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Messages - Delta1212

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Ambassador Sign-Ups / Heyas!
« on: November 15, 2008, 10:08:17 pm »
I masked him before he posted this topic

Random lnsanity / So i finally talked to this girl.
« on: November 13, 2008, 06:28:02 pm »
Quote from: Grand Poobah Marx

NEVER approach her through facebook.  that's just weird man.

anyways, it's a lot easier to flirt well in person.
No it isn't. It's not really harder in person either, but it's not easier. It is a little different, though. People are much less likely to take anything you say online seriously than they are in person. That means random non-serious flirting is incredibly easy online, but flirting with someone you like is probably better to do in person. Of course, practicing online doesn't help nearly as much as practicing in person, so... online flirting is a bit of a wasted skill if you expect anything more than entertainment from it.

Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 10, 2008, 07:09:32 pm »

Random lnsanity / So I finally talked to this girl...
« on: November 10, 2008, 06:26:37 pm »
Take the friend and move on.

Random lnsanity / Dear RIA: I HATE A.R.
« on: November 06, 2008, 05:08:36 pm »
Quote from: Leo
What are you, in 5th grade or something!?

I had to get about that many points when I was in 4th grade(level was 5th-10th and couldn't read outside that level) and have forever hated reading since then. Seriously, all I could do was read. If I didn't, I would have failed elementary school even though I had one of the best reading levels. I read the 4th Harry Potter book before 3rd grade! When I got to my school in 3rd grade, one of the teachers was telling the kids they should read the series, and when I told her I'd already read the ones that had come out, she barely believed me. Stupid AR f'ing AR AR AR shit fuck shit.

Rant over.

No, actually it's not, but I don't feel like typing anymore.
Pfft, I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy in 3rd grade.

Random lnsanity / Black Jesus
« on: November 06, 2008, 11:25:06 am »
You name Emanuel.

Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 06, 2008, 11:22:44 am »
I have a dog.

Cupcakes can't reproduce with wind.

Random lnsanity / The Moron Generation
« on: November 06, 2008, 03:08:10 am »
I just find it funny because it means that they didn't even pay attention to campaign ads. You'd think at the very least they'd buy into their own candidates propaganda enough t parrot one issue. For crying out loud, I had their respective healthcare plans beaten into my head 5 times a day for over a month.

Incidentally, McCain's sucked horribly.

Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 06, 2008, 02:09:58 am »
Quote from: llamavore
and what really happened that night between you, azural, moth, kenny, and archon
I don't know what you are talking about.


Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 06, 2008, 01:02:15 am »
Scientology cured him of his sanity, which is caused by alien ghosts.

Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 06, 2008, 12:50:01 am »
Your mouth is closed.

Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 06, 2008, 12:08:06 am »

Random lnsanity / So it's my birthday
« on: November 06, 2008, 12:05:16 am »
Ask me anything

Random lnsanity / boo
« on: October 21, 2008, 10:27:59 am »

« on: October 20, 2008, 01:38:13 am »
It's 1212 not 1234, although I now feel compelled to change it to that for no reason.

Random lnsanity / Pong = Humanitie's Greatest Achievement?
« on: October 13, 2008, 10:42:41 pm »
Tennis for Two in 1958, was the first working videogame. Ironically, it was created as a novelty for an open house at a laboratory out of some equipment. Essentially, it was a ridiculously crude version of Pong.

Random lnsanity / Super Ultra Hyper Mega Happy Ninja Awesome moments in #RIA
« on: September 23, 2008, 09:01:33 pm »
This wasn't a conversation in #RIA, but who really cares.

Query between GB and myself right after an incident in which GB was a complete dick to FFC:

<Golden_Boy> Did you want to talk to me?
<Delta1212[RIA]> Hey
<Delta1212[RIA]> I'm not sure I'd have phrased it exactly like that, but I suppose that's what it boils down to
<Golden_Boy> Well that was the message passed on by Element
<Delta1212[RIA]> Yes
<Delta1212[RIA]> I'll be straight with you
<Delta1212[RIA]> Remember the FFC incident?
<Golden_Boy> Yes of course I do
<Delta1212[RIA]> Personally, I think it was a bit silly on the part of *both* sides not to have all relevant facts straight before initial talks began, but whatever. People make mistakes, it happens. I won't blame you for wanting to take another look at the deal if it was based on wrong info.
<Golden_Boy> Ok... I suspect theres more...?
<Delta1212[RIA]> Let's just say that I was not particularly amused by the way you went about handling it.
<Golden_Boy> My goal was not to amuse you
<Delta1212[RIA]> I'm not telling you it's your job to put on face paint and wear floppy shoes for the enjoyment of the crowd here. That said, strong arming people is a very stupid idea, particularly when it's not your own strength you are using.
<Delta1212[RIA]> A little politeness wouldn't kill you
<Golden_Boy> I would like to know whos strength I was using and how you know all about me and my actions
<Delta1212[RIA]> I'm not going to play games with me and I'd prefer it if you returned the favor... Unless you're going to tell me you'd have been jumping at the chance to threaten FFC with war if you didn't have MHA backing you up.
<Delta1212[RIA]> As far as what I know, I've read the logs of that convo and I can count past one.
<Golden_Boy> Regardless of MHA backing us or not, we would have gone to war. The fact that MHA and ELement backed us merely proved we were right. You read what logs? All of them? Doubt it. And im not sure what you being able to count means to this conversation
<Delta1212[RIA]> Being right or wrong isn't the point, it's how you handle yourself regardless of which you are
<Golden_Boy> And how did I handle myself poorly?
<Delta1212[RIA]> You threatened them with a war that would have been backed by Continuum. Effectively, you told them to bow to your demands or you'd end their existance, and then made them apologize for it.
<Delta1212[RIA]> I go out of my way to be nice even to people that have crossed me far worse than they did to you. Believe it or not, I'm actually trying to do something nice for you.
<Delta1212[RIA]> I do not go and rant at people because they annoy me. If I didn't want to help you, I would not be haing this conversation.
<Delta1212[RIA]> There is a good reason why I am nice to people.
<Delta1212[RIA]> Take Terry Howard, as a perfect example.
<Delta1212[RIA]> Not saying you're like Terry Howard, mind, that would be really dickish of me, but he's a good case to look at.
<Delta1212[RIA]> He resulted to threatening alliances that were smaller than him whenever they did not conform to his will. It always worked for him, too, because he was bigger and had more friends. The problem is, he did it a lot. Eventually, one of the people that he had threatened got ahold of information that could be disasterous to him. Of ourse, they went and released it and he got destroyed.
<Delta1212[RIA]> In all likelihood, nothing will happen with FFC, we'll all move on and forget about it. No biggie
<Delta1212[RIA]> I'm just saying, try being more diplomatic *even if* the other side is being asses.
<Golden_Boy> Im sorry but I dont agree. tC and I had absolutely no conversations about them joining this war. I did not even ask MHA to pressure them. That was on their own accord. They were expected to bow to my demands because thats what the side that everyone agrees is wrong does. Then they apologized for drawing it out and blantantly disrepecting me and my alliance. I was nice for a nearly a whole week while I waited for t
<Delta1212[RIA]> You cut off at 'I was nice for a nearly a whole week while I waited for t'
<Golden_Boy> I was nice for a nearly a whole week while I waited for this to unfold. I was nice not attacking them, because a had 3 solid CBs. When push comes to shove, the pressuring of them was nice because it ultimately stopped the war.
<Golden_Boy> The fact that you are comparing me to Terry is a compliment. He messed up yes, but is still one of the better guys to play the game.
<Golden_Boy> I am quite aware of Terry and his actions. I knew him well
<Golden_Boy> FFC=/= A terry move at all. Your connection is weak at best
<Delta1212[RIA]> First, you had Continuum backing whether you know it or not. Second, again, I have dealt with *much* worse than this, in situations that lasted *much* longer than a weak without losing my cool in talks.
<Delta1212[RIA]> It is always better to have been the unquestioned nice guy even in the face of asshattery
<Delta1212[RIA]> You win friends that way
<Delta1212[RIA]> All threats do is foster resentment. Yes, you get your way faster most of the time, but it' trading instant gratification (and yes, I consider a week instant) for longer term possibilities
<Delta1212[RIA]> Can we continue this later? I am honestly interested in your side of this, but I already should have left for dinner about 10 minutes ago.
<Golden_Boy> I knew tC was there. Was not my choice tho, therefore cant be used against me. Well congrats to you then. I dont believe I lost my cool. In fact, along with MHA, I think I handled it perfectly. I got what tR wanted/deserved. I was not aiming to make friends out of FFC or RIA. If I was you would know it.
<Golden_Boy> I was nice for a nearly a whole week while I waited for this to unfold. I was nice not attacking them, because a had 3 solid CBs. When push comes to shove, the pressuring of them was nice because it ultimately stopped the war.
<Golden_Boy> Sure
<Delta1212[RIA]> (bo_o)b
<Delta1212[RIA]> That's thumbs up, not boob, by the way
<Golden_Boy> Ahh i see
<Delta1212[RIA]> You still 'round?
<Golden_Boy> Yes
<Delta1212[RIA]> Ah, good
<Delta1212[RIA]> Look, I'm not going to tell you that your job should be to please everyone in the world. Frankly, that's stupid and just isn't feasible.
<Golden_Boy> Of course it isnt
<Delta1212[RIA]> The fact is, quite a number of people weren't impressed with how you did things. If you're fine with that, it's your prerogative. Frankly, how you act after this convo doesn't concern me all that much. I'm not going to go out of my to stick myself in your business, and, in all likelihood, we won't really run into each other much if ever.
<Golden_Boy> Quite a number of people? I find that both surprising, and in significant if none of those people can come to me to talk to me about it.
<Delta1212[RIA]> There are degrees of dislike. Really, no one is pissed off enough to want to do anything to you, and you aren't really that big a concern in the grand scheme of things (honestly, no offense. Most of us aren't)
<Delta1212[RIA]> This isn't a conversation I'm having because I want to yell at you over it.
<Delta1212[RIA]> I tend to stick to a guideline of upsetting as few people as I can help.
<Delta1212[RIA]> But I also have a a bit too much sentimentality/empathy for my own good sometimes.
<Golden_Boy> Well personally if these "people" that were upset dont talk to me about it then I cant do anything about it therefore im not going to worry about it. I handled myself exaclty how I wanted to and I would do everything the same again. The end outcome is also what I wanted.
<Delta1212[RIA]> I'm not saying you should worry about it.
<Delta1212[RIA]> From my perspective, I see you heading down a bad path. Maybe I'm totally off, or maybe I'm not, but it'll still work for you. Regardless, it concerned me enough to risk pissing you off when you otherwise wouldn't have had a clue I was even annoyed.
<Delta1212[RIA]> I really am just offering up what advice I have.
<Delta1212[RIA]> Realistically, you can take it or leave it, and it won't affect me.
<Golden_Boy> At this point your advice as so far been be more like me and cool headed. At least thats pretty much all I got out of it. I am glad you indirectly came to me, although you did so with some misguided facts...
<Delta1212[RIA]> Well, then, maybe you can set me straight.
<Delta1212[RIA]> Actually, I do have a question, now that you mention that
<Delta1212[RIA]> You mentioned you had 3 different CBs earlier. What were they exactly. For all I know, I've been misled.
<Golden_Boy> Sorry phone
<Delta1212[RIA]> No problem
<Golden_Boy> Ok first was the Nuke Aid obviously
<Delta1212[RIA]> That is what started the whole situation, so that would be logical.
<Golden_Boy> Second would be thier gov blantantly lying and giving false info to not only my fellow gov, but also all those involved in talks
<Delta1212[RIA]> Ok
<Golden_Boy> 3rd is a combo of things. Not that strong and kinda included in the others but still
<Golden_Boy> Their refusal to pay reps for the Nuke aid + disrespect shown in logged convos
<Delta1212[RIA]> Any other little stuff that would be likely to fall below the radar of an outside observer?
<Golden_Boy> Forgive me. Im trying to remember as it was quite awhile ago
<Delta1212[RIA]> No, I understand. It's not exactly something that would burn itself into the memory for this long.
<Golden_Boy> other then the disrespecting in all convos no
<Golden_Boy> But that is still 3 pretty solid CBs
<Delta1212[RIA]> I don't know about 3 *solid* CBs, but all the things you listed together would probably make a pretty good one.
<Delta1212[RIA]> But then, I hold my own CBs to higher standards than most people do. I'm a goody two shoes like that.
<Golden_Boy> Well of course they all would be put together. But they weren't, which is why I say I was being nice and very generous
<Delta1212[RIA]> I will admit, continued disrespect in diplomatic talks is pretty bad.
<Delta1212[RIA]> I've been on the receiving end of that. It's very frustrating
<Golden_Boy> Indeed. So if you saw it as me "losing my cool" it was probably me wanting to end it before they made me more mad
<Golden_Boy> I didnt want war just as much as you didnt
<Delta1212[RIA]> I would point out that the public apology was probably not the best idea. Unless that is the end goal of a particular talk, thrwoing those in is rarely helpful, an brings little actual gain on your part.
<Golden_Boy> Now to be honest, the public apology was not high on my list for awhile.
<Golden_Boy> MHA did ask for that one.
<Golden_Boy> But I didnt
<Delta1212[RIA]> Ah
<Golden_Boy> Until they really got on my nerves
<Golden_Boy> When they denied to pay, and I knew they had to pay, and deserved to pay, something had to be added for their delay
<Delta1212[RIA]> I've seen more interesting things that tC players have shown interest in that went without public announcement, actually.
<Golden_Boy> Well with them and the denial, i believe it was necessary. Only because they made it so
<Delta1212[RIA]> I can understand the frustration of prolonged talks as well (try dragging out a diplomatic incident over two months and then get back to me)
<Delta1212[RIA]> Even with that, I don't find public apologies to be very helpful other than when an apology is the main goal.
<Delta1212[RIA]> But that may just be a personal preference.
<Golden_Boy> I have had a diplomatic incident drag out for that long. See: Raydin + Casshern
<Golden_Boy> And yes I would say personal preference
<Delta1212[RIA]> Heh
<Delta1212[RIA]> Perhaps, I tend to focus on mending whatever relations I can at the end of an incident. I consider it prudent to be on the good side of even people who were dicks to me.
<Delta1212[RIA]> Ironically, my now best friend in CN started off as one of those people.
<Golden_Boy> Well sometimes I do try that and it works. But sometimes its also best to remember what they did that pissed you off and keep that in mind always
<Golden_Boy> Because it might happen again
<Golden_Boy> See: Ray and Cass again
<Delta1212[RIA]> Well, I didn't say it was smart to forgive and forget, but whether you like them or not doesn't really have to relate to whether they like you.
<Golden_Boy> Well it may not. But in this case i dont think we like each other
<Delta1212[RIA]> hehe
<Delta1212[RIA]> What exactly did they do to you?
<Golden_Boy> Cass and Ray?
<Delta1212[RIA]> Yeah
<Golden_Boy> Almost got all of tR destroyed
<Delta1212[RIA]> Damn
<Delta1212[RIA]> How?
<Golden_Boy> Many reasons
<Delta1212[RIA]> Oh, those types.
<Golden_Boy> Yea. If I can find my post ill link you
<Delta1212[RIA]> Thanks
<Golden_Boy> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=19099
<Delta1212[RIA]> Ooooh, I think I remember that now
<Golden_Boy> Yea...rough times for us
<Golden_Boy> For me
<Delta1212[RIA]> It happens
<Golden_Boy> It does indeed
<Delta1212[RIA]> It's unfortunate people like that exist.
<Delta1212[RIA]> They can get their whole alliance in trouble over their own stupidity.
<Golden_Boy> Indeed
<Golden_Boy> But I am glad I was able to save us
<Golden_Boy> BB
<Golden_Boy> Dinner time sorry
<Delta1212[RIA]> Go ahead

Random lnsanity / War Horrors
« on: August 19, 2008, 10:31:48 pm »

Random lnsanity / My 1st Nuke
« on: August 19, 2008, 01:30:21 am »
Quote from: EnragedLobster
My MP was planned to be my second or third wonder, but the war came before I even got one wonder.

Rerolling ftl
Good job deleting your nation when you quit for 4 hours.

Random lnsanity / OOC war?
« on: August 08, 2008, 02:07:59 pm »
Quote from: IronSoldier820
What a coincidence, I'm "permanently suspended" from the forums as well!
I still find this remarkably hilarious.

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