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Messages - zombie2000

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 31
8:13:48 PM) Rawr [~b2con2@synIRC-AB5F5F65.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] entered the room.
(8:13:48 PM) mode (+o Rawr) by ChanServ
(8:13:48 PM) mode (+v Rawr) by Azural|away
(8:13:57 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: Who the fuck is Rawr?
(8:14:01 PM) Rawr: >__>
(8:14:04 PM) Rawr: Who the fuck are you?
(8:14:05 PM) ***Cpt[GOD]zilla pokes and prods Rawr
(8:14:07 PM) Pokebot: wtf!
(8:14:27 PM) Rawr:
(8:14:30 PM) Rawr is now known as Loren
(8:14:31 PM) Pokebot: blah...
(8:14:39 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: Loren?
(8:14:41 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: you're a girl?
(8:14:45 PM) Loren: Yeah
(8:14:47 PM) Supertwigs: XD
(8:14:49 PM) Cpt[GOD]zilla: no
(8:14:49 PM) Loren: <_<
(8:14:51 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: pics nao
(8:14:53 PM) Supertwigs: Rawr is Loren.
(8:14:53 PM) Pokebot: what's the problem?
(8:14:55 PM) Cpt[GOD]zilla: Loren is a guy
(8:14:57 PM) Loren: I posted them o.o
(8:15:00 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: link
(8:15:01 PM) Supertwigs: Loren is a girl.
(8:15:03 PM) Vintus[RIA]: <Cpt[GOD]zilla> Loren is a guy
(8:15:07 PM) Loren: Shut up Cpt/Vintus
(8:15:11 PM) Pokebot: and what if I don't?
(8:15:17 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: okay
(8:15:23 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: Loren, you have msn?
(8:15:27 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: or aim?
(8:15:29 PM) CaptainJuan[Fark]: [19:12] <@Vintus[RIA]> <Cpt[GOD]zilla> Loren is a guy <-- a very manly secksy guy
(8:15:39 PM) Loren: MSN
(8:15:46 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: what is it?
(8:15:47 PM) Loren: I'm not a guy
(8:15:47 PM) Loren: ...
(8:15:53 PM) BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP]: What's your MSN?
(8:15:56 PM) Loren: Who are you? O.o
(8:15:59 PM) Pokebot: nope
(8:16:00 PM) Loren: Who are you? o_O
(8:16:02 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: A guy in the RIA
(8:16:04 PM) Pokebot: negative
(8:16:07 PM) CaptainJuan[Fark]: ...this is creepy as shit, you realize
(8:16:13 PM) BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP]: yes
(8:16:14 PM) CaptainJuan[Fark]: this is the reason there are no girls on the internet
(8:16:19 PM) BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP]: LOL
(8:16:22 PM) BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP]: Loren is too a girl
(8:16:22 PM) Loren: Haha
(8:16:22 PM) CaptainJuan[Fark]: if you weren't so creepy there might be more of them
(8:16:23 PM) Pokebot: what's so funny?
(8:16:25 PM) Pokebot:
(8:16:26 PM) BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP]: Leave her alone
(8:16:29 PM) ***BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP] defends Loren
(8:16:36 PM) Loren: Yay.
(8:16:43 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: w/e
(8:16:46 PM) BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP]: Freak pokebots
(8:16:47 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: give me your msn
(8:16:47 PM) Supertwigs: I love you all.
(8:16:49 PM) Cpt[GOD]zilla: What's your MSN?
(8:16:57 PM) BrilliantGenius[RIA|APP]: MSN
(8:17:00 PM) Loren: Who the hell are you Cpt?
(8:17:04 PM) Pokebot: nope
(8:17:07 PM) Cpt[GOD]zilla: i'm Cpt
(8:17:12 PM) Jangel-GOD [~Jangel-GO@synIRC-18CB419.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] entered the room.
(8:17:13 PM) Loren: Bull shit
(8:17:13 PM) mode (+v Jangel-GOD) by Azural|away
(8:17:17 PM) Loren: e.e
(8:17:24 PM) Cpt[GOD]zilla: i rule over Jangel
(8:17:33 PM) Cpt[GOD]zilla: he's my bitch for the next couple days
(8:17:33 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: Give me your fucking MSN
(8:17:44 PM) CaptainJuan[Fark]: ^don't
(8:17:57 PM) Jangel-GOD: I wouldn't be talking Zilla.
(8:17:58 PM) Loren: Notice how I'm not <_>
(8:18:02 PM) Pokebot: why not, Loren?
(8:18:07 PM) Jangel-GOD: You stabbed yourself with scissors
(8:18:08 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: Whatever
(8:18:16 PM) Loren: I've 67 people, and I don't know you
(8:18:27 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: you're too much of a dumb whore for me to rape you in your parents bed
(8:18:34 PM) Pokebot2000[RIA]: Screw this, I'm getting my alter-ego
(8:18:39 PM) You are now known as zombie2000[RIA]
(8:18:49 PM) Loren: You bastard. XD
(8:18:52 PM) zombie2000[RIA]: XD
(8:19:06 PM) Cpt[GOD]zilla: what's your MSN>
(8:19:16 PM) Supertwigs: XD
(8:19:17 PM) zombie2000[RIA]: Wasn't the 2000[RIA] obvious to you?
(8:19:21 PM) Supertwigs: zombie2000 FTW
(8:19:23 PM) Loren: No..
(8:19:24 PM) Loren: XD
(8:19:27 PM) zombie2000[RIA]: You know what
(8:19:27 PM) Pokebot: what's the problem?
(8:19:28 PM) Supertwigs: I love you, zombie.
(8:19:30 PM) zombie2000[RIA]: I am posting these logs
(8:19:32 PM) Supertwigs: I love you, Loren.
(8:19:33 PM) zombie2000[RIA]: on RIA RI
(8:19:33 PM) zombie2000[RIA]: XD
(8:19:33 PM) Loren: Nooo
(8:19:34 PM) Loren: XD
(8:19:34 PM) Pokebot: really?
(8:19:35 PM) CaptainJuan[Fark]: [a href=\"http://xkcd.com/322/\" target=\"_blank\"]http://xkcd.com/322/[/a]
(8:19:37 PM) Pokebot: please?
(8:19:38 PM) CaptainJuan[Fark]: ^read that
(8:19:38 PM) Loren: Hate you
(8:19:39 PM) Loren: XD
(8:20:00 PM) zombie2000[RIA]:[size="3"] I just need a good ending line for the log[/size]

Random lnsanity / So, what do I post here?
« on: November 03, 2007, 03:43:07 pm »
Maybe Board Vintus should have real hentai. <_<

Random lnsanity / RIA leadership exerts force over average members.
« on: November 03, 2007, 11:37:30 am »
XFD Flask

We had no idea it was you. So Damen kicked you, you came back and started bitching. We had no idea why, and you were pulling Damen down too. So I kicked both of you, but you never came back to see that I kicked Damen too.

Random lnsanity / Arists you've seen live.
« on: November 03, 2007, 09:55:40 am »
Eric Clapton
John Mayer


Random lnsanity / Wish Game
« on: November 02, 2007, 11:13:59 pm »
Granted. Instead of being tired, you die.

I wish that this topic was deleted forever.

Random lnsanity / Wish Game
« on: November 02, 2007, 10:44:17 pm »
Granted, but it explodes and kills you.

I wish for invincibility.

Random lnsanity / bungie announces next halo game
« on: November 02, 2007, 10:35:34 pm »
Expected and old'd

Random lnsanity / Wish Game
« on: October 28, 2007, 07:18:53 pm »
granted, but you accidently delete all the topics and get banned.

I wish for no wish.

Random lnsanity / Wish Game
« on: October 27, 2007, 09:12:04 pm »
Granted, it swallows you.

I wish for $100,000 in bills delieved to my doorstep in a briefcase.

Random lnsanity / Who hear is reading/ has read the Ender books?
« on: October 27, 2007, 09:10:22 pm »

Children of the Mind is about how Ender created a copy of Peter and Valentine's (when she was younger) bodies, but with Ender's soul in them. They work together to stop the fleet from destroying Lusitania.

Random lnsanity / Wish Game
« on: October 27, 2007, 04:58:50 pm »
Granted, but it is the size of the galaxy and crushes the galaxy. h4x.

Random lnsanity / Wish Game
« on: October 27, 2007, 04:54:15 pm »
Granted, but the cats all fly into the sun and die.

I wish for infinite wishes that can not be corrupted or turn against me in any way including against friends, family, objects, etc.

Random lnsanity / My pc is f---ed up
« on: October 27, 2007, 04:23:36 pm »
Quote from: Loren
Quote from: Grand Poobah Marx
Quote from: Untelligent
Fuck censorship.

Also sorry that your comp. is messed up, hope it gets fixed soon.

Random lnsanity / Who hear is reading/ has read the Ender books?
« on: October 27, 2007, 04:22:52 pm »
Skipped Shadow Puppets, Speaker for the Dead, and Xenocide. <.<

Random lnsanity / ATTN: C-Zom
« on: October 26, 2007, 10:27:52 pm »
How many Poles does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

All of them.

Random lnsanity / DUNNO declares victory over Vintus.
« on: October 23, 2007, 04:46:49 pm »

o/ Dunno

Random lnsanity / HOW 2 MAKE OUT
« on: October 16, 2007, 07:17:31 pm »

start thinking something you really really want


You have just been visited by SERAH I will grant you one wish. Make your wish when the count down is over.


repost this with the title "HOW 2 MAKE OUT" to throw people off.... within 2 minutes. If you do, your wish will come true. If you don't, it will become the opposite

Did you know? before you go to sleep at night there is one person thinking of you. They want you they want to kiss you, They want to be with you they are always thinking about you before they go to sleep at night they are longing to be with you. This is all true not a fake if you repost this to in 5 mins the person that is longing to be with you will approach you in a month and ask you out or grab you and snag (kiss) the face off you. But if you break this chain no one will like you or ask you again for 5 years!!!

Post this in the next 200 seconds and you
WILL have
THE best day of your life THIS COMING UP FRIDAY.
You're number one *love* Will either kiss you, ask you out

Random lnsanity / XD at this profile
« on: October 16, 2007, 07:15:45 pm »
My pet name for her will always beat your pet name.

Random lnsanity / Rate the above persons avatar
« on: October 16, 2007, 07:14:40 pm »

Random lnsanity / Rate the above persons avatar
« on: October 16, 2007, 04:20:26 pm »
5/10. Really badly made.

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 31

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