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Messages - sycoforbidden

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Anime / Re: Sites to watch anime
« on: May 01, 2010, 04:43:44 pm »

really cool stream website. has anime shit and other stuff (it even has got disney's newest film, how to train your dragon!!!)


<sycoforbidden> Black pudding or less often blood pudding is a sausage made by cooking blood with a filler until it is thick enough to congeal when cooled. The term blood sausage (first attested in 1868) is a North American term that may be a translation from German "Blutwurst". Blood sausage has become a useful term for similar blood-based solid foods around the world.  
<tlamn[RIA]> mmmmm
<sycoforbidden> it is really good
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<sycoforbidden> Black pudding or less often blood pudding is a sausage made by cooking blood with a filler until it is thick enough to congeal when cooled. The term blood sausage (first attested in 1868) is a North American term that may be a translation from German "Blutwurst". Blood sausage has become a useful term for similar blood-based solid foods around the world.  
<sycoforbidden> here in portugal we use pigs blood
<tlamn[RIA]> yuk.
<tlamn[RIA]> i mean
<sycoforbidden> i tell you
<tlamn[RIA]> yuk.
<sycoforbidden> it's marvelous
<tlamn[RIA]> i mean
<tlamn[RIA]> yum.
<sycoforbidden> it's the best thing you can buy in supermarkets
<tlamn[RIA]> youre kidding me
<sycoforbidden> my grandmother makes them herself
<tlamn[RIA]> I will never visit Portugal
<sycoforbidden> with 4 people grabbing the big while he screams
<tlamn[RIA]> When I go to a supermarket I expect to buy cheeseburgers
<tlamn[RIA]> or at least ice cream
<sycoforbidden> they're not in supermarkets
<tlamn[RIA]> yeah
<sycoforbidden> they're in the butcher's
<tlamn[RIA]> not in portugal.
<sycoforbidden> black pudding
<sycoforbidden> yummy
<tlamn[RIA]> where do you buy cheeseburgers?
<sycoforbidden> at mcdonald's
<tlamn[RIA]> no i mean the fresh ones
<sycoforbidden> not in supermarkets
<sycoforbidden> at the butchers
<tlamn[RIA]> ok then htats how we do it too
<sycoforbidden> wait, cheeseburgers?
<sycoforbidden> we dont have those
<tlamn[RIA]> yes cheeseburgers but FRESH
<tlamn[RIA]> LOL sucks to be you
<sycoforbidden> we have meat burgers
<sycoforbidden> made at the butchers
<tlamn[RIA]> ok we have those too
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<tlamn[RIA]> uh no my Mom makes those
<tlamn[RIA]> fresh
<tlamn[RIA]> hamburger + bread crumbs + eggs + pepper
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<C-zom> Hey guys.
<tlamn[RIA]> squish it up and put it on th grill
<tlamn[RIA]> CZOM!
<sycoforbidden> http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficheiro:Ench...ortugueses2.jpg
<sycoforbidden> enchidos portugueses
<C-zom> Yes tlamn[RIA]?
<tlamn[RIA]> again with the links
<sycoforbidden> portuguese sausages
<sycoforbidden> what you see on the right are puddings
<tlamn[RIA]> ok that looks very good but theyre not cheeseburgers
<sycoforbidden> in down right corner there's puddings
<tlamn[RIA]> jus sayin hi
<tlamn[RIA]> i know what a pudding is
<tlamn[RIA]> in our supermarkets theyre made of chotonicte
<tlamn[RIA]> not
<tlamn[RIA]> BLOOD
<tlamn[RIA]> where do you go for normalpudding is that at McD's too?
<tlamn[RIA]> our McD's dont have pudding
<sycoforbidden> oh, and that picture was taken from a supermarket
<tlamn[RIA]> blood or otherwise
<sycoforbidden> this is how it turns up after being cooked
<sycoforbidden> http://iamawholehumanbeing.files.wordpress...gdm_228x304.jpg
<tlamn[RIA]> again with the oinks
<tlamn[RIA]> *links
<sycoforbidden> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-zeAb4RSi_M/Rmr8...a-Matilde-5.jpg
<tlamn[RIA]> do you have normal food in portugal?
<sycoforbidden> http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_UoHsqFEgjQo/SsWy...la_assada_2.jpg
<sycoforbidden> yes
<tlamn[RIA]> like wat
*** Queue1[RIA] has quit (Quit: Queue1[RIA])
<sycoforbidden> http://botequeiros.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/3.jpg
<sycoforbidden> that
*** gangs20003[RIA] is now known as gangs20003[out_jogging]
<tlamn[RIA]> I ilke enchidos do you have that?
<tlamn[RIA]> no PLEASE without the links
<tlamn[RIA]> yuk
<sycoforbidden> http://cliqueagosto.tonic.com.br/UserFiles/I...ao-G-100707.jpg
<tlamn[RIA]> plz no more blood
<sycoforbidden> we have all kinds of enchidos
<sycoforbidden> that's not blood
<sycoforbidden> that's feijoada à portuguesa
<tlamn[RIA]> whats a fejoda?
<tlamn[RIA]> feijoda is it like a pudding or a cheeseburger? you know, somethig normal
<sycoforbidden> it's a kind of food where you eat beans
<sycoforbidden> and meat
<tlamn[RIA]> *SIGH*
<sycoforbidden> and vegetables
<sycoforbidden> all mixed
<tlamn[RIA]> GROSS
<sycoforbidden> to bring you a good paladar
<tlamn[RIA]> i dnt want a paladar  
<sycoforbidden> at least we don't have paella
<tlamn[RIA]> oooo chicken
<tlamn[RIA]> my FAVOURITE
*** Aaron-J is now known as Aaron-J[BRB]
<sycoforbidden> paella isn't with chicken
<tlamn[RIA]> do you have chicekn?
<sycoforbidden> yes
<sycoforbidden> pito da guia
<tlamn[RIA]> whatsa paella is that like rice?
<sycoforbidden> a small chicken that i better than the normal one
<sycoforbidden> yes
<sycoforbidden> paella is the food with yellow rice
<tlamn[RIA]> mmmmm like chicken
<sycoforbidden> it's spanish food
<tlamn[RIA]> but theres no chicken blood right?
<sycoforbidden> no
<tlamn[RIA]> because i dont lik the blood
<sycoforbidden> no chicken blood
<tlamn[RIA]> ok
<tlamn[RIA]> ok thts good
<sycoforbidden> and we also have frango à paneleiro
<sycoforbidden> but you don't want to know what that means
<tlamn[RIA]> i guess i dont
<sycoforbidden> 0_o
<sycoforbidden> but i'll tell you anyway
<tlamn[RIA]> m guessing frango means blood
<sycoforbidden> no
<sycoforbidden> frango means chicken
<tlamn[RIA]> ok
<tlamn[RIA]> frango in a panilero
<sycoforbidden> it all means gay chicken
<tlamn[RIA]> how bad can that be?
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<tlamn[RIA]> oh
*** triviuum is now known as triviuum[AWAY]
<tlamn[RIA]> i dont like gay chickens
<tlamn[RIA]> chicken
*** Aaron-J[BRB] is now known as Aaron-J
<sycoforbidden> it's a chicken that is coocked with a whole lemon in his butt
<C-zom> sexy
<C-zom> agent lemon wouldn't agree though
<Aaron-J> Lol
<tlamn[RIA]> ;like beer can chicken
<sycoforbidden> when you taste it, you can see the chicken's meat becomes softer
<tlamn[RIA]> except barbecueier
<sycoforbidden> then we also have bacalhau à lagareiro
<sycoforbidden> bacalhau à gomes de sá
<tlamn[RIA]> and that menas?
<sycoforbidden> bacalhau com alho
<tlamn[RIA]> is it beef?
<sycoforbidden> bacalhau is a sea kitten that comes from norweg
<tlamn[RIA]> ]so basically filet-o-sea kitten
<sycoforbidden> http://blogs.diariodepernambuco.com.br/eco...04/bacalhau.jpg
<tlamn[RIA]> again with the links
<tlamn[RIA]> ok lemme look
<sycoforbidden> bacalhau com natas
<sycoforbidden> bacalhau à portuguesa
<tlamn[RIA]> SALTED DRIED sea kitten
<tlamn[RIA]> oh
<tlamn[RIA]> YYUUMM
<tlamn[RIA]> my FAVOURUTE
<tlamn[RIA]> i hope i get it for my birthday
<tlamn[RIA]> TWICE
<sycoforbidden> try finding the recipe for bacalhau com natas
<tlamn[RIA]> no.
<sycoforbidden> it's my favourite
<sycoforbidden> we also have secretos de porco preto
<tlamn[RIA]> secrretions of pretorian pork
<tlamn[RIA]> how delicious
<tlamn[RIA]> syco
<tlamn[RIA]> I like you a lot
<tlamn[RIA]> but dont ever feed me
<tlamn[RIA]> plz.
<sycoforbidden> http://www.damicarnes.pt/imagens/porco.JPG
<tlamn[RIA]> again with the links.
<sycoforbidden> there you can see what is a porco
<tlamn[RIA]> ok fine hold on
<sycoforbidden> porco preto = black pig
<tlamn[RIA]> UM
<sycoforbidden> yes
<tlamn[RIA]> |(
<sycoforbidden> but it also has the location of the secretos
<tlamn[RIA]> oh
<sycoforbidden> number 11
<tlamn[RIA]> wel in that case
<tlamn[RIA]> ok lemme look
<tlamn[RIA]> yup saw where it is
<sycoforbidden> number 11 and number 8 meats are the best ones
<tlamn[RIA]> still dont like pig armpit
<tlamn[RIA]> ok so
<tlamn[RIA]> armpit meat and back meat
<sycoforbidden> and porkchops
<sycoforbidden> number 2
<tlamn[RIA]> NOW we're taling  
<tlamn[RIA]> talking
<tlamn[RIA]> PORKchops are my favourite
<tlamn[RIA]> holdon
*** C-zom is now known as C-zom|AWay
<tlamn[RIA]> yes
<tlamn[RIA]> #2 is good
*** C-zom|AWay is now known as C-zom|Away
<tlamn[RIA]> i also lke 7 and 4
<tlamn[RIA]> 7 = cotelettes i believe
<sycoforbidden> i like 7, but not 4
<tlamn[RIA]> 4 is very tonicular with bavarians
<tlamn[RIA]> "SurHax'n"
<sycoforbidden> yes
<sycoforbidden> have you tried presunto
<sycoforbidden> '
<sycoforbidden> ?
<tlamn[RIA]> what is presunto
<sycoforbidden> http://www.alquimista.net/images/presunto_barrancos2.jpg
<sycoforbidden> another url
<sycoforbidden> the back leg of the pig
<sycoforbidden> you call it ham, i think
<tlamn[RIA]> yup thats a leg of ham
<sycoforbidden> even though they're not the same thing
<tlamn[RIA]> well yours looks smoked or at least spiced or something
<sycoforbidden> it is smoked
<tlamn[RIA]> looks good
<sycoforbidden> that's the difference
<tlamn[RIA]> VERY good
<sycoforbidden> it is good
<tlamn[RIA]> now Im hungry
<tlamn[RIA]> ok
<tlamn[RIA]> i'll be back later I think
<sycoforbidden> at least where not america, where everything is genetically modified
<tlamn[RIA]> mmmmmmmmm
<tlamn[RIA]> genetically modified
<tlamn[RIA]> *DROOOL*

* im317 exhales
* sycoforbidden[RIA] inhales
<gangs20003[RIA]> whenever a tab turns red, it means new messages
<sycoforbidden[RIA]> right´
<Ogaden> http://rialliance.net/index.php?showtopic=37425
* gangs20003[RIA] kicks sycoforbidden in the nuts
<gangs20003[RIA]> you inhaled
<Crazyman93> Oay, How do I do actions?
<Crazyman93> Astriks?
<gangs20003[RIA]> i just wanted to knock the air outta you
* sycoforbidden[RIA] says "oh, that hurts
<gangs20003[RIA]> wow, circular convos ftw
<gangs20003[RIA]> type
<gangs20003[RIA]> ./me
<sycoforbidden[RIA]> ./me text you want
<gangs20003[RIA]> without the dot
<Crazyman93> That should have been obvious, I know of another chat that uses it.
<gangs20003[RIA]> well give it a go
* Crazyman93 punched sycoforbidden in the face
<gangs20003[RIA]> yay
* sycoforbidden[RIA] punched him back
* Crazyman93 hit him with a hammer
* im317 points out that its key to make sure you talk in the 3rd person when using the /me command or you look stupid
* ViceMan[RIA] tries this thing out.
* triviuum[AWAY] says this is fucking annoying already
* sycoforbidden[RIA] hits him with a bigger hammer
* Crazyman93 hit syco with gods hammer
* im317 like you need to say who him is
* ViceMan[RIA] is horrified by the violence.
<im317> damn it
<im317> i messed up
* im317 says like you need to say who him is
* Crazyman93 threw ViceMan into Liberty City
<im317> oh admin, what have we done

Anime / Can anyone help me?
« on: November 30, 2009, 11:54:22 am »
I remember an anime going on television years ago that had a pig as the main character and that pig was
someone who could fly planes and fought crime (i'm uncertain about it)

What was its name?

Anime / i need help to remember the anime
« on: November 03, 2009, 05:25:53 pm »
ok, thanks for the help!!!

Anime / i need help to remember the anime
« on: November 02, 2009, 02:31:00 pm »
There was an anime 6/7 years ago going on television, but i don't remember its name.
Could someone help me? The only things i remember was that it was about a man who was able to eat metal, which he made it go to his bloodstream and make a sword come out of his hand. i think he loved eating metal screws...

Tech Trades / ready to sell tech, at low prices!!!
« on: October 29, 2009, 05:46:27 pm »
that's cool!!! Thanks!!

Tech Trades / ready to sell tech, at low prices!!!
« on: October 29, 2009, 01:50:05 pm »
I was accepted at the alliance and i'm ready to sell tech!!

2 ppl only tech trades.

Not 3 or 4 ppl.

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]

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