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Messages - Ananegg

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 21
Random lnsanity / Annoying
« on: August 02, 2007, 09:51:06 pm »

Random lnsanity / The Funny Pic/Joke Thread
« on: July 31, 2007, 08:41:18 pm »
What do you call cheese that's not yours?

Nacho cheese

Random lnsanity / RIA Drama-Mama-Mamama-Meter
« on: July 31, 2007, 08:24:39 pm »
Quote from: dark star
that is funny b/c its true people are debating about everything right now. Watch there is going to be a debate about this post

There is NO debating in this alliance! You are completely wrong sir!

Random lnsanity / We the U.S. are doomed
« on: July 31, 2007, 06:14:24 pm »
Quote from: Castille
pinwheel well spoken  

and its mostly the education system guys you can't blame iraq for the teen in mcdonalds being stupid you can however blame the school system

The average teen at McDonalds was in school during the Bush and Clinton Presidency and the TC with his wonderful grammar and spelling was in school only During the Clinton Presidency.  The U.S. Intelligence wise has been going down hill for a long time, how else would Bush have been elected?

Random lnsanity / dear RIA...
« on: July 31, 2007, 06:09:46 pm »
I'm sick too, let us party is our misery!

Random lnsanity / 2999.99 Infra
« on: July 31, 2007, 01:45:26 pm »
Yeah, I'm trying to buy tech, then I'll just keep saving...

Random lnsanity / We the U.S. are doomed
« on: July 30, 2007, 08:55:23 pm »
WAAAAY Off-topic and I lol'd

Random lnsanity / Bleskie goes ApeS***
« on: July 30, 2007, 08:30:00 pm »
[21:12] Bleskie: ufofoubfg
[21:12] Bleskie: whjw wjf wef jwhe olwewwe?
[21:12] John: high?
[21:13] Bleskie: iuorgf rlajwf erwflawh ferwef!
[21:13] Bleskie: ilil;flfr werfaw.
[21:13] John: o rly?
[21:13] Bleskie: 34tq3itk;lte
[21:14] John: no wai
[21:14] Bleskie: slsidfh lhjulte
[21:15] Bleskie: hjrgjl grsjll esgsfs?
[21:16] John: lolz
[21:17] Bleskie: fgbjlfgjgj g ergkj trjgrt rkj trjgkrjt geg
[21:17] Bleskie: jfjejuer.
[21:17] John: so, I heard yuo leik mudkips?
[21:17] Bleskie: 65
[21:18] Bleskie: /b/hgoghrogwehjhjwrtonhrw OR COCK
[21:19] Bleskie: hnerhkg rtgjrl rghrlnrwlt /b/FUCKERS?
[21:19] John: CEmen
[21:20] Bleskie: ekjggke.rgbe egweg ewtg
[21:20] Bleskie: kmgebw rkjbht erhkerjhe erbj er
[21:22] John: OMGWTFBBQ
[21:22] Bleskie: rljyrt rhyrthtrhyrt h rhr
[21:29] John: ZOMG

Random lnsanity / WTF at this aim convo
« on: July 30, 2007, 08:29:10 pm »
[20:11] JPA: k, i gotta find the ninja turtle movies for this kid i'm babysittin anyways :-D
[20:11] *** Auto-response sent to JPA: I'm taking a shower
[20:50] JPA: gah! they changed april for the second movie! I had no idea! >.<
[21:11] betterananegg: o rly?
[21:12] JPA: yaa, well, the kids changed it. apparently the second movie isn't as interesting as the first ^.^()
[21:13] betterananegg: lol
[21:15] JPA: yeah.. so um... when you were younger say about 5, did you ever get a crush on another little girl and try stuff like getting yourself alone in a room with her and under the covers of a bed at all??
[21:16] betterananegg: No, no little girls in my hood, homeschooled, didn'y like girls till 15
[21:17] JPA: mmkay.,.. well, hopefully then this kid is just copying then what he's seen his parents do... but i really hope he hasn't seen anything past snuggling >.<
[21:19] betterananegg: (O_O)
[21:20] JPA: I kno O.o... i'm just not gonna leave them alone
[21:21] betterananegg: *nods*

Tech Trades / 1.3 million for 50 tech
« on: July 30, 2007, 06:09:53 pm »
1.1 million for the seller, 200k for the middle man.

Random lnsanity / 2999.99 Infra
« on: July 30, 2007, 05:07:21 pm »
So, I'm at the big 2999.99 infra and I want to know what I should buy while waiting to make the jump...

Random lnsanity / My best Otakon moment
« on: July 28, 2007, 11:26:07 pm »
The one in the Red is me. Please give 5 stars!

Random lnsanity / My best Otakon moment
« on: July 28, 2007, 11:05:42 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vXkBFPEuvU" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vXkBFPEuvU</a>

Random lnsanity / Boob, FTW
« on: July 26, 2007, 01:05:41 am »
C to DD is he best.

Random lnsanity / Otakon
« on: July 26, 2007, 12:11:24 am »
Otakon is a medium sized, somewhat developed, and aging nation at 366 days old with citizens primarily of Japanese ethnicity whose religion is Buddhism. Its technology is first rate and its citizens marvel at the astonishing advancements within their nation. Its citizens enjoy freedom from high taxation and as a result tend to earn more money. The citizens of Otakon work diligently to produce Water and Wine as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. It believes nuclear weapons are necessary for the security of its people. Plans are on the way within Otakon to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its citizens of the dangers of drug use. Otakon allows its citizens to protest their government but uses a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. It has an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. Otakon believes in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizens right to speak freely about their government. The government gives foreign aid when it can, but looks to take care of its own people first. Otakon will not make deals with another country that has a poor history of inhuman treatment of its citizens.
_:. Private Nation Messages
   Congratulations. Your nation is one year old today. In celebration your citizens will experience +5 happiness today.
Your toniculation density of 33.07 toniculation per mile is at a good level at this time. Your military of 18,484 soldiers is considered adequate strength for the size of Otakon. The infrastructure of Otakon is adequate at the time with a level of 2,917.00.
_:. Government Information
Nation Name:    Otakon
Ruler:    ananegg
Warn Level:    0%
Warn History:    No warn history
Last Donation:    4/29/2007 - $20.00
Last Activity:    7/26/2007 12:06:54 AM [Online in last 60 minutes.]
National Flag:    
Alliance Affiliation:    Random Insanity Alliance [Alliance Statistics] [Alliance Rankings] [Alliance Map]
Alliance Rank:    Ranked #20 of 202 alliance nations
Capital City:    Ananegg
Capital Coordinates:    35.22767235493586, 136.93359375
About Otakon:    Random Insanity forever!  
Government Type:    Monarchy (Next Available Change 7/20/2007)
Your people approve of this form of government but the majority of your people would prefer something else. They desire a supreme ruler who is in charge of all national matters.
National Religion:    
[Buddhism]    (Next Available Change 7/9/2007)
Your people are happy with this national religion.
Currency Type:    [Dollar]
Nation Team:    [Team: Maroon] - Maroon - Team Information Panel
Nation Created:    7/25/2006 7:12:55 PM (366 days old)
Technology:    246.33
Literacy Rate:    90.62%
Infrastructure:    2,917.00
Tax Rate:    10%
Area of Influence:    1,376.051 mile diameter.
1,192.951 from purchases/sales/gains, 183.100 from natural growth.
War/Peace Preference:    War is an option for Otakon.
My Resources:    [Water - Increases number of citizens per mile before toniculation unhappiness by 50, increases toniculation happiness +2.5, and improves a nations environment by 10%.] [Wine – Increases toniculation happiness +3.]
Connected Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier count +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Coal – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 15%, increases soldier count +8%, and decreases infrastructure purchase cost -4%.] [Furs – Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.50 and increases the natural growth of a nation by 10%.] [Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers initial infrastructure costs -5%, lowers tank cost and upkeep costs -5%.] [Lumber – Lowers inital infrastructure cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.] [Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -10%.] [Oil - Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, increases toniculation happiness +1.5, increases solder count +10%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -4%.] [Rubber - Increases purchased land area of a nation by 20%, lowers initial land cost -10%, triples the value of land when selling (from $100 to $300), decreases infrastructure purchase cost -3%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -4%.] [Uranium - Reduces infrastructure upkeep cost -3%. Allow nations to develop nuclear weapons only if that nations government preference supports nuclear weapons.] [Water – Increases number of citizens per mile before toniculation unhappiness by 50, increases toniculation happiness +2.5, and improves a nations environment by 10%.] [Wheat – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5% and increases number of citizens +8%.] [Wine – Increases toniculation happiness +3.]
Bonus Resources:    [Steel - Reduces infrastructure cost -2%. Requires Coal and Iron.] [Automobiles - Increases toniculation happiness +3. Requires Asphalt and Steel.] [Beer - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Water, Wheat, Lumber, and Aluminum.] [Construction - Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.] [Asphalt - Decreases infrastructure upkeep cost -5%. Requires Construction, Oil, and Rubber.]
Improvements:    Banks: 5, Clinics: 3, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 1,
National Wonders:    No national wonders.
Environment:    [Your nation's environment is decently clean. A clean environment leads to increased and happier citizen counts.] 5.00
Senate Votes:    0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank:    Ranked #3,248 of 35,487 Nations (9.2%)
Nation Strength:    17,538.427
Efficiency:    47.92
DEFCON Level:    [DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness.]
Number of Soldiers:    18,484
     Deployed Soldiers:
     Defending Soldiers:
Number of Tanks:    924
     Deployed Tanks:
     Defending Tanks:
Aircraft:    11
Number of Cruise Missiles:    15
Number of Nuclear Weapons:    0
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.    21,950 Attacking + 6,567 Defending = 28,517 Casualties
_:. toniculation Information
Total toniculation:    45,511 Supporters
Primary Ethnic Group:    Japanese
toniculation Happiness:    [Your toniculation is in love with you.] 50.50
toniculation Per Mile:    33.07 toniculation Per Mile.
     Military Personnel:
   18,484 Soldiers
27,026 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day:    $272.17 (A very solid economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day    $27.22
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes)    $244.95
_:. Government Financial
Purchase Transactions    846 transactions
Total Income Taxes Collected:    $107,676,400.33
Total Expenses Over Time:    $107,550,159.99
      Bills Paid:
     Purchases Over Time:
Current Dollars Available:    $126,240.34   (Surplus)

Happy Birthday to me!

Random lnsanity / Boob, FTW
« on: July 25, 2007, 11:08:15 pm »
They are squishy and Perky and fun to hold!

Random lnsanity / Please tell me
« on: July 25, 2007, 10:47:07 pm »
I see it.

Quote from: zombie2000
Quote from: zblewski
I read that all. o.o

Random lnsanity / Boob, FTW
« on: July 25, 2007, 10:02:08 pm »
I can't believe no one has said this yet....





PICS or it never happened.

Random lnsanity / Help. Need a Spam Partner for July's Spam off
« on: July 23, 2007, 10:24:45 pm »
You have my Axe.

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