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Author Topic: WOW, really?  (Read 3700 times)

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Offline Jessy

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  • Ruler: Jessy
WOW, really?
« on: October 13, 2011, 12:48:50 am »
The name of this person has been changed to Blabla in order to preserve privacy and some honor.

So I met Blabla, a former member of an alliance, through IRC. Recently I gave out my cell phone number on 18 September 2011. He kinda pressured me to, so I kinda felt bad so I made an exception. I had not a clue that I was in for a ride, and yes he did promise me that he would NOT annoy me. It starts with us talking about high school (hs).

22:20   Blabla   yeah hs was fun for me too
22:20   Blabla   lol
22:21   Jessy   thats good. Im helping make our homecoming float
22:21   Blabla   cool!
22:21   Blabla   
22:21   Jessy   I know!
22:22   Blabla   
22:22   Blabla   so you really don't mind if we text? o.o
22:22   Blabla   usually people don't like it lol
22:23   Jessy   nah thats okay.. i dont really like texting anymore...
22:23   Blabla   aww
22:23   Blabla   why not?
22:24   Jessy   im not really sure. It takes too long..and its not as fun as being in person.
22:24   Blabla   lol
22:24   Blabla   that is true
22:24   Blabla   make an exception for me though?
22:24   Blabla   seeing as it is not possible to be there in person xD
22:24   Jessy   I only text at games.
22:24   Jessy   yaaa i knoww..
22:25   Blabla   
22:25   Blabla   So deal?
22:25   Jessy   i would Blabla , but I really don't text much..
22:25   Blabla   oh
22:26   Blabla   lol
22:26   Jessy   sorry......
22:26   Blabla   i thought you said yeah earlier
22:26   Blabla   v_v
22:26   Jessy   oh..
22:26   Blabla   lol
22:27   Blabla   <Jessy> well ya sure.. i dont text that much though...
22:27   Blabla   
22:27   Jessy   i feel bad..
22:27   Jessy   
22:27   Blabla   don't feel bad
22:27   Blabla   i guess i understand
22:27   Blabla   can't make an exception? o.o
22:27   Blabla   
22:27   Blabla   proooomise i won't annoy you
22:28   Jessy   okk.
22:28   Blabla   yay
22:28      Blabla gives Jessy a cookie
22:28   Jessy   i'll send you a PM of the number through *IRC*
22:28   Jessy   lol
22:28   Blabla   ok
22:28   Blabla   i promise i won't annoy you
22:28   Jessy   ok i believe you (:
22:29   Blabla   just maybe a hey every now and then
22:29   Jessy   that sounds good tome
22:29   Jessy   *to me!
22:29   Blabla   yeeep
22:30   Blabla   but
22:30   Blabla   you have to do one thing for me
22:30   Blabla   
22:30   Jessy   whats that?
22:30   Blabla   When you're busy will you tell me that you're busy?
22:30   Jessy   yes for sure.

So we texted and texted and texted. He was nice, and fun to text at first. However, I soon learned the dark side of what was to come. I had no clue I was in for a ride.

He seemed negative. He always mentioned that his childhood was harsh and that his parents were mean, and always seemed to blame his titanium hard bad habits on them. He always said he was lonely, bored, and had no friends. I felt bad so I gave him a bit of advice to be happy and move on. I said volunteer work is a great way to start making friends. He accused me of suggesting him to supress his bad habits, and his negativity. Some of the bad habits included:
- Being negative about people in general [i.e. he said that he isn't into drugs, and sex like everybody is into, and he couldn't make friends].
- Blaming his neediness of someone to talk to on his childhood.
- Texting me "rawr", and ":(" if I didn't respond to his original text "hey".
- Texting me all of this random stuff throughout the day or the duration I wouldn't text him back [i.e., like that he hates people that are ignorant, and mean; he feels lonely; or that he wanted something].
- Eveytime I texted back "Ok.", he would ask, "Are you mad at me?", or everytime I had to go he would say something like, "Did I do something wrong?". That got kinda annoying after I said that he couldn't make me mad.

It gets good here.. On Sunday 09 October, my phone broke. I could not text him. On Tuesday 11 October, I got a new phone. But I had received about 60 messages from him. I went online to see what time he sent these messages at. Most were at 1 a.m. (3 a.m. for him). He said things like:
- He was wondering if I was ignoring him.
- He kept asking if he did anything that was wrong.
- He said he was confused and did not know what was going on.
- He then said he was starting to cry.
- He said he was crying on his bed because he did not know what he did wrong and was confused. At this point he had sent about 20 messages.
- His chest was hurtng.
- He was getting mad towards the end because he could not find any reason of what he did wrong. (He didn't do anything wrong, my phone was broken).

On Tuesday 11 October, I went on to IRC, for the first time in a long time. Within minutes, 'blabla' appears out of nowhere on one of the tabs on Mibbit! He started saying that I was ignoring him. I didnt realise he was chatting with me and I texted him saying I had a new phone. But he was telling me he conducted a '/whois' procedure on my nick. I was surprised he went that far to even check if I was online. I was creeped out. I also got kinda creeped out with his 60 messages. He urged me not to read them but I read them - all of them. Later I told him I wanted a bit of space until Wednesday. He was outraged and kept annoying me. He eventually gave up and accepted my request of backing off until Wednesday.

This is where it gets good! On Wednesday 12

I went online on IRC when I got home. Within minutes, he messages me! Here is the transcript.

18:09   blabla   hello.
18:09   blabla   :/
18:10   blabla   you said...
18:11   blabla   so...what's going on?
18:11   blabla   or do i have to keep annoying you :(
18:11   blabla   which I really don't like doing..lol
18:12   blabla   oh also...the good about irc is you can see if people are active lol
18:12   blabla   but really?
18:12   blabla   you said last night
18:12   blabla   you would talk to me tonight
18:12   blabla   and you're being like this :(
18:13   blabla   which is irritating me.
18:13   blabla   especially since I know you are active
18:13   blabla   which is irritating me even more.
18:13   Jessy   heyy!
18:13   blabla   :(
18:13   blabla   WHat
18:13   blabla   >_<
18:13   Jessy   I was talking to someone..
18:13   Jessy   whats up
18:13   blabla   irritatetd
18:13   blabla   irritated*
18:13   blabla   are you not going to text me anymore or what..?
18:14   blabla   Just curious
18:14   blabla   kind of had a bad day :/
18:14   Jessy   No i just go home
18:14   Jessy   *got
18:14   blabla   cool.
18:15   blabla   so are we still going to talk or..?
18:15   blabla   because I don't like being put off :/
18:15   blabla   lol
18:15   Jessy   nooo your not being put off.
18:15   Jessy   And you did that whois thing again did you??
18:16   blabla   nope
18:16   blabla   I just checked to see if you were on lol
18:16   Jessy   how do you do that?
18:16   blabla   because you said you were going to talk to me tonight :P
18:16   blabla   ./whois nick
18:16   blabla   without period
18:17   blabla   lol
18:17   Jessy   THAT IS whois
18:17   Jessy   i just asked you that.
18:17   blabla   well yeah..
18:17   blabla   but
18:17   Jessy   but what?
18:17   blabla   it wasn't in a bad way
18:17   blabla   I was just wondering if you were on..
18:17   Jessy   how often do YOU check that im on????????
18:17   Jessy   this is really starting to creep me out
18:17   blabla   i did once..
18:18   blabla   and that was like 5 minutes ago :/
18:18   blabla   because I was bored..lol
18:18   blabla   would you have texted me though if I wasn't on here..?
18:19   Jessy   well yaa, like after dinner
18:19   blabla   and this is why I hate this place
18:19   blabla   and would rather it die in a fire
18:19   Jessy   Can i ask you one question..
18:19   blabla   what
18:19   blabla   and but you were on here..
18:19   blabla   that doesn't make sense :/
18:19   Jessy   Are you using Mirc, Mibbit, or other Chatzilla, or Other IRC Chat Network Client.
18:20   blabla   mirc?
18:20   blabla   so you wouldn't have texted me until after dinner even though you were on here? o.o
18:20   Jessy   *mIRC
18:20   Jessy   or Xchat
18:20   Jessy   Answer my question...
18:20   blabla   i did..
18:20   blabla   lol
18:20   blabla   mirc
18:21   blabla   <blabla> mirc?
18:21   blabla   ^
18:21   blabla   that was meant to be an answer not a question
18:21   Jessy   okk
18:21   Jessy   Do you have my nick on a notify list?
18:21   blabla   no..
18:21   blabla   i don't even know what that is :/
18:21   Jessy   are you sure?
18:21   blabla   yes I am sure..
18:22   Jessy   Cause my name will come on everytime i log in..
18:22   blabla   no..
18:22   Jessy   and i have a feeling your doing that.
18:22   blabla   i don't
18:22   blabla   really
18:22   blabla   i'm not :(
18:22   blabla   plus i just log on here randomly
18:22   blabla   lol
18:23   blabla   because i seriously hate this place
18:23   blabla   it needs to die in a fire :/
18:23   Jessy   hmmmm...............
18:23   blabla   i'll probably end up hacking it whenever I get better at computer science or programming lol
18:24   blabla   and why the hmm?
18:24   Jessy   idk
18:24   blabla   do you not believe me? :(
18:24   Jessy   heyy im gonna goo..
18:24   Jessy   *go
18:24   blabla   can we text later..?
18:25   blabla   so i can get off this hellhole :/
18:26   blabla   or would you rather me just delete your # and go ahead and get it over with :(
18:27   Jessy   noo, im just logging off. ill text you later
18:27   blabla   alright..promise you will?
18:30   blabla   so I can actually log off here..lol
18:30   Jessy   yes i will..
18:30   Jessy   i am talking to someone
18:30   blabla   irl?
18:30   Jessy   im getting off right noww
18:30   Jessy   irl?
18:31   blabla   in real life..
18:31   blabla   and i am trying to talk to you also :/
18:31   blabla   but w/e
18:31   blabla   text me later then.
18:31   blabla   have a few things I want to ask you when you get back :P
18:31   Jessy   just ask me now
18:31   blabla   nah
18:31   blabla   they would require I decent length conversation lol
18:31   blabla   which you probably don't have the time for.
18:31   blabla   a decent*
18:32   Jessy   ...
18:32   blabla   what it's true lol
18:32   Jessy   your burritos me hanging..
18:32   blabla   I have like 3-4 :P
18:32   blabla   no i'm not
18:32   blabla   i will tell you later
18:32   Jessy   okk then
18:32   Jessy   byee
18:32   Jessy   :)
18:33   blabla   text me later :)

WTF? He was being really annoying and he broke his promise of not being annoying. I started reaming him here. Then it jsut got ridiculously stupid from there on out. He doesn't know how to call 911 in an emergency. Later he wanted me to text hime before dinner and I was like "NO!". Pffft, that was pathetic. I'm not really a texter but I do text him.

19:14   blabla   welcome back :P
19:15   Jessy   kk
19:15   Jessy   I have somthing to send you right here..
19:15   Jessy   on irc
19:15   blabla   what is it..?
19:17   blabla   i'm kind of worried that it's bad xD
19:17   Jessy   hold on wile the document loads...
19:17   blabla   hmm alright.
19:18   Jessy   Chat with Blabla on 18 September 2011
19:18   Jessy   22:22   Blabla   so you really don't mind if we text? o.o 22:22   Blabla   usually people don't like it lol 22:23   Jessy   nah thats okay.. i dont really like texting anymore... 22:23   Blabla   aww 22:23   Blabla   why not? 22:24   Jessy   im not really sure. It takes too long..and its not as fun as being in person. 22:24   Blabla   lol 22:24   Blabla   that
19:18   blabla   ok?
19:18   Jessy   The format is setup wrong but this will have to do
19:18   Jessy   Read it.
19:18   blabla   I did.
19:18   Jessy   again
19:18   blabla   I have?
19:19   Jessy   good.
19:19   blabla   but you did agree to it though..
19:19   blabla   So basically you're saying you don't want to talk anymore..?
19:19   blabla   Why couldn't you just say that.
19:20   Jessy   i did not say that.
19:20   Jessy   22:27   Blabla   proooomise i won't annoy you
19:20   Jessy   look above ^
19:20   blabla   ah..
19:20   Jessy   yaaaaa
19:21   Jessy   i agreed, and you promised
19:21   Jessy   you broke that promise
19:21   Jessy   i still want to talk, cause your nice
19:21   Jessy   but you didnt follow through on your promise.
19:22   blabla   what do you want me to say..?
19:22   blabla   I was worried you were ignoring me.. :(
19:22   blabla   And i have apologized
19:22   blabla   countless times
19:22   blabla   and i feel horrible for annoying you because it's not like i'm trying to..
19:22   blabla   But I was doing it to for my sake..
19:22   blabla   because if I didn't do that I may not be here..
19:23   blabla   But I had a reason..
19:23   blabla   before that i didn't annoy you.
19:23   Jessy   but you went out of YOUR WAY to see if I was online semmingly tracking wherever i go?
19:23   blabla   no..
19:23   Jessy   and that it true, you didnt annoy me before.
19:23   blabla   I just randomly logged on
19:23   blabla   and wondered if you were on
19:23   blabla   that was it
19:24   blabla   I wasn't constantly logged on
19:24   Jessy   i find it hard, very hard, to believe that.
19:24   blabla   you want the truth then here
19:24   blabla   I woke up at like 2:30 my time
19:24   Jessy   that couldnt just be a coincidence
19:24   blabla   because I had a bad dream
19:24   blabla   so I wanted to talk to a friend I had on here
19:25   blabla   not you, someone else.
19:25   Jessy   its not 230 and it wasnt 230
19:25   blabla   it was my time
19:25   blabla   somewhere around there
19:25   blabla   would you let me talk..
19:25   Jessy   in alabama
19:25   Jessy   ?
19:25   blabla   yes
19:25   blabla   we're 2 hours above you..
19:25   blabla   like now it's 9:25
19:25   Jessy   it was 6 pm here
19:26   blabla   oh
19:26   blabla   you mean today?
19:26   Jessy   18:11   blabla   or do i have to keep annoying you :(
19:26   Jessy   yes todayy
19:26   blabla   well
19:26   blabla   today
19:26   blabla   I was watching tv with parents
19:26   blabla   then I came back
19:26   blabla   and logged on here
19:26   blabla   and wondered if you were on :/
19:26   blabla   that's the truth
19:26   blabla   I hate this place
19:26   blabla   why would I stay on here?
19:26   Jessy   i dont know
19:27   blabla   I don't..
19:27   blabla   I honestly just got back from watching tv with parents
19:27   blabla   and logged on here
19:27   blabla   and opened pandora
19:27   Jessy   okk
19:27   blabla   that's it..
19:27   Jessy   fine i believe you
19:28   blabla   it's the truth..
19:28   blabla   :(
19:28   Jessy   okk, i knowits the truth
19:28   Jessy   but going back to my saved conversation
19:28   Jessy   you kinda know why i was mad?
19:29   blabla   yes..
19:29   blabla   because I broke my promise
19:29   blabla   but I had a good reason..
19:29   Jessy   there is no reason to break a promise
19:29   Jessy   ever.
19:29   blabla   you would rather me be in the hospital?
19:29   blabla   than to do what it took to relax me?
19:29   blabla   o.o
19:30   blabla   I agree unless it pertains to a person's well-being
19:30   Jessy   bud, im 2,000 miles away, i cant help you with that. You roomate, a neighbor, your friends or family can help you but im 2,000 miles away
19:30   blabla   my family wasn't here..
19:30   blabla   i told you that..
19:30   Jessy   anybody?
19:31   blabla   I live alone with my dad and step mom..
19:31   blabla   they were spending the night with my step mom's mom
19:31   blabla   because she has a hard time getting around
19:31   blabla   and she broke her arm a while back..
19:31   Jessy   a friend, a neigbor?
19:31   Jessy   *neighbor
19:31   blabla   i don't know my neighbors
19:31   blabla   we've never met
19:32   Jessy   a roommate?
19:32   Jessy   a passerby?
19:32   Jessy   911?????
19:32   blabla   i was alone in my room..
19:32   Jessy   911???
19:32   blabla   i know what you were saying..
19:32   blabla   and you were not the first person I tried to talk to.
19:32   blabla   i tried texting me friend from uni first
19:32   Jessy   if you have a hard time breathing, call 911
19:32   blabla   but he was asleep
19:33   blabla   my*
19:33   Jessy   dont get your friends,  call 911
19:33   blabla   but i wasn't thinking when i woke up because it was like 3 in the morning..
19:33   blabla   I mean I don't know what else to do
19:33   blabla   I feel bad for doing that I really do
19:34   Jessy   welllll, that would be the 1st thing i would do in any emergency,
19:34   Jessy   i would expect anyone to do that when there is an emergency
19:34   blabla   but if I could calm myself without calling 911
19:34   blabla   then i was going to do that..
19:34   Jessy   but you didnt
19:34   blabla   I did.
19:35   blabla   The venting relaxes me..
19:35   blabla   Because it lets me get everything off my chest
19:35   Jessy   sending 60 messages??
19:35   blabla   and they're no longer built up inside
19:35   blabla   what do you want me to say?
19:35   Jessy   call 911
19:36   blabla   I mean I can promise I will do that from now on if that makes you feel any better
19:36   blabla   but Idk what else I can say..
19:36   blabla   I've already told you everything
19:36   Jessy   okk
19:36   blabla   apologized countless times
19:36   Jessy   you are forgiven
19:37   blabla   thanks..I really do appreciate it.
19:37   blabla   plus i've been going through a lot the past few days
19:37   blabla   so that on top of it all just made it worse
19:38   blabla   Anyway..
19:38   blabla   do you want to talk about what I was going to earlier?
19:38   Jessy   im not done
19:38   blabla   then continue..
19:40   Jessy   so you know i saved the conversation right
19:40   blabla   yes..
19:40   blabla   I saw that
19:41   Jessy   i hardly delete anything. but that was extremely important
19:41   blabla   ok?
19:41   blabla   I mean i don't know what you want me to say..
19:41   Jessy   i dont either..
19:41   Jessy   lol
19:41   blabla   then can we just drop it..?
19:41   blabla   lol
19:41   Jessy   so you understand why i was mad?
19:41   blabla   yes
19:41   Jessy   okk
19:41   blabla   because i broke my promise
19:42   Jessy   yess
19:42   blabla   and you had a right to be mad
19:42   Jessy   sure
19:42   blabla   then yeah..
19:42   blabla   I understand why you were mad
19:42   blabla   i wasn't mad at you or anything..
19:42   blabla   I understood it was my fault
19:42   Jessy   okk. thats good.
19:42   Jessy   its all said and done
19:42   Jessy   we're all good.
19:42   Jessy   we all fine
19:42   blabla   can we drop it then please..?
19:42   blabla   :(
19:43   blabla   I want to go ahead and repress it
19:43   Jessy   i wont forget it, but i wont mention it.
19:43   blabla   I will try my best to not let it happen again..
19:44   Jessy   thats good. thank you!
19:44   blabla   if that's what you wanted then why didn't you just ask..?
19:44   blabla   lol
19:44   blabla   you know you can ask me anything right? :P
19:44   Jessy   yes i know
19:44   Jessy   your questions earlier??
19:44   blabla   yes
19:44   blabla   lol
19:44   blabla   I was going to ask
19:45   blabla   if I was still the only person on here you did text..lol
19:45   blabla   along with some other stuff
19:45   blabla   but one thing at a time
19:45   blabla   that was the first one though.
19:46   Jessy   huh?
19:46   Jessy   repeat por favor
19:46   blabla   Oh
19:46   blabla   if I was like the only person that you don't know in real life that you text..?
19:47   Jessy   yes you are.
19:47   blabla   Do you trust me?
19:48   Jessy   is that your 2nd question?
19:48   blabla   yeah
19:48   Jessy   yes i do trust you
19:48   blabla   Can we talk and you not get mad..?
19:48   blabla   And I will explain to you why I was checking to see if you were on here.
19:49   Jessy   is that your 3rd
19:49   blabla   No
19:49   blabla   that was just a question..lol
19:49   Jessy   i want your 3rd question
19:49   blabla   well
19:49   Jessy   you said you had three questionss
19:49   Jessy   so im open
19:49   blabla   I said I had 3-4
19:49   blabla   :P
19:49   Jessy   ok then go on \
19:49   blabla   but
19:50   blabla   Ok
19:50   blabla   Can I trust you?
19:50   Jessy   yes you can.
19:50   Jessy   but thats mainly your opinion
19:50   blabla   Now can I say something?
19:50   Jessy   shoot
19:50   blabla   I want to trust you..
19:50   Jessy   kk
19:51   blabla   the only reason I have been on here
19:51   blabla   recently
19:51   blabla   is because of what I did..
19:51   Jessy   kk
19:51   blabla   let me finish :(
19:51   Jessy   k
19:51   blabla   i'm trying to figure out how to say this really
19:52   blabla   Well..I wanted to trust you jessy..I did. But then sunday and monday when that happened it made me feel like you were ignoring me. I know you weren't but I am just telling you how I felt
19:52   blabla   so that kind of made me trust you a little less..
19:52   blabla   that's why I looked to see if you were on
19:53   blabla   and why I did today.
19:53   blabla   I want to be able to trust you where I don't have to do that..like I used to be able to
19:53   blabla   because I knew you would talk to me when you had time
19:54   Jessy   okk
19:54   blabla   Will you do that..?
19:54   Jessy   do what?
19:54   blabla   <blabla> because I knew you would talk to me when you had time
19:54   blabla   talk to me when you have time..
19:54   Jessy   yes i will
19:54   blabla   But today when you got on..
19:54   blabla   and I asked if you were going to text me
19:55   blabla   you said probably after dinner
19:55   blabla   but you were on here..
19:55   blabla   so that's why I wondered that
19:55   Jessy   because i had just got home
19:55   blabla   so on to my last question
19:56   Jessy   shoot
19:56   Jessy   shoot
19:56   Jessy   shoot
19:56   blabla   Were you really going to wait until dinner to text me even though you were on here?
19:56   Jessy   yess i wass
19:56   blabla   why?
19:56   Jessy   because im not really a texter..
19:57   blabla   but i've told you I hate this place..
19:57   blabla   i have better things to do
19:57   Jessy   and after dinner is my time to text.
19:57   Jessy   me too!
19:57   blabla   yes but
19:57   Jessy   I dont like texting, it takes too long
19:57   blabla   you were on here so
19:57   Jessy   it faster.
19:57   blabla   that then means you have time to text?
19:57   blabla   but I've told you I hate this place is what i'm saying..
19:57   Jessy   blabla, i dont like texting. chatting is different
19:58   blabla   but i'm not on here often
19:58   blabla   so it upsets me
19:58   blabla   when you get on here
19:58   blabla   yet don't talk to me
19:58   blabla   that is what I am getting at.
19:58   Jessy   cause i dont see you on here
19:58   Jessy   until you talk to me
19:58   blabla   i mean
19:58   Jessy   i dont know how to use this irc as well as you and others do
19:58   blabla   you do not text me
19:58   blabla   even though you are on here.
19:58   blabla   which upsets me
19:59   blabla   i don't want to be here
19:59   blabla   this place irritates me
19:59   Jessy   because im not really in the mood to text before dinner. im on here, im one other sites, im chatting with friends, and im doing homework
19:59   blabla   it sucks
19:59   blabla   so i don't classify as a friend?
19:59   Jessy   *on
19:59   blabla   that's nice.
19:59   Jessy   Chatting
20:00   blabla   so what?
20:00   blabla   you're basically punishing me for not being able to get on here
20:00   blabla   that is what I am getting at
20:00   blabla   :/
20:00   blabla   Just promise me this
20:00   blabla   if you are here and don't see me text me
20:00   blabla   alright?
20:00   blabla   can you do that for me?
20:00   blabla   because I literally hate this place.
20:01   blabla   and it's not fair because I like talking to you too..
20:01   Jessy   i knoww
20:01   blabla   and you're saying you don't talk to me just because I'm not on here'
20:01   blabla   which if you actually liked talking to me
20:01   blabla   that wouldn't be an issue.
20:01   Jessy   NOOOOO
20:01   Jessy   i did not say that
20:01   Jessy   your putting crap in my fucking mouth
20:02   blabla   but..
20:02   blabla   if you are on here
20:02   blabla   talking to people
20:02   blabla   but not talking to me
20:02   blabla   even though I have tried talking to you
20:02   blabla   how do you think that makes me feel?
20:02   blabla   unimportant
20:02   blabla   unappreciated
20:02   Jessy   excluded
20:02   blabla   yes
20:02   blabla   exacrtly
20:02   blabla   exaclt
20:02   blabla   fuck
20:02   blabla   exactly
20:02   blabla   *

So later I said I wanted space until Friday. He wasn't willing to cooperate with that but finally he did after a few text messages after I ignored him.

20:28   blabla   so that makes me wonder if you're just going to spend most of your time on here and then I'll just be left in the dark
20:28   Jessy   no thats not happening.
20:28   blabla   ok..
20:28   blabla   I believe you..
20:28   Jessy   so its done
20:28   blabla   yeah..
20:28   blabla   i'm just going to have to delete this from my computer
20:28   blabla   so i'm not able to get on
20:29   Jessy   i have the freedom to text you when i want
20:29   Jessy   huh?
20:29   blabla   yes you do..
20:29   blabla   delete mirc from my computer
20:29   blabla   so i can't get on
20:29   Jessy   okk
20:29   Jessy   welllp
20:29   blabla   because I know at least once I'll be tempted to check and see if you're on
20:29   Jessy   it's all done
20:29   blabla   and if I find out then i would be sad :(
20:29   blabla   anyway
20:29   Jessy   well thats just plain out creepy
20:30   Jessy   *flat out creepy
20:30   blabla   i didn't mean it to be..
20:30   blabla   i just meant like once i may want to get on
20:30   blabla   and then i would wonder if you were on
20:30   Jessy   ok..
20:30   blabla   anyway
20:31   Jessy   well we're done so now
20:31   Jessy   we can move on
20:31   blabla   are we going to talk like we were before..?
20:31   Jessy   yes.
20:31   Jessy   but i want space
20:31   Jessy   more space
20:31   blabla   what do you mean?
20:31   Jessy   we can talk on friday
20:31   blabla   but you said today..
20:31   blabla   you promised :(
20:32   Jessy   we are talking today
20:32   blabla   but you're most likely going to get on here tomorrow and then we'll have this same convo :/
20:32      blabla headdesks
20:32   blabla   why do you have to make things complicated?
20:32   Jessy   idk
20:32   Jessy   friday
20:32   blabla   please don't do that
20:33   Jessy   i want more space.
20:33   blabla   I did give you space
20:33   Jessy   and that seems like enough.
20:33   blabla   plus if you want space then you wouldn't be on here.
20:33   Jessy   just stop
20:33   blabla   you just want to ignore me
20:33   Jessy   no i dont
20:33   blabla   if you would stop i would!!!
20:33   Jessy   just stop
20:33   blabla   you said it was in the past.
20:33   blabla   you said that
20:33   blabla   I am trying to put it in the past
20:33   blabla   but I can't do that because of you
20:33   Jessy   i did. i just want more space
20:34   blabla   You keep making it complicated
20:34   blabla   More and more complicated
20:34   blabla   then it needs to be
20:34   blabla   You said things could be normal
20:34   blabla   that is what you said
20:34   Jessy   ill put it in the past and things will be normal. but i want another day of space
20:34   blabla   I gave you a day..that's what I am saying..
20:34   blabla   that's all you said..
20:35   Jessy   well i want another
20:35   blabla   I mean sometimes I think you like hurting me
20:35   Jessy   stop
20:35   blabla   to be honest.
20:35   blabla   If you would just let things be normal and stop making things complicated
20:35   blabla   I have no one else to really talk to
20:35   blabla   you would abandon me
20:35   blabla   that makes me sad
20:35   Jessy   im not abanoning you. its only until friday!
20:35   blabla   and that is why I do have lost some of my trust that I had
20:36   blabla   because you would burritos me
20:36   Jessy   thats less than 48 hours
20:36   blabla   even though you know I like talking to you
20:36   blabla   and I have no friends
20:36   blabla   you would burritos me
20:36   Jessy   hold UP
20:36   blabla   even though it wouldn't kill you to talk to me..
20:36   Jessy   You just said you had friends
20:36   blabla   I have 1 friend
20:36   blabla   my bad
20:36   blabla   1 friend that lives in troy
20:36   blabla   then 1 on here
20:36   blabla   that I hardly ever talk to
20:37   Jessy   whats his or her name
20:37   Jessy   both of them
20:37   blabla   irl or on here?
20:37   blabla   kyle
20:37   blabla   and marissa
20:37   Jessy   then who is jessica?
20:37   Jessy   you mistexted me the other day
20:37   blabla   julia
20:37   Jessy   and said hey jessica
20:37   blabla   it was a person in my chem lab
20:37   Jessy   *julia
20:37   blabla   i said hey julia
20:37   Jessy   sorry about that
20:37   blabla   we had to do a project
20:37   Jessy   ok
20:37   Jessy   sounds believable
20:38   blabla   :'(
20:38   Jessy   okk.
20:38   blabla   We had to do a lab on UV visibility
20:38   blabla   we needed to make sure we had the same data so when we turned it in one wouldn't be different than the other :/
20:38   blabla   how about
20:39   blabla   I will burritos you alone the rest of tonight
20:39   blabla   and until..8 tomorrow
20:39   blabla   your time?
20:39   blabla   can we at least come to that compromise
20:39   Jessy   nope
20:39   Jessy   i said friday
20:39   Jessy   friday
20:39   blabla   then I can't do it :'(
20:39   blabla   I seriously have no one to talk to
20:39   blabla   and it makes me sad when I don't have anyone to talk to
20:39   Jessy   what are you gonna possibly do to break that?
20:40   Jessy   mass text? peek to see if im online
20:40   blabla   if you would talk to me I would try to break it really..
20:40   Jessy   i want until friday
20:40   blabla   I would just sit in my room in a corner and cry
20:40   Jessy   WHAT???
20:40   blabla   because I wouldn't have anyone to talk to
20:41   blabla   I was joking..
20:41   blabla   but I would be sad
20:41   Jessy   thats pathetic. Come on, you have two other friends.
20:41   blabla   Ok
20:41   Jessy   they gonna be with you
20:41   blabla   no
20:41   blabla   they hardly talk to me seriously
20:41   blabla   that's what I like talking to you..you're usually here for me
20:41   Jessy   okk do you think its because you do this?
20:41   blabla   Also
20:41   blabla   I only did this once!!!
20:41   blabla   ny god
20:41   blabla   i've apologized
20:42   blabla   I feel horrible
20:42   Jessy   okk
20:42   blabla   why do you want me to feel even more horrible for what I did?
20:42   blabla   I mean I really do regret everything
20:42   Jessy   we need to both put this behind us, and talk on friday
20:42   Jessy   okk
20:42   blabla   It's not going to happen..
20:42   blabla   i'm sorry.
20:42   Jessy   what are you gonna do?
20:42   blabla   I did it for you yesterday
20:43   blabla   Probably nothing..
20:43   blabla   but you are really hurting me
20:43   Jessy   then its settled.
20:43   Jessy   friday.
20:43   blabla   but that doesn't like it bothers you
20:43   Jessy   its not that big of a deal
20:43   blabla   it seems like you don't care that you hurt me
20:43   blabla   oh
20:43   blabla   so my feelings aren't a big deal?
20:43   blabla   that's what you're saying?
20:43   Jessy   friday isnt a big deal
20:43   blabla   even though you know I have 2 friends
20:43   blabla   that don't talk to me
20:43   Jessy   its only 48 hours away
20:43   blabla   and it's soooo wrong to talk to you
20:43   blabla   no
20:44   blabla   why can't we just do what I said..
20:44   blabla   I am willing to do that...
20:44   blabla   shouldn't that be enough for you?
20:44   Jessy   because 24 hours isnt going to settle it
20:44   blabla   because you're treating me like a normal person
20:44   blabla   even though you know i'm not
20:44   blabla   which upsets me
20:44   blabla   you know it will hurt me to no end
20:44   blabla   yet you want to do it anyway
20:45   Jessy   because you can deal with it.
20:45   Jessy   just go with it
20:45   blabla   Ok
20:45   blabla   you want me to tell you what I'll do?
20:45   blabla   if this does happen?
20:45   Jessy   shoot
20:45   blabla   I would lie on my bed all night and cry
20:45   blabla   that's what would happen
20:45   Jessy   really
20:45   blabla   tomorrow night
20:45   blabla   not tonight
20:46   Jessy   thats pathetic you can go with it
20:46   blabla   if i knew we could talk tomorrow I would be fine..
20:46   blabla   but you're saying we can't
20:46   blabla   yet I know you're going to be on here
20:46   blabla   which is going to upset me even more
20:46   blabla   and then i'm going to start crying
20:46   blabla   and just be worthless the rest of the night
20:46   Jessy   thats pathetic
20:46   blabla   until I eventually have to take meds just to get to sleep
20:46   Jessy   thats not good
20:47   blabla   All I ask if that we talk..it doesn't have to be for long
20:47   Jessy   now your scaring me
20:47   Jessy   noooo!
20:47   blabla   then don't get on here then..
20:47   blabla   :/
20:47   blabla   and it's true..
20:47   Jessy   whatever
20:47   Jessy   fine im off.
20:47   blabla   sometimes I do have to take sleeping pills to get to sleep
20:47   Jessy   done
20:48   blabla   then you know i'm going to be on here right?
20:48   blabla   lol
20:48   Jessy   bye
20:48   Jessy   im out
20:48   blabla   and will most likely text you tomorrow
20:48   Jessy   if you do, im gonna be really mad
20:48   blabla   then talk to me!!!
20:48   blabla   I mea nhell
20:48   blabla   would you listen to me!!!!!
20:48   Jessy   this is it.
20:48   Jessy   bye
20:48   blabla   would you take into consideration how I feel!!!
20:48           /ignore blabla

He meant "I mean hell" instead of "i mea nhell" at 20:48.

Creepy right!? Geeeeez he finally followed through though.

In conclusion, I learned my lesson to not give out my number to people who I don't know in real life. I should be more cautious and learn from my mistake.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 01:06:08 am by Jessy »
Jessy Evelyn Donnelly


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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2011, 12:49:48 am »
This literally can't be real. No one can be this cliche as to actually post this. Good lord how much time did it take to change his name on this log? Can you properly use a mirror?

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2011, 12:54:17 am »
You just go on Word and you find and replace. It was easy.. (:
Jessy Evelyn Donnelly

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2011, 01:04:06 am »

LOL I'm kidding I'm not coming back to CN. >_>
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Spoiler for Hiden:
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I have half a mind to ban your ass until the cabinet decide what to do with you, partly because you made me close like 25 threads and now I have to decide where to throw them


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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 01:08:36 am »
You just go on Word and you find and replace. It was easy.. (:

So you can't use a mirror. Gotcha.

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2011, 01:09:26 am »
What I am really wondering is why you kept putting up with him after all that time. You can give people online your number... if you make an actual friend out of them first, not just because a random person asks you for it...

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2011, 01:56:57 am »
You just go on Word and you find and replace. It was easy.. (:

So you can't use a mirror. Gotcha.
mirror? wat
Photobucket wants 400bucks a year to hotlink, lolno
[20:31:00] <@ShadowSlayer[RIA]> ALL I DO IS PLAY WITH BIG GUYS
thank you for your time

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2011, 02:20:58 am »
What I am really wondering is why you kept putting up with him after all that time. You can give people online your number... if you make an actual friend out of them first, not just because a random person asks you for it...
ironically I was about to ask you to come onto IRC after reading the first section, but then i kept reading and realized that might make me seem like just as big of of a psycho. I'm going to let you in on a secret, there are alot of guys who use the internet to fill an emotional void they get from getting neglected by girls in reality, you probably gave him the best advice you could of "get the fuck off the computer and into reality" my friend has a guy very similar to this guy, and he does the same exact things, he went on vacation for 2 days last week and then sent her like 3 full messages on xbox live saying how much he missed her, i'm not sure what to give you for advice, but i would love to talk with you and help you out with it if i can, I didn't make the channel #relationships for nothing.  :hurr:

I am sorry you saw one of the darker aspects of being online, but hopefully I can do something to help you, send me a PM and we can work out a time to talk, or just do it through PMs if you feel uncomfortable with IRC. I regularly chat with girls from CN on the phone, but I also don't call them without their consent, and when I had my cell phone I didnt text them very regularly, only when I was really bored at work or school, or if something ridiculous happened that required me to send them a picture.
[20:36:10] <@Jenne> I expect you to go full retard.  I'd talking to those who I have a reasonable expectation of following orders
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]00 45 51[ <%Croix> look at me motherfucker im on a motherfucking boar
]00 46 05[ * Quits: %Xiphosis[GOD] (~XiphosisG@coldfront-5B5347D7.cust.wildblue.net) (Quit: Croix made me do it)
]00 46 05[ <%Lanna> XD
]00 46 19[ <%Mogar> Croix killed xiphosis more at 11
]00 46 43[ <%Croix> I just won cybernations

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2011, 02:31:46 am »
Yeah, I would have told someone to fuck off at the first sign of creepiness. I can't believe you put up with it for such a long time. Seriously though, I would never contact him again. He's a fruit-loop and should be avoided.

And I agree with Mia, I think it's ok to give your number out online, but make a real friend first. Also, be a lot more careful with opposite gender friends, they will get creepy fast.
Chillaxin since 3/23/2008

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2011, 03:03:46 am »
What I am really wondering is why you kept putting up with him after all that time. You can give people online your number... if you make an actual friend out of them first, not just because a random person asks you for it...
ironically I was about to ask you to come onto IRC after reading the first section, but then i kept reading and realized that might make me seem like just as big of of a psycho. I'm going to let you in on a secret, there are alot of guys who use the internet to fill an emotional void they get from getting neglected by girls in reality, you probably gave him the best advice you could of "get the fuck off the computer and into reality" my friend has a guy very similar to this guy, and he does the same exact things, he went on vacation for 2 days last week and then sent her like 3 full messages on xbox live saying how much he missed her, i'm not sure what to give you for advice, but i would love to talk with you and help you out with it if i can, I didn't make the channel #relationships for nothing.  :hurr:

I am sorry you saw one of the darker aspects of being online, but hopefully I can do something to help you, send me a PM and we can work out a time to talk, or just do it through PMs if you feel uncomfortable with IRC. I regularly chat with girls from CN on the phone, but I also don't call them without their consent, and when I had my cell phone I didnt text them very regularly, only when I was really bored at work or school, or if something ridiculous happened that required me to send them a picture.

Smooth move.

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2011, 03:04:17 am »
mods delete this topic before mogar gets a number out of it

LOL I'm kidding I'm not coming back to CN. >_>
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I have half a mind to ban your ass until the cabinet decide what to do with you, partly because you made me close like 25 threads and now I have to decide where to throw them

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2011, 08:46:28 am »
I skimmed a lot of that but shit what a creeper. It's like the start of one of those Lifetime tv movies.
http://i.imgur.com/MI08q53.pngNever argue with an idiot. They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2011, 09:46:20 am »
My reactions in a three part theater production being presented three blocks down at the alleyway where all the drugdealers meet up:

You gave your number out to some random guy on the intrawerbs? Even I haven't fallen for that trap...yet.*glares at Arse*

He admitted to crying?*laughs for about an hour*

*realizes the rest is just logs, skims to the bottom to see any relevant info, then eats his sandwich*

looking for new sig
Spoiler for Hiden:
Fuck y'all.

Quote from: Crazyman93
Well, Mia, I honestly think the one thing keeping us from war, is that no one else wants to risk Leo joining them if RIA is beaten to hell
<brians_bot>: kenny > big tits
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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2011, 10:49:35 am »
Creepers gon' creep. If you have a higher-end phone, you can block his number if you want. I had an application so I wouldn't get called in by work at 1:00 in the fucking morning.
"Yeah, I'm awake because you called me incessantly until I woke up, fuckers. *click*"
I have no problems with working at 1:00 in  the morning if I have enough time to sleep, but they usually call me like 30 minutes after I fall asleep.

tl:dr; BAN HIS ASS. lulz

Give a black man a dumbbell, and he'll find a way to work out every muscle with it.

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2011, 07:12:58 pm »
You gave your number out to some random guy on the intrawerbs? Even I haven't fallen for that trap...yet.*glares at Arse*
It's only a matter of time.
Chillaxin since 3/23/2008

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On the contrary, I think we're being very unserious about this. If we were serious about this situation, it would have been settled in a matter of hours.
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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #15 on: October 13, 2011, 11:24:52 pm »
@C-zom : nope..not at all. I had no idea what a mirror was jkjk. :)

@Mia : I dont know why I put up with him for so long, I was really patient. But I saw red flags going up on day 2. I just didnt act soon enough. He was the first person (that was online) I gave my number to. All of the rest are my friends and some friends and family who live in another state.

@Mogar : Thank you. I will make sure to check out the channel and I will PM you soon. I am also sorry I saw the darker sides of being online too. He was the first person online that got my number - ever. I guess it was just my luck. lol

@Arsenal 10 : I will for sure, I will be more on the look out!

@Leo : You're too funny :P

@rlrcstrnthusiast : Yaa, I think I will.

@ Everyone : Than you all. I will follow your advice. Thank you! :)
Jessy Evelyn Donnelly

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2011, 11:30:51 pm »
@Leo : You're too funny :P
Um, Mia, can you handle this one for me? I think she needs an intervention or something and you're probly the best at doing that kind of thing when it involves me.
looking for new sig
Spoiler for Hiden:
Fuck y'all.

Quote from: Crazyman93
Well, Mia, I honestly think the one thing keeping us from war, is that no one else wants to risk Leo joining them if RIA is beaten to hell
<brians_bot>: kenny > big tits
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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2011, 11:31:47 pm »
One Vision, One Purpose.

Is Dat My IMDB???

How Mogar talks on skype

<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's stop calling it trolling
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Let's call it what it really is, okay?
<JeffGoldblum[TheRIA]>: Art

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Some days I think Mia is totally wrong and that I am completely normal. Today is one of those days.

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2011, 11:45:58 pm »
Here is a piece of advice, don't give out your number to someone who just asks for it. Try to steer clear of clingy guys. Avoid bleeding heart syndrome, cut them off if they raise red flags. It is only going to get worse down the road.

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Re: WOW, really?
« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2011, 11:59:32 pm »
@Mia : Okk, for sure. Thanks for the advice (: I'll make sure to be more cautious next time. Thanks!
Jessy Evelyn Donnelly


* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Gangs Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Gangs Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: Brian Forum: Random lnsanity
* Imagine still posting on RIA to talk to old clowns.  Author: C-zom Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: Brian Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* I don't know if I should start a new topic  Author: Muji111 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Crazyman93 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Fake from State Jarm Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: im317 Forum: Random lnsanity
* Re: This place still exists  Author: Leo Forum: Random lnsanity

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