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Messages - zblewski

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 58
I want in this action, someone find DarkTyrant and zeep.

Random lnsanity / Me>>>>>you
« on: July 27, 2009, 06:27:10 pm »
Quote from: Dontasemebro
I founded RIA

I like how people say Kenny was a founder of the RIA when he joined the RIA literally 15 minutes before I did, in Feb. 2007.

Random lnsanity / I have returned
« on: June 23, 2009, 08:06:21 pm »

Random lnsanity / Hilarious trolling over facebook
« on: June 23, 2009, 07:42:43 pm »
Katie Redwood
Claim yer Matey
Merry Month o' June 20 roundabouts 9:50 in the evenin'
Report this foul scribblin' ter' the cap'n
gooooooooooooooooddddddddddd oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. did you and ur friend fuck yet...or is that irrelevant? oh and if you havent heard yet YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF
Mike Bleskie
Merry Month o' June 20 roundabouts 10:00 in the evenin'
الله أكبر
أشهد أن لا إله إلاَّ الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله

Random lnsanity / Hilarious trolling over facebook
« on: June 20, 2009, 08:34:59 pm »
This is my convo with her. The first was when she originally added me and went on for a while, the second was when he told Tomasz to fuck me.

'scuse me
Betwixt Katie Redwood 'n Ye

Mike Bleskie
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:00 in the evenin'

I'm not sure who you are.
Katie Redwood
Claim yer Matey
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:01 in the evenin'
Report this foul scribblin' ter' the cap'n

hey babee, im not sure who you are

Mike Bleskie
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:02 in the evenin'

...Then why did you waste your time adding me?

Katie Redwood
Claim yer Matey
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:03 in the evenin'
Report this foul scribblin' ter' the cap'n

your not a waste of time in my books

Mike Bleskie
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:08 in the evenin'

Let me repeat. I have no clue who you are. Adding complete strangers is for MySpace.

If I knew you, that would be a different story.

Katie Redwood
Claim yer Matey
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:10 in the evenin'
Report this foul scribblin' ter' the cap'n


Mike Bleskie
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:12 in the evenin'

Fine, you win >_>

*About this point, I add her, look at pictures on her pofile and decide she's an alcoholic slut, and save a few incriminating photos before deleting her from my list*

Mike Bleskie
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:28 in the evenin'

On second thought, fuck it. You look like the kind of person who goes to the tonicular kid parties, drinks until she does something stupid, listens to the Jonas brothers and/or gangsta rap just because it's an "in" thing, spread chain mail, subscribe to that screaming lunatic "Fred" on YouTube because "he's soooooo cuuuuteeee!!1" dresses in preppy clothes because it "HAS TO SAY HOLLISTER ON IT", does nothing but take photos of herself in the mirror on afternoons, and so on and so forth. You braindead people sicken me to the core.

Katie Redwood
Claim yer Matey
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 4:43 in the evenin'
Report this foul scribblin' ter' the cap'n

Well arent you too quick to judge. YOU ARE A BITCH AHAHAHA. I do party, I dance the fuck out of my night, not a big fan of the Jonas, don't follow society, don't know who the fuck screaming Fred is on youtube but now that you mention it, im fucking checking it out, I wear Holister, don't have fuckin time to take pics of myself because i party too much, and am a straight A student with scholarships coming out of my ass. Now you can go back to gaming, stop judging people, stop taking friend requests so seriously on your OVERRRATED facebook account, and stop arguing with people you dont even know. So if you want me to judge you, you dont party, you game way too much for life to handle, you are a facebook creep, you need to take more showers, you need to smoke a dube or something so you can calm the fuck down, you are a virgin and need to get laid right NOW but you deff dont have a girlfriend, secretly you want me, you can stop jacking off to this conversation cuz your shocked a girl added you, you are way to gay to title your inbox reply as "scuse me", youre still square, never touched alchohol but wish you did, and now you wish you never fucking acted like you were better than me in the first place! so you can go fuck yourself.

Mike Bleskie
Februarrry 15 roundabouts 5:16 in the evenin'

A point-by-point analysis...

- "YOU ARE A BITCH AHAHAHA" does not inspire confidence in the fact you have "scholarships coming out your ass", nor does it inspire confidence in your intelligence.
- Take my honest advice: avoid Fred.
- Hollister (or AE, or A&F, or any of those for that matter): an excuse for Chinese clothing sweat shops to profit on MTV by spreading their clothes all over.
- Listen, berating people is WHAT I DO. Read about troll at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet)
- I don't care about facebook, but obviouly you do. I check my facebook account maybe once a week, and your request happened to be that time.
- Of course I don't party. I don't care.
- Of course I game. I don't care.
- I'm type 1 diabetic, so why would I smoke anything that puts me at a risk of putting me in a coma if I'm not careful?
- I lost my virginity last year. Irrelevent.
- I don't want anybody at this point, especially people who are on the highway to killing themselves with stupidity.
-Check my friend's list for girls. OH, I'M SO SHOCKED A GIRL ADDED ME, all right.
- I guess I should be more sorry for trying to be polite when sending a message.
-Alcohol tastes like shit, and it's bad for my blood glucose. Like I care.

Oh, and I'm not better than you. We're all human, born on this planet, to live a few thousand days just to find out we will all die, alone, never to come back. Put that in your bong and smoke it.

Second part:

I'm eating up your scholarships! =O
Betwixt Katie Redwood 'n Ye

Mike Bleskie
T'day upon the hour of 6:25 in the evenin'

They taste delicious.
Katie Redwood
Claim yer Matey
T'day upon the hour of 6:27 in the evenin'
Report this foul scribblin' ter' the cap'n

Good to see that you and ur fuck buddy have good communication. so fuck right off since you didnt catch that before. or you can just keep inboxes me since you clearly have nothing better to do. BITCH
Mike Bleskie
T'day upon the hour of 9:08 in the evenin'


As if that's your best retort. Epic failure.

Random lnsanity / Holy Goddamn Fuck.
« on: June 16, 2009, 05:58:52 pm »
Quote from: llamavore
1. RIAers are to ______ as moths are to the light.

a. Holy
b. Goddamn
c. Fuck
d. All of the above


Random lnsanity / If RI had a rep system
« on: June 16, 2009, 05:54:28 pm »

[embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/hWToJxKYRSc&rel=1\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"355\"][/embed]

Random lnsanity / Ask Damen anything
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:15:06 pm »
Where the hell we're you


When you unavoidably defeat me and become CP again, will you hire me as your press representative?

Random lnsanity / If RI had a rep system
« on: June 14, 2009, 09:13:18 pm »
I'm still hardcore.

Random lnsanity / Who's more evil?
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:38:23 pm »
Stalin ushered in the repression of my people.

Random lnsanity / New to the internet
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:37:08 pm »
this topic is full of win.

Random lnsanity / Facebook usernames!
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:36:01 pm »

Random lnsanity / If RI had a rep system
« on: June 12, 2009, 08:10:11 pm »
I rate myself: Hardcore

Random lnsanity / I hate Damen
« on: June 12, 2009, 04:09:28 pm »
Quote from: Loren
Leo gets dibs, but you get me when he leaves.

What about me?

Random lnsanity / Restart Newsletter
« on: June 12, 2009, 04:04:09 pm »
Quote from: Damen
This really isn't anything you can leave up to a poll. If someone is interested in writing for the newsletter, then do so.

Quote from: Loren
I remember the news room. I liked the news room. And I clicked the link, forgot my password.




Random lnsanity / I've got a cold
« on: June 11, 2009, 09:10:41 pm »
lol, chronic diarrhea

Random lnsanity / Hey, did you know I was leader of the RIA once?
« on: June 01, 2009, 03:22:39 pm »
Also the most insignificant.

Random lnsanity / ITT: How I FeelMy em
« on: May 30, 2009, 03:43:41 pm »
Quote from: 1ofkind
btw the car has no engine

neither does my love life. It's a multilateral comparison.

Random lnsanity / <_<
« on: May 24, 2009, 05:24:03 pm »

Random lnsanity / ITT: How I FeelMy em
« on: May 22, 2009, 11:34:14 pm »
My emotions = this car:



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