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Messages - Joland

Pages: [1]
Random lnsanity / Re: Kaskus, the very definition of professionalism.
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:31:10 am »
I had almost 1800 days in CN : happy nice days.

And few nightmarish days inside this horrible alliance Kaskus.
These guys are professional stalkers and harassers, they never let go,
they spend all their lives only online, just to harass and stalk the RL person

I am not part of Kaskus anymore.

I left because I was disgusted with so much hate, bullying and harassment.

I exposed them and they spend all their time online trying to destroy me IRL as well...
what they do is OOC

Kaskus members only attack the weakest, look at how they all gang up nuking my nation...

Ok this is how Kaskus (green) is how they "conduct" their politics: only threats, insults, personal OOC attacks,
more insults, etc, while I am civilised but just tired of their constant harassing me:

Unknown Smurf high debit of absolute lies is truely very sad.

Unknown Smurf : "And then he went and targetted my family and my kids and put a gun to their heads.
OMG this guy is so sick, this is why I have to stalk him everywhere, and divert everyone's attention
from the fact that we Kaskus have been b u l y i n g him and harassing him actually for more than 2 weeks now
everyday, attacked him, told him insults on regular basis,
but as long as everyone believes us without never checking anything, yes,
we can continue to say this BS story of how Joland went to the workplace of our leader,
and kidnapped her little daughters,
and threatened them blablablablabla"

Unknown Smurf has no shame, he is down to say anything that would make someone else feel pity for him

I fully support his course of action. It was retaliatory

it was Unknown Smurf, I have even screenshots with him
asking me to spy on NSO and to give him the results of the spy operations.

Unknown Smurf lies and twists things completely to an extent never seen before.

3) Another lie from master liar Unknown Smurf.

I left peace mode because I had taxes collected at the same level as bills,
so I was not making profit every day.

4) Lord Bitburg is Kaskus. So I was attacked by Kaskus.

5) It was not a real switch. It was just the type of BS that Kaskus usually does: lies,
cheating, trahison, etc

6) That is a total lie and has nothing true in it.
I have no idea who is his family and I never cared.

Unknown Smurf makes up these things on the spot, to get pity and people to forget about
what they do.

I never ever targetted nobody OOC - this is only what Kaskus did.

These guys from Kaskus are professional liars

I left because I could not stand anymore the bulying, the hating
and the personal OOC attacks.
Only because I was not part of their mafia "family"

For many days, Kaskus members have been stalking me,
harassing me and insulting constantly.

They make me really want to quit CN forever, seeing that such toxic oxying behaviour
and violent personal OOC attacks are allowed here in CN world,
and most of the time, what really matters is only how cool they can act,
how well they can lie

Because this is what Kaskus do all day long... there is no trace of honour
or honesty in them: look how they gang up 3 big nations to hit me
only because I got tired of all their hate and oxying and left from Kaskus,


Thank you guys.

You decide how I can be most useful.

Thank you


Once I left Kaskus, Kaskus nations attacked me  behind my back

Unknown Smurf is the one who assigns the targetted nations that he wants to be hit.

One of their main strategies is to attack the leaders of Shangri La and RIA
in order to put them into Bill-lock

Kaskus war strategists usually follow these rules:

- they do all of their attacks starting 20 minutes before the update and 5 minutes after the 00:00 AM update
- they coordinate attacks on each nation, through their facebook group
of the alliances that they attack

The 90 days I was member of Kaskus
were the worst days ever, all they do is hate on everyone else,
especially Shangri La and RIA :(

Random lnsanity / Kaskus war
« on: November 05, 2013, 11:02:09 am »
Greetings Awesome members,

I am all for RIA, please win this war.

Thank you


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