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Messages - Mia

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Warning: sexual content contained in these logs, look away if you are offended by that.

[21:03] * Mia[IRON] removes JayBooker's balls.
[21:03] * ninmeister[TLR] (Adam@coldfront-E1AC1E94.buffalo.res.rr.com) has joined #ria
[21:04] <%JayBooker> 0_0
[21:04] <%JayBooker> good thing im half asian...
[21:04] <%JayBooker> its painless lol
[21:05] <%Mia[IRON]> XD
[21:05] <%JayBooker> lmao
[21:05] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> XD
[21:06] * Crazyman93 (Mibbit@coldfront-37606C86.balt.east.verizon.net) Quit ( Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client )
[21:06] * JayBooker goes to the doctor to get my estrogen level raise
[21:06] * Crazyman93 (Mibbit@coldfront-37606C86.balt.east.verizon.net) has joined #ria
[21:06] <%JayBooker> 3 times the normal limit :D
[21:06] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> boobies
[21:06] * JayBooker censored grows taller and gets abbs lmao
[21:07] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> WAIT
[21:07] * JayBooker goes to the bunnyranch.
[21:07] <%JayBooker> ?
[21:07] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> why would it get abdominal muscles?
[21:07] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> it doesn't have....
[21:07] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> nvm
[21:07] <%JayBooker> lol
[21:08] * JayBooker injects more estrogen inside my body....
[21:08] * JayBooker goes rampage.
[21:09] * JayBooker takes everyone virginity in the channel
[21:09] <%Croix> ...what
[21:09] <%JayBooker> .
[21:09] <%Croix> estrogen is..
[21:09] * JayBooker looks at croix.
[21:09] <%Croix> not going to help you at all >_>
[21:09] <%Mia[IRON]> How can you take everyone's virginity if you just removed your own testosterone? <_<
[21:10] <%JayBooker> noooo.
[21:10] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> I don't think you know what estrogen is bro.
[21:10] <%JayBooker> i put alot in me lol
[21:10] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> testosterone does not mean genetails Mia
[21:10] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> :/
[21:10] <%Mia[IRON]> I know XD
[21:10] <%Mia[IRON]> But you need it to get an erection >_>
[21:10] <%JayBooker> .....
[21:11] <%Mia[IRON]> XD
[21:11] <%JayBooker> estrogen is just going to make me aggressive.
[21:11] <%JayBooker> :(
[21:11] <%Croix> ...no
[21:11] <%Mia[IRON]> Uhh...
[21:11] <%Mia[IRON]> I think you have it backwards.
[21:11] <%Croix> thats also testosterone:X
[21:11] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> We all know you're obsessed with erections Mia but you really need to tone it down there.
[21:11] <%Mia[IRON]> I refuse to go for the bait, Joe.
[21:11] <%Mia[IRON]> You're the whore here that likes it.
[21:11] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Damn you.
[21:11] <%Mia[IRON]> >_>
[21:11] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> Well an erection is just the penis being engourged with blood, use testostrone causes that, but adrenalin will cause it aswell Mia
[21:11] <%Centurion_Adamus[NPL|Trium]> what the...
[21:11] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Am not.
[21:11] <%JayBooker> wait a min.....
[21:12] <%Mia[IRON]> Are too Josephine.
[21:12] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Penis experts in this channel.
[21:12] <%JayBooker> i just enjected women harmones into my body..... 0_0
[21:12] <%Mia[IRON]> Yes...
[21:12] <%Mia[IRON]> You didn't realize that?
[21:12] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> xD
[21:12] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> why do you think I yelled boobies?
[21:12] <%Mia[IRON]> Now go out and be the best transgender you can be!
[21:12] <%JayBooker> lol.....
[21:13] <%Mia[IRON]> You do realize that is how they transition transgender?
[21:13] <%Mia[IRON]> <_<
[21:13] <%JayBooker> but i still has man harmones in me lol
[21:13] <%JayBooker> it actually make me bi....
[21:13] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> er
[21:13] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> no
[21:13] <%JayBooker> ?
[21:13] <%Mia[IRON]> Bi means you prefer both genders.
[21:13] <%Mia[IRON]> It doesn't make you .. bi.
[21:13] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Good god, someone get this man a biology lesson.
[21:13] <%JayBooker> lol i now
[21:13] <%JayBooker> bah
[21:14] <%Mia[IRON]> I literally just snorted my soda because I laughed so hard..
[21:14] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> people who have sex changes do not suddenly change sexuality aswell
[21:14] <%Mia[IRON]> These logs.. going up XD

ShadowSlayer fails to learn fanboys around Mia = death.

[20:14] <%Mia[IRON]> No I don't. My heart is owned and it ain't you, dear.
[20:14] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> can I have a part time lease?
[20:14] <%Mia[IRON]> No.
[20:14] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> welll……… fuck.
[20:15] <%Mia[IRON]> REJECTED.
[20:15] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> ....XD
[20:15] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> well played, madam
[20:15] <%Mia[IRON]> Thank you.
[20:18] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> WAT.
[20:19] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Oh, I see what you're saying.
[20:19] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Laziness is where it's at.
[20:19] <%Mia[IRON]> Or do what I do.. cook once a week and make it last for  aweek.
[20:22] <%Croix> hm..
[20:22] <%Croix> Owned you say?
[20:22] <%Croix> that doesn't sound very equal.
[20:23] <%Mia[IRON]> Who is owned?
[20:23] <%Mia[IRON]> Oh, nah, just saying my heart is owned as in belongs to him, doesn't mean he has power over me. :p
[20:24] <%Mia[IRON]> You can choose to give your heart away you know.
[20:24] <%Croix> so... slavery?
[20:24] <%Croix> >_>
[20:24] <%Mia[IRON]> You wish <_<
[20:24] <%Croix> No, i wasn't aware I could give away a part of myself
[20:24] <%Croix> and still claim to want equality.
[20:24] <%Mia[IRON]> Well technically relationships will always involve giving away part of yourself.
[20:24] <%Mia[IRON]> Your time, your mind, access to whatever.
[20:24] <@Bluestrike> Pro Tip: Women don't want equality, they want supremacy.
[20:25] <%Mia[IRON]> No they don't.
[20:25] <%Mia[IRON]> Well depends on the person.
[20:25] <%Croix> alright, i'll take your word for it.
[20:25] <%Mia[IRON]> By equality I mean I can't respect someone who lets me boss them around :p
[20:25] <%Mia[IRON]> If they can't keep their own ground or have their own goals - independence.
[20:26] <%Mia[IRON]> You can be in a relationship without the relationship becoming your life or them being your life.
[20:26] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> So wait, if you were a manager you would have no respect for employes who you bossed around?
[20:27] <%Mia[IRON]> That is different than a relationship.
[20:27] <%Mia[IRON]> And I usually don't keep a boss-employee relationship with people I work with >_>
[20:29] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> I'LL BE AN EMPLOYEE
[20:29] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> PICK ME
[20:29] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> PICK ME
[20:30] <%Centurion_Adamus[NPL|Trium]> Pick me too
[20:30] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> Mia[IRON], I'll work hard all night long for you
[20:31] <%Mia[IRON]> God I hate all of you.
[20:31] <%Mia[IRON]> Go be someone else's fanboy.
[20:31] <%Mia[IRON]> >_>
[20:32] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> welllll
[20:32] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> liz isn't on
[20:32] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> sooooo =/
[20:32] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> it works well actually
[20:32] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> I can flirt with one or the other
[20:36] <%Mia[IRON]> ShadowSlayer[RIA] >_>
[20:36] <%Mia[IRON]> Reserve your fanboy self for Liz.
[20:36] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> only if you get me tech
[20:36] <%Mia[IRON]> No ShadowSlayer[RIA]
[20:36] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Liz already has to deal with Lion.
[20:36] <%Mia[IRON]> Shove it
[20:36] <%Mia[IRON]> :p
[20:36] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Take one for the team Mia.
[20:37] <%Mia[IRON]> No.
[20:37] <%Mia[IRON]> I destroy all my fanboys.
[20:37] <%Mia[IRON]> Thus why there is no Club Mia, only a closet full of trophy balls.
[20:37] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> it's true <3
[20:37] <%Mia[IRON]> I also collect their precious tears when they run away screaming >_>
[20:38] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> I always weep when I'm near you
[20:38] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Sounds like you should join GOONS.
[20:38] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> pfft
[20:38] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> You have yet to stop be fanboying
[20:38] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> :p
[20:38] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> My love for mia is eternal
[20:39] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> until liz signs on
[20:39] <%Mia[IRON]> You have no love for me.
[20:39] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Oh god
[20:39] <%Mia[IRON]> You're just a whore.
[20:39] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> I have only ever heard rumors about liz
[20:39] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Everyone is Leo.
[20:40] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> but Mia[IRON]
[20:40] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> It's not like she's some mysterious person shoe ass.
[20:40] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> I'm a whore of some reknown
[20:40] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> *renown
[20:40] <%Mia[IRON]> Go pick someone who actually can stand your whoredom.
[20:40] <%Mia[IRON]> Josephine is good for it.
[20:40] <%Mia[IRON]> So is Leo.
[20:40] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> who is josephine
[20:40] <%Mia[IRON]> SniperJoe[GOD] >_>
[20:40] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> leo and I are tight like virgins
[20:41] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> What is it Mia?
[20:41] <ShouAS[FEAR_CoIA]> SniperJoe[GOD] yeah but I don't chill in the csn chat infact this is the only public SF alliance chat I am in
[20:41] <%Mia[IRON]> I just sacrificed you to ShadowSlayer[RIA].
[20:41] <%Mia[IRON]> Josephine keep him company
[20:41] <%Croix> shouAS why is that?
[20:41] * Mia[IRON] runs away.
[20:42] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Well, odds are she wouldn't rip your balls off.
[20:42] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> heheheheh
[20:42] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> I'll bow out Mia[IRON]
[20:42] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Oh god Mia, how could you?
[20:42] <%Mia[IRON]> I never claimed to be nice.
[20:42] <%Mia[IRON]> :p

Random lnsanity / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: August 07, 2011, 04:32:06 pm »
Actually, yeah I do .. lately. :P

Back to this though:

Glee Cast Firework Lyrics

Random lnsanity / Re: What Personality Defect Are You?
« on: August 07, 2011, 04:31:17 pm »
My ears, they hurt.

Random lnsanity / Re: What Personality Defect Are You?
« on: August 06, 2011, 07:18:35 pm »
It doesn't romantically, it says PROBABLY get along with. My heart is owned already and I am an ice queen. So prepare for robot blasting of ice.  :ninja:

Random lnsanity / Re: What Personality Defect Are You?
« on: August 06, 2011, 05:21:38 pm »
It is a very cynical version/description of a personality test. :P

Random lnsanity / What Personality Defect Are You?
« on: August 06, 2011, 04:52:22 pm »
I am curious what RIAers will get...


Oddly fitting for me - I truly am an ice queen. My life is fulfilled!  :supaburn:


You are 71% Rational, 43% Extroverted, 0% Brutal, and 0% Arrogant.
You are the Robot! You are characterized by your rationality. In fact, this is really ALL you are characterized by. Like a cold, heartless machine, you are so logical and unemotional that you scarcely seem human. For instance, you are very humble and don't bother thinking of your own interests, you are very gentle and lack emotion, and you are also very introverted and introspective. You may have noticed that these traits are just as applicable to your laptop as they are to a human being. You are not like the robots they show in the movies. Movie robots are make-believe, because they always get all personable and likeable after being struck by lightning, or they are cold, cruel killing machines. In all reality, though, you are much more boring than all that. Real robots just sit there, doing their stupid jobs, and doing little else. If you get struck by lightning, you won't develop a winning personality and heart of gold. (Robots don't have hearts, silly, and if they did, they would probably be made of steel, not gold.) You also won't be likely to terrorize humanity by becoming an ultra-violent killing machine sent into the past to kill the mother of a child who will lead a rebellion against machines, because that movie was dumb as hell, and because real robots don't kill--they horribly maim at best, and they don't even do that on purpose. Real robots are boringly kind and all too rarely try to kill people. In all my years, my laptop has only attacked me once, and that was only because my brother threw it at me. In short, your personality defect is that you don't really HAVE a personality. You are one of those annoying, super-logical people that never gets upset or flustered. Unless, of course, you short circuit. Or if someone throws a pie at you. Pies sure are delicious.


To put it less negatively:

1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive.

2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.

3. You are more GENTLE than brutal.

4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant.

Random lnsanity / Re: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
« on: August 06, 2011, 02:37:55 pm »
I just watched Planet of the Apes last night. Now I want to see this. D:

Random lnsanity / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: August 05, 2011, 05:17:31 pm »
Rascal Flatts - See Me Through

Lyrics don't really fit my current mood but I like the beat. *dances*

Random lnsanity / Re: The Random Wikipedia Articles Topic
« on: August 04, 2011, 04:36:04 pm »
"Up Went Nelson" is a song by The Go Lucky Four (a group of Belfast school teachers Gerry Burns, Finbar Carolan, John Sullivan and Eamonn McGirr) that was number one on the Irish music charts in 1966 for eight consecutive weeks.

It was sung to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and is about the destruction of Nelson's Pillar in Dublin.


Only comment I can think of is.. any 40 year old Irishman around?

Random lnsanity / Re: Winter Is Coming
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:43:06 pm »
I still refuse to read the books no matter how much Delta tells me I should.

Random lnsanity / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:34:32 am »
Echoes- Pink Floyd.

Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
The echo of a distant tide
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.

And no-one called us to the land
And no-one knows the wheres or whys
But something stirs and something tries
And starts to climb towards the light

Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand the best I can

And no-one calls us to move on
And no-one forces down our eyes
And no-one speaks and no-one tries
And no-one flies around the sun

Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes
inviting and inciting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning

And no-one sings me lullabies
And no-one makes me close my eyes
And so I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky

[19:58] <%jaybooker> hey i was the best mating rooster that ever lived
[19:58] <%jaybooker> lol
[19:59] <%jaybooker> at least i was cooked by a female

Random lnsanity / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:59:20 pm »
On an Eurovision kick.

Latvia - "What For? (Only Mr. God Knows Why)" - Eurovision Song Contest 2010 - BBC One

Clearly RIA is full of shorties. :P

[15:57] <%Thatguy101> he is only 5.11ft
[15:57] <%Mia[IRON]> 5'11 is tall. :(
[15:57] <%Mia[IRON]> Well not for a male, I guess.
[15:57] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Yo dog, I'm 5'10.5
[15:57] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> It's average
[15:57] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Oh, that.
[15:57] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> xD
[15:57] <%Thatguy101> I am 5.8ft
[15:57] <%Mia[IRON]> I am 5'8 and 1/2. D:
[15:57] * ManwithplanX[FARK] (Manwithpla@coldfront-45DF6693.hsd1.ct.comcast.net) Quit ( Quit: )
[15:57] <%Mia[IRON]> Hah!
[15:57] <%Mia[IRON]> I am taller than you.
[15:57] * Mia[IRON] dances.
[15:57] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Hah!
[15:58] <%Thatguy101> yeah but I don't stop growing until I am 21
[15:58] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Ace'd TG101
[15:58] <%Thatguy101> so i ages more time to grow
[15:58] <%Mia[IRON]> <_<
[15:58] <%Mia[IRON]> Don't remind me.
[15:58] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> You wish, I'm 19 and I ain't seeing it
[15:58] <%Mia[IRON]> XD
[15:58] <%Mia[IRON]> Males tend to sprout between 16-19 I think.
[15:58] <%Mia[IRON]> It was typically after the first year of high school, they all sprouted up.
[15:58] <%Mia[IRON]> :(
[15:59] <%Thatguy101> well I have a few more years of growing
[15:59] <%Mia[IRON]> Yeah yeah.
[15:59] <%Mia[IRON]> Or maybe you'll be shorter than me forever.
[15:59] * Mia[IRON] pats Thatguy101.
[16:00] * Thatguy101 sulks off
[16:00] <%Thatguy101> :P
[16:00] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> You'll be a big boy some day!
[16:00] <%Mia[IRON]> Aww he has no comeback.
[16:00] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Regardless, I was just dropping by, gotta get to work
[16:00] <%Croix> l8r milk
[16:00] <%Thatguy101> yeah I bet milk is like 4.9 ft
[16:00] <%Thatguy101> :P
[16:00] <%Mia[IRON]> Have to get used to Croix's name in yellow.
[16:00] <%Mia[IRON]> D:
[16:00] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Yo dog, I'm 5'10.5
[16:00] <%Croix> haha
[16:00] <%Mia[IRON]> Go to work!
[16:00] <%Mia[IRON]> Shoo. :p
[16:00] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> I'm like, short, I'll admit
[16:01] <%Mia[IRON]> >_>
[16:01] <%Mia[IRON]> You're short for a male.
[16:01] * Liz[CSNotHere] (liz@coldfront-396CFAA8.hsd1.al.comcast.net) has joined #ria
[16:01] * ChanServ sets mode +h Liz[CSNotHere] for #ria
[16:01] * Liz[CSNotHere] (liz@coldfront-396CFAA8.hsd1.al.comcast.net) Quit ( Quit: Liz[CSNotHere] )
[16:01] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Yes ma'dame, I'll skip and hop my way to 7-11...
[16:01] <%Croix> i'm only 5'8" >_>
[16:01] * Liz (liz@coldfront-396CFAA8.hsd1.al.comcast.net) Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
[16:02] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Average height has been going down pretty rapidly
[16:02] <%Mia[IRON]> I am taller than Croix! :v
[16:02] <%Thatguy101> Croix is my height
[16:02] <%Thatguy101> high five!
[16:02] <%Croix> height doesn't mean sheeeet
[16:02] <%Mia[IRON]> I bet Liz is shorter though D:
[16:03] * Delta1212[RIA] (~Delta1212@coldfront-F6EF59EB.sub-174-252-16.myvzw.com) Quit ( Connection reset by peer )
[16:03] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> I'm 5'4"...*sigh*
[16:03] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> I bet croic is hung like a horse.
[16:03] <%Mia[IRON]> You are?
[16:03] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Last time I checked anyway.
[16:03] <%Thatguy101> joe gtfo!
[16:03] * Delta1212[RIA] (~Delta1212@coldfront-4D69878F.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #ria
[16:03] * ChanServ sets mode +oq Delta1212[RIA] Delta1212[RIA] for #ria
[16:03] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> No u
[16:03] * Thatguy101 walks off
[16:03] <%Mia[IRON]> You're not Asian or something are you? :p
[16:03] <Snowbound_Milk[RIA]> Mia, your ego is going to soon reach critical mass if you don't evacuate the channel immediately.
[16:03] <%Thatguy101> haha
[16:03] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> No ._.
[16:03] <%Mia[IRON]> I have an ego?
[16:03] * Snowbound_Milk[RIA] (Snowbound_@coldfront-B0E98D0D.rupert.net) Quit ( Quit: Leaving )
[16:03] <%Thatguy101> someone should...help her :P
[16:04] <%Mia[IRON]> If you want to be maimed, I will happily help you to your grave.
[16:04] * Thatguy101 looks worried

Drummer is mean back, you have yet to see him in #ria lately I take it. :P Also SniperJoe is female. D:

Revive. :P

[13:27] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Aww, Drummer's leaving.
[13:27] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> And also ignoring me apparently.
[13:27] <%Drummer[Forte]> THe hand band director is like 40 and has this really hot asian girlkfriend...
[13:27] <%Drummer[Forte]> *head
[13:28] <%Mia[IRON]> Joe is a girl!
[13:28] <%Mia[IRON]> :(
[13:28] <%Mia[IRON]> Don't ruin my dreams.
[13:28] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> I am, I thought this was established.
[13:29] <%Thatguy101> no
[13:29] <%Thatguy101> Joe is a male who is attracted to Drummer ( the horny mexican)
[13:29] <Krasche[RIA]> Look nobody can be for sure who has what gender
[13:30] <Krasche[RIA]> so I assume everyone on here is a hermaphodite
[13:30] <%Thatguy101> stop being technical
[13:30] <%Thatguy101> :P
[13:30] <Krasche[RIA]> lol I'm not
[13:30] <JoeIzuzu|NPO> androgyny is fun
[13:31] <Krasche[RIA]> I just like the idea that when I tell someone to go fuck themselves, they have the ability to do so lol
[13:31] <%Thatguy101> big words confuse small brains!
[13:31] <%Thatguy101> stop using them
[13:31] <%Thatguy101> :P
[13:33] <%Mia[IRON]> Poor SniperJoe[GOD] can't find Mr. Right.
[13:33] <%Mia[IRON]> I know, I'll be your Mr. Right!
[13:33] * Mia[IRON] dresses in tomboy clothes.
[13:34] <%Thatguy101> hehe
[13:34] <JoeIzuzu|NPO> btw, Mia, I am a Joe and am (allegedly) a man.  I give you permission to use me as a surrogate in your dreams.
[13:34] * Thatguy101 hands Mia a plastic dick
[13:34] <JoeIzuzu|NPO> free of charge
[13:34] <%Mia[IRON]> O.o
[13:34] * Mia[IRON] runs to tell Brehon on JoeIzuzu|NPO.
[13:34] <Krasche[RIA]> lol this reminds me of a t-shirt I saw
[13:34] <+SniperJoe[GOD]> Hahaha
[13:35] <JoeIzuzu|NPO> ruh ro
[13:35] <Krasche[RIA]> "I may not be mr. Right, but I'll fuck you til he shows up" ;D
[13:35] * JoeIzuzu|NPO looks for a good hiding place
[13:35] <%Mia[IRON]> I have my heart taken, I don't need a Mr. Right. :v
[13:35] <%Mia[IRON]> Now Joe does though.
[13:35] <%Mia[IRON]> Joe and Josephine.
[13:35] <%Mia[IRON]> Perfect match.

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