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Messages - Emperor Whimsical

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
Ambassador Sign-Ups / embassy request
« on: January 13, 2008, 06:38:30 pm »
Masked. Welcome

Random lnsanity / lol Post count.
« on: January 11, 2008, 10:40:48 pm »
I made it 8 million, but 9001 > all other numbers. Also STFU.

(Lowers your post count to zero)

Random lnsanity / lol Post count.
« on: January 11, 2008, 07:39:21 pm »

Btw, as soon as someone hits 9001, they should get A vegeta head.

Random lnsanity / Moderator and Admin topic.
« on: January 07, 2008, 02:12:54 pm »
lol hax.

Random lnsanity / Holy crap.
« on: January 04, 2008, 02:51:04 pm »

Random lnsanity / I had this dream last night
« on: January 03, 2008, 04:03:46 am »
Quote from: OhBuhnanerz
I had this dream that like that every one stopped participating in the RIA, I checked and every one was gone out of the allience except me and two others, they all deleted their nation or moved to another allience, and the board was deleted off the server. I was all disapointed and then I woke up...

any interpretations?

I think you should go outside and breath. Then go for a run. When you dream about this game, you're spending to much time here. I love you all to death, but If its between going on a date, and fighting a war, I'm going on the date.

Random lnsanity / What the Fuck?
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:47:54 am »
I traded with a dude for a million. I send it to him. He collects....and promptly deletes his nation. So I wasted a mil.

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Emperor Whimsical
« on: January 03, 2008, 03:43:38 am »

Random lnsanity / ATTN: Emperor Whimsical
« on: December 27, 2007, 04:19:13 pm »
Quote from: OhBuhnanerz
OK EW im going to cancell my request from you untill I am ready to acept your agree ment gimme like 2 days or less...

Thank you so much for doing this for me.

Random lnsanity / Get Relations with Continuum alliances?
« on: December 26, 2007, 04:35:51 pm »
Quote from: dark tyrant
I vote we just pull a NADC...I don't like the Continuum...*Cough* Evil Empire *Cough*.

Please tell me the first instance the NPO was evil.

Random lnsanity / ATTN OhBuhnanerz
« on: December 25, 2007, 09:18:59 am »
Quote from: OhBuhnanerz
Well See I will have a Very hard time changing my Trade Agreements Around To Make This Fit It Will Take A Minute But Ill Get it for you...


Random lnsanity / ATTN OhBuhnanerz
« on: December 24, 2007, 02:21:57 am »
And accept my trade. I NEEEEEEEEEED Your resources.


Random lnsanity / ATTN OhBuhnanerz
« on: December 24, 2007, 02:18:48 am »
check your nation. Please.

Ambassador Sign-Ups / The Imperial Falcons Embassy/Mask
« on: December 23, 2007, 01:20:41 pm »
Um, your resources are wrong lol.

Random lnsanity / Official CE Hot pics topic.
« on: December 21, 2007, 06:42:20 pm »
Quote from: wethepeople
Its a shame half of these aren't hot.

but there's 8000 of them.

Random lnsanity / Official CE Hot pics topic.
« on: December 21, 2007, 12:09:29 pm »
Look to the left. Pick from one the sub ones.

Random lnsanity / Official CE Hot pics topic.
« on: December 20, 2007, 11:32:12 pm »

8000 pics. 200 Gifs. Start with that.

<Emperor_Whimsical> If something stupid happened,
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> I bet Chaos looked at it
<Emperor_Whimsical> it was E_W.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> and started touching himself
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> Your right about that E_W
<Emperor_Whimsical> and it got him off in 5 seconds.
<Emperor_Whimsical> I mean, one time.
<Emperor_Whimsical> I log in.
<ChaosPoet> ...Ö
<Emperor_Whimsical> to the channel.
<Emperor_Whimsical> And I'm voiced,
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> XFD
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> True
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> but I did devoice you when you joined
<Emperor_Whimsical> and I'm immediately kickbanned by Azural.
<Emperor_Whimsical> I'm like WHAT THE SHIT??
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> Do you really expect anything different?
<Emperor_Whimsical> Then I log into MSN.
<Emperor_Whimsical> and The first thing tonics is:
<Emperor_Whimsical> Drunken, you are a retard.
<Emperor_Whimsical> I'm like,
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> XD who sent that?
<Emperor_Whimsical> You.
<Azural|Azural> I bet he's thinking the same thing.
<Azural|Azural> *lol
* Dan[AA] is now known as Dannyboy[RnR]
<Azural|Azural> Damn up key being right under 'enter'.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> XFD
<Emperor_Whimsical> So I'm like,
<Emperor_Whimsical> I must have fucked up big time.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> Probably
<Emperor_Whimsical> So I check the forums.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> XFD
<Emperor_Whimsical> and Sure enough on the OWF.
<Emperor_Whimsical> So I check the forums.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> XFD
<Emperor_Whimsical> and Sure enough on the OWF.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> I remember that too
* CaptainJuan[Fark] has joined #RIA
* ChanServ sets mode: +v CaptainJuan[Fark]
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> Drunken, your a retard
<Emperor_Whimsical> Theres a Poll with half the WUT yelling at me.
<Azural|Azural> I rember that now.
<Commisar> lol
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> XFD
<Azural|Azural> lol
<ChaosPoet> my kezbard is mest up ever sience I set mz computers languege to German... Ach du heilige Scheisse!!!
<Emperor_Whimsical> So now I'm lolling.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> I am too
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> Thanks E_W I needed that
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> ITs funny how much YOU ARE EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME.
<Emperor_Whimsical> then I realize I'm missing Kenny's kickban of the esper employee.
<Emperor_Whimsical> So now I'm trying to get someone to unban me.
<Emperor_Whimsical> I finally get Moth to.
<Emperor_Whimsical> And I log in.
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> Drunken, your a retard
<Jangel-GOD> rofl
<Emperor_Whimsical> and my mIRC is immediately jammed due to a Moth summoning.
* bud[ttk] has left #RIA
<crazyisraelie[UBS]> XFD
<Azural|Azural> XD
<Emperor_Whimsical> So I gave up and went to bed.

Random lnsanity / Get Relations with Continuum alliances?
« on: December 16, 2007, 05:14:40 pm »
I mean, they're the big kids on the playground, now. So, we can maintain a good stance towards them, we can be aggressive. We'll have to choose eventually. Or we could pull a NADC and sit there.

Random lnsanity / So I played Roller Coaster Tycoon Again.
« on: December 16, 2007, 03:09:18 am »
Holy shit, its still as awesome as I remember. Pick it up if you don't have a copy.

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