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Author Topic: I's good fo' me t'see you  (Read 3856 times)

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Offline Remy LeBeau

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I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2008, 03:49:08 pm »
Uh oh...it appears as though my previous assessment is correct.

Offline KingRanter

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I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2008, 05:37:14 pm »
yea, Elijah's got a new post, compare writing styles if you will

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2008, 02:32:08 pm »
"I descry!" ejaculated the proverbially optic-deficient personage, concurrently grasping a sea slice of pig and slasher.  

Ehhh....oui, dat style's def'nitely a bit 'arder t'understan'.  Still, t'anks fo' de link...I's curious 'bout  dis "Elijah".

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #23 on: May 02, 2008, 10:31:37 pm »
Whoa!  Got so caught up in that whole GT debate that I almost forgot to post!  Fewf!  29 minutes to go!  HUzzah!

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2008, 08:57:34 pm »
Hurray for needless spam posting!  Yaaaay!  

You know, my job here'd be a good deal easier if you all gave me something to-  Hey!  I got an idea!  

For lack of anything better to do, I'll post some of my Remy RP posts here!  

Now, for a little bit of background:  

Remy, for those who don't know, is a Cajun thief more commonly known as Gambit.  He was raised by Jean-Luc, the patriarch of the Thieves Guild, one of two Guilds that essentially dominated the New Orleans underworld, and warred in a constant feud with the Assassins Guild, the other Guild.  Remy became sweethearts with BellaDonna Boudreaux (sp, I can never remember how to spell this one), who coincidentally was the daughter of the leader of the Assassins Guild, Marius Boudreaux.  Jean-Luc and Marius decided to end the feud that was tearing the two Guilds apart, and sealed the deal by marrying Remy, the heir apparent to the Thieves Guild, and BellaDonna, the heir apparent of the Assassins Guild.  All was well, until, on the day of the wedding, shortly after Remy and Belle had gotten married, Julien, Belle's headstrong brother, challenged Remy to a duel to the death.  They fought, and Remy defeated Julien, and asked to spare his life.  However, it was tradition that only one person may live, and so Remy was forced to kill Julien when he rose and attacked Remy again.  Aghast that he'd just killed his new wife's favorite brother, Remy fled New Orleans, and was hencefore banished from ever returning to Louisiana.  He then spent a good number of years bumming around the USA, doing whatever he pleased, eventually ending up in New York City.  Belle, meanwhile, unified the Guilds, and became the cold-hearted leader of one of the strongest forces in the USA's underworld.  Recently, she has arrived in New York City, having some of her Assassins leak information of her whereabouts, so that Remy could find her.  Obviously, upon hearing she was in town, Remy sought her out, somewhat afraid that if he didn't, she'd set her Assassins on him.  They have since reunited and are now sitting in Belle's flat in Queens.  If you all have any interest, I'd be happy to post more, including the posts that lead up to this point.  I will, however, only post Gambit posts, since those are the only ones I have a right to.  So, without further ado...

Sitting there on that overly-white couch, with Belle close enough that Remy could reach out and touch her, he felt suddenly overwhelmed by a rush of emotions and memories, things he hadn’t felt or remembered in years. Suddenly, he was back in Louisiana, with a much softer, younger face of BellaDonna before him. He’d believed he was in love then, and perhaps he had been. Belle had captivated him in a way that no woman he’d known before had ever been able to, and that precious few that he’d known since had either.

Remy remembered their first few dates, always so full of faux-secrecy. They’d thought they were being so careful, meeting in the darkness of a moonless night on the outskirts of the city. Remy had been happy then, before the Guilds stepped in, forcing Belle and him into wedlock, and giving the young couple little say in the matter. Remy had understood the reasoning, of course, but that still hadn’t made him any happier about the position he was being forced into.

He thought he had loved Belle, yes, but he was only eighteen, with the whole world open to him. He was already feeling restless in New Orleans, the city that had been so comforting, so comfortable for so long had begun feeling stifling. And yet, to make old
Jean-Luc happy, to make Belle happy, Remy had gone along with it, intent on remaining with Belle no matter how smothering the city felt. He’d been so full of love then, so happy with Belle…

But that was then, and this was now. Remy had learned in his long travels that dwelling on the past did no one good. Remy could never go back to New Orleans, not after what he’d did, and Belle was far from the quiet girl she’d been then. As he gently placed his fingers on the soft flesh of her jawline, Remy could see how she’d changed. She’d hardened with the trials by fire she’d had to surpass as the leader of the Guilds, her features slightly sharper, although no less beautiful. Instead, they were a different kind of beautiful, a far more dangerous kind. Her beauty was like a white-hot flame, enchanting and exquisite, but dangerous for those who got too close.

Remy and Belle sat, caught in a moment encapsulated in time, and for that moment, Remy could almost believe that nothing had changed since he’d left. Belle’s eyes lingered on his face, and his own dark eyes returned the look, the black and red smoldering into her cold blue gaze.

And then the moment tonicped. Belle spoke, her voice as colder than her eyes as she recoiled from him, not physically, but emotionally. “Guess de years in dis city mussed y’ brains, eh?” she asked rhetorically, her voice subtly colder as her hand crept up to his arm. “We’s been parted f’ a damn long time, chere…we’s been married f’ eleven years. If y’ don’ know why Belle mig’t wanna see de man she married after all dis’ time, t’ see de man dat promised to love, ‘onor, an’ protect till de day we die…”
Remy froze inside as she spoke, recalling to him the vows they’d both made all those years ago. Once again he was transported to the past, this time to the vast cathedral in which he and Belle had been married. Remy had always been a charmer, and loved being the center of attention, but in situations of his choosing. He still remembered the discomfort of having thousands of eyes on him, as both the Assassins and Thieves Guilds watched their best hopes for survival.

Belle had been so beautiful then, as now, and so full of strength, also as now. If Remy had been alone up there, he doubted he could have done it, but with Belle there to give him strength, he’d somehow managed to make it through the vows. The vows, that were now being thrown in his face, the vows he’d broken and ignored hundreds of times, the vows he’d given less though to than anything else in the past years.

“Cher,” Remy began, his voice almost pleading. He stopped, however, as Belle spoke again, removing his hand from her face as she did so. “Does dat answer de question? Belle’ll like t’ see w’at ‘er ‘usband be doin’ here in N’York…” As she finished, she glanced down into her lap where a lonely ring gleamed gold on her fourth finger, the wedding band Remy had given her, just moments after they’d finished those vows. Remy’s own fingers were bare, of course, and they had been since he’d left New Orleans. Even before he’d gotten out of Louisiana, Remy had stopped at a post office, written a curt letter of regret and secrecy, and mailed his ring back to Jean-Luc, who still had it, for all he knew.

“Y’ ever t’ink ‘bout w’at y did? Y’ ever t’ink ‘bout w’at dat did t’ Belle?” Belle asked, her voice tottering between grief and anger, a very dangerous combination in Remy’s experience. Remy, however, was also feeling faint tinglings of anger as Belle spoke, foisting all her blame on him. “O’ course I t’ought ‘bout w’at I did, Belle! Y’t’ink it so easy fo’ Remy jus’ t’up an’ leave?” Remy asked, his easy manner slowly seeping away.

“W’at Belle wan’ is answers…after all dese years, don’ y’ t’ink I deserve it?” Belle said, coldly. “Yeah,” Remy said, slowly, ““’Cause y’ ‘ad it so ‘ard, di’n’ y’?” Remy asked, sarcastically. He knew he was being stupid, he knew that he had no right to speak to Belle like this, he knew she didn’t deserve it. But he was tired, tired of being blamed, of feeling guilty. He’d made one mistake, he’d done one thing wrong, something he’d had no choice about, and had suffered for it for the rest of his life.

“Y’ t’ink Remy never t’ought ‘bout w’at ‘e did? ‘Bout w’at y’ frère made Remy do? Don’ blame Remy fo’ dis, ‘e ain’ de one dat did de challengin’” Gambit was leaning back now, instinctively distancing himself from the person who had caused him so much hurt, from the person he’d hurt so much more.

“An’ don’ pretend dat y’ miss Remy so much. Y’ sittin’ dere, wit’ y’ Assassins an’ y’ T’ieves,” Remy said, spitting out the words as though they were curses. “If y’ really ‘ad wanted t’ love, ‘onor, an’ protect, y’coulda done it. Remy ‘ard t’find, but ‘e ain’ so ‘ard t’find dat de ‘ead o’ de Guilds can’t find ‘im, she look fo’ ‘im.” Remy was on his feet now, hands held low, palms up. “But no, Belle jus’ wanna sit pretty in N’awlins, doin’ ‘o knows w’at wit’ all de boys she got t’order ‘round.”

His dark eyes narrowing, Remy looked at Belle, his anger causing an almost tangible crackling of kinetic energy filling the charged* atmosphere between them. “Why y’ really come lookin’ fo’ Remy, eh Belle? Y’ di’n’ really miss Remy…Maybe it jus’ a slow week fo’ de Guilds? O’,” Remy said, a small sneering smile spreading slowly over his lips, “O’ did y’jus’ run outta men dat could satisfy y’?”

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #25 on: May 04, 2008, 01:58:49 pm »
Wow!  I never expected this to be so tonicular!  OKay, okay you guys and girls, settle down, I'll put up some more postage for you...

Sheesh!  Well, doesn't that make a guy feel liked...

Anyways, this is the post (I wrote) directly preceding it, it looks like we're going backwards in time:  

Remy watched Belle bustle about the kitchen, feeling a mixture of surprise and mild amusement. He’d expected plenty of things from the evening, but watching the woman responsible for ordering more deaths than most of the major Sicilian Families combined whipping up some hors d'oeuvres was not one of them. The very picture of indolence, Remy leaned casually against the wall, content to watch, for the time being, and wonder what the most ruthless killers in America (and around the world) would say if they saw their leader hustling about the kitchen to make a Thieves Guild exile dinner.

As though she’d heard his thoughts, and wasn’t at all pleased with them, Belle looked up after finishing her arrangement of the crackers, pâté and cheese they were having as an appetizer. “Chere, if Belle wanted y’ dead…y’d be dead. An’ if she sent one o’ de Assassin on y’ ass, y’d be dead.” Remy chuckled a bit at this, spreading his hands as he said “Oh, Remy don’ doubt dat. ‘e jus’ figure dat if one’a yo’ Assassins couldn’ deliver a lil key, y’might need t’ give ‘im a talkin’ to.”

Despite his blasé response, inside Remy felt a flash of irritation at the insinuation that he could be so easily killed. True, the Assassins were some of the best killers around, and Remy hadn’t exactly been on top of his game for a couple of years now, but he didn’t think he had to remind Belle that he’d killed at least one Assassin before.

The irritation fled as quickly as it had come, however, and as Belle vanished for a moment, presumably to the get previously offered bottle of wine, Remy took the liberty of selecting a pair of exquisitely made, deep bellied red wine glasses. Although somewhat simplistic in design, the superior workmanship of the glasses was easily apparent to Remy’s eye, trained for so many years to seek out quality and value. In the few moments before BellaDonna returned, he wondered vaguely how Belle had come upon them, as she didn’t seem like the type to spend so much on something as trivial as a wineglass. Perhaps they were a gift for completing some difficult task…?

The wandering thoughts were banished as Belle returned, bringing with her a fine bottle of wine, already opened. Remy offered her the glasses, and handed one over once they’d been filled, with quite a bit more than he’d expected, he noticed wryly. “Bien sûr,” she said, as she took her glass. “A toast den…t’…” Belle began, and then paused. Remy knew her dilemma. What exactly was there to toast to…? For a husband and wife who hadn’t seen each other since their wedding day, over a decade before, for people with a painful past, and probably more pain to come.

After a moment of silence as both parties stared into the depths of their wine as though it would provide them the answer, Belle spoke again. “A toast t’ not knowin’ de future…” Remy thought for a moment, pausing as Belle closed her eyes and began to drink. To not knowing the future. A more apt toast had never been given, he thought, a cat-smile dancing across his face before he lifted up his own glass and drank, lowering the wine just as Belle was lowering hers.

The pair crossed over towards the classy, yet comfortable couch that graced Belle’s living room. As Belle sat, and motioned for her to sit besides her, Remy wondered curiously how she’d managed to decorate her apartment so that it was completely obvious that Remy did not belong. Not that it was a problem for the Cajun charmer. He didn’t just sit, he dominated the furniture. As Belle patted the seat beside her, Remy slid easily and gracefully into his place, his casual, languid posture oozing ease and comfort even here, of all place, the home territory of the person who had occupied the highest place on the ‘Want to Kill Remy LeBeau’ for longer than anyone else…or so he suspected.

“ “It’s been a long time since we’s seen each ot’er, chere…dere must be somt’ing y’ wan’ t’ be askin’ Belle,” BellaDonna said seriously to Remy, her face becoming closed for the first time this evening. “I know dere’s t’ings dat Belle wantin’ t’ ask y’…”

As much as Remy enjoyed playing ring-around-the-rosie, and as much as his instincts were telling him to lean back, give Belle a lazy smile, and ask her saucily just what exactly those things, Remy knew that he owed her at least some measure of seriousness, no matter how much he disliked being serious, nor how much it ran contrary to his nature.

Taking off his dark sunglasses, folding them up and putting them into an inside pocket of his jacket, Remy met Belle’s eyes with his unusually colored gaze for the first time that evening. Holding the contact for a moment, Remy leant forward, slowly, until their faces were only about six inches apart. One of his half-gloved hands drifted upwards, outstretched fingers coming to rest, just barely, along the underside of Belle’s jaw bone. In a soft, gentle, but serious voice, Remy asked, “Why ‘y ask Remy t’come ‘ere, ma belle?”

Offline Flask

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I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2008, 02:24:34 pm »
You know, you can post these in the Creative Endeavors board if you want to.

Hyperonic ~ "I finally have enough evidence to prove that Flask is in fact a bear."
Kaiser ~ "This topic is a lie. Flask has thought of everything ever."

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2008, 04:38:52 pm »
Yeah, I was definitely considering it, but I'm still doing that whole, post at least once a day in a single thread and we might toss you some extra cash dealio.  

Perhaps I'm mislead, but I figure it's worth a shot, and I'll do it at least for a week...

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #28 on: May 05, 2008, 01:18:06 am »
And here's to another post!

Despite his cavalier attitude, Remy was still trying to keep his mind from reeling. He was amazed at how much Belle had changed over the years. When he’d left her, she was a frail, slender girl, still very shy despite her burgeoning talents as an Assassin. Now, she had come into her own, and stood with the casual ease of someone well aware of their own capabilities. The way she spoke, her offhand manner, and seeming disinterest in the situation, all showed she’d matured greatly, and no wonder, considering she now was the leader of one of the most affluent criminal organizations in the United States.

And that didn’t even begin to cover how she’d matured in other ways. Remy had risked a quick once over, hoping his dark glasses would disguise the motion, and judging by her lack of a reaction, he’d gotten away with it, making him risk another glance when she was fumbling for her keys, rather than paying attention to him. He’d seen the way she’d looked at him; he’d had more than enough practice to know when a woman was admiring his form, and it certainly wasn’t revulsion in her face as she’d done so.

Remy listened quietly as Belle assured him that the Guilds weren’t having money troubles, and wondered curiously if she was intentionally ignoring his joke, or if she had just not thought it amusing. He hoped it was the former. He’d thought the crack was worth at least a smile. The news informed about more than just the fact that his sense of humor needed updating, however. That the Guilds weren’t in money trouble wasn’t surprising to Remy. He knew they would do well enough for themselves if they stopped killing each other off. There were always things to be stolen and people to be killed. But the fact that Belle had mentioned it within the first few moments of their first reunion after all these years meant that they were never far from her mind, and that she was likely quite proud of the job she’d done.

It wasn’t that Remy was particularly interested in the Guilds. They’d played a huge role in his upbringing, and many of his earliest friends were in the Thieves Guild, but Remy had even then liked to work alone whenever possible, and didn’t see the fun in the large group heists that many of the members of his Guild had grown to prefer over the years.

As Belle pulled her oversized key ring from her bag, Remy nodded slightly to himself appreciatively. While the overburdened key ring would be something of an inconvenience at first, in the long run it would function as an effective deterrent to all but the most accomplished thieves. The plethora of different sizes and shapes hanging from the ring would leave any hopeful B&E-er baffled at the front door for ages, trying first one key and then another, and unless the miscreant knew there was something especially valuable to be gained, they would probably lose interest and look for an easier score. Additionally, the overstuffed ring was a hefty weight in itself, and would have been difficult for even a master thief like Remy to pick out of a purse without having the owner notice.

Of course, Remy would more likely just bypass the whole situation by finding another way in.

As Belle pulled the door open, a slightly awkward motion, considering that she held several bags and had to pull out her key while the door was open, Remy apologized, almost sincerely, for not holding the door open for her. With a small smile, Belle turned to him as she stepped through the entranceway, saing “Guess de Assassin assigned t’ give y’ de key failed ‘is job.” Remy chuckled a little, somewhat unsure, and then frowned.

On one hand, Remy doubted that she wouldn’t have used an Assassin for such a trivial task, and he didn’t think that an Assassin would be able to find him, and if they did, he was almost positive they wouldn’t be able to shadow him without his knowing…but he also knew that with Assassins, unless you were one hundred percent sure, things could end up very poorly for you. Casting a look over his shoulder, he hurried through the door, saying, “Y’ din’ really send one a’ yo’ Assassins t’ Remy…did y’?”

Giving himself a little mental reassurance as Belle began to lead him up the stairs, Remy kept his eyes busy, scanning the interior for structural weaknesses that could potentially be exploited, for windows and points of ingress and egress. And he managed to cast quite a few glances at Belle’s extremely well defined rear, wishing he could see more.

As they reached her floor, and Belle was unlocking her surprisingly shabby-looking door, Remy noticed, with some pleasure, that there was a nearby Emergency Exit, meaning that if he had to make a hasty retreat, he would have two potential options, although, he cautioned himself, it was quite likely BellaDonna had trapped the exit, just so she didn’t have any unexpected visitors trying to make their way into the building stealthily.

Snapping his attention back to his wife, a descriptor that sent all kinds of unfamiliar, and not wholly unpleasant, sensations down his spine, Remy peered in through the open doorway, looking around the well furnished rooms as Belle said to him, “Make y’self at ‘ome.” Remy was impressed. Belle had done an excellent job of disguising her home-away-from-home. While on the outside, it was just another rundown apartment in a building full of the same, but on the inside, it was very tastefully decorated and furnished, sending an aura of subtle wealth that made Remy’s thief’s instincts tingle with the desire to start pilfering.

Instead, he followed Belle into the kitchen, lounging casually against the wall as she placed the groceries on the counter, and turned to him. “If we’s gunna do dis’ Belle need a drink…” she said, matter-of-factly. “W’at y’ wan’? We’s got wine o’ I went t’ de store an’ picked up some o’ y’ favorite bourbon…” Remy chuckled lightly, both in appreciation of BellaDonna’s forethought and preparation, and at the apparent domesticity of the apparently stone-cold leader of the Unified Guilds.

“Dis a nice place y’got ‘ere,” Remy said, glancing around as he moved further into the kitchen, opening one of Belle’s glass-faced, wood-framed cupboards and gently taking out a pair of wineglasses. Halfway through the act, Remy cocked his head at BellaDonna, grinning. “Y’did ask Remy t’make ‘imself at ‘ome, non?” he asked in a joking, teasing manner. Placing the two wine glasses (red wine glasses, of course) on the counter between them, Remy said, “’ow ‘bout we start wit’ jus’ a bit a de wine. Maybe I ‘ave a bit’a de bourbon later.”

Casting his eyes around the kitchen, looking for a likely place for Belle to keep the wine, Remy asked, somewhat cockily, “So den, ma cher. Wha’s de ‘dis’ dat we go’in’ do?”

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #29 on: May 06, 2008, 12:18:41 am »
Before he could so much as shake his head at the nerve of the woman for using his name, one he’d carefully guarded from any and all records, he heard a very familiar voice from behind him speaking with a very unfamiliar cadence. The words were quiet, almost a whisper, but to Remy’s ears, trained to focus on any and all unusual sounds, they were as audible as if she had been speaking normally. “Don’ let de mailbox fool y’…Belle ain’ holdin’ on t’ no false dreams.”

Resisting the urge to whirl around, charged cards flying, Gambit instead turned slowly, his face a perfect picture of pleasant interest as Bella continued, “Jus’ t’rows off de lunatics an’ bill collectors.” Smiling slightly, Remy quipped, “So das why Remy keep gettiin’ all dese calls from de IRS…” Fully facing Belle, Remy studied the girl he had married, once upon a time.

Despite everything he thought about her, Remy couldn’t deny that she had a killer body. An adjective choice, he reflected, that was almost painfully apt. But experienced with beautiful women as he was, when Remy did a quick up-down look of Bella’s fine form, he couldn’t help but admit she was one of the more beautiful women he’d ever seen. The courage for performing the action he got from the dark sunglasses he wore at all times to disguise his eyes from humans who had a problem with mutants, would disguise.

Seeing her standing there, with the same fire in her eyes she’d had all those years ago, fire that hadn’t dimmed, but burned brighter still, tempered by time and trial, Remy had to keep himself from smiling. She truly was a special kind of woman, the kind that he could almost see himself settling down with some day. Almost.

But when he came right down to it, Remy just couldn’t settle down. He knew that life with BellaDonna would be anything but domestic, but the thought of setting himself into one way of life, with one woman, to do the same thing for the rest of his days, was a stifling thought, and even as he stood, filled with pleasure at seeing that familiar face again after all these years, the unease came back into his mind as he considered what her presence here meant.

She hadn’t killed him yet, which was definitely good, and she’d certainly had the opportunity to. Remy was on her territory, walking in with little attempt at stealth, and she’d been behind him with plenty of time to pull a gun or a knife and cut him down, likely before he was even aware of her presence. Remy was a thief, and possessed an extraordinarily good sense of his surroundings, even without using his powers, but Bella was an assassin, someone whose trade involved approaching people without their knowledge, as opposed to the thieves, who learned how to avoid people altogether.

As they stood, facing each other, BellaDonna spoke, asking a simple question Remy had heard in countless diners across the whole of the South, and occasionally elsewhere as well. “Y’ ‘ungry, chere?” However, what would have been a simple question in almost any other situation was not, of course, when it was Bella who had asked it. In a different situation, perhaps, Remy would have winked, and replied, “Dat depends on wha’ you askin’ I ‘ungry for…”, or perhaps, “Fo’ you cher? But o’ course,” coupling the innuendo with a smile as the situation warranted.

While it was not suggestive, as it could be taken to be, Remy doubted it was just a simple inquiry as to whether he’d eaten, either. After all, the last thing he’d expected was for Belle to offer him hospitality, and so everything she did he viewed through a lens of suspicion. Be that as it may, there was no reason Remy was going to pass up some true New Orleans hospitality if it was offered, even if it was from someone he thought might try to kill him before the night was out.

And so, with a smile and a nod of agreement, Gambit said, “Ain’ ‘ad too much t’eat dis nuit, non. ‘Fraid dere ain’ much real good eatin' ‘roun’ ‘ere, dat I found.” Glancing towards the door, Remy said, “Y’fo’give ole Remy’s manners fo’ not holdin’ de door open fo’ y’, by de way, but it seem dat ‘e‘s forgotten ‘is key.”

Remy thought that perhaps, considering the circumstances, jokes and ironic remarks may not be the best approach, but if Belle was going to pretend as though the terms on which they had left were anything other than they were, he was more than willing to play along. She had called him to this place, whether she’d done it directly or not, and Remy was going to let her make the first move…

Offline Flask

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I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #30 on: May 06, 2008, 03:31:54 am »
Just don't throw any bright violet playing cards at me...

Hyperonic ~ "I finally have enough evidence to prove that Flask is in fact a bear."
Kaiser ~ "This topic is a lie. Flask has thought of everything ever."

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #31 on: May 06, 2008, 10:54:58 am »
Eheheheh, you got it, ami.

Offline DrunkWino

I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #32 on: May 06, 2008, 03:04:59 pm »
Yeah, go back to the crossbow and the bright violet bolts.

/but not at Flask.
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Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #33 on: May 07, 2008, 09:30:00 pm »
Sounds good, sounds good...anyone in particular I should be aiming for then?

Offline DrunkWino

I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #34 on: May 07, 2008, 09:58:41 pm »
Just aim in the general direction of Washington D.C. and let 'em fly.
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Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #35 on: May 08, 2008, 12:24:19 am »
Oooh wooo!  A political remark, eh?  Edgy edgy!  

Consider them bolt'd.  

Although I gotta admit, cards have an awesome factor that conventional projectiles just can't compare to.

Offline Remy LeBeau

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« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2008, 09:55:40 pm »
*somersaults* Hey!  I'm all alone!  Pay attention to me!  Wahh!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2008, 09:56:13 pm by Remy LeBeau »

Offline Remy LeBeau

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I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #37 on: May 10, 2008, 12:45:55 am »
Hmm...how about...

<a href="http://youtube.com/watch?v=UhMUffbS-g8" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://youtube.com/watch?v=UhMUffbS-g8</a>

Yay!  link!  Cool!

Offline Remy LeBeau

  • Baby Cactus
  • Posts: 58
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I's good fo' me t'see you
« Reply #38 on: May 11, 2008, 03:03:44 pm »
Pfft...fine...big meanies...just because I don't bring any actual content to this thread doesn't mean that-Wait a minute!  I got my aid a couple of days a go!  That means I don't have to keep using this topic's corpse as a puppet and pretending it's alive!  



* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Gangs Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Gangs Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Brian Forum: Random lnsanity
* Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: C-zom Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: Brian Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: Muji111 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Crazyman93 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Fake from State Jarm Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity

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