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Messages - Kam

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Random lnsanity / Turn tables are fun...
« on: October 16, 2007, 01:41:00 pm »
Anyone spin here? I like house/trance shit. Woman love it. Hip-hop is dead. So who's a sound technician here?

Random lnsanity / Thoughts before Bed Time Bye-Bye's
« on: October 15, 2007, 12:46:23 am »
Quote from: wethepeople
The weapon sucked in WW2, and it sucks in all games mentioned and some.

And also.. your balls go sideways?

Nah, I just hold them up when I'm taking a piss.

Random lnsanity / Thoughts before Bed Time Bye-Bye's
« on: October 15, 2007, 12:43:08 am »
Hi. I would quickly like to talk about the Sten SMG. tonicularized by many WW2 FPS's (such as Return to Castle Wolfenstien, Call of Duty, BF1942), this SMG was actually a useless piece of shit. There were many instances where soldiers would drop this weapon and certain components would bend rendering the weapon useless. Here is a picture:

Now "why" you ask, "would I bring this up?" Well, it occurred to me just minutes ago as I was taking a piss, that when I'm alone I usually hold my dick like you would hold this SMG, my balls being the clip you know??


I'm going to sleep now.

Random lnsanity / help me RIA!
« on: October 14, 2007, 09:21:13 pm »
Touchy-touchy, lol. Here's a good question, why wouldn't you go for it? Reason being if she finds another guy, he wont be fond of you hanging around her... Besides that, how could you end up having an ex hate you? They should be your best fuck buddies.

Random lnsanity / help me RIA!
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:31:17 pm »
Oh, and...


Random lnsanity / help me RIA!
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:28:05 pm »
Quote from: Vector
Blah blah blah, Vector wants to get laid but doesn't have self-confidence.


And something about Grammar Nazis.

The trick to picking up woman is simple, and you're on the right track... However, you sound like you're afraid to get your dick wet. Fear not, I have advice!

(It's a simple diagram too!)

[Friend Zone --- Get Laid Zone --- Prick Zone]

You're somewhere in the Friend Zone, if you don't act fast she'll use you as a shoulder tool; to cry on. If you totally avoid her, you'll get in the Prick Zone, also not cool. The trick to the Get Laid Zone consists of two things:

1. Being always too busy for her but making it look like she's very important with the little time you have.
2. Sliding: in effect starting a conversation at point 'a', then moving to comfort zone - point 'b', and finishing somewhere you can fall asleep, point 'c'.

Just do what you're doing right now except meet up with her somewhere, take her out of the comfort zone, make several moves, and if it's timed right, take her home. If you meet up with her in a social activity consisting of several of her friends, tease her slightly (nothing offensive) and show more interest in one of her friends, this will develop your raport with the group, and also make you more desirable to her. Try and act too busy for her and you'll get the same effect. Don't make your presence there be taken for granted. If timed right, ask her if she wants to leave with you for a coffee/trip to the store. Coffee is an instant excuse to ditch the party, trip to the store is the plea of the case where you separate if you can't persuade her (just walk her back to where ever you came from). To separate make excuse that someone else is going somewhere else and you promised you'd be there, best example is using a friend to txt you and bail you out.

The plea for the case should be simple, feel her out about how she's feeling about the party, if she's tired or not, how she plans on getting home, all that good stuff. Most important tool is delay too, if you don't make it too obvious... Just yap yap yap yap yap and be funny.

Don't forget to yap about positive things. Don't talk about ex's, don't talk about sex, and don't talk about her friends (she's already jealous of them). Talk about fun plans you have, nothing nerdy, and be generally positive... Can't fail.

You can bag this kitten no problem if you yap about happy stuff. That's all I do to be honest, and I'm not a pretty nigga (but my mom think I'm handsome).

Random lnsanity / Today was my 2nd fav day ever.
« on: October 14, 2007, 10:33:38 am »
Ooooh man, that sounds something like what I did when I was in school. There was this one time I went out clubbing and ended up staying in Toronto overnight at this chicks house. I had school the next day, 2 assignments due, and absolutely no money to get back home. The girl ended up making me breakfast in bed and cuddling up on me for the rest of the day. I skipped school, she skipped work, and we never saw each other ever again after that day.

It felt something like love...

Moral of the story kids, booze and girls is easy sex.

Random lnsanity / What are you currently listening to?
« on: October 14, 2007, 04:47:20 am »
Bass Test - Chemmy Bro's

Random lnsanity / What are you currently listening to?
« on: October 14, 2007, 02:28:59 am »
Chemical Brothers - Rock the house (Prodigy Remix)

Tech Trades / Middleman available
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:27:46 pm »
There's one deal going on in Commissars thread, he needs one more middleman. Check it out, it's going down on the 19th. Might be worth your while.

Tech Trades / Middleman available
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:22:31 pm »
Quote from: Kervara
Hey guys if anyone needs a middleman, I need the money, so Just post here or PM me in game.

Nation: Roanoke
Leader: Kervara
Link: http://cybernations.net/nation_drill_displ...ation_ID=170199

NOTE: I do need some sort of instructions on tech trading because I am quite new to this game.

If a trade goes down, you'll receive 1100000 from who ever you spoke with, and you'll have to send 1000000 of that to another person, where that other person will then send around 50 tech or so to the nation that gave you the 1100000. You get 100k out of the deal, another person gets 1mil, and the person who sent you the 1.1Mil gets whatever he wanted from the person you sent the 1mil too.

They do it like this because if one country sends something, the other country can't send nothing back, so there's a need for a middleman to make it fast.

Random lnsanity / heh
« on: October 12, 2007, 06:06:20 pm »
I kind of feel bad for the dork.

Random lnsanity / This is no introductory thread...
« on: October 12, 2007, 05:58:26 pm »
Quote from: Flask
There's a rule that you can't go on a semi-self-destructive/appreciative forgiveness and enlightening rant until you have at least 1,000 posts.

Where can I feed on spam? I'll be back in 5 minutes...

Random lnsanity / how old am i, reply
« on: October 12, 2007, 05:25:32 pm »
Quote from: Flask

21 going on 35, if you must know.

Random lnsanity / This is no introductory thread...
« on: October 12, 2007, 05:18:19 pm »
Quote from: Vector
would you rather be thrown off a cliff or shot?

Hanged as a martyr.


Random lnsanity / This is no introductory thread...
« on: October 12, 2007, 05:13:01 pm »

I've been getting the feeling I'm talking "too much."
So I decided to make this thread!

Invasive, arrogant, outgoing, and self centered, I am those things, but I'm also fair, intelligent, funny, witty, and organized.

Let's face it, I know just as much about you guys, as you know about me. In this game, I know nothing! Nation building? I LOVE IT! Do it without you? I COULDN'T DO IT! I'm very much like a fetus right now, you know? I depend on pussy. Wait, I think that sounds bad. That's more of a real life thing... On these forums, I'm very much like a newborn, the interaction I receive from my family (you guys) shapes whatever I may become.

In the game of leadership (well I don't want to sound cocky but I have my deck of cards to deal out) I am very much like a King of Clubs. Clubs such as RIA, and clubs to hit people over the head with when they're out of line. There's always the Ace who can bring the King down, but I'm lazy, I'm the King and nothing more than your average asshole: I don't care. (Personality wise, mind you). In this organization all I can do is be a Jack of all trades for the moment being, because you guys really don't know me yet, you don't know how active I'll be, I'm a newbie. Whatever.

Fact is, there used to be a game called Star Craft (they're coming out with SC2 for those of you who didn't know), and in that game I recruited 200 troops who'd sign in once a day to my website. If you want the actual number of recruits it would be in the 1000's counting the drop-out rate. This crew was called Clan eXposure. My brainchild. I made a squad in there dedicated to ladder games (games that count for stuff). I later got bored though, that would be around the year of our lord 2000.

After that it was Counter Strike where I made Cal-I. Got sick of it, went to Day of Defeat, made Cal-I again, got bored of it. In DoD I was very clan active. I usually retained a senior NCO position. Guidance and advice, no real leadership bullshit. Then I stopped playing games and I started chasing pussy. That got me here. Haven't been doing much games... Ever. They're of no interest to me anymore and my girlfriend can't stand them. This place, 10 minutes a day on a game I can do. 1 hour on a forum keeps me "active" haha.

I'm not here to butt in anyone's face, you can't fight seniorities (unless... you're a politician, dun, dun, dunnnn.)

I'm here for three reasons:

1. Give advice, in any way possible, make something good even better.
2. Make that little bitch nation of mine kick some ass.
3. Complain about my girlfriend.

And that's all folks.

I'm just Kam. There's nothing else to me, and if you got a question, then ask away.

Random lnsanity / how old am i, reply
« on: October 12, 2007, 04:34:47 pm »
Quote from: erictheholeking
I am way old(grandpa old almost)nearly the oldest in this alliance. B ut i am in no way a pervert or pedifile! I would rather throw up rotten cottage cheese and currdled milk for the rest of my natural life than be called that . thank you very much  just for the record. Now that this is settled I feel better. I,m just here to become a strong nation and hopefully to kick ass..

Aww, c'mon dude. I was just poking fun. Poke, poke, an annoying poke, you know... Bah, I'm a prick, but I'm the good kind of prick, I know my limits, but I love being cocky. I don't know, it works with some people, me, but others hate me sometimes. Just don't take most of what I say seriously, unless it's a trade or something.

I was just poking fun at the ages. What I really wanted to know was how old I am here. Felt there was a lot of college kids for some reason.

Random lnsanity / How old are you?
« on: October 12, 2007, 11:29:16 am »
Okay kids, vote. I need to know if I should behave or not, and I don't want to, so everyone lies and says they're 21+, okay? Good.

Random lnsanity / Hey girls...
« on: October 12, 2007, 09:17:57 am »
Quote from: Darth Sexy
I've been told I'm pretty appealing.

Post pics.  

Random lnsanity / I'm awake...
« on: October 12, 2007, 09:15:44 am »
Quote from: zblewski
I'm thinking I have waay too many university exibits to see. <_<


Depends, if you mean an art exhibit, yes, if the drunken college girl type, maybe.

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