Advisor
cheeseaholic, Economic Advisor

Signed, OCUK:

Zipian: Foreign Minister
Danger Phoenix: Shadow Minister
Kronologic: Minister of Aid
Babyface: Minister of Trade
mleh: Minister of War

Defunct Treaties / Wii ProtectoRIte Agreement
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:39:45 pm »
The RIA, having a strong relationship and good ties with Western Intelligence Inquisition (Wii), does take  on the role of Protector of Wii in order to guide and defend them from any who would seek to threaten them and their members.

Article I
The RIA pledges to defend Wii against any acts of aggression to the fullest extent of its ability. Any action taken against Wii will be considered as a direct attack on the RIA.

Article II
Wii agrees to give it’s loyalty to the RIA. Abuse of this friendship in any way will be cause for cancellation of this pact. Abuse includes, but is not limited to, provoking other alliances into a war, attacking the RIA or its allies, or aiding enemies of the RIA.

Article III
The RIA will send a representative to Wii.This representative will be kept informed of all events in [insert] and may act in an advisory role. To protect the sovereignty of Wii, the representative will have no formal power in Wii.

Article IV

Article V
Either alliance may withdraw from this treaty by giving 48 thousand cookies to the other alliance.

Signed, RIA:[/b]
Azural, Leader
Flask, Co-Leader
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Delta1212, War Advisor
Crazyisraelie, Economic Advisor

Signed, Wii:[/b]
-Baron Will Scarlett, Leader of Wii

Superseded Treaties / USN--RIA NAP
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:37:59 pm »
RIA-USN Non-Agression Pact


This is a Non--Agression Pact (NAP) between the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) and the United Sovereign Nations (USN). We do not want to smash each other to pieces with a rusty golf club. That is all.

Article I:

The signed alliances will not preform any acts of hostility or espionage towards each other. They also agree to not give any AIDS to a known enemy of the other.

Article II:

If a member of either alliance attacks a member of the other, then both alliances will resolve the matter diplomatically. Reparations will be paid by the aggressor at 2x the amount of damage done. Punishment will be decided by the aggressor nations alliance, in accordance with said alliance's laws.

Article III:

If one party wishes to cancel, they need to give at least 48 cookies to the other and an hour's worth of warning for each cookie. Failure to do so will make Cookie Monster very angry.

Article IV:


Article V:

Crunka's Mom


This document was signed in in good will and to increase and influence good relations between the RIA and USN

Signed, RIA:
Azural, Leader of the RIA
Flask, Co-Leader of the RIA
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Shyox, ex-Leader of the RIA
Crazyisrealie, Economic Advisor
Delta1212, War Advisor

Signed, USN:
Marine91: Admin Council
Someone: Admin Council
OsamaEBW: Admin Council
Flyskate: High Council, Minister of Foerign Affairs

Defunct Treaties / NO--RIA NAP
« on: April 17, 2007, 07:15:30 pm »
RIA--N-O Non-Agression Pact[/size]


This is a Non-Agression Pact (NAP) between the Random Insanity Alliance (RIA) and Novus Orbus (N-O). We do not want to smash each other to pieces with a rusty golf club. That is all.

Article I:

The signed alliances will not preform any acts of hostility or espionage twards eachother.  They also agree to not give any AIDS to a known enemy of the other.

Article II:

If a member of either alliance attacks a member of the other, then both alliances will resolve the matter diplomatically.  Reperations will be paid by the agressor at 2x the ammount of damage done.  Punishment will be decided by the agressor nations alliance, in accordiance with said alliance's laws.

Article III:

If one party wishes to cancel, they need to give at least 48 cookies to the other and an hour's worth of warning for each cookie.  Failure to do so will make Cookie Monster very angry.

Article IV:

D: Florida


This document was signed in in good will and to increase and influence good relations between the RIA and N-O.

Signed, RIA:[/size]
Azural, Leader
crazyisraelie, Economic Advisor
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Delta1212, War Advisor
Flask, Co-Leader

Signed, N-O:[/size]
Lake- King Novus Orbus
Thanos72286 -Sec. of State Novus Orbus

Superseded Treaties / TTK--RIA NAP
« on: April 17, 2007, 07:12:19 pm »
The purpose of this document is to re-affirm the mutual respect between The Templar Knights, hereby referred to as TTK, and the Random Insanity Alliance, hereby referred to as RIA through a pledge of peaceful co-existence and non-aggression.

Article 1:
TTK will not commence any acts of hostility or espionage towards RIA
RIA will not commence any acts of hostility or espionage towards TTK.

Should a member of one the participants of this document be caught in acts of espionage or hostility towards the other alliance an official statement and reparations will be required within 48 hours of the alliance being notified.

The hostile member must be punished by their alliance, in accordance with the constitution and laws of the member’s alliance, within 32 hours of the official statement.

Neither participant shall provide aid, be it military, intelligence, financial or technological, to a known enemy of the other, if this should happen then an amount of aid, twice the size, must be given to the other alliance within 24 hours or this document becomes null and void.

Article 2:
Should a participant in this document come under disaster or attack, the other alliance is not obliged to provide any sort of aid, be it military, intelligence, financial or technological.

Article 3:
As a sign of good faith both participants are to provide regular (at least weekly) updates to each other on foreign relations(including NAPs and MDPs), updated member lists and major internal changes (e.g. elections).

Article 4:
If one or many these articles are violated, then the offending nation will be open to retaliatory strikes from the defender and the defender’s alliance until peace terms are accepted and the offending nation is punished according to their alliance’s laws and constitution.

Article 5:
Any large scale, blatant disregard of this NAP by either participant will lead to its immediate dissolution unless within 24 hours an official statement is made stating why (requiring proof, and extremely strong reasons) and reparations are paid.

We, the undersigned alliances,

Signed for TTK:

Comrade Brad - Grandmaster
DavidK - External Perceptor
Ivan Markov - Internal Perceptor
Danome, Ennesaj88, Runedan - Elder Councilors

Signed for RIA:

Shyox, Leader
Leo, Co-Leader
Moth, Head of Foreign Affairs
Omega-Red, War Advisor
Delta1212, Economic Advisor
some other guys that aren't in the Cabinet

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Mask/Embassy requests
« on: April 17, 2007, 12:25:42 am »
Post the following in a new topic:

Code: [Select]
[b]Your Nation's Ruler:[/b]
[b]Your Alliance:[/b]
[b]Your Alliance's Initials:[/b]
[b]Your Alliance's primary team color:[/b]
[b]URL to your alliance's forum:[/b]
[b]If you are over the age of 18(or 21 if you live in one of those country's) would you like access to our NSFW forum? (please reply in yes/no format)[/b]

You will also need to message our Head of Foreign Affairs either in game or on IRC for validation purposes.
Our current HoFA is Brian http://www.cybernations.net/send_message.asp?Nation_ID=467779

Random lnsanity / ASCII
« on: April 16, 2007, 09:14:53 pm »
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Head of Foreign Affairs:

Head of Internal Affairs:

Head of Military Operations: