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Messages - Singspike

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Random lnsanity / Big Spore news, guys.
« on: June 15, 2008, 03:34:19 pm »
Quote from: Flask
The download got baleeted for violating the TOS of Megaupload, apparently.

I'm sure it's around somewhere. Google it, that's how I found it, after a topic about it on RI.

And also, great idea, I'm going to make a spore pokemon gallery o_q

Random lnsanity / Big Spore news, guys.
« on: June 15, 2008, 02:31:16 pm »
Link shortening dropped the d in demo XD

Random lnsanity / Big Spore news, guys.
« on: June 15, 2008, 10:05:05 am »

I made a   and it walks by pelvic thrusting.

[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/http://www.youtube.com/v/9_KD2lP-c4c.swf&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Random lnsanity / Big Spore news, guys.
« on: June 15, 2008, 09:37:43 am »
Earlier, you could  upload it to a share server, but that seems to be down now. One thing we CAN do is make this a


I give you...


The Stalugator!


The Yetter!


The Belbusoid!


The Spilt!


And... The Sprikled!

Random lnsanity / I had the strangest dream ever last night.
« on: June 15, 2008, 07:18:37 am »
So, I had another awesome dream.

This one I'm too lazy to type up, but it's a good movie premise. Parasites, an avalanche, a star wars geek girl, sex, a rollercoaster, and braces all in one cohesive dream.

Random lnsanity / Big Spore news, guys.
« on: June 15, 2008, 07:00:46 am »

Random lnsanity / I had the strangest dream ever last night.
« on: June 13, 2008, 09:56:04 am »
Most of the terms I will use to name areas and things are what I actually called them in the dream itself.

Ok, to set the scene, this takes place in some kind of strange world. There is a mountain, with a pool of water in the center, surrounded by ice, but warmer and more grasslandy further up. This area is some strange kind of limbo in the scene that is about to unfold. Far up on the mountain, you can see for miles on all sides. There is a large tower in the distance. Down the side of the mountain is the ocean, with tiny islands right next to the base, with japanese style bridges and a covered octagonal meeting place out a ways. Back down in the limbo area, the pool of water kind of morphs into an actual swimming pool a ways up, with a cave in the mountain becoming a room around the pool. There is a door. To the side, there is a reception counter with a bored looking angel. Next to this, there i a bookshelf. Through the door, there is a tight hallway, presumably under the mountain, that looks something like this:


a: long hallway to unknown location
b. Door to heaven
c. Door to hell
d. Door to limbo
x. part of hell
y. Part of heaven
z. Limbo area.

Now, in the dream, I never actually set foot into "hell", but I did get a look inside. It was all grey. Right through the door there is a steep drop off, with a long dark tunnel made of chalky grey stone, with a strange mist seeping through. The hallway to an unknown location frightens me the most when I think of the dream now, it is just a long continuation of the hallway with a door similar to the others on the end. *Shiver* I never actually went down that hallway in the dream. Anyway, the entire hallway area was pretty much nondiscript. It had grey walls, with tile flooring, and was dimly lit and empty. Heaven was a large room, linoleum floors, with some areas brightly lit and others dimly lit. There were strange objects and things all over, with people and angels running around.

Now, onto the dream itself. From here on out, the descriptions of what actually happened are hazier. I remember what things looked like and specific instances, but not exactly how everything went down. Remember the landscape.

It started out with me and a few others were milling about in the limbo room. At this point the room wasn't connected to the pool outside. For some reason, we decided to walk over to heaven. We did so, and found that we couldn't get back into limbo right now. We go into heaven, and everyone's rushing around. Somehow, me and the others in the main group that the dream follows find out that Satan and his army are attacking. I sprint to the corner right next to the door. It's really dark in this area, and I can't see much. I fumble about the group of strange objects and find a strange weapon. It had a flaming crossbow, with a normal bow attached. For some reason, I decide to a toy arrow with a suction cup on the end as my main weapon against the bloody lord of darkness, even when I'm holding a flaming shotgun. One of my friends says to me, "Don't attack him! He's wearing the helmet of [something!] (I don't remember what they called it.) Suddenly, Satan bursts through the door wearing armor reminiscent of Daedric armor from TES and riding of all things, a polar bear. I let my suction cupped arrow fly, and it bounces off his head. Everyone freezes, and he looks at me. A rain of suction cupped arrows descend upon me as I cower in fear. I couldn't get a good look at the things he did in Heaven, but he presumably wiped everyone out. While he was doing so, me and my "friends" noticed he left the door to heaven open (?) We rush out and down the hallway, on the way back to limbo, running for our lives. We stop as we get there and see that the door to hell is open. That's when I got the look at it. We rushed into limbo, which was now open. I remember looking through the bookshelf to try to find a book of charms or something, but nothing was there.

We're standing around in Limbo when Satan bursts through that door as well, still on his polar bear. He leaps, and falls into the pool. I dive in, and wrench the helmet from his head. I remember staring into his eyes. *shudder* He had the face of a man with wavy hair, I remember thinking "Is that Judas Iscariot?" When I'm blown out of the water clutching the helmet, which was now more of a mask. Now, it was the outside pool. I landed on a high icy ledge. My friends were standing around on other ledges, motioning me up. While some of them held off Satan below, they took me to the top of the mountain, off the icy part and onto the grassy part. I asked why Satan wasn't dead, and they motioned me towards the horizon. It was a great view, in retrospect. Far off, between two mountains was a giant tower. Also, the tower looked exactly like ToS's Tower of Salvation. Aparently, the only way to destroy Satan was to destroy the tower. They had me gather glowing orbs, and, now at the bottom of the mountain on one of the japanese bridges on the islands, we all pressed the orbs together to form, of all things, a sushi tupperware set. This flew out of our hands, and destroyed the tower. Satan was vanquished, and I woke up, thoroughly confused.

Random lnsanity / Suggest an Emoticon
« on: June 11, 2008, 05:41:19 am »

Quote from: Moth
That traitor's name was Laneuville.

The LUE assault. Six LUEnited Nations members attacked the RIA early on in its life. We would have been destroyed if not for LUE themselves helping us remove the rogues.

Was that the one that caused me to leave?

Random lnsanity / The grand return of me.
« on: June 08, 2008, 12:57:44 pm »
Quote from: crazyisraelie
I remember you having horrible typing skills and grammar. Nonetheless welcome back! Get in the RIA military and learn how to fight.

I was... lost, back then. Absorbed by the throws of tonic culture and text messaging. But I'm glad to say that I'm past that dark stage.

EDIT: Tonic culture? Wha? I have no idea what I meant there.

Random lnsanity / The grand return of me.
« on: June 08, 2008, 12:57:42 pm »
Quote from: crazyisraelie
I remember you having horrible typing skills and grammar. Nonetheless welcome back! Get in the RIA military and learn how to fight.

I was... lost, back then. Absorbed by the throws of tonic culture and text messaging. But I'm glad to say that I'm past that dark stage.

Random lnsanity / The grand return of me.
« on: June 08, 2008, 11:44:12 am »
Quote from: llamavore
Quote from: llamavore
apparently you have no vagina  ::::::

i take that back  

I am quite without female orifice, thank you. If my signature image threw you off, I lulz at you.

Random lnsanity / The grand return of me.
« on: June 08, 2008, 04:39:20 am »
Did I use Watts here? That may explain it, crazy.

Also, I came back now because I was feeling nostalgic. Now, you have all these complicated strategies and snow-related terms that were never around back then. Now I have to learn everything from the ground up. Oh well, that was the fun in it the first time anyway.

Random lnsanity / The grand return of me.
« on: June 07, 2008, 04:22:12 pm »
Quote from: crazyisraelie
>_> Who the hell are you? (Yells in a angry British voice)

You make me sad because I remember you.

Random lnsanity / The grand return of me.
« on: June 07, 2008, 03:58:24 am »
I DID come twelve members after you >_>

Random lnsanity / The grand return of me.
« on: June 07, 2008, 03:35:18 am »

It feels so nice to be back. But I don't recognize hardly anyone.  

Introduce yourselves to me, young'uns.

Random lnsanity / How To Embed Youtube Videos
« on: June 07, 2008, 03:23:27 am »
Ooh. *attempts*

[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/http://youtube.com/v/W6APndhjWys.swf {350,425}&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

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