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Messages - Shamedmonkey

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 10
Random lnsanity / There are great quotes....
« on: January 07, 2008, 01:30:09 pm »
I even put it into a tinyurl so people wouldn't check.

Random lnsanity / C-zom rates you topic!
« on: January 07, 2008, 12:17:45 am »
Is this the bathroom?

Random lnsanity / There are great quotes....
« on: January 07, 2008, 12:16:30 am »
In the history of man, there have been a lot of great quotes; "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." (John Kennedy), "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." (The Godfather), and "Hi, Odworth" (Random Insanity).

...And then there are the quotes that stand out of that category as well. One of these quotes, must be elected into the pantheon of awesomeness.

This quote, is;

"lol, damen"[/b][/url]

Random lnsanity / I have the gayest desktop ever.
« on: December 17, 2007, 07:47:36 am »

*is a Warcraft Nerd*

And no, I don't play WoW.

Ballsfag. XFD

I fell out of my chair.

Random lnsanity / ITT I scare the shit out you.
« on: December 04, 2007, 01:23:17 pm »
None of those scared me, the first one is a little creepy though, because being trapped in a small area is a phobia of mine.

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 28, 2007, 05:08:05 pm »
How is Iron more annoying than I? I came up with the Fap meme. The impersonate Loren meme! I'm the most annoying person, dammit!

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 28, 2007, 10:12:09 am »
Quote from: IronSoldier820
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
Security reasons.  You have no say in what happens; you're not a member of this alliance.
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
What's more, it was my suggestion that they weren't moved.  Someone else may have already made the executive decision, but just putting it out there.
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
I believe you mean persecuted, but legal action would be bad too.
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
Quote from: Mr_Cynic
I'm not quoting it now, just because you said to.
Posts like these make me wonder why people are confused when members leave, yet yell at them when they do. Are you always this hateful? If so, I might have to step it up a notch. I thought my Hate Rant on Moth last night was beautiful, but damn, you're providing the best competition for Evil Bastard in the longest while. Stop trying to steal my Asshole of the Year award, dammit.

Dammit Iron, you know that award is mine!

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:51:37 pm »
Liar. Besides, I do actually care. You entertain me. And Iron isn't on all the time.

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:44:37 pm »
Iron and I do everything possible to antagonize each other. It's tradition, and 70% of our friendship. So you can't take what Iron says at face value.

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:37:51 pm »
You should, but you won't.

You love me too much. <_<

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:30:34 pm »
And libel.

Besides, I get my daily kicks by annoying you every day.

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:29:17 pm »
I love you too, Lore Lore.

Random lnsanity / Time to exit stage right.
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:14:57 pm »
Lack of me.


Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:08:03 pm »
Lack of me = Insta Fail.

IronSoldier820 says:
What kind of world is this where a guy feels odd for *not* looking at porn?
Shamed says:
Umm..You talking about yourself here, Iron?
Shamed says:
I always wondered if you swung for the other team...
IronSoldier820 says:
Yes, mainly.
IronSoldier820 says:
I don't look at porn or masturbate.
Shamed says:
IronSoldier820 says:
The topic was brought up a while back at my old school.
IronSoldier820 says:
When I said I didn't, they all gave me the reaction you just did.
Shamed says:
Honestly, Iron, there's no shame in being gay.
IronSoldier820 says:
You and I both know I'm not gay.
Shamed says:
Iron, honestly, this won't change my relationship with you, I'd just like you to know I am firmly Heterosexual.
IronSoldier820 says:
Yay for you.
IronSoldier820 says:
Also, to get one thing straight, even if I was gay, I wouldn't be gay for *you*
Shamed says:
Oh, that was a fucking cheap shot, Iron.
IronSoldier820 says:
Yeah I know.
IronSoldier820 says:
Couldn't resist.
Shamed says:
Shamed says:
I'm off to tell Moth that you're lusting after him...
IronSoldier820 says:
IronSoldier820 says:
You already told Loren.
IronSoldier820 says:
Since where did Moth get involved?
Shamed says:
You know what, I'm gonna tell Zach that you're lusting after him...
IronSoldier820 says:
Alright, now you're just listing people you know I hate.
Shamed says:
Actually, Moth was the first name that came to mind, Zach I knew you hated him, that's why I said him.
IronSoldier820 says:
Why Moth?
Shamed says:
I'll tell him you desire a threesome with him and Moth.
Shamed says:
No idea.
Shamed says:
You know what, I'm actually gonna go to Delta.
Shamed says:
Since I can talk to him right now.
IronSoldier820 says:
Lets have a 3 way
IronSoldier820 says:
Me, you, and Delta on MSN.
Shamed says:
I'm Heterosexual, Iron.
Shamed says:
Also, Delta finds it 'hawt'
IronSoldier820 says:
Invite him.
 delta1212@msn.com has been added to the conversation.
 delta1212@msn.com is already in this conversation.
Shamed says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Shamed refuses my advances Delta.
IronSoldier820 says:
Heh, awesome.
delta1212@msn.com says:
tsk tsk
Shamed says:
No offense, even if I was gay, I wouldn't be gay for *you*.
IronSoldier820 says:
That was my line, bitch.
Shamed says:
I know.
Shamed says:
And I stole it.
Shamed says:
Think we can creep out Moth when he gets online?
IronSoldier820 says:
I don't like Moth.
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Not my type.
delta1212@msn.com says:
You don't like anyone
IronSoldier820 says:
I like you.
delta1212@msn.com says:
You're almost as bad as Shamed
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:

IronSoldier820 says:
I may seem hard on the outside, but I have a warm center.
Shamed says:
The innuendos are killing me.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Can't it be warm and hard at the same time...
delta1212@msn.com says:
delta1212@msn.com says:
delta1212@msn.com says:
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Sure, whatever you want.
IronSoldier820 says:
Shamed you know you can't resist.
IronSoldier820 says:
You're at that age where you're uncertain about your sexuality.
IronSoldier820 says:
Awkward 15.
Shamed says:
I'm stealing Loren from you now/.
IronSoldier820 says:
You try to assure yourself your hetro, but thats just trying to cover your doubts.
IronSoldier820 says:
Loren doesn't want you.
delta1212@msn.com says:
I look back at 15 with abject horror
IronSoldier820 says:
Loren doesn't understand you like I do.
IronSoldier820 says:
Stop lying to yourself, and me.
IronSoldier820 says:
Let me in.
Shamed says:
Manly blue.
IronSoldier820 says:
Only real men wear pink.
IronSoldier820 says:
You can be the man though.
IronSoldier820 says:
I don't mind at ALL.
delta1212@msn.com says:
delta1212@msn.com says:
I just realized my text is no longer Maroon. When did I stop having that?
IronSoldier820 says:
No idea.
 loren has been added to the conversation.
Shamed says:
Iron, no offense, but I'm not giving you my dick in a box.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Much better
IronSoldier820 says:
IronSoldier820 says:
How about a dick in another place?
IronSoldier820 says:
I'll let you pick.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Ear! pick the ear!
IronSoldier820 says:
Shamed says:
....Iron, this is the funniest thing we've ever done.
IronSoldier820 says:
It can get funnier.
Shamed says:
Also, who's to say I don't like Moth better than you?
IronSoldier820 says:
I can get as funny as you want me to be.
loren says:
The pink font is funnt enough. XD
IronSoldier820 says:
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Shamed says:
I was never with you, Iron.
IronSoldier820 says:
What about last night?
Shamed says:
That was Zach.
IronSoldier820 says:
I talked with you.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Shamed is a jackass >_>
IronSoldier820 says:
I lied with you.
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:
That wasn't Zach.
IronSoldier820 says:
Zach's penis is bigger.
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Oh what now bitch?
Shamed says:
Iron, wouldn't it be funny if your sister looked at what you were saying right now?
loren says:
IronSoldier820 says:
I feel so betrayed.
IronSoldier820 says:
I thought you loved me.
IronSoldier820 says:
Understood me.
IronSoldier820 says:
I let you in.
delta1212@msn.com says:
*huggles Iron*
IronSoldier820 says:
Thanks sweetie.
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Shamed, I don't need you.
IronSoldier820 says:
You're just like all the other men...PIGS.
IronSoldier820 says:
Delta here is sweet to his name.
IronSoldier820 says:
delta1212@msn.com says:
We're both pink
IronSoldier820 says:
And you'll never take him away from me you lying skank!
delta1212@msn.com says:
Intraracial FTW
IronSoldier820 says:
Damn straight.
Shamed says:
Oh my god, this conversation just weird.
IronSoldier820 says:
Pink frosting on pink buns.
IronSoldier820 says:
Your fault.
IronSoldier820 says:
It could have been something more.
IronSoldier820 says:
But then you got and cheat on me.
loren says:
Oh shit, I'm laughing so hard my dad almost read this.
IronSoldier820 says:
But its alright now.
IronSoldier820 says:
I have Delta.
IronSoldier820 says:
I don't need your cheating, bitchass.
delta1212@msn.com says:
*licks Iron*
loren says:
I thought you said you had my dad.
IronSoldier820 says:
Oooh, that feels good.
Shamed says:
You know, I hate that Iron has taken this so far that he's annoying me with it.
IronSoldier820 says:
Annoying you?
loren says:
What did you expect?
loren says:
IronSoldier820 says:
How about you crushed my heart?
IronSoldier820 says:
Tore it into pieces.
Shamed says:
IronSoldier820 says:
And threw it in a fire.
IronSoldier820 says:
And then pissed the fire out.
IronSoldier820 says:
And then made out with Moth.
IronSoldier820 says:
delta1212@msn.com says:
loren says:
Isn't piss flammable?
delta1212@msn.com says:
IronSoldier820 says:
I told you all that cake would go to your thighs.
loren says:
Not what my friend said..
loren says:
But Ok
Shamed says:
We need to reference I Ran So Far in this, and we'll have the trifecta.
IronSoldier820 says:
Depends on what someone had to drink sweetums.
IronSoldier820 says:
I'll reference what I want to.
delta1212@msn.com says:
You can't engineer references
Shamed says:
IronSoldier820 says:
IronSoldier820 says:
You know what Shamed?
IronSoldier820 says:
You can just get out!
IronSoldier820 says:
I don't need you.
IronSoldier820 says:
Or your 2 inches of "Monkey Man"
Shamed says:
Iron reproduces Assexually, Delta, you'll never be able to be together in a physical way.
IronSoldier820 says:
So you can just take your lard ass home.
Shamed says:
It's why Loren left him and he became gay.
IronSoldier820 says:
I've always been gay.
IronSoldier820 says:
Down inside.
IronSoldier820 says:
I was afraid, but you were afraid too.
IronSoldier820 says:
I thought we came out together.
IronSoldier820 says:
But you just kicked me out of the closet.
delta1212@msn.com says:
*starts singing*
loren says:
Shamed, you leave me out of this <.<
IronSoldier820 says:
But I don't care.
IronSoldier820 says:
Its a better world out here.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Vanilla Snow
delta1212@msn.com says:
My basketball laundry hurricane
IronSoldier820 says:
You can stay in your closet.
IronSoldier820 says:
I'm out of the closet and naked in the kitchen.
IronSoldier820 says:
I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Shamed says:
Iron's new nickname is Pinkie.
loren says:
I'll never eat in the kitchen again
loren says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Its alright.
loren says:
XD. Pinky.
IronSoldier820 says:
It wasn't your kitchen.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Were you guys there when somebody made the banner on our boards into a continutously playing vid of Vanilla Snow.
loren says:
IronSoldier820 says:
I'd never feel right exposing in front of your mom.
delta1212@msn.com says:
It started every time you opened a new page
IronSoldier820 says:
Nah, wasn't there cupcake.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Epic in an extremely annoying sort of way
IronSoldier820 says:
Epic in a Rick Roll sorta way?
IronSoldier820 says:
Hey Shamed, did you ever think that Rick Astley was hot?
delta1212@msn.com says:
Shamed says:
We have a new Rickroll
loren says:
Raid hair. Not hot.
Shamed says:
The Portal Credits.
loren says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Yeah, Loren told me.
Shamed says:
loren says:
loren says:
loren says:
IronSoldier820 says:
Rick Astley is sexier.
IronSoldier820 says:
That GLADos is just a machine.
Shamed says:
Tell Kenny and get him to circulate it, Delta.
IronSoldier820 says:
She doesn't know how to touch a man.
delta1212@msn.com says:
No u
loren says:
Shamed, you know what? Screw you.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Have you seen Vanilla Snow?
loren says:
Since Iron doesn't want to
IronSoldier820 says:
Afraid not.
IronSoldier820 says:
Damn straight.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Have you seen Chocolate Rain at least?
IronSoldier820 says:
I'm done screwing your mean, fatass.
IronSoldier820 says:
loren says:
That sucked.
delta1212@msn.com says:
[a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTQOpibv_OA\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTQOpibv_OA
IronSoldier820 says:
I didn't really get it though.
delta1212@msn.com says:
Doesn't matter
loren says:
I had it explained to me.
loren says:
I forgot..
loren says:
Not clicking that.
delta1212@msn.com says:
It's quite funny
loren says:
Shamed says:
Still alive!
Shamed says:
Also, Dick in a Box!
IronSoldier820 says:
You're dead to me.
Shamed says:
Also, I ran so far.
loren says:
I feel like I'm not gay enough for this convo, I want logs later XD.
 loren has left the conversation.
delta1212@msn.com says:
I like waffles
IronSoldier820 says:
Waffles and sausages.

Random lnsanity / The Ten Commandments
« on: October 11, 2007, 02:47:35 pm »
No, the one that made the mistake with the cirpple. <_<

Random lnsanity / The Ten Commandments
« on: October 11, 2007, 01:29:23 pm »
The new girl on House is really, really hot. <_<

Random lnsanity / My Girlfriend Wandered in my Room Drunk
« on: September 21, 2007, 05:46:24 pm »
I agree with Vintus. PICS NAO.

Random lnsanity / Edgeworth
« on: September 07, 2007, 04:33:10 pm »
You have that gift too, Damen?

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