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Messages - Skulryk

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Random lnsanity / Song of the Day
« on: August 16, 2009, 08:35:15 pm »
So... I made an off-handed comment to Arsenal about how we should have a Song of the Day thread on IRC... and it was determined that there should actually be one.

So like... yeah. Now there WILL be one. Fux yeah.

And Arsenal ALSO suggested the first song... so like... here it is. >_>

Parkway Drive - "Idols and Anchors"

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUqfe_3QO60" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUqfe_3QO60</a>

I for one think they sound very angry.

Random lnsanity / Fight @ school
« on: August 15, 2009, 10:04:00 am »
And of course, in jail, more of the same shall follow.

Jailbait ftw.

Random lnsanity / District 9
« on: August 15, 2009, 10:02:03 am »
B-b-but I was gonna go see Julie & Julia!!!

Oh well... if it's really that good I might just see both.

Random lnsanity / Fight @ school
« on: August 14, 2009, 08:24:58 pm »
Small children only amuse me to a certain point... and that point ends once they start trying to act badass. Once that line is breached... Either a severe beating or rapeage shall follow.

Random lnsanity / RIA Radio Reboot
« on: August 14, 2009, 08:23:04 pm »
WELL... I got my new laptop sooner than I had anticpated... and therefore can be on any service wherever and whenever... I think...

Random lnsanity / anybody have a ps3
« on: August 13, 2009, 09:42:24 pm »
I actually didn't mind the Gamecube, it had some real gems.

Metroid Prime remains the only FPS I enjoy. Tales of Symphonia is my favorite RPG of all time (500+ hours logged in-game), LoZ Windwaker was FUN, and SSB Melee is TOTALLY better than Brawl.

Random lnsanity / anybody have a ps3
« on: August 13, 2009, 03:47:15 pm »
And I don't mind waiting that long. >_>

Point is: I see the PS3 as a novelty item that will be useful for a handful of games.

Now, if Nintendo released a new console, provided it's not an obvious pile of suckage, I'd pay whatever price they wanted.

And Microsoft... I'd be first in line to install Linux on the console to spite the system.

Though... I wish they still actively made new NES/SNES titles... Those I'd jump for immediately.

Random lnsanity / anybody have a ps3
« on: August 13, 2009, 01:24:42 pm »
Eh, I don't mind waiting, because the PS3 only holds marginal appeal. But if 250$ Gamecubes are now 25$, I'm sure that within a few years PS3 prices will drop. :/

Random lnsanity / anybody have a ps3
« on: August 13, 2009, 12:59:27 pm »
I'm not touching the PS3 till prices drop below $200. Personally, I've yet to see a game that interests me on it. So when it becomes wicked cheap, I'll grab one. Till then, I'm perfectly content splitting between my Wii and my NES.

Random lnsanity / RIA Radio Reboot
« on: August 12, 2009, 10:18:35 pm »
I likez teh Skype. I techincally could even Skype ahora cuz my iTouch supports it.

Random lnsanity / You're all noobs
« on: August 12, 2009, 10:15:32 pm »
Better than moobs.

True fact.

Random lnsanity / o_o
« on: August 10, 2009, 07:41:57 pm »

Random lnsanity / She loves me. . .
« on: August 09, 2009, 03:52:50 pm »

The problem with religion is simple: Too many people twist it to suit their own agendas.

And THE MOST important thing that people often forget: A higher being did not write the "holy" documents so many humans live by. They were written by men thousands of years ago in a much more conservative age to provide societal moral standards. A god was not dictating to them. Nor was the Holy Spirit (in reference to the Christian Bible). That is just an excuse religious authorites use to ensure adherence to tradition.

So PLEASE remember to use religious texts and traditions as METAPHORS for life. Don't ship women away when they bleed below, don't stone gays, don't forbid yourself from eating shellfish, and don't offer a sacrifice every time you have a wet-dream. Use religion as a reminder to live a moral life emphasizing love and respect for ALL, not the chosen few.

Hell, you don't even need to believe in a god to understand that religion has given us both some oxshit and some essential moral rules. I'm personally an atheist... Doesn't mean I don't take the best out of each religion I encounter and live my life to the fullest. :/

Random lnsanity / Lush Bimbaugh, Blahrack Obama, the joker.
« on: August 09, 2009, 06:25:10 am »
Pssssst... I don't trust -most,- not -all- people in consumer affairs. Keep in mind that some people have studied economics and know the dangers of mass buying/selling of stock, making un-payable loans, etc. But keep in mind: Even if people are educated in economics, there will still be some who think selfishly of only their own personal wealth than that of others. Hence why the government needs to REGULATE economic affairs, to essentialy "ban selfish practices."

Random lnsanity / Lush Bimbaugh, Blahrack Obama, the joker.
« on: August 09, 2009, 12:19:17 am »
Quote from: IronSoldier820
For one, I noted socialism as being negative because it has a negative connotation in this image. The fact that it's plastered under the face of a super villain, no matter how awesome the villain, just makes it seem that the creator of this poster does not think positively of it. The basic construction of the image is associating the word socialism, Obama, and villainy all in one picture.

For two, the idea of capitalism isn't for an invisible hand to guide the economy. It's for all the hands of the consumers of the free market to guide the economy. Each individual contributing to the current that decides what fails and what succeeds, as per the demand of the consumer. At it's core, capitalism is not a brilliant method to maintain a healthy economy. It's like everything else in this world, it has it's downsides and upsides. I'm sure we're all familiar with the downsides at this point (such as monopolies and robber barons), but the upside is that we have liberty and choice.

For three, the idea of socialism is not perfect at it's core. I don't care how many socialism-junkies on the internet tell this to me. It's ridiculous that people can acknowledge that not any one aspect of life is in black and white, yet they come to this issue and treat it that way. There is no perfect system, and that is because we are human. Humans, by nature, are imperfect. Thus, our creations, by nature, are imperfect. We have flaws, lots of them. Just as our machines rarely run at 100% efficiency due to kinks in the system such as friction and other things we all learned in science class, the machine that we know as society will never be perfect. We do not have the privilege of living in a perfect world. We just have to make do with what we have.

That all being said, blaming all your hardships on some stereotypical rich capitalist with frivolous purchasing habits is hardly mature. Making up some scapegoat for you to hate because things are going poorly does not help stop things from going poorly. It merely propagates a stereotype for people to hate, and hate never fixes anything.

1.) So that would make the consumers... DRUMROLL PLEASE...... THE "INVISIBLE HAND." And said hand cannot be trusted because it never guides the economy. It just fluctuates between prosperity and failure. Blame that on people living in a capitalist country. Hell, if people didn't all go into pussy mode and sell like mad when stocks started dropping, the Great Depression wouldn't have been nearly as bad. SAME issue today. No guiding hand, just the bipolar rantings of capitalist consumers. And liberty and choice are only diminished in a socialist system if you consider prohibiting free-market capital-hoarding selfishness an essential freedom that we must fight to protect.

2.) I never claimed socialism was perfect. I merely claimed excellence. OF COURSE no system is perfect. But the fact remains, when choosing between free-market disinterest in regulation and tight regulation of economic affairs, a free market economy is bound to have more negative recessions than a regulated economy.

3.) I don't blame MY problems on capitalists, because at the moment I don't HAVE any problems economically. And I don't hate those that amass wealth. I know firsthand that some are very lovely people. I hate, rather, the officials who allow said wealth to be amassed as such.

In the end, I blame a bad economy and a wide economic gap on lack of regulation. Socialism provides that regulation, hence why I like it.


And yeah... 99% of the time, I'm in an "I'LL TOUCH YOUR PENIS" mood... but politics is my one hotbutton issue. Pretty much politics and music are the only things I get serious about.

... Buttsecks timez now plz? <3

Random lnsanity / In this topic, I talk about PC games.
« on: August 08, 2009, 11:52:00 pm »
Sorry, can't relate much. I dislike most FPS games (except the Metroid Prime series), and most of my installed PC games are RPGs and Platformers. Basically, as a retro-nerd, my comp is littered with games like, "Sonic & Knuckles," "Oregon Trail," "Gemfire" (DOS version w00t), various "Zork" titles, etc.

Modern games include "Fable" ... ... ... ... Yeah. >_>

But keep in mind, I rarely play PC games. I'm generally on my NES or Wii. And if I'm using my PC, odds are it's because I have all the best emulators and ROM images of pretty much every NES and SNES games ever made, plus most important N64 ones.

Random lnsanity / Lush Bimbaugh, Blahrack Obama, the joker.
« on: August 08, 2009, 03:46:20 pm »
... Except for the fact that history has proven that properly run socialist systems work excellently at stabalizing economies and bridiging the economic equality gap... And then a conservative leader always fucks it up by running in screaming "LAISSEZ-FAIRE!!!" and single-handedly destroying all progessive progress...

Free market = FAIL. There's no fucking "invisible hand" to guide the economy. All that happens is the business owners take advantage of a lack of regulation and seek to ruthlessly buy out their competition to establish monopolies and screw over the working class in the process.

Hence why the government NEEDS to step in and regulate the economy by limiting business practices and ensuring equal business oportunity so we don't end up like we are today. Anyone here remember what life was like BEFORE the massive bank mergers, resulting in only a small handful of top-players? You know, when there were small-scale town banks? Back then, if a bank went under, it was small enough that the government could easily pay off the investor insurance. Now a bank goes under, and FUCKKKKKKK!!! LET'S ADD TO THE DEFECIT BY PAYING TO KEEP THE BANKS AFLOAT AND THEN RISK HYPER-INFLATION BY PRINTING MORE MONEY TO INCREASE CONSUMER CONFIDENCE!!!

Yeah. Fucking brilliant.

Socialism at it's core is a brilliant way to regulate an economy. So the upper-class need pay higher taxes. Big whoop. At least they can afford it, unlike the working class that suffers finacially from the establishment of giant corporations, the lack of government regulation in banks and large corporations, and government-induced inflation. When it comes down to it, I'd say it's more important for average Joe to be able to afford to pay his electric bill than for Richie Rich to buy an 8th mansion.



Random lnsanity / RIA Radio Reboot
« on: August 08, 2009, 03:18:35 pm »
I'm interested!!!


In a month when I move.

Cuz right now my iTouch is my temporary computer, since the desktop is now in storage and laptop isn't bought yet.

Random lnsanity / RIAdio listener intervention
« on: August 08, 2009, 03:01:56 pm »
There should be an RIA internet radio station...

Gimme till september. Once I move to college I'll take a look at setting one up.

Random lnsanity / RIAdio listener intervention
« on: August 08, 2009, 06:25:50 am »
Wait... IS there still an RIAdio station? If yes, why haven't I found it yet? If no, WHY NOT?!?

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