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Messages - Big_Z

Pages: [1]
Ambassador Sign-Ups / Re: Dear Cupcake,
« on: March 23, 2010, 08:43:26 pm »
Oh lordy, not another one of these guys. Come to wipe the dust off your super-special embassy?  :D

Totally. Plus I know you guys miss my avatar :P

Ambassador Sign-Ups / Dear Cupcake,
« on: March 23, 2010, 07:38:51 pm »
Please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket...

Also an SF mask

Your Nation's Ruler: Big Z
Your Alliance: Global Order of Darkness
Your Alliance's Initials: GOD
Your Alliance's primary team color: Maroon
URL to your alliance's forum: http://god.demonsdesire.org/index.php?act=idx

Ambassador Sign-Ups / hi i'm in MK again
« on: January 03, 2010, 11:36:53 am »
So which reroll is this again, EL?

Tech Trades / Buying tech
« on: October 21, 2009, 10:27:45 pm »
I'm buying tech. 3 mil/100. Post here or pm me ingame.

Random lnsanity / Long read, but SO FUCKING WORTH IT
« on: April 07, 2008, 10:32:30 pm »

[2008-04-07 19:39:24] <MaskofBlue> o.O
[2008-04-07 19:39:28] <MaskofBlue> lol how?
[2008-04-07 19:39:34] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 19:39:35] <Dilber> cs commands
[2008-04-07 19:39:42] <MaskofBlue> can you clear the chan from outside too?
[2008-04-07 19:39:53] <Delta1212[RIA]> Dilber is an IRC Splinter Cell
[2008-04-07 19:39:53] <Azural> Probably.
[2008-04-07 19:39:56] <Azural> Go for it.
[2008-04-07 19:40:03] <xman> hello me and my friend stared our own private military contractor allinace and wonder if ur interseted in our service
[2008-04-07 19:40:10] <Lanna[RIA]> ...
[2008-04-07 19:40:12] <Lanna[RIA]> >_>
[2008-04-07 19:40:16] <Lanna[RIA]> I am!
[2008-04-07 19:40:18] <Lanna[RIA]> Pick me!
[2008-04-07 19:40:27] <Delta1212[RIA]> No, me!
[2008-04-07 19:40:35] <Lanna[RIA]> NO, I SAID IT FIRST!
[2008-04-07 19:40:44] <MaskofBlue> if its a back rub I can use it
[2008-04-07 19:40:51] <MaskofBlue> what kind of service?
[2008-04-07 19:40:52] <Delta1212[RIA]> I'm hiring you! Attack Lanna so I get you!
[2008-04-07 19:40:53] <MaskofBlue> o.o
[2008-04-07 19:40:58] <Lanna[RIA]>
[2008-04-07 19:40:59] <xman> umm ..heres our link just place ur contract:http://z9.invisionfree.com/AFSOC/index.php?act=idx
[2008-04-07 19:41:00] <Lanna[RIA]> OH SHI
[2008-04-07 19:41:14] <Delta1212[RIA]> Wait no, better yet
[2008-04-07 19:41:14] <Azural> Link doesn't work.
[2008-04-07 19:41:18] <Azural> Learn to use spaces.
[2008-04-07 19:41:20] <Lanna[RIA]> Baby, Nigga Cook is hiring someone to kick me.
[2008-04-07 19:41:21] <Dilber> answer is yes
[2008-04-07 19:41:23] <MaskofBlue> lol Az
[2008-04-07 19:41:25] <Lanna[RIA]> KICK HIS ASS NOW!
[2008-04-07 19:41:26] <Dilber> you can clear users
[2008-04-07 19:41:27] <Delta1212[RIA]> I will give you 15 mil if you go kick Archon right now
[2008-04-07 19:41:33] <Dilber> I just cleared everyone
[2008-04-07 19:41:38] <xman> http://z9.invisionfree.com/AFSOC/index.php?act=idx
[2008-04-07 19:41:39] <Lanna[RIA]> lol, I saw that.
[2008-04-07 19:41:40] <xman> there
[2008-04-07 19:42:08] <MaskofBlue> hahaha
[2008-04-07 19:42:11] <MaskofBlue> Dilber <3
[2008-04-07 19:42:12] <MaskofBlue>
[2008-04-07 19:42:18] <xman> we dont want to make our allince big...for reasons
[2008-04-07 19:42:23] <Dilber> What are people saying in there now?
[2008-04-07 19:42:24] <Dilber> heh
[2008-04-07 19:42:36] <Azural> "ZOMG WHAT HAPPENED"
[2008-04-07 19:42:42] <Azural> "He's not even in ehre!!!!!!1"
[2008-04-07 19:42:57] <Azural> <Commisar|MK> WHAT IS GOING ON
[2008-04-07 19:43:51] <xman> so interested?
[2008-04-07 19:44:03] <Azural> <Azural> Link doesn't work.
[2008-04-07 19:44:04] <Azural> <Azural> Learn to use spaces.
[2008-04-07 19:44:07] <Azural> <_<
[2008-04-07 19:44:10] <Lanna[RIA]> So...
[2008-04-07 19:44:13] <Lanna[RIA]> Lets merge.
[2008-04-07 19:44:26] <xman> k..
[2008-04-07 19:45:02] <Delta1212[RIA]> XD
[2008-04-07 19:45:14] <xman> link works fine
[2008-04-07 19:45:20] <xman> put in in ur url
[2008-04-07 19:45:29] <xman> it'll work,trust me
[2008-04-07 19:45:51] <Azural> Or you could, you know, post it again without something in front of it.
[2008-04-07 19:45:57] <Azural> So us lazy people can just click on it here.
[2008-04-07 19:46:03] <xman>           http://z9.invisionfree.com/AFSOC/index.php?act=idx
[2008-04-07 19:46:15] <Lanna[RIA]> Welcome to CN, where lazy people exist.
[2008-04-07 19:46:31] <Lanna[RIA]> What else do yall sell?
[2008-04-07 19:46:40] -->| Rocky44 (~rocky44@44A2ADF8.FE61A1C6.B123870B.IP) has joined #ria
[2008-04-07 19:46:40] =-= Mode #RIA +v Rocky44 by ChanServ
[2008-04-07 19:46:41] <Lanna[RIA]> I'm interested in... secks slavery. >_>
[2008-04-07 19:46:51] <xman> lol
[2008-04-07 19:47:01] -->| Salt (~Salt@synIRC-55318C65.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #ria
[2008-04-07 19:47:02] =-= Mode #RIA +v Salt by ChanServ
[2008-04-07 19:47:03] <xman> we take about any contract
[2008-04-07 19:47:06] <Delta1212[RIA]> Do you guys sell Lanna?
[2008-04-07 19:47:08] <Azural> So...
[2008-04-07 19:47:10] <Delta1212[RIA]> I would buy Lanna
[2008-04-07 19:47:12] <Rocky44> will you attack NPO?
[2008-04-07 19:47:12] <Rocky44> >_>
[2008-04-07 19:47:13] <Azural> Does this 'alliance' exist?
[2008-04-07 19:47:15] <Lanna[RIA]> Woah, I ain't for sell man.
[2008-04-07 19:47:15] <Salt> No mere difference in servers can stop me, Nigga Cook
[2008-04-07 19:47:17] <Salt> <.<
[2008-04-07 19:47:19] <Lanna[RIA]> I OWN PEOPLE
[2008-04-07 19:47:30] <xman> Npo which one..
[2008-04-07 19:47:44] <Delta1212[RIA]> The one with the bigger P...
[2008-04-07 19:47:47] <Delta1212[RIA]> Just P
[2008-04-07 19:47:49] <xman> NPO
[2008-04-07 19:47:52] <Joker[MK]> Rocky44 in my #ria wut
[2008-04-07 19:47:53] <Lanna[RIA]> P... as in, penis?!
[2008-04-07 19:47:55] <Salt> How expensive are your services?
[2008-04-07 19:48:01] <MaskofBlue> hey Salt
[2008-04-07 19:48:03] <xman> u name the price
[2008-04-07 19:48:09] <xman> but be resonable
[2008-04-07 19:48:15] <Lanna[RIA]> Okay.
[2008-04-07 19:48:17] <xman> we work in twos
[2008-04-07 19:48:20] <Lanna[RIA]> 1cent?
[2008-04-07 19:48:23] <Delta1212[RIA]> NPO for 18 mil?
[2008-04-07 19:48:29] <xman> like Army Of Two
[2008-04-07 19:48:30] <Delta1212[RIA]> That's be worth 18mil
[2008-04-07 19:48:35] <Lanna[RIA]> That's overpaying, dude.
[2008-04-07 19:48:43] <xman> well a specific nation
[2008-04-07 19:48:46] <Salt> Hai again MoB
[2008-04-07 19:48:46] <Delta1212[RIA]> What can I say, I'm generous
[2008-04-07 19:48:48] <Salt> Kay xman
[2008-04-07 19:48:52] <Delta1212[RIA]> How about Dilber
[2008-04-07 19:49:03] <Salt> I'll pay you 3 mil to attack this nation
[2008-04-07 19:49:03] <Salt> http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=41947
[2008-04-07 19:49:06] <Salt> Dealio?
[2008-04-07 19:49:15] <xman> post it on our fourms
[2008-04-07 19:49:39] <Salt>
[2008-04-07 19:49:43] <Lanna[RIA]> You should start a nation insurance agency.
[2008-04-07 19:49:44] <Salt> Why can't I set up a contract here?
[2008-04-07 19:50:12] <xman> well theres a reason y we havefoirms
[2008-04-07 19:50:16] <xman> fourms
[2008-04-07 19:50:23] <Lanna[RIA]> Well, then that's why we have IRC.
[2008-04-07 19:50:27] <Salt> But...This is easier for me <.<
[2008-04-07 19:50:33] <Salt> I'm right here, you're right here...
[2008-04-07 19:50:35] <xman> and we need nations with a medium to low NS
[2008-04-07 19:50:43] <xman> He's High
[2008-04-07 19:50:43] |<-- C-zom has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)
[2008-04-07 19:50:45] <Salt> That is a nation with a medium NS
[2008-04-07 19:50:49] <Salt> He can't even buy nukes!
[2008-04-07 19:50:53] <Salt> Pft, what a loser
[2008-04-07 19:50:55] <Salt> >.>
[2008-04-07 19:51:01] <xman> true...
[2008-04-07 19:51:02] <Azural> xman
[2008-04-07 19:51:06] <Salt> Actually
[2008-04-07 19:51:08] <xman> but we just started
[2008-04-07 19:51:12] <Lanna[RIA]> I say lets just attack Nigga Cook and get this over with.
[2008-04-07 19:51:13] <Azural> I'll give you 18m to attack this fucker. http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=204727
[2008-04-07 19:51:14] <Lanna[RIA]> Seriouslu.
[2008-04-07 19:51:16] <Salt> Attack my imposter... He stolez mah name.
[2008-04-07 19:51:31] <xman> tell u wat we attack a low ns for a low price
[2008-04-07 19:51:38] <Salt> http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=187527
[2008-04-07 19:51:46] -->| Anony (~none@synIRC-B9BEF8C8.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net) has joined #ria
[2008-04-07 19:51:46] =-= Mode #RIA +v Anony by ChanServ
[2008-04-07 19:51:48] <Salt> Attack him for free?
[2008-04-07 19:51:50] <Salt> He has really low NS
[2008-04-07 19:51:52] <Salt>
[2008-04-07 19:51:57] <Azural> http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=204727
[2008-04-07 19:51:59] <Azural> Attack him.
[2008-04-07 19:52:06] <Lanna[RIA]> OH SHI
[2008-04-07 19:52:10] <Lanna[RIA]> HE'S THE GOD OF SALT
[2008-04-07 19:52:15] <Azural>
[2008-04-07 19:52:16] <MaskofBlue> lol
[2008-04-07 19:52:17] <xman> k
[2008-04-07 19:52:18] <Lanna[RIA]> And Salt is just a grain of salt.
[2008-04-07 19:52:20] <Lanna[RIA]> XD
[2008-04-07 19:52:22] |<-- Jangel-GOD has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: Jangel-GOD)
[2008-04-07 19:52:23] <xman> price?
[2008-04-07 19:52:23] <Salt> No, he r an impostah
[2008-04-07 19:52:36] <Salt> Bastard, stealing my name...
[2008-04-07 19:52:45] <Azural> ZI him and I'll send you a shoe.
[2008-04-07 19:52:46] <xman> we'll send him in anrchy
[2008-04-07 19:52:48] <Salt> godofsalt =/= God of Salt
[2008-04-07 19:52:50] <xman> gurantee
[2008-04-07 19:52:59] <Delta1212[RIA]> I think this will end well
[2008-04-07 19:53:05] <Azural> Oh yes.
[2008-04-07 19:53:06] <Azural> Very well.
[2008-04-07 19:53:07] <Lanna[RIA]> It will.
[2008-04-07 19:53:10] <xman> just  a price
[2008-04-07 19:53:14] <xman> we need
[2008-04-07 19:53:15] <Lanna[RIA]> We will be satisfied.
[2008-04-07 19:53:38] <Azural> I gave you a price.
[2008-04-07 19:53:48] <Azural> And besides that, shouldn't you be picking the price?
[2008-04-07 19:53:50] <Azural> Idiot.
[2008-04-07 19:54:08] <Lanna[RIA]> WOAH
[2008-04-07 19:54:11] <Salt> Hay!
[2008-04-07 19:54:12] <Lanna[RIA]> Calm down, man.
[2008-04-07 19:54:15] <Salt> No name calling!
[2008-04-07 19:54:19] <Azural> Also
[2008-04-07 19:54:20] |<-- Joker[MK] has left irc.synirc.net (Quit: Trillian (http://www.ceruleanstudios.com)
[2008-04-07 19:54:23] <Lanna[RIA]> Or Imma make you drink vinegar.
[2008-04-07 19:54:25] <Azural> WHite text on no skin = fail
[2008-04-07 19:54:26] <--| Rocky44 has left #ria
[2008-04-07 19:54:29] <Porkers|TOH> i herd there was mercenary!
[2008-04-07 19:54:38] <xman> k...50k
[2008-04-07 19:54:45] <Porkers|TOH> lawl
[2008-04-07 19:54:46] <Delta1212[RIA]> XMFD
[2008-04-07 19:54:56] <Salt> Oh lawdy
[2008-04-07 19:54:59] <Porkers|TOH> XD
[2008-04-07 19:55:02] <xman> deal or no deal?
[2008-04-07 19:55:06] <Lanna[RIA]> Azural, your name calling days is over.
[2008-04-07 19:55:07] <Salt> I dunno
[2008-04-07 19:55:09] * Delta1212[RIA] calls the banker
[2008-04-07 19:55:10] <Salt> Let me call the banker
[2008-04-07 19:55:13] <Lanna[RIA]> We're over throwing you as Triumvir.
[2008-04-07 19:55:13] <Salt> rofl
[2008-04-07 19:55:17] <Delta1212[RIA]> Ha, I m=win
[2008-04-07 19:55:18] <Delta1212[RIA]> *win
[2008-04-07 19:55:22] <Salt> You do indeed
[2008-04-07 19:55:26] <Azural> Fine, 50k if both of you can manage to attack http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=204727
[2008-04-07 19:55:32] <Azural> Both you and 'zach'
[2008-04-07 19:55:41] <xman> so please set up an embassy so we mangae contact
[2008-04-07 19:55:41] <Azural> Since your group only has two members.
[2008-04-07 19:55:46] <xman> yes....
[2008-04-07 19:55:47] <Azural> No need.
[2008-04-07 19:55:56] <Azural> Attack and the money's yours.
[2008-04-07 19:55:57] <Porkers|TOH> rofl
[2008-04-07 19:55:59] <xman> we'll get done
[2008-04-07 19:56:24] * Dilber is the new triumvir of RIA.
[2008-04-07 19:56:29] <Dilber> OP ME PEASANT.
[2008-04-07 19:56:40] <MaskofBlue> lol
[2008-04-07 19:56:43] <xman> so we'll keep in contact
[2008-04-07 19:56:56] <Lanna[RIA]> Azural, transfer founder to Nigga Cook immediately.
[2008-04-07 19:56:57] * Cpt[GOD]zilla pokes Salt
[2008-04-07 19:57:03] <Lanna[RIA]> We're installing a temporary triumvir.
[2008-04-07 19:57:04] =-= Mode #RIA +o Dilber by Delta1212[RIA]
[2008-04-07 19:57:04] =-= Mode #RIA -o Dilber by ChanServ
[2008-04-07 19:57:04] <Dilber> no no no
[2008-04-07 19:57:05] <Dilber> to me
[2008-04-07 19:57:07] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 19:57:10] <Delta1212[RIA]> =P
[2008-04-07 19:57:13] <Dilber> I'm Dilber
[2008-04-07 19:57:18] <Dilber> Master of the cyberverse.
[2008-04-07 19:57:19] <Cpt[GOD]zilla> no no no
[2008-04-07 19:57:22] <Cpt[GOD]zilla> give it to Dilber
[2008-04-07 19:57:25] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 19:57:28] <MaskofBlue> yus Dilber
[2008-04-07 19:57:29] <MaskofBlue>
[2008-04-07 19:57:47] <Delta1212[RIA]> I vote Dilber for Triumvir
[2008-04-07 19:57:59] <Delta1212[RIA]> All those in favor?
[2008-04-07 19:58:00] <Azural> So do I.
[2008-04-07 19:58:03] <Azural> To take your place.
[2008-04-07 19:58:06] <Delta1212[RIA]> No u
[2008-04-07 19:58:08] <Lanna[RIA]> lol XD
[2008-04-07 19:58:27] <Salt> I nominate xman
[2008-04-07 19:58:28] <MaskofBlue> lol
[2008-04-07 19:58:31] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 19:58:33] <Lanna[RIA]> Azural, you're being overthrown for name calling the professional mercenary.
[2008-04-07 19:58:33] <Delta1212[RIA]> I know!
[2008-04-07 19:58:36] <Delta1212[RIA]> He can replace Moth
[2008-04-07 19:58:39] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 19:58:43] <Delta1212[RIA]> He's not here right now anyway
[2008-04-07 19:58:45] <Azural> That works.
[2008-04-07 19:58:54] <Azural> That's what he gets for having school now.
[2008-04-07 19:59:04] <MaskofBlue> yeah CN> School
[2008-04-07 19:59:04] <Big_Z[GOD]> o/ Triumvir Dilber
[2008-04-07 19:59:05] <Lanna[RIA]> Moth has night classes?
[2008-04-07 19:59:15] <Dilber> \o
[2008-04-07 19:59:17] <Azural> Yeah.
[2008-04-07 19:59:20] <Delta1212[RIA]> o/
[2008-04-07 19:59:23] <Azural> o/ \o
[2008-04-07 19:59:38] <Lanna[RIA]> \o/
[2008-04-07 19:59:54] <Delta1212[RIA]> Um... /o\
[2008-04-07 20:00:03] <Lanna[RIA]> lol
[2008-04-07 20:00:31] =-= Mode #RIA -h Hoo[SLEEP] by ChanServ
[2008-04-07 20:00:37] <Azural> O_o
[2008-04-07 20:00:44] <Delta1212[RIA]> I agree
[2008-04-07 20:00:55] <Azural> So it seems xman has taken over ChanServ.
[2008-04-07 20:01:05] <MaskofBlue> o.o
[2008-04-07 20:01:10] <Azural> Dilber, as the new Triumvir, it is your duty to remove this menace.
[2008-04-07 20:01:14] <Lanna[RIA]> No, no... it's just the channel transferring to Dilber.
[2008-04-07 20:01:19] <Lanna[RIA]> Just some issues that happens.
[2008-04-07 20:01:25] |<-- xman has left irc.synirc.net (Ping timeout)
[2008-04-07 20:01:25] <Azural> For this task I bestow upon you this power:
[2008-04-07 20:01:34] =-= Mode #RIA +h Dilber by Azural
[2008-04-07 20:01:42] <Azural> Damn...fucker left.
[2008-04-07 20:01:45] <Dilber> sweet
[2008-04-07 20:01:47] <Delta1212[RIA]> He used his new power to go back in time
[2008-04-07 20:01:52] <Lanna[RIA]> lol
[2008-04-07 20:01:53] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 20:01:57] <Azural> That explains it.
[2008-04-07 20:02:24] =-= Mode #RIA +v Hoo[SLEEP] by ChanServ
[2008-04-07 20:02:32] <Dilber> :v
[2008-04-07 20:02:35] <Dilber> wait for him to come back
[2008-04-07 20:02:48] <Delta1212[RIA]> Dilber will vanquish him
[2008-04-07 20:02:48] <Dilber> awww
[2008-04-07 20:02:49] <Dilber> dammit
[2008-04-07 20:02:51] <Dilber> I can't akick
[2008-04-07 20:03:09] <Azural> He wasn't registered.
[2008-04-07 20:03:09] * Delta1212[RIA] hands DIlber a sword
[2008-04-07 20:03:17] <Delta1212[RIA]> No automatic weapons for you
[2008-04-07 20:03:22] <Dilber> lol
[2008-04-07 20:03:23] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 20:03:24] <MaskofBlue> hehehe
[2008-04-07 20:06:26] * Azural chirps
[2008-04-07 20:06:55] <MaskofBlue> o.o
[2008-04-07 20:07:33] <Delta1212[RIA]> You know that thing where a stream of saliva squirts out of your mouth when you're talking sometimes?
[2008-04-07 20:07:47] <Delta1212[RIA]> I can do that on command
[2008-04-07 20:07:58] <Azural> I know people that can do that.
[2008-04-07 20:08:06] <MaskofBlue> lol :/
[2008-04-07 20:08:22] <MaskofBlue> thats kinda sad Nigga Cook that you spit when you are talking to ppl
[2008-04-07 20:08:36] <MaskofBlue> or is it Drooling?
[2008-04-07 20:08:39] * Delta1212[RIA] facepalms
[2008-04-07 20:08:51] <MaskofBlue> lol I am just teasing
[2008-04-07 20:09:16] <MaskofBlue> U know I wub you Nigga Cook
[2008-04-07 20:09:42] <Delta1212[RIA]>
[2008-04-07 20:09:45] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 20:10:21] <Lanna[RIA]> But she wubs me more.
[2008-04-07 20:10:29] <MaskofBlue> mhm
[2008-04-07 20:10:37] <Lanna[RIA]> 'Cause I'm her baby girl.
[2008-04-07 20:10:38] <Lanna[RIA]> lol j/k
[2008-04-07 20:10:46] <MaskofBlue> hehe
[2008-04-07 20:10:51] <MaskofBlue> when Az isnt around <_<
[2008-04-07 20:11:00] <Lanna[RIA]> I know... >_>
[2008-04-07 20:11:16] <Lanna[RIA]> But he said he's okay with an open relationship.
[2008-04-07 20:11:33] <MaskofBlue>
[2008-04-07 20:12:04] <MaskofBlue> lol he might change his mind when he realizes how much you are over at my place sis
[2008-04-07 20:13:00] <Azural> Nahh...that'd mean that she's closer.
[2008-04-07 20:13:18] <MaskofBlue> hehe
[2008-04-07 20:13:42] <MaskofBlue> Az you need to get out of TN and come to where me and Lanna is
[2008-04-07 20:14:03] <MaskofBlue> TN sucks <_<
[2008-04-07 20:17:06] -->| RIAer34 (~RIAer34@synIRC-F2B3E9BE.client.mchsi.com) has joined #ria
[2008-04-07 20:17:07] =-= Mode #RIA +v RIAer34 by Azural
[2008-04-07 20:17:13] =-= RIAer34 is now known as xman
[2008-04-07 20:17:23] <xman> my partner just attcked
[2008-04-07 20:17:29] <xman> he's in anrchy now
[2008-04-07 20:17:40] <MaskofBlue> wb
[2008-04-07 20:18:01] <xman> wat?
[2008-04-07 20:18:10] <Lanna[RIA]> Who did yall attack?
[2008-04-07 20:18:28] <xman> godofsalt
[2008-04-07 20:18:33] <xman> the imposter
[2008-04-07 20:18:35] <MaskofBlue> wb= welcome back
[2008-04-07 20:18:42] <xman> oh
[2008-04-07 20:18:44] <xman> sry
[2008-04-07 20:18:49] <MaskofBlue> np
[2008-04-07 20:18:51] <MaskofBlue>
[2008-04-07 20:19:18] <Azural> O_o
[2008-04-07 20:19:23] <Delta1212[RIA]> XMFD
[2008-04-07 20:19:24] <Azural> They actually did it.
[2008-04-07 20:19:33] <Azural> Too bad you didn't do my target.
[2008-04-07 20:19:45] <xman> just leave the money tommorow
[2008-04-07 20:19:52] <xman> whoever hired us
[2008-04-07 20:19:58] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 20:20:01] <Lanna[RIA]> >_>
[2008-04-07 20:20:10] <Azural> Salt said to hit that guy...never said he'd pay.
[2008-04-07 20:20:11] <Delta1212[RIA]> XMFD
[2008-04-07 20:20:18] <xman> were looking foward to working with u
[2008-04-07 20:20:18] <Azural> I said I'd pay if you attack the other guy.
[2008-04-07 20:20:38] <Delta1212[RIA]> Oh, don't go crushing his spirits, Az.
[2008-04-07 20:20:44] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 20:20:55] <xman> its only 50k
[2008-04-07 20:21:55] <Salt> What
[2008-04-07 20:21:59] <Salt> WAIT
[2008-04-07 20:21:59] <Salt> WHAT
[2008-04-07 20:22:04] <xman> we did it
[2008-04-07 20:22:04] <Big_Z[GOD]> Salt: They attacked godofsalt
[2008-04-07 20:22:05] <Delta1212[RIA]> XMFD
[2008-04-07 20:22:08] <Salt> ROFL
[2008-04-07 20:22:08] <Azural> XFD
[2008-04-07 20:22:11] <Lanna[RIA]> LOL
[2008-04-07 20:22:23] <Salt> Dammit
[2008-04-07 20:22:32] <Salt> I'm laughing so hard I'm coughing
[2008-04-07 20:22:34] <Cpt[GOD]zilla> XD
[2008-04-07 20:22:36] <xman> yea were serious...were PMC's
[2008-04-07 20:22:36] <Big_Z[GOD]> XD
[2008-04-07 20:22:37] * Salt rolls around on the floor some more
[2008-04-07 20:22:42] <Cpt[GOD]zilla> XFD
[2008-04-07 20:22:45] <Lanna[RIA]> Hahahaha.
[2008-04-07 20:22:54] <Salt> Shit, I almost fell out of my chair
[2008-04-07 20:22:59] * Delta1212[RIA] is choking on air
[2008-04-07 20:23:01] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 20:23:09] * Salt puts a sock in Nigga Cook's mouth
[2008-04-07 20:23:12] <Salt> Choke on that
[2008-04-07 20:23:13] <Salt> Better?
[2008-04-07 20:23:14] <Salt>
[2008-04-07 20:23:14] <Lanna[RIA]> lol
[2008-04-07 20:23:16] <Lanna[RIA]> XD
[2008-04-07 20:23:21] <xman> 50k?
[2008-04-07 20:23:27] <Delta1212[RIA]> XMFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[2008-04-07 20:23:30] <Salt> Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[2008-04-07 20:23:32] <Salt> Here
[2008-04-07 20:23:34] <Salt> How about this
[2008-04-07 20:23:39] * Salt clears his throat loudly
[2008-04-07 20:23:42] <Salt> NOSE GOES
[2008-04-07 20:23:46] * Salt places finger on nose
[2008-04-07 20:23:55] <Cpt[GOD]zilla> God of Salt has nuclear weapons!! Are you sure you want to declare war?
[2008-04-07 20:23:56] <Cpt[GOD]zilla> YES!
[2008-04-07 20:24:02] <Azural> lol
[2008-04-07 20:24:03] <Salt> Loser pays <.<
[2008-04-07 20:24:05] <Azural> XFD
[2008-04-07 20:24:08] <Lanna[RIA]> XD
[2008-04-07 20:24:11] <xman> he's in anrchy
[2008-04-07 20:24:41] <Delta1212[RIA]> Salt, you owe them 50k
[2008-04-07 20:24:42] <Delta1212[RIA]> XD
[2008-04-07 20:24:46] <Salt> I never said I'd pay
[2008-04-07 20:24:47] <Salt> >.>
[2008-04-07 20:24:56] <Azural> ^
[2008-04-07 20:24:57] <Azural> TOld you.
[2008-04-07 20:24:58] <Salt> I said I'd give them 3 mil to attack THIS guy http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=41947
[2008-04-07 20:25:01] <Salt> Jeez
[2008-04-07 20:25:06] <Salt> That is not the right God of Salt!
[2008-04-07 20:25:09] <Azural> I said I'd pay if you attacked the other guy.
[2008-04-07 20:25:13] <Azural> lol

Random lnsanity / War weariness.
« on: December 10, 2007, 05:03:08 pm »
Quote from: Emperor Whimsical
Quote from: Joker
Quote from: Grand Poobah Marx
Quote from: schneereich
it doesn't affect you in the long run. it's just a record of how warmongering you are. if you lose 50,000 overall, you can get a war memorial wonder, but it's kind of useless.

No way, it looks totally badass if you have a ton of casualties.  Like >100k.

If you can beat this casualty count, you're officially the most badass player in CN.

<a href="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=12138" target="_blank">http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=12138</a>

Hah. He got nuke a dozen times in the FAN war though, he's also considered the master of tech raiding.

Unlikely anyone can match diskord. I've been through 2 GWs so far with dozens of tech raids and my casualty count is only hovering close to 500K

Random lnsanity / 'Tis goodbye
« on: November 26, 2007, 11:04:48 pm »

Hope you don't leave CN Loren. RIA will miss you no doubt

Random lnsanity / Announcing Temple of Moth!
« on: October 24, 2007, 05:30:51 pm »
/me signs

Ambassador Sign-Ups / GOD Mask
« on: October 06, 2007, 11:20:18 am »
Your Nation's Ruler: Big Z
Your Alliance: Global Order of Darkness
Your Alliance's Initials: GOD
Your Alliance's primary team color: Maroon
URL to your alliance's forum: GOD Forums

Hai thar secksi RIA. I hurd thar was maroon buttsecks here. C/D?

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