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Messages - cptgodzilla

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i will take the money and invest it in a box of tampons. I will then have change and be the #1 expert on tampons

Random lnsanity / GOD DAMN IT ALL.
« on: January 04, 2008, 12:06:44 pm »
don't say my name in vein

Random lnsanity / Announcing Temple of Moth!
« on: October 24, 2007, 05:28:11 pm »
there you happy? we threw him in a box

=-=   Mode #RIA +v KaiserMartens by Cpt[GOD]zilla
   * KaiserMartens   drops from a plane.
   <KaiserMartens>   Hai.
   <Joker55>   Hello everybody
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   Y HELO THAR, SIR?
   <Joker55>   KaiserMartens? Unexpected o_O
   <KaiserMartens>   I have come to take your blood.
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   HOW WAS THE FLIGHT?
   <KaiserMartens>   Shaky.
   <KaiserMartens>   Those pesky 6 inch AA cannons keep trying to hit us.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Hi KM
   <Joker55>   Anyway, about this blood, I just donated...maybe some other time?
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   you're lucky ria didn't pull out their cp
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   i heard that thing was a good 12 incher
   <KaiserMartens>   cp?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   What?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Chaos poet
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   captain planet
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   both of those
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   both of them have 12 inch cocks >_>
   <KaiserMartens>   captain planet, lol
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Three each
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   XD
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   both of them have a 12 incher?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Both of them have three 12 inchers
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   <_<
   <KaiserMartens>   I don't think we're talking about the same thing <_<
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Anyway XD whats up KaiseR?
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   <_<
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   well you were talking about 6 in cannons
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Kaiser ToA nao!
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   <_<
   <Joker55>   Well, we are talking about "guns"...
   -->|   CaptainJuan[Fark] (~Mike@synIRC-B4763CF9.rh.luc.edu) has joined #ria
   =-=   Mode #RIA +v CaptainJuan[Fark] by ChanServ
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   and i said they might bring out their CP (captain planet)
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   which
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   well.. this guy's cock won the election to be CP
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD Kenny
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   That crazy bastard
   <Joker55>   Yeah. We elected a real dick to be our Captain Planet.
   <KaiserMartens>   ToA...ToA...you mean Treaty of Autodestruction? : D
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD Kenny's cock is the right
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   so i decided to mix it in with inches.. they might pull out their cp (12 in)
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh noes you found out our secret plan!
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   from the look at it
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   it could probably shoot cannonballs
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I was thinking penises for some reason
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   or AA flak
   <KaiserMartens>   You and penises <_<
   * KaiserMartens   shakes his head.
   * crazyisraelie[RIA]   goes to sit in the corner
   <KaiserMartens>   Bad boy.
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   yup
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   you're here a day late kaiser
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   GET OFF ME! I am gay pervert 15 year old boy!
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   What else do you expect!
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   last night we were having a discussion
   <Joker55>   Cannonballs and flak coming out through your, uh, how do I say it delicately, dickhole would be unimaginably painful no matter how big your penis was >_<
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   an intellectual discusssion
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XFD
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   about who knows hell what
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD that turned gay
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   but it was intellectual
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   for about an hour
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Every conversation in the RIA channel has to turn gay
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   then turned gay
   <KaiserMartens>   I think you mean urethra.
   <KaiserMartens>   Is that an official rule, CI? lol
   <Joker55>   Urethra is correct, but it just doesn't have the same zazz.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   and by gay Kaiser I mean like true male-male gay sex discussion
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   YES it is
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   <_<
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   not an official rule
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   more
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Wait no
   <KaiserMartens>   Shit. >_>
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   one of those unwritten rules of #RIA
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   The official rule is to have a fanged anus
   <Joker55>   The official rule is that every coversation in the RIA channel CI is involved in has to turn gay >_>
   <KaiserMartens>   And I thought I could remain in my closet for a while longer : /
   <KaiserMartens>   you and your rules.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   [00:45] <%crazyisraelie[RIA]> The official rule is to have a fanged anus
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Ask Vintus about that one!
   =-=   Joker55 is now known as Joker55[RIA]
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   its in the unwritten guidelines of #RIA
   * crazyisraelie[RIA]   buttsecks KaiserMartens
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   nothings official
   <KaiserMartens>   Sorry, too small <_<
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   por example
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh lawd >_> Damnit!
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   you always discriminate against the jew
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   WHY DAMNIT WHY!
   <KaiserMartens>   Its not against the jew...
   <KaiserMartens>   its against the gay, crazy, random jew : D
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   believe me
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   you just leave it at jew.. and it catches the whole heard
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I pretty much hit like three minority groups right there
   <KaiserMartens>   hahahaha
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh yeah and I am Russian >_>
   <Joker55[RIA]>   Now, if he was FuhrerMartens, it'd be off to the gas chambers! *cough* Too sensitive? <_<; ;>_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Almost full blooded Russian too >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   ...
   <KaiserMartens>   So wait
   =-=   Joker55[RIA] was booted from #ria by crazyisraelie[RIA] (MOTHERFUCKER!)
   <KaiserMartens>   you're a jewish gay crazy slav communist.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I am not a communist
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I hate communism
   -->|   Joker55[RIA] (www-data@synIRC-4F080B2.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #ria
   <KaiserMartens>   It doesn't matters. Communism loves you.
   <KaiserMartens>   Kinda like jesus
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   My family left Russian during the last Czar Regime
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   So sorry
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Not communist
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   1904
   =-=   Mode #RIA +v Joker55[RIA] by crazyisraelie[RIA]
   =-=   Joker55[RIA] is now known as Joker55
   <Joker55>   >_> Sorry if I offended anybody
   <KaiserMartens>   They stole your family's jew gold? (South park reference >_>)
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   THe fake Jew gold yes
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   but not the real stuff
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <CaptainJuan[Fark]>   coming from a guy named Kaiser Martens...
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Its somewhere up my ass somewhere >_>
   <KaiserMartens>   ....
   <KaiserMartens>   Are you trying to tempt me to look for it?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XFD
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh god that was great
   <KaiserMartens>   #RIA is great. Only channel in which I can be politically incorrect and its okay >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Well not to politically incorrect
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   but as long as at least everyone is offended equally
   <Joker55>   Are we really the only one? I hope not D:
   <KaiserMartens>   Feel free to offend me then, lol.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   We are the only cool one!
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Hmm let see
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Arent you brazilian?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Wait Agentian?
   <KaiserMartens>   Argentina.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Damnit I could say mexican
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   but that wouldnt work right
   <KaiserMartens>   Mexico, lol
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   To far apart
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Damnit Kaiser!
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   YOU RUIN EVERYTHING FUN
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   YOUR THE REASON WE CANT have nice things!
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Now go take over Norway already
   <KaiserMartens>   I did. Norway just hasn't realized it yet.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Stupid Norwaigns
   <KaiserMartens>   Don't make me speak in NoRsk
   <KaiserMartens>   like in that treaty
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh god no
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I would have to kill Joker then
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <Joker55>   ..why me?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Because you fuck sheep
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   SHEEPFUCKER
   <Joker55>   Oh.
   <Joker55>   Just because I'm a percentage of Scots that I don't even know, I have to be a sheepfucker.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD I am Scottish too
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   and English
   <Joker55>   Uh huh, yeah, you say that now to minimize the damage. But I'm still highly offended.
   * crazyisraelie[RIA]   sucks it
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <Joker55>   Next thing you know you'll be making jokes about seven course Irish dinners and lederhosen to further mock my heritage.
   <KaiserMartens>   Ew, he sucked it.
   <Joker55>   A seven course Irish dinner, is, of course, a six pack and a baked potato.
   <CaptainJuan[Fark]>   7 course irish dinners? Beer beer beer beer beer beer beer.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_> I dont even know what "IT" is
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <CaptainJuan[Fark]>   oh, i was close, joket.
   |<--   tweek has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: Leaving!)
   <CaptainJuan[Fark]>   *r
   <Joker55>   Close but no cigar >:D
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Kaiser I challenged Lanna to a I can give head better then you
   <CaptainJuan[Fark]>   contest?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   contest, but she still hasnt accepted iot
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   it*
   <KaiserMartens>   Hmm...
   <KaiserMartens>   I'll judge <_<
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD are you really willing to get your dick sucked by a guy?
   <KaiserMartens>   Don't get your hopes up..
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Awwww damnit! They were really high too!
   * crazyisraelie[RIA]   crys out
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <Joker55>   Do it through a glory hole. You can maintain "plausible deniability" ;D
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD
   <KaiserMartens>   heh
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Hmmm I need to find a way to get a didlo >_>
   <CaptainJuan[Fark]>   ...
   <KaiserMartens>   ...<_<
   <CaptainJuan[Fark]>   steal your mom's
   <KaiserMartens>   to practice...orr....
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD >_>
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   here... me and kaiser will be judges
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Ummm >_> yeah both
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   we throw crazy in a bucket with a hole in the top
   <KaiserMartens>   I dont' want anything to do with a dildo though o_o
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   and throw lanna in a different bucket with a hole in the top
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   and like switch em around a stuff
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XFD
   <Lanna>   What do I have to do with this?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_tickler
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   then we flip coins on who had to put their dick into hole A
   <Joker55>   It'll be like the Pepsi challenge.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Lanna I challenge you to a Dick sucking contest
   <Joker55>   Except with cock sucking
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   and the loser puts theirs in hole B
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   To see who can give better head!
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   then after 10 minutes, we switch
   <Lanna>   Oh, gosh. lol
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   as in
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   i go to A then kaiser goes to B
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   ex
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   then we leace
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Do you accept Lanna?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <Cpt[GOD]zilla>   leave*
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Kaiser btw there is a RIA channel on Coldfront
   <KaiserMartens>   Hi Lanna.
   <KaiserMartens>   <_<
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   but Just me and a guy that doesnt even play CN
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   So this channel and server is better for the BUTTSECKS!
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   LANNA! Do you accept?
   * crazyisraelie[RIA]   slaps Lanna with a rainbow trout
   <Lanna>   Heya, Kaiser... er, whoever you are?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   LANNA!
   <Lanna>   No... I can't accept. There's only one person I'll do stuff with. >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   DAMNIT!
   * KaiserMartens   snaps his fingers.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Well this proves I give better head
   <KaiserMartens>   I'm just some kraut : D
   <Lanna>   What's kraut?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   your too afriad to challenge me
   <Lanna>   >_<
   <Lanna>   I am not. lol
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <KaiserMartens>   Then prove it.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Then why dont you accept >_>
   <Lanna>   Azural, do I have permission?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   and be able to do this in three years
   * Lanna   pokes Azural
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   when I am legal >_>
   <Lanna>   Honey???
   <Lanna>   That's a no.
   * Lanna   huggles Azural
   * Azural   huggles Lanna
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   T_T Azuzuz is afraid I will win
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   <_<
   <Azural>   lol, I'm not.
   <KaiserMartens>   CI, you can just suck Azural too and he'll judge you
   <KaiserMartens>   lol
   <Azural>   No.
   <Joker55>   hahaha
   <Lanna>   No.
   <Big_Z[GOD]>   XD
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh lawd this is great
   <KaiserMartens>   Hahahah.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh shit someone just dropped a penny!
   * crazyisraelie[RIA]   jumps on penny
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   MINE!
   <Joker55>   I'M NOT HUMPING YOU
   <Joker55>   Er.
   <Joker55>   Oh.
   <Joker55>   You didn't bend over to get it.
   <Joker55>   I'm still not gonna hump you. >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Well I am already naked
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   so
   * crazyisraelie[RIA]   bends over
   <KaiserMartens>   ...
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Any takers?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   >_>
   <Lanna>   Lane, go find Victor.
   <Azural>   lol
   * Joker55   backs away slowly.
   <Azural>   He'll let you lick his balls.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD He would >_>
   <Lanna>   Or Vintus.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XD
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I wish my friend would come out of the closet already >_>
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I know he is gay! but he just doesnt admit it yet!
   <Joker55>   This chat has been so foul. >_>
   <Azural>   lol
   <Azural>   This is nothing.
   =-=   Joker55 was booted from #ria by crazyisraelie[RIA] (Foul this)
   <Lanna>   Even if he is gay, doesn't mean the only thing you focus on is sex.
   |<--   Logan[Tetris] has left irc.synirc.net (Ping timeout)
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I know
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   I would love to be in a relationship with him
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   He so smart and sweet >_>
   -->|   Joker55 (www-data@synIRC-4F080B2.hsd1.pa.comcast.net) has joined #ria
   =-=   Mode #RIA +v Joker55 by ChanServ
   <Lanna>   How cute.
   <Joker55>   Nothing? I don't want to know what tops 12 inch dicks shooting cannonballs and flak from their urethras.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Oh yeah he is!
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   XFD
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Someone has to save this and post it on the RIA boards
   <Lanna>   lol
   <Azural>   Why don't you do it?
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Also you all just lost the game!
   <Azural>   Bastard.
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   ^_^
   <Azural>   v_v
   <crazyisraelie[RIA]>   Score three for the gay jew!

Ambassador Sign-Ups / 'nother GOD mask
« on: October 06, 2007, 10:19:32 pm »
Your Nation's Ruler: CptGodzilla
Your Alliance: Global Order of Darkness
Your Alliance's Initials: GOD
Your Alliance's primary team color: maroon
URL to your alliance's forum: http://god.demonsdesire.org

big_Z asked me to join him

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