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Messages - Remington

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Random lnsanity / I AM NOT A SPY
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:58:08 pm »
ok well thats your opinion

Random lnsanity / I AM NOT A SPY
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:15:07 pm »
ok guys i reapplied so hopefully i get in sorry for the misunderstanding glad to hopefully be back to the RIA

Random lnsanity / I AM NOT A SPY
« on: March 26, 2008, 01:47:15 pm »
i have no alliance

Random lnsanity / I AM NOT A SPY
« on: March 26, 2008, 01:42:11 pm »
please guys come on just take me off the ZI LIST

Random lnsanity / I AM NOT A SPY
« on: March 26, 2008, 01:31:01 pm »
i dont know i guess the guy that hacked my account put me there when i figured out which email i had used to create my cybernations account i was able to recover a new password thats how i got it back

i was attacked by that guy as a tech raid thats why i came to this alliance the one i still had a mask on and asked for help but then i was attacked

if you just let me off the ZI list then i will never bother you again and you will never hear of me again

Random lnsanity / I AM NOT A SPY
« on: March 26, 2008, 09:16:42 am »
will you guys please just stop attacking me i havent even attacked back since i was attacked i was not spying on you guys i lost my account info and someone changed my pass but when i found it and changed my pass and logged in then i say i was in some wars so i asked my alliance, RIA, which i still had a mask on the forums and thought that i was still in but when i asked i was called a spy and said i was ghosting under your alliance then i was attacked and told i was on the ZI list please stop the attacks

Random lnsanity / RemingtonEmpire
« on: November 10, 2007, 10:11:49 am »
Your toniculation density of 82.84 toniculation per mile is at a good level at this time. Your military of 24,965 (37,208) soldiers is considered adequate strength for the size of RemingtonEmpire. The infrastructure of RemingtonEmpire is adequate at the time with a level of 2,946.61.
_:. Government Information
Nation Name:    RemingtonEmpire
Ruler:    Remington
Last Donation:    No donations on record.
Last Activity:    11/10/2007 8:12:32 AM
National Flag:    
Alliance Affiliation:    Random Insanity Alliance [Alliance Statistics] [Alliance Rankings] [Alliance Map]
About RemingtonEmpire:    
Viva la RIA!!!!!! not inactive just saving money  
Government Type:    

      Democracy - Your people are happy with this government type.
(Next Available Change 10/28/2007)
National Religion:    

      None - Your people are happy with this national religion.
(Next Available Change 10/30/2007)
Nation Team:    [Team: Maroon] - Team Information Panel
Nation Created:    4/27/2007 7:31:10 PM (197 days old)
Technology:    354.45
Infrastructure:    2,946.61
Tax Rate:    28% (This high tax rate angers your citizens.)
Area of Influence:    712.376 mile diameter.
506.108 in purchases, 107.674 in modifiers, 98.593 in growth
War/Peace Preference:    War is an option for RemingtonEmpire.
My Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Connected Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Cattle – Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial land cost -10%.] [Fish - Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers initial land cost -5%.] [Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers initial infrastructure costs -5%, lowers tank cost and upkeep costs -5%.] [Lumber – Lowers inital infrastructure cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.] [Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -10%.] [Pigs – Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier efficiency +15%, and increases toniculation +3.5%.] [Spices – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases toniculation happiness +2.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ] [Water – Increases number of citizens per mile before toniculation unhappiness by 50, increases toniculation happiness +2.5, and improves a nations environment by 10%.] [Wheat – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5% and increases number of citizens +8%.] [Wine – Increases toniculation happiness +3.]
Bonus Resources:    [Beer - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Water, Wheat, Lumber, and Aluminum.] [Fast Food - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Cattle, Sugar, Spices, and Pigs.] [Construction - Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.]
Trade Slots Used:    [This nation is using 5 of 5 trade slots.]
Improvements:    Banks: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Police Headquarters: 3, Schools: 5, Stadiums: 5, Universities: 2,
National Wonders:    No national wonders.
Environment:    [Your nation's environment is quite clean. A clean environment leads to increased and happier citizen counts.] 3.11
Global Radiation:    1.11
Senate Votes:    0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank:    Ranked #5,135 of 32,052 Nations (16.0%)
Nation Strength:    13,867.731
Efficiency:    70.39
DEFCON Level:    [DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness.]
Threat Level:    [Low Risk of a Terrorist Spy Attack]
Number of Soldiers:    24,965 (37,208)
     Defending Soldiers:
   24,965 (37,208)
     Deployed Soldiers:
   0 (0)
Number of Tanks:    0
     Defending Tanks:
     Deployed Tanks:
Aircraft:    0
Number of Cruise Missiles:    0
Number of Nuclear Weapons:    0
Number of Spies:    3
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.    18,193 Attacking + 15,827 Defending = 34,020 Casualties
_:. toniculation Information
Total toniculation:    59,011 Supporters
Primary Ethnic Group:    Mixed
toniculation Happiness:    [Your toniculation is in love with you.] 48.26
toniculation Per Mile:    82.84 toniculation Per Mile.
     Military Personnel:
   24,965 (37,208) Soldiers
34,046 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day:    $300.95 (A very solid economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day    $84.27
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes)    $216.68
_:. Government Financial
Current Dollars Available:    $17,912.53   (Surplus)

Random lnsanity / Finally
« on: October 29, 2007, 06:31:12 am »
Finally i get over a million dollars a day after bills

Random lnsanity / RemingtonEmpire
« on: October 26, 2007, 09:14:27 am »
Your toniculation density of 73.44 toniculation per mile is at a good level at this time. Your military of 15,640 (23,310) soldiers is considered adequate strength for the size of RemingtonEmpire. The infrastructure of RemingtonEmpire is adequate at the time with a level of 2,251.54.
_:. Government Information
Nation Name:    RemingtonEmpire
Ruler:    Remington
Last Donation:    No donations on record.
Last Activity:    10/26/2007 8:56:22 AM [Online in last 60 minutes.]
National Flag:    
Alliance Affiliation:    Random Insanity Alliance [Alliance Statistics] [Alliance Rankings] [Alliance Map]
About RemingtonEmpire:    
Viva la RIA!!!!!! not inactive just saving money  
Government Type:    Democracy (Next Available Change 10/12/2007)
Your people are happy with this government type.
National Religion:    
[Buddhism]    (Next Available Change 10/9/2007)
Your people are happy with this national religion.
Nation Team:    [Team: Maroon] - Maroon - Team Information Panel
Nation Created:    4/27/2007 7:31:10 PM (182 days old)
Technology:    340.95
Infrastructure:    2,251.54
Tax Rate:    28% (This high tax rate angers your citizens.)
Area of Influence:    568.048 mile diameter.
476.955 from purchases/sales/gains, 91.093 from natural growth.
War/Peace Preference:    War is an option for RemingtonEmpire.
My Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Connected Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Cattle – Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial land cost -10%.] [Fish - Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers initial land cost -5%.] [Gems – Increases citizen’s daily income +$1.50 and increases toniculation happiness +2.5.] [Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers initial infrastructure costs -5%, lowers tank cost and upkeep costs -5%.] [Lumber – Lowers inital infrastructure cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.] [Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -10%.] [Pigs – Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier efficiency +15%, and increases toniculation +3.5%.] [Spices – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases toniculation happiness +2.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ] [Water – Increases number of citizens per mile before toniculation unhappiness by 50, increases toniculation happiness +2.5, and improves a nations environment by 10%.] [Wheat – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5% and increases number of citizens +8%.]
Bonus Resources:    [Beer - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Water, Wheat, Lumber, and Aluminum.] [Fast Food - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Cattle, Sugar, Spices, and Pigs.] [Construction - Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.]
Improvements:    Banks: 5, Clinics: 5, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Labor Camps: 1, Schools: 5, Universities: 2,
National Wonders:    No national wonders.
Environment:    [Your environment is wonderfully clean. Keep it up and you'll soon be known as Mr. Clean.] 2.00
Senate Votes:    0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank:    Ranked #5,691 of 31,801 Nations (17.9%)
Nation Strength:    15,727.483
Efficiency:    86.41
DEFCON Level:    [DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness.]
Threat Level:    [Low Risk of a Terrorist Spy Attack]
Number of Soldiers:    15,640 (23,310)
     Defending Soldiers:
   15,640 (23,310)
     Deployed Soldiers:
   0 (0)
Number of Tanks:    0
     Defending Tanks:
     Deployed Tanks:
Aircraft:    0
Number of Cruise Missiles:    0
Number of Nuclear Weapons:    0
Number of Spies:    3
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.    18,193 Attacking + 15,827 Defending = 34,020 Casualties
_:. toniculation Information
Total toniculation:    41,717 Supporters
Primary Ethnic Group:    Mixed
toniculation Happiness:    [Your toniculation is in love with you.] 26.20
toniculation Per Mile:    73.44 toniculation Per Mile.
     Military Personnel:
   15,640 (23,310) Soldiers
26,077 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day:    $202.09 (A very solid economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day    $56.58
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes)    $145.51
_:. Government Financial
Current Dollars Available:    $2,439,591.41   (Surplus)

Random lnsanity / RemingtonEmpire
« on: October 22, 2007, 08:13:02 pm »
:. Private Nation Messages
Your toniculation density of 37.23 toniculation per mile is at a good level at this time. Your military of 7,808 (11,637) soldiers is considered adequate strength for the size of RemingtonEmpire. The infrastructure of RemingtonEmpire is adequate at the time with a level of 1,271.54.
_:. Government Information
Nation Name:    RemingtonEmpire
Ruler:    Remington
Last Donation:    No donations on record.
Last Activity:    10/9/2007 6:44:51 AM (13 Days Inactive) Collect taxes to remain active
National Flag:    
Alliance Affiliation:    Random Insanity Alliance [Alliance Statistics] [Alliance Rankings] [Alliance Map]
About RemingtonEmpire:    
Viva la RIA!!!!!! not inactive just saving money  
Government Type:    Democracy (Next Available Change 10/12/2007)
Your people are happy with this government type.
National Religion:    
[Buddhism]    (Next Available Change 10/9/2007)
Your people are happy with this national religion.
Nation Team:    [Team: Maroon] - Maroon - Team Information Panel
Nation Created:    4/27/2007 7:31:10 PM (178 days old)
Technology:    301.45
Infrastructure:    1,271.54
Tax Rate:    28% (This high tax rate angers your citizens.)
Area of Influence:    566.048 mile diameter.
476.955 from purchases/sales/gains, 89.093 from natural growth.
War/Peace Preference:    War is an option for RemingtonEmpire.
My Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Connected Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier efficiency +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Cattle – Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial land cost -10%.] [Fish - Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers initial land cost -5%.] [Gems – Increases citizen’s daily income +$1.50 and increases toniculation happiness +2.5.] [Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers initial infrastructure costs -5%, lowers tank cost and upkeep costs -5%.] [Lumber – Lowers inital infrastructure cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.] [Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -10%.] [Pigs – Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier efficiency +15%, and increases toniculation +3.5%.] [Spices – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases toniculation happiness +2.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ] [Wheat – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5% and increases number of citizens +8%.]
Bonus Resources:    [Fast Food - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Cattle, Sugar, Spices, and Pigs.] [Construction - Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.]
Improvements:    Banks: 5, Clinics: 2, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Schools: 3,
National Wonders:    No national wonders.
Environment:    [Your nation's environment is quite clean. A clean environment leads to increased and happier citizen counts.] 3.00
Senate Votes:    0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank:    Ranked #7,730 of 31,727 Nations (24.4%)
Nation Strength:    11,214.283
Efficiency:    63.00
DEFCON Level:    [DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness.]
Threat Level:    [Low Risk of a Terrorist Spy Attack]
Number of Soldiers:    7,808 (11,637)
     Defending Soldiers:
   7,808 (11,637)
     Deployed Soldiers:
   0 (0)
Number of Tanks:    0
     Defending Tanks:
     Deployed Tanks:
Aircraft:    0
Number of Cruise Missiles:    0
Number of Nuclear Weapons:    0
Number of Spies:    3
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.    18,193 Attacking + 15,827 Defending = 34,020 Casualties
_:. toniculation Information
Total toniculation:    21,076 Supporters
Primary Ethnic Group:    Mixed
toniculation Happiness:    [Your toniculation is in love with you.] 23.30
toniculation Per Mile:    37.23 toniculation Per Mile.
     Military Personnel:
   7,808 (11,637) Soldiers
13,268 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day:    $134.89 (A solid economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day    $37.77
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes)    $97.12
_:. Government Financial
Current Dollars Available:    $11,073,180.55   (Surplus)

i love the levy once i can collect i will go up a whole lot

Random lnsanity / RemingtonEmpire
« on: October 04, 2007, 08:19:38 pm »
Your toniculation density of 33.91 toniculation per mile is at a good level at this time. Your military of 7,808 (12,801) soldiers is considered adequate strength for the size of RemingtonEmpire. The infrastructure of RemingtonEmpire is adequate at the time with a level of 1,063.77.
_:. Government Information
Nation Name:    RemingtonEmpire
Ruler:    Remington
Last Donation:    No donations on record.
Last Activity:    10/4/2007 7:49:03 AM
National Flag:    
Alliance Affiliation:    Random Insanity Alliance [Alliance Statistics] [Alliance Rankings] [Alliance Map]
About RemingtonEmpire:    
Viva la RIA!!!!!!  
Government Type:    Federal Government (Next Available Change 9/21/2007)
Your people are happy with this government type.
National Religion:    
[Shinto]    (Next Available Change 10/6/2007)
Your people approve of this national religion but the majority of your people would prefer something else. They desire to follow a religion that seeks freedom from greed, hatred and delusion, and enlightenment through realizing the Four Noble Truths and following the Eightfold Path.
Nation Team:    [Team: Maroon] - Maroon - Team Information Panel
Nation Created:    4/27/2007 7:31:10 PM (160 days old)
Technology:    244.45
Infrastructure:    1,063.77
Tax Rate:    28% (This high tax rate angers your citizens.)
Area of Influence:    534.335 mile diameter.
454.242 from purchases/sales/gains, 80.093 from natural growth.
War/Peace Preference:    War is an option for RemingtonEmpire.
My Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier count +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Connected Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier count +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Cattle – Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial land cost -10%.] [Fish - Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers initial land cost -5%.] [Gems – Increases citizen’s daily income +$1.50 and increases toniculation happiness +2.5.] [Gold – Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.00 and lowers technology cost by 5%.] [Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers initial infrastructure costs -5%, lowers tank cost and upkeep costs -5%.] [Lumber – Lowers inital infrastructure cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.] [Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -10%.] [Oil - Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, increases toniculation happiness +1.5, increases soldier count +10%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -4%.] [Pigs – Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier count +15%, and increases toniculation +3.5%.] [Spices – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases toniculation happiness +2.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Bonus Resources:    [Fast Food - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Cattle, Sugar, Spices, and Pigs.] [Construction - Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.]
Improvements:    Banks: 5, Clinics: 2, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Schools: 3,
National Wonders:    No national wonders.
Environment:    [Your nation's environment is decently clean. A clean environment leads to increased and happier citizen counts.] 4.00
Senate Votes:    0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank:    Ranked #8,441 of 31,373 Nations (26.9%)
Nation Strength:    9,450.959
Efficiency:    59.07
DEFCON Level:    [DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness.]
Threat Level:    [Low Risk of a Terrorist Spy Attack]
Number of Soldiers:    7,808 (12,801)
     Defending Soldiers:
   7,808 (12,801)
     Deployed Soldiers:
   0 (0)
Number of Tanks:    0
     Defending Tanks:
     Deployed Tanks:
Aircraft:    0
Number of Cruise Missiles:    0
Number of Nuclear Weapons:    0
Number of Spies:    0
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.    18,193 Attacking + 15,827 Defending = 34,020 Casualties
_:. toniculation Information
Total toniculation:    18,119 Supporters
Primary Ethnic Group:    Mixed
toniculation Happiness:    [Your toniculation is in love with you.] 21.40
toniculation Per Mile:    33.91 toniculation Per Mile.
     Military Personnel:
   7,808 (12,801) Soldiers
10,311 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day:    $134.07 (A solid economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day    $37.54
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes)    $96.53
_:. Government Financial
Current Dollars Available:    $6.10   (Surplus)

Random lnsanity / question
« on: October 02, 2007, 11:48:59 am »
if i had some improvements and then i lost the citizens to have them i know i dont loose the improvements but do they still have effect or do i have to get that amount of citizens again for them to take affect?

Random lnsanity / RemingtonEmpire
« on: October 02, 2007, 11:29:19 am »
Your toniculation density of 32.93 toniculation per mile is at a good level at this time. Your military of 7,684 (12,597) soldiers is considered adequate strength for the size of RemingtonEmpire. The infrastructure of RemingtonEmpire is adequate at the time with a level of 1,018.15.
_:. Government Information
Nation Name:    RemingtonEmpire
Ruler:    Remington
Last Donation:    No donations on record.
Last Activity:    10/2/2007 9:01:42 AM
National Flag:    
Alliance Affiliation:    Random Insanity Alliance [Alliance Statistics] [Alliance Rankings] [Alliance Map]
About RemingtonEmpire:    
Viva la RIA!!!!!!  
Government Type:    Federal Government (Next Available Change 9/21/2007)
Your people are happy with this government type.
National Religion:    
[Confucianism]    (Next Available Change 9/15/2007)
Your people are happy with this national religion.
Nation Team:    [Team: Maroon] - Maroon - Team Information Panel
Nation Created:    4/27/2007 7:31:10 PM (158 days old)
Technology:    244.45
Infrastructure:    1,018.15
Tax Rate:    28% (This high tax rate angers your citizens.)
Area of Influence:    533.335 mile diameter.
454.242 from purchases/sales/gains, 79.093 from natural growth.
War/Peace Preference:    War is an option for RemingtonEmpire.
My Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier count +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Connected Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier count +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Cattle – Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial land cost -10%.] [Fish - Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers initial land cost -5%.] [Gems – Increases citizen’s daily income +$1.50 and increases toniculation happiness +2.5.] [Gold – Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.00 and lowers technology cost by 5%.] [Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers initial infrastructure costs -5%, lowers tank cost and upkeep costs -5%.] [Lumber – Lowers inital infrastructure cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.] [Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -10%.] [Oil - Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, increases toniculation happiness +1.5, increases soldier count +10%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -4%.] [Pigs – Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier count +15%, and increases toniculation +3.5%.] [Spices – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases toniculation happiness +2.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Bonus Resources:    [Fast Food - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Cattle, Sugar, Spices, and Pigs.] [Construction - Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.]
Improvements:    Banks: 5, Clinics: 2, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Schools: 3,
National Wonders:    No national wonders.
Environment:    [Your nation's environment is decently clean. A clean environment leads to increased and happier citizen counts.] 4.00
Senate Votes:    0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank:    Ranked #8,527 of 31,236 Nations (27.3%)
Nation Strength:    9,301.709
Efficiency:    58.87
DEFCON Level:    [DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness.]
Threat Level:    [Low Risk of a Terrorist Spy Attack]
Number of Soldiers:    7,684 (12,597)
     Defending Soldiers:
   7,684 (12,597)
     Deployed Soldiers:
   0 (0)
Number of Tanks:    0
     Deployed Tanks:
     Defending Tanks:
Aircraft:    0
Number of Cruise Missiles:    0
Number of Nuclear Weapons:    0
Number of Spies:    0
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.    18,193 Attacking + 15,827 Defending = 34,020 Casualties
_:. toniculation Information
Total toniculation:    17,564 Supporters
Primary Ethnic Group:    Mixed
toniculation Happiness:    [Your toniculation is in love with you.] 22.40
toniculation Per Mile:    32.93 toniculation Per Mile.
     Military Personnel:
   7,684 (12,597) Soldiers
9,880 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day:    $137.34 (A solid economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day    $38.45
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes)    $98.89
_:. Government Financial
Current Dollars Available:    $0.00   (Breaking Even)

Random lnsanity / RemingtonEmpire
« on: September 30, 2007, 08:31:44 pm »
Your toniculation density of 24.55 toniculation per mile is at a good level at this time. Your military of 3,244 (5,318) soldiers is considered adequate strength for the size of RemingtonEmpire. The infrastructure of RemingtonEmpire is adequate at the time with a level of 989.26.
_:. Government Information
Nation Name:    RemingtonEmpire
Ruler:    Remington
Last Donation:    No donations on record.
Last Activity:    9/30/2007 9:59:10 AM
National Flag:    
Alliance Affiliation:    Random Insanity Alliance [Alliance Statistics] [Alliance Rankings] [Alliance Map]
About RemingtonEmpire:    
Viva la RIA!!!!!!  
Government Type:    Federal Government (Next Available Change 9/21/2007)
Your people are happy with this government type.
National Religion:    
[Confucianism]    (Next Available Change 9/15/2007)
Your people are happy with this national religion.
Nation Team:    [Team: Maroon] - Maroon - Team Information Panel
Nation Created:    4/27/2007 7:31:10 PM (156 days old)
Technology:    184.45
Infrastructure:    989.26
Tax Rate:    28% (This high tax rate angers your citizens.)
Area of Influence:    523.600 mile diameter.
445.507 from purchases/sales/gains, 78.093 from natural growth.
War/Peace Preference:    War is an option for RemingtonEmpire.
My Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier count +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Connected Resources:    [Aluminum – Increases soldier count +20%, lowers inital infrastructure cost -7%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -8%.] [Cattle – Increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial land cost -10%.] [Fish - Increases number of citizens +8% and lowers initial land cost -5%.] [Gems – Increases citizen’s daily income +$1.50 and increases toniculation happiness +2.5.] [Gold – Increases citizen’s daily income +$3.00 and lowers technology cost by 5%.] [Iron – Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -10%, lowers initial infrastructure costs -5%, lowers tank cost and upkeep costs -5%.] [Lumber – Lowers inital infrastructure cost -6% and lowers infrastructure upkeep costs -8%.] [Marble – Lower inital infrastructure cost -10%.] [Oil - Lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, increases toniculation happiness +1.5, increases soldier count +10%, and lowers initial cost of aircraft -4%.] [Pigs – Lowers soldier upkeep cost -$0.50, increases soldier count +15%, and increases toniculation +3.5%.] [Spices – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 8% and increases toniculation happiness +2.] [Sugar – Increases the purchased land area of a nation by 5%, increases number of citizens +3%, and increases toniculation happiness +1. ]
Bonus Resources:    [Fast Food - Increases toniculation happiness + 2. Requires Cattle, Sugar, Spices, and Pigs.] [Construction - Reduces infrastructure cost -5% and raises the aircraft limit +10. Requires Lumber, Iron, Marble, Aluminum, and a technology level greater than 5.]
Improvements:    Banks: 5, Clinics: 2, Factories: 5, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Schools: 3,
National Wonders:    No national wonders.
Environment:    [Your nation's environment is quite clean. A clean environment leads to increased and happier citizen counts.] 3.00
Senate Votes:    0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank:    Ranked #10,075 of 31,244 Nations (32.2%)
Nation Strength:    7,559.708
Efficiency:    48.46
DEFCON Level:    [DEFCON 5 - Normal peacetime military readiness.]
Threat Level:    [Low Risk of a Terrorist Spy Attack]
Number of Soldiers:    3,244 (5,318)
     Defending Soldiers:
   3,244 (5,318)
     Deployed Soldiers:
   0 (0)
Number of Tanks:    0
     Deployed Tanks:
     Defending Tanks:
Aircraft:    0
Number of Cruise Missiles:    0
Number of Nuclear Weapons:    0
Number of Spies:    0
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars.    18,193 Attacking + 15,827 Defending = 34,020 Casualties
_:. toniculation Information
Total toniculation:    12,855 Supporters
Primary Ethnic Group:    Mixed
toniculation Happiness:    [Your toniculation is in love with you.] 22.49
toniculation Per Mile:    24.55 toniculation Per Mile.
     Military Personnel:
   3,244 (5,318) Soldiers
9,611 Working Citizens
Avg. Gross Income Per Individual Per Day:    $137.64 (A solid economy)
Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day    $38.54
Avg. Net Daily toniculation Income (After Taxes)    $99.10
_:. Government Financial
Current Dollars Available:    $219,508.00   (Surplus)

Random lnsanity / leaving
« on: September 26, 2007, 06:32:35 am »
glad to be back

Random lnsanity / leaving
« on: September 25, 2007, 02:45:51 pm »
my new alliance was made with a couple of real life friends and they wanted me to do all the work on making the forums and basically run in with them just in it and well i didnt have the time to do it.

Random lnsanity / leaving
« on: September 25, 2007, 06:48:24 am »
im back

Random lnsanity / leaving
« on: September 23, 2007, 09:31:40 pm »
i just want everyone to know that if the RIA ever disbands or anything then you have a home that you can come too and again goodbye to everyone.

Random lnsanity / leaving
« on: September 22, 2007, 03:24:58 pm »
i hope that one day when i alliance has reached its full potential that we will be able to help the RIA any way we can and i hope to keep good relationships with the RIA

Random lnsanity / leaving
« on: September 22, 2007, 08:59:01 am »
sorry didnt know that would a mod plz move this

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Head of Internal Affairs:

Head of Military Operations: