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Messages - JackSkellington

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Random lnsanity / Marathon of Madness
« on: October 05, 2009, 02:16:08 am »
I'm joining this if it isn't already apparent. We're watching the movies together and both doing a review. As for the movies C-zom previously reviewed, I'll leave those there. I've seen them all and watched Poltergeist with C-zom so his reviews basically reflect my opinion. Anyways, to move onto The Vanishing.


Acting: It's not revoltingly bad, but it's bad enough to make a point about it. The acting is generally just mindless banter between two people or just one of the actors/actresses staring off into space with a blank face. The King has more facial expression then these people.

Editing: I can usually let a movie off for editing. With most movies, it's a difficult thing. But when it's a movie like this, where it's simply a plot that just DRAGS on, the editing should be top notch. That's far from the case for The Vanishing. You're constantly jumping from one scene to the next to the point where you have no sense of direction for the movie. You have no idea what the point of all of it is. You spend half of the scenes trying to figure out what the previous scene had to do with the movie. And more times then not, it had nothing to do with the movie.

Writing: Just simply one of the worst scripts I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing. As I mentioned with the Editing, most scenes really have no reason to be in the movie. They are simply there to make the movie longer. They don't add to the plot in any way nor even add to character development. The movie leaves you assuming what is what and who is who and where is where. And it's not a movie where they try to keep you guessing at who the killer is. They just show a guy faking a broken arm and then you see him at his home life. The entire first hour of the movie is a waste of time. Problem is, the entire second half of the movie is too. You end up with illogical moves by the guy we assume is the main character. And then end up with a basic fade to black screen that's just ridiculous.

Directing: I'm not sure I can say the directing was all that bad due to what it had to work with. The greatest directors couldn't have saved this movie. So I'm basically going to leave this blank.

Final Result: This movie is without a doubt the worst horror/thriller I have seen. I can't put it more clearly then that. It was a borefest that just dragged on with terrible acting, jumping between scenes(And at times different years without you knowing whatsoever), and writing that makes Lady In The Water look brilliant. Watching this movie was simply a waste of time, just like every scene in the fucking movie. No point whatsoever for almost every scene.


Random lnsanity / Holy Cockstains C-zom
« on: October 02, 2009, 01:06:32 am »
Thus why I'm using a picture AND a comment from the movie(Second one). The logic in this topic is just creating an aura...

Random lnsanity / Holy Cockstains C-zom
« on: October 01, 2009, 10:22:19 pm »
4 15 14 20 1 19 5 13 5 2 18 15 + 19 20 9 12 12 + 19 21 3 11 19 + 4 9 3 11 = ?

Pages: 1 2 [3]

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