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Messages - Delta1212

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26 ... 28
Random lnsanity / Quittin' CN
« on: July 23, 2007, 12:38:30 pm »
I find this entire situation hilarious. And Shamed, I think you might be right. I greatly enjoyed being Leader during the war, but peace-time...eh. I'm not the kind of person that gets a lot of pleasure simply from being in power. I've discovered that I get a lot more pleasure from going out and attempting to earn a position or establish myself as a power rather than simply having it. Building is fun, maintenance is boring.

Ain't love grand! Toodles.

Random lnsanity / They didn't...
« on: July 18, 2007, 02:25:11 am »


Random lnsanity / ATTN Castille and Remington.
« on: July 12, 2007, 09:51:15 am »
I'm like Mr_Cynic, though I have managed to worsen my internet speak a little for the sake of appearances.

So figure out something else. *shrugs*

I went through that problem last year where nobody had time for stuff. You figure out stuff to do. For instance, right now, I'm this close to getting the girl I want. Incidentally, I actually really like her...a lot. Ironically, I started the week before last not giving a damn about her at all. I initially decided to go after her because she's one of the only two remotely attractive girls around at the moment and the other one is only 14 (no offense to a large number of you).

Note: I've never even considered doing anything remotely close to this before now. I'm really not that kind of guy. This is just the kind of thing I mean when I say I'm obssessive...and it doesn't hurt that I'm now the second closest i've ever been to love at th moment. (First one took six months to get over...I hope. I'd be more confident if I didn't dream about her occansionally still [not like that {usually}] >_>).

Same problem here. Here's how I fiy it (Note; This only works for me because I'm...a bit obsessive).

I pick a goal, doesn't matter what, but it has to be something I want. Then I get it. I act long-term enough, and it staves of boredom.

Current goals:

CN - Uber sekritz
RL - Girlfriend

All things considered, I'm surprised at the progress I'm making in both areas, to be honest.

Random lnsanity / My resignation.
« on: July 10, 2007, 04:39:03 pm »
Shamed is currently on Yellow...

Random lnsanity / Hey, who's a virgin?
« on: July 10, 2007, 03:11:59 pm »
Right now yes...

Talk to me Friday.

Random lnsanity / lol, annoying
« on: July 09, 2007, 12:58:50 pm »

Random lnsanity / Where is your Username from?
« on: July 08, 2007, 08:51:27 am »
Quote from: superdude1000
Quote from: Delta1212
... For an incredibly intelligent person (Not just bragging, this is actually true =/) ...
I seriously laughed out loud there, reading, "Not just bragging, this is actually true." Not just bragging, XD.
That's hilarious.

Q: Where is your username from?
Q: 8 or 9.


Anything new in the RIA, aside from the Treaty with GATO, and Cynic burritos?


Anything non-Confidential?

No v_v

Random lnsanity / Where is your Username from?
« on: July 07, 2007, 04:21:03 pm »
Please forgive the stupidity of the following, I was 12 (Note: My name is older than my GameFAQs account).

When I got my first e-mail account (shut up e_e) I had just finished reading the Bourne Identity (The movies suck compared to the books, not even close) and Delta was one of the names the main character went by (His name's not Jason Bourne either) and I happened to think he was cool (Shut up again). Needless to say, Delta was taken (The numerous other means by which someone could come up with that name failed to occur to me). At the time, the numbers 2 and 12 were involved in minor inside jokes with my friends (Around the same time that D: Florida appeared, actually) so I added two twelves to the name.

Incidentally, I took the EL route in naming my alt (which is my alt on everything I have an alt on) and chose Egotistical Pig. The fact that those actually go together as part of a common phrase did not occur to me for several months. (Remember, it tool me almost six months to realize that Shyox was an Ox who is Shy). For an incredibly intelligent person (Not just bragging, this is actually true =/) I can be a bit of an idiot.

Random lnsanity / What are you currently listening to?
« on: June 25, 2007, 01:10:25 pm »
Rosenrot - Rammstein

Random lnsanity / The new add placement sucks
« on: June 22, 2007, 09:06:37 am »

Random lnsanity / The Return of Esteban the Supish King?
« on: June 21, 2007, 04:20:37 am »
Hooray! *expects Shamed to come back any second*




Random lnsanity / Why did the CEman cross the road?
« on: June 20, 2007, 04:07:39 pm »

Random lnsanity / Hazardous Material
« on: June 17, 2007, 09:11:57 pm »
You'd think that, after having seen this so many times, I would have gotten the "common ore" thing, but not till just now.

Random lnsanity / hitler gets banned
« on: June 15, 2007, 10:56:25 pm »
I'm so desperate for a games console...I might just go out and buy a goddamed PS3!!!

Don't worry dear. He's not that desperate.


Random lnsanity / Well, I bought my first two aircraft today...
« on: June 14, 2007, 06:43:51 pm »
*had 8 level 9 bombers and 46 level 9 fighters before entering GWIII*

*has one level 9 fighter*

Random lnsanity / new to this just saying hi
« on: June 12, 2007, 06:13:17 am »
*mouth drops*



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